comparison src/lib/Shared.luan @ 0:dfc36e7ed22c

author Vadim Filimonov <>
date Thu, 12 May 2022 13:51:59 +0400
children 028e74c8889d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dfc36e7ed22c
1 local Luan = require "luan:Luan.luan"
2 local error = Luan.error
3 local ipairs = Luan.ipairs or error()
4 local pairs = Luan.pairs or error()
5 local type = Luan.type or error()
6 local set_metatable = Luan.set_metatable or error()
7 local stringify = Luan.stringify or error()
8 local parse = Luan.parse or error()
9 local range = Luan.range or error()
10 local String = require "luan:String.luan"
11 local split = String.split or error()
12 local trim = String.trim or error()
13 local sub_string = String.sub or error()
14 local Table = require "luan:Table.luan"
15 local concat = Table.concat or error()
16 local Math = require "luan:Math.luan"
17 local random = Math.random or error()
18 local Binary = require "luan:Binary.luan"
19 local binary_base64_decode = Binary.base64_decode or error()
20 local binary_to_string = Binary.to_string or error()
21 local Io = require "luan:Io.luan"
22 local uri = Io.uri or error()
23 local Http = require "luan:http/Http.luan"
24 local Logging = require "luan:logging/Logging.luan"
25 local logger = Logging.logger "Shared"
28 local Shared = {}
30 function Shared.head()
31 %>
32 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
33 <style>
34 @import "/site.css";
35 </style>
36 <%
37 end
39 local function header(crumbs)
40 %>
41 <div header>
42 <a href="/">Mercurial Hosting</a>
43 <% for _, crumb in ipairs(crumbs or {}) do %>
44 / <%=crumb%>
45 <% end %>
46 </div>
47 <%
48 end
49 Shared.header = header
51 function Shared.admin_header()
52 header{
53 [[<a href="/admin/">Your Repositories</a>]]
54 }
55 end
57 function Shared.private_header()
58 header{
59 [[<a href="/private/">private</a>]]
60 [[<a href="/private/tools/">tools</a>]]
61 }
62 end
64 Shared.admin_return = [[<p>Return to <a href="/admin/">Your Repositories</a></p>]]
66 local function base64_decode(s)
67 return binary_to_string(binary_base64_decode(s))
68 end
70 function Shared.get_user()
71 local s = Http.request.headers["Authorization"] or error "not authorized"
72 local tp, auth = split(s," ")
73 tp=="Basic" or error("invalid auth type: "
74 s = base64_decode(auth)
75 s = split(s,":")
76 return s
77 end
79 local function deep_copy(tbl)
80 local t = {}
81 for k,v in pairs(tbl) do
82 if type(v)=="table" then
83 v = deep_copy(v)
84 end
85 t[k] = v
86 end
87 return t
88 end
90 local set_mt = {}
91 function set_mt.__index(table,key)
92 return false
93 end
95 local function list_to_set(list)
96 local set = {}
97 for _, v in ipairs(list) do
98 set[v] = true
99 end
100 set_metatable(set,set_mt)
101 return set
102 end
103 Shared.list_to_set = list_to_set
105 function Shared.text_to_list(text)
106 local list = {}
107 for line in Io.schemes.string(text).read_lines() do
108 line = trim(line)
109 if line ~= "" then
110 list[#list+1] = line
111 end
112 end
113 return list
114 end
116 local password_chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
117 do
118 local t = {}
119 for i in range(1,#password_chars) do
120 t[#t+1] = sub_string(password_chars,i,i)
121 end
122 password_chars = t
123 end
125 function Shared.new_password()
126 local n = #password_chars
127 local t = {}
128 for _ in range(1,10) do
129 t[#t+1] = password_chars[random(n)]
130 end
131 return concat(t)
132 end
134 local raw_config = parse( uri("file:config/config.luano").read_text() )
135 local config = deep_copy(raw_config)
136 for name, repo in pairs(config.repos) do
137 = name
138 repo.users = list_to_set(repo.users)
139 repo.admins = list_to_set(repo.admins)
140 end
141 config.private = config.private and list_to_set(config.private)
142 Shared.config = config
144 function Shared.get_raw_config()
145 return deep_copy(raw_config)
146 end
148 local function reload_nginx()
149 local cmd = [[sudo $(which nginx) -s reload]]
150 local s = uri("bash:"..cmd).read_text()
151"reload_nginx "..s)
152 end
154 function Shared.save_raw_config(raw_config)
155 local config_file = uri("file:config/config.luano")
156 local config_old = uri("file:config/config.luano.old")
157 config_old.delete()
158 config_file.move_to(config_old)
159 config_file.write_text(stringify(raw_config).."\n")
160 Http.reset_luan()
161 Luan.do_file "update_repositories.luan"
162 reload_nginx()
163 end
165 return Shared