comparison update_repositories.luan @ 0:dfc36e7ed22c

author Vadim Filimonov <>
date Thu, 12 May 2022 13:51:59 +0400
children 338ab58d91f2
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dfc36e7ed22c
1 local Luan = require "luan:Luan.luan"
2 local error = Luan.error
3 local pairs = Luan.pairs or error()
4 local ipairs = Luan.ipairs or error()
5 local parse = Luan.parse or error()
6 local stringify = Luan.stringify or error()
7 local Io = require "luan:Io.luan"
8 local uri = Io.uri or error()
9 local output_of = Io.output_of or error()
10 local print_to = Io.print_to or error()
11 local String = require "luan:String.luan"
12 local trim = String.trim or error()
13 local Logging = require "luan:logging/Logging.luan"
14 local logger = Logging.logger "update_repositories"
16 uri("file:repos").mkdir()
17 uri("file:logs").mkdir()
18 uri("file:config").mkdir()
20 local config
21 local config_file = uri "file:config/config.luano"
22 if config_file.exists() then
23 config = parse( config_file.read_text() )
24 else
25 config = { users={}, repos={} }
26 config_file.write_text( stringify(config).."\n" )
27 end
28 local repos = config.repos
29 for name, repo in pairs(repos) do
30 = name
31 end
33 local ROOTPWD = uri("file:.").canonical().to_string()
34 local repohome = uri("file:repos").canonical().to_string()
35 local logsdir = uri("file:logs").canonical().to_string()
36 local nginxauthdir = uri("file:config/nginx").canonical().to_string()
38 -- init new repositories
39 for repo in pairs(repos) do
40 if not uri("file:repos/"..repo).exists() then
41"creating repo "..repo)
42 uri("bash:/usr/local/bin/hg init repos/"..repo).read_text()
43 end
44 end
45 -- delete unused repos
46 for _, child in ipairs( uri("file:repos").children() ) do
47 local name =
48 if repos[name] == nil then
49"deleting repo "
50 child.delete()
51 end
52 end
54 -- update hg config
55 uri("file:config/web.config").write_text( output_of( function() %>
56 [web]
57 allow_push = *
58 push_ssl = false
59 staticurl = /hg/static
60 [paths]
61 /repo/ = <%=repohome%>/*
62 <% end_function ) )
64 -- update nginx config
65 uri("file:config/nginx.conf").write_text( output_of( function() %>
66 location /hg/static/ {
67 alias <%=ROOTPWD%>/templates/static/;
68 }
70 location /admin/ {
71 auth_basic_user_file <%=nginxauthdir%>/_all.pass;
72 auth_basic "Restricted";
73 proxy_pass;
74 }
76 location /private/ {
77 auth_basic_user_file <%=nginxauthdir%>/_private.pass;
78 auth_basic "Restricted";
79 proxy_pass;
80 }
82 <% for _, repo in pairs(repos) do %>
83 location /repo/<>/
84 {
85 set $auth "off";
86 auth_basic_user_file <%=nginxauthdir%>/<>.pass;
87 if ($request_method = POST ) {
88 set $auth "Restricted";
89 }
90 access_log <%=logsdir%>/<>_access_log;
91 error_log <%=logsdir%>/<>_error_log;
92 <% if repo.mode=="private" then %>
93 if ($request_method = GET ) {
94 set $auth "Restricted";
95 }
96 <% end %>
97 auth_basic $auth;
98 proxy_pass;
99 }
100 <% end
101 end_function ) )
103 -- passwords
104 local nginx_dir = uri("file:config/nginx")
105 nginx_dir.delete()
106 nginx_dir.mkdir()
107 local htpasswds = {}
108 do
109 local writer = nginx_dir.child("_all.pass").text_writer()
110 for user, password in pairs(config.users) do
111 local htpasswd = uri("bash:htpasswd -nb "..user.." "..password).read_text()
112 htpasswd = trim(htpasswd)
113 print_to( writer, htpasswd )
114 htpasswds[user] = htpasswd
115 end
116 writer.close()
117 end
118 for _, repo in pairs(repos) do
119 local writer = nginx_dir.child(".pass").text_writer()
120 for _, user_name in ipairs(repo.users) do
121 local htpasswd = htpasswds[user_name] or error(user_name)
122 print_to( writer, htpasswd )
123 end
124 writer.close()
125 end
126 local private = config.private
127 if private == nil then
128 local all = nginx_dir.child("_all.pass")
129 local private = nginx_dir.child("_private.pass")
130 all.copy_to(private)
131 else
132 local writer = nginx_dir.child("_private.pass").text_writer()
133 for _, user_name in ipairs(private) do
134 local htpasswd = htpasswds[user_name] or error(user_name)
135 print_to( writer, htpasswd )
136 end
137 writer.close()
138 end
140 -- private
141 uri("file:src/private").mkdir()
142 do
143 local private_logs = uri "file:src/private/logs"
144 if not private_logs.exists() then
145 local logs = uri("file:logs").canonical()
146 logs.symlink_from(private_logs)
147 "linked to logs"
148 end
149 end
150 do
151 local private_config = uri "file:src/private/config"
152 if not private_config.exists() then
153 local config = uri("file:config").canonical()
154 config.symlink_from(private_config)
155 "linked to config"
156 end
157 end