diff website/src/m.html.luan @ 1656:540bf2343078

manual work
author Franklin Schmidt <fschmidt@gmail.com>
date Tue, 05 Apr 2022 21:50:24 -0600
children 2968e43cdd44
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/website/src/m.html.luan	Tue Apr 05 21:50:24 2022 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,968 @@
+local Luan = require "luan:Luan.luan"
+local error = Luan.error
+local Io = require "luan:Io.luan"
+local Http = require "luan:http/Http.luan"
+local Shared = require "site:/lib/Shared.luan"
+local head = Shared.head or error()
+local docs_header = Shared.docs_header or error()
+local show_toc = Shared.show_toc or error()
+local show_content = Shared.show_content or error()
+local content = {
+	intro = {
+		title = "Introduction"
+		content = function()
+Luan is a high level programming language based on <a href="http://www.lua.org">Lua</a>.  A great strength of Lua is its simplicity and Luan takes this even further, being even simpler than Lua.  The goal is to provide a simple programming language for the casual programmer with as few concepts as possible so that one can quickly learn the language and then easily understand any code written in Luan.
+Luan is implemented in Java and is tightly coupled with Java.  So it makes a great scripting language for Java programmers.
+Unlike Lua which is meant to be embedded, Luan is meant to be a full scripting language.  This done not by adding features to Luan, but rather by providing a complete set of libraries.
+		end
+	}
+	basic = {
+		title = "Basic Concepts"
+		content = function()
+This section describes the basic concepts of the language.
+		end
+		subs = {
+			types = {
+				title = "Values and Types"
+				content = function()
+Luan is a <em>dynamically typed language</em>.
+This means that
+variables do not have types; only values do.
+There are no type definitions in the language.
+All values carry their own type.
+All values in Luan are <em>first-class values</em>.
+This means that all values can be stored in variables,
+passed as arguments to other functions, and returned as results.
+There are eight basic types in Luan:
+<em>nil</em>, <em>boolean</em>, <em>number</em>,
+<em>string</em>, <em>binary</em>, <em>function</em>, <em>java</em>,
+and <em>table</em>.
+<em>Nil</em> is the type of the value <b>nil</b>,
+whose main property is to be different from any other value;
+it usually represents the absence of a useful value.
+<em>Nil</em> is implemented as the Java value <em>null</em>.
+<em>Boolean</em> is the type of the values <b>false</b> and <b>true</b>.
+<em>Boolean</em> is implemented as the Java class <em>Boolean</em>.
+<em>Number</em> represents both
+integer numbers and real (floating-point) numbers.
+<em>Number</em> is implemented as the Java class <em>Number</em>.  Any Java subclass of <em>Number</em> is allowed and this is invisible to the Luan user.  Operations on numbers follow the same rules of
+the underlying Java implementation.
+<em>String</em> is implemented as the Java class <em>String</em>.
+<em>Binary</em> is implemented as the Java type <em>byte[]</em>.
+Luan can call (and manipulate) functions written in Luan and
+functions written in Java (see <a href="#fn_calls">Function Calls</a>).
+Both are represented by the type <em>function</em>.
+The type <em>java</em> is provided to allow arbitrary Java objects to
+be stored in Luan variables.
+A <em>java</em> value is a Java object that isn't one of the standard Luan types.
+Java values have no predefined operations in Luan,
+except assignment and identity test.
+Java values are useful when Java access is enabled in Luan.
+The type <em>table</em> implements associative arrays,
+that is, arrays that can be indexed not only with numbers,
+but with any Luan value except <b>nil</b>.
+Tables can be <em>heterogeneous</em>;
+that is, they can contain values of all types (except <b>nil</b>).
+Any key with value <b>nil</b> is not considered part of the table.
+Conversely, any key that is not part of a table has
+an associated value <b>nil</b>.
+Tables are the sole data-structuring mechanism in Luan;
+they can be used to represent ordinary arrays, sequences,
+symbol tables, sets, records, graphs, trees, etc.
+To represent records, Luan uses the field name as an index.
+The language supports this representation by
+providing <code>a.name</code> as syntactic sugar for <code>a["name"]</code>.
+There are several convenient ways to create tables in Luan
+(see <a href="#constructors">Table Constructors</a>).
+We use the term <em>sequence</em> to denote a table where
+the set of all positive numeric keys is equal to {1..<em>n</em>}
+for some non-negative integer <em>n</em>,
+which is called the length of the sequence (see <a href="#length">The Length Operator</a>).
+Like indices,
+the values of table fields can be of any type.
+In particular,
+because functions are first-class values,
+table fields can contain functions.
+Thus tables can also carry <em>methods</em> (see <a href="#fn_def">Function Definitions</a>).
+The indexing of tables follows
+the definition of raw equality in the language.
+The expressions <code>a[i]</code> and <code>a[j]</code>
+denote the same table element
+if and only if <code>i</code> and <code>j</code> are raw equal
+(that is, equal without metamethods).
+In particular, floats with integral values
+are equal to their respective integers
+(e.g., <code>1.0 == 1</code>).
+Luan values are <em>objects</em>:
+variables do not actually <em>contain</em> values,
+only <em>references</em> to them.
+Assignment, parameter passing, and function returns
+always manipulate references to values;
+these operations do not imply any kind of copy.
+The library function <a href="#Luan.type"><code>Luan.type</code></a> returns a string describing the type
+of a given value.
+				end
+			}
+			env = {
+				title = "Environments"
+				content = function()
+The environment of a chunk starts with only one local variable: <code><a href="#require">require</a></code>.  This function is used to load and access libraries and other modules.  All other variables must be added to the environment using <a href="http://localhost:8080/manual.html#local_stmt">local declarations</a>.
+As will be discussed in <a href="#vars">Variables</a> and <a href=#assignment">Assignment</a>,
+any reference to a free name
+(that is, a name not bound to any declaration) <code>var</code>
+can be syntactically translated to <code>_ENV.var</code> if <code>_ENV</code> is defined.
+				end
+			}
+			error = {
+				title = "Error Handling"
+				content = function()
+Luan code can explicitly generate an error by calling the
+<a href="#Luan.error"><code>error</code></a> function.
+If you need to catch errors in Luan,
+you can use the <a href="#try">Try Statement</code></a>.
+Whenever there is an error,
+an <em>error table</em>
+is propagated with information about the error.
+See <a href="#Luan.new_error"><code>Luan.new_error</code></a>.
+				end
+			}
+			meta = {
+				title = "Metatables and Metamethods"
+				content = function()
+Every table in Luan can have a <em>metatable</em>.
+This <em>metatable</em> is an ordinary Luan table
+that defines the behavior of the original value
+under certain special operations.
+You can change several aspects of the behavior
+of operations over a value by setting specific fields in its metatable.
+For instance, when a table is the operand of an addition,
+Luan checks for a function in the field "<code>__add</code>" of the table's metatable.
+If it finds one,
+Luan calls this function to perform the addition.
+The keys in a metatable are derived from the <em>event</em> names;
+the corresponding values are called <ii>metamethods</em>.
+In the previous example, the event is <code>"add"</code>
+and the metamethod is the function that performs the addition.
+You can query the metatable of any table
+using the <a href="#Luan.get_metatable"><code>get_metatable</code></a> function.
+You can replace the metatable of tables
+using the <a href="#Luan.set_metatable"><code>set_metatable</code></a> function.
+A metatable controls how a table behaves in
+arithmetic operations, bitwise operations,
+order comparisons, concatenation, length operation, calls, and indexing.
+A detailed list of events controlled by metatables is given next.
+Each operation is identified by its corresponding event name.
+The key for each event is a string with its name prefixed by
+two underscores, '<code>__</code>';
+for instance, the key for operation "add" is the
+string "<code>__add</code>".
+Note that queries for metamethods are always raw;
+the access to a metamethod does not invoke other metamethods.
+You can emulate how Luan queries a metamethod for an object <code>obj</code>
+with the following code:
+     raw_get(get_metatable(obj) or {}, "__" .. event_name)
+Here are the events:
+<b>"add": </b>
+the <code>+</code> operation.
+If any operand for an addition is a table,
+Luan will try to call a metamethod.
+First, Luan will check the first operand (even if it is valid).
+If that operand does not define a metamethod for the "<code>__add</code>" event,
+then Luan will check the second operand.
+If Luan can find a metamethod,
+it calls the metamethod with the two operands as arguments,
+and the result of the call
+(adjusted to one value)
+is the result of the operation.
+it raises an error.
+<b>"sub": </b>
+the <code>-</code> operation.
+Behavior similar to the "add" operation.
+<li><p><b>"mul": </b>
+the <code>*</code> operation.
+Behavior similar to the "add" operation.
+<b>"div": </b>
+the <code>/</code> operation.
+Behavior similar to the "add" operation.
+<b>"mod": </b>
+the <code>%</code> operation.
+Behavior similar to the "add" operation.
+<b>"pow": </b>
+the <code>^</code> (exponentiation) operation.
+Behavior similar to the "add" operation.
+<b>"unm": </b>
+the <code>-</code> (unary minus) operation.
+Behavior similar to the "add" operation.
+<b>"concat": </b>
+the <code>..</code> (concatenation) operation.
+Behavior similar to the "add" operation.
+<b>"len": </b>
+the <code>#</code> (length) operation.
+If there is a metamethod,
+Luan calls it with the object as argument,
+and the result of the call
+(always adjusted to one value)
+is the result of the operation.
+If there is no metamethod but the object is a table,
+then Luan uses the table length operation (see <a href="#length">The Length Operator</a>).
+Otherwise, Luan raises an error.
+<b>"eq": </b>
+the <code>==</code> (equal) operation.
+Behavior similar to the "add" operation,
+except that Luan will try a metamethod only when the values
+being compared are both tables
+and they are not primitively equal.
+The result of the call is always converted to a boolean.
+<b>"lt": </b>
+the <code>&lt;</code> (less than) operation.
+Behavior similar to the "add" operation.
+The result of the call is always converted to a boolean.
+<b>"le": </b>
+the <code>&lt;=</code> (less equal) operation.
+Unlike other operations,
+The less-equal operation can use two different events.
+First, Luan looks for the "<code>__le</code>" metamethod in both operands,
+like in the "lt" operation.
+If it cannot find such a metamethod,
+then it will try the "<code>__lt</code>" event,
+assuming that <code>a &lt;= b</code> is equivalent to <code>not (b &lt; a)</code>.
+As with the other comparison operators,
+the result is always a boolean.
+<b>"index": </b>
+The indexing access <code>table[key]</code>.
+This event happens
+when <code>key</code> is not present in <code>table</code>.
+The metamethod is looked up in <code>table</code>.
+Despite the name,
+the metamethod for this event can be any type.
+If it is a function,
+it is called with <code>table</code> and <code>key</code> as arguments.
+the final result is the result of indexing this metamethod object with <code>key</code>.
+(This indexing is regular, not raw,
+and therefore can trigger another metamethod if the metamethod object is a table.)
+<b>"new_index": </b>
+The indexing assignment <code>table[key] = value</code>.
+Like the index event,
+this event happens when
+when <code>key</code> is not present in <code>table</code>.
+The metamethod is looked up in <code>table</code>.
+Like with indexing,
+the metamethod for this event can be either a function or a table.
+If it is a function,
+it is called with <code>table</code>, <code>key</code>, and <code>value</code> as arguments.
+If it is a table,
+Luan does an indexing assignment to this table with the same key and value.
+(This assignment is regular, not raw,
+and therefore can trigger another metamethod.)
+Whenever there is a "new_index" metamethod,
+Luan does not perform the primitive assignment.
+(If necessary,
+the metamethod itself can call <a href="#Luan.raw_set"><code>raw_set</code></a>
+to do the assignment.)
+This is when a table is garbage collected.  When the table's <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Object.html#finalize()">finalize</a> method is called by the Java garbage collector, if there is a "<code>__gc</code>" metamethod then it is called with the table as a parameter.
+				end
+			}
+			gc = {
+				title = "Garbage Collection"
+				content = function()
+Luan uses Java's garbage collection.
+				end
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	lang = {
+		title = "The Language"
+		content = function()
+This section describes the lexis, the syntax, and the semantics of Luan.
+In other words,
+this section describes
+which tokens are valid,
+how they can be combined,
+and what their combinations mean.
+Language constructs will be explained using the usual extended BNF notation,
+in which
+{<em>a</em>}&nbsp;means&nbsp;0 or more <em>a</em>'s, and
+[<em>a</em>]&nbsp;means an optional <em>a</em>.
+Non-terminals are shown like non-terminal,
+keywords are shown like <b>kword</b>,
+and other terminal symbols are shown like &lsquo;<b>=</b>&rsquo;.
+The complete syntax of Luan can be found in <a href="#9">&sect;9</a>
+at the end of this manual.
+		end
+		subs = {
+			lex = {
+				title = "Lexical Conventions"
+				content = function()
+Luan ignores spaces and comments
+between lexical elements (tokens),
+except as delimiters between names and keywords.
+Luan considers the end of a line to be the end of a statement.  This catches errors and encourages readability.  If you want to continue a statement on another line, you can use a backslash followed by a newline which will be treated as white space.
+(also called <em>identifiers</em>)
+in Luan can be any string of letters,
+digits, and underscores,
+not beginning with a digit.
+Identifiers are used to name variables, table fields, and labels.
+The following <em>keywords</em> are reserved
+and cannot be used as names:
+<p keywords>
+	<span>and</span>
+	<span>break</span>
+	<span>catch</span>
+	<span>continue</span>
+	<span>do</span>
+	<span>else</span>
+	<span>elseif</span>
+	<span>end_do</span>
+	<span>end_for</span>
+	<span>end_function</span>
+	<span>end_if</span>
+	<span>end_try</span>
+	<span>end_while</span>
+	<span>false</span>
+	<span>finally</span>
+	<span>for</span>
+	<span>function</span>
+	<span>if</span>
+	<span>in</span>
+	<span>local</span>
+	<span>nil</span>
+	<span>not</span>
+	<span>or</span>
+	<span>repeat</span>
+	<span>return</span>
+	<span>then</span>
+	<span>true</span>
+	<span>try</span>
+	<span>until</span>
+	<span>while</span>
+Luan is a case-sensitive language:
+<code>and</code> is a reserved word, but <code>And</code> and <code>AND</code>
+are two different, valid names.
+The following strings denote other tokens:
+     +     -     *     /     %     ^     #
+     &amp;     ~     |     &lt;&lt;    &gt;&gt;    //
+     ==    ~=    &lt;=    &gt;=    &lt;     &gt;     =
+     (     )     {     }     [     ]     ::
+     ;     :     ,     .     ..    ...
+<em>Literal strings</em>
+can be delimited by matching single or double quotes,
+and can contain the following C-like escape sequences:
+'<code>\a</code>' (bell),
+'<code>\b</code>' (backspace),
+'<code>\f</code>' (form feed),
+'<code>\n</code>' (newline),
+'<code>\r</code>' (carriage return),
+'<code>\t</code>' (horizontal tab),
+'<code>\v</code>' (vertical tab),
+'<code>\\</code>' (backslash),
+'<code>\"</code>' (quotation mark [double quote]),
+and '<code>\'</code>' (apostrophe [single quote]).
+A backslash followed by a real newline
+results in a newline in the string.
+The escape sequence '<code>\z</code>' skips the following span
+of white-space characters,
+including line breaks;
+it is particularly useful to break and indent a long literal string
+into multiple lines without adding the newlines and spaces
+into the string contents.
+Luan can specify any character in a literal string by its numerical value.
+This can be done
+with the escape sequence <code>\x<em>XX</em></code>,
+where <em>XX</em> is a sequence of exactly two hexadecimal digits,
+or with the escape sequence <code>\u<em>XXXX</em></code>,
+where <em>XXXX</em> is a sequence of exactly four hexadecimal digits,
+or with the escape sequence <code>\<em>ddd</em></code>,
+where <em>ddd</em> is a sequence of up to three decimal digits.
+(Note that if a decimal escape sequence is to be followed by a digit,
+it must be expressed using exactly three digits.)
+Literal strings can also be defined using a long format
+enclosed by <em>long brackets</em>.
+We define an <em>opening long bracket of level <em>n</em></em> as an opening
+square bracket followed by <em>n</em> equal signs followed by another
+opening square bracket.
+So, an opening long bracket of level 0 is written as <code>[[</code>, 
+an opening long bracket of level 1 is written as <code>[=[</code>, 
+and so on.
+A <em>closing long bracket</em> is defined similarly;
+for instance,
+a closing long bracket of level 4 is written as  <code>]====]</code>.
+A <em>long literal</em> starts with an opening long bracket of any level and
+ends at the first closing long bracket of the same level.
+It can contain any text except a closing bracket of the same level.
+Literals in this bracketed form can run for several lines,
+do not interpret any escape sequences,
+and ignore long brackets of any other level.
+Any kind of end-of-line sequence
+(carriage return, newline, carriage return followed by newline,
+or newline followed by carriage return)
+is converted to a simple newline.
+Any character in a literal string not
+explicitly affected by the previous rules represents itself.
+However, Luan opens files for parsing in text mode,
+and the system file functions may have problems with
+some control characters.
+So, it is safer to represent
+non-text data as a quoted literal with
+explicit escape sequences for non-text characters.
+For convenience,
+when the opening long bracket is immediately followed by a newline,
+the newline is not included in the string.
+As an example
+the five literal strings below denote the same string:
+     a = 'alo\n123"'
+     a = "alo\n123\""
+     a = '\97lo\10\04923"'
+     a = [[alo
+     123"]]
+     a = [==[
+     alo
+     123"]==]
+A <em>numerical constant</em> (or <em>numeral</em>)
+can be written with an optional fractional part
+and an optional decimal exponent,
+marked by a letter '<code>e</code>' or '<code>E</code>'.
+Luan also accepts hexadecimal constants,
+which start with <code>0x</code> or <code>0X</code>.
+Hexadecimal constants also accept an optional fractional part
+plus an optional binary exponent,
+marked by a letter '<code>p</code>' or '<code>P</code>'.
+A numeric constant with a fractional dot or an exponent 
+denotes a float;
+otherwise it denotes an integer.
+Examples of valid integer constants are
+     3   345   0xff   0xBEBADA
+Examples of valid float constants are
+     3.0     3.1416     314.16e-2     0.31416E1     34e1
+     0x0.1E  0xA23p-4   0X1.921FB54442D18P+1
+A <em>comment</em> starts with a double hyphen (<code>--</code>)
+anywhere outside a string.
+If the text immediately after <code>--</code> is not an opening long bracket,
+the comment is a <em>short comment</em>,
+which runs until the end of the line.
+Otherwise, it is a <em>long comment</em>,
+which runs until the corresponding closing long bracket.
+Long comments are frequently used to disable code temporarily.
+				end
+			}
+			vars = {
+				title = "Variables"
+				content = function()
+Variables are places that store values.
+There are three kinds of variables in Luan:
+global variables, local variables, and table fields.
+A single name can denote a global variable or a local variable
+(or a function's formal parameter,
+which is a particular kind of local variable):
+	var ::= Name
+Name denotes identifiers, as defined in <a href="#lex">Lexical Conventions</a>.
+Local variables are <em>lexically scoped</em>:
+local variables can be freely accessed by functions
+defined inside their scope (see <a href="#visibility">Visibility Rules</a>).
+Before the first assignment to a variable, its value is <b>nil</b>.
+Square brackets are used to index a table:
+	var ::= prefixexp &lsquo;<b>[</b>&rsquo; exp &lsquo;<b>]</b>&rsquo;
+The meaning of accesses to table fields can be changed via metatables.
+An access to an indexed variable <code>t[i]</code> is equivalent to
+a call <code>gettable_event(t,i)</code>.
+(See <a href="#meta">Metatables and Metamethods</a> for a complete description of the
+<code>gettable_event</code> function.
+This function is not defined or callable in Luan.
+We use it here only for explanatory purposes.)
+The syntax <code>var.Name</code> is just syntactic sugar for
+	var ::= prefixexp &lsquo;<b>.</b>&rsquo; Name
+Global variables are not available by default.  To enable global variable, you must define <code>_ENV</code> as a local variable whose value is a table.  If <code>_ENV</code> is not defined, then an unrecognized variable name will produce a compile error.  If <code>_ENV</code> is defined then an access to an unrecognized variable name will be consider a global variable.  So then an acces to global variable <code>x</code>
+is equivalent to <code>_ENV.x</code>.
+Due to the way that chunks are compiled,
+<code>_ENV</code> is never a global name (see <a href="#env">Environments</a>).
+				end
+			}
+			stmt = {
+				title = "Statements"
+				content = function()
+Luan supports an almost conventional set of statements,
+similar to those in Pascal or C.
+This set includes
+assignments, control structures, function calls,
+and variable declarations.
+				end
+				subs = {
+					blocks = {
+						title = "Blocks"
+						content = function()
+A block is a list of statements,
+which are executed sequentially:
+	block ::= {stat}
+Luan has <em>empty statements</em>
+that allow you to separate statements with semicolons,
+start a block with a semicolon
+or write two semicolons in sequence:
+	stat ::= &lsquo;<b>;</b>&rsquo;
+A block can be explicitly delimited to produce a single statement:
+	stat ::= <b>do</b> block end_do
+	end_do ::= <b>end_do</b> | <b>end</b>
+Explicit blocks are useful
+to control the scope of variable declarations.
+Explicit blocks are also sometimes used to
+add a <b>return</b> statement in the middle
+of another block (see <a href="#control">Control Structures</a>).
+						end
+					}
+					chunks = {
+						title = "Chunks"
+						content = function()
+The unit of compilation of Luan is called a <em>chunk</em>.
+a chunk is simply a block:
+	chunk ::= block
+Luan handles a chunk as the body of an anonymous function
+with a variable number of arguments
+(see <a href="#fn_def">Function Definitions</a>).
+As such, chunks can define local variables,
+receive arguments, and return values.
+A chunk can be stored in a file or in a string inside the host program.
+To execute a chunk,
+Luan first <em>loads</em> it,
+compiling the chunk's code,
+and then Luan executes the compiled code.
+						end
+					}
+					assignment = {
+						title = "Assignment"
+						content = function()
+Luan allows multiple assignments.
+Therefore, the syntax for assignment
+defines a list of variables on the left side
+and a list of expressions on the right side.
+The elements in both lists are separated by commas:
+	stat ::= varlist &lsquo;<b>=</b>&rsquo; explist
+	varlist ::= var {&lsquo;<b>,</b>&rsquo; var}
+	explist ::= exp {&lsquo;<b>,</b>&rsquo; exp}
+Expressions are discussed in <a href="#expressions">Expressions</a>.
+Before the assignment,
+the list of values is <em>adjusted</em> to the length of
+the list of variables.
+If there are more values than needed,
+the excess values are thrown away.
+If there are fewer values than needed,
+the list is extended with as many  <b>nil</b>'s as needed.
+If the list of expressions ends with a function call,
+then all values returned by that call enter the list of values,
+before the adjustment
+(except when the call is enclosed in parentheses; see <a href="#expressions">Expressions</a>).
+The assignment statement first evaluates all its expressions
+and only then the assignments are performed.
+Thus the code
+     i = 3
+     i, a[i] = i+1, 20
+sets <code>a[3]</code> to 20, without affecting <code>a[4]</code>
+because the <code>i</code> in <code>a[i]</code> is evaluated (to 3)
+before it is assigned&nbsp;4.
+Similarly, the line
+     x, y = y, x
+exchanges the values of <code>x</code> and <code>y</code>,
+     x, y, z = y, z, x
+cyclically permutes the values of <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, and <code>z</code>.
+The meaning of assignments to global variables
+and table fields can be changed via metatables.
+An assignment to an indexed variable <code>t[i] = val</code> is equivalent to
+(See <a href="#meta">Metatables and Metamethods</a> for a complete description of the
+<code>settable_event</code> function.
+This function is not defined or callable in Luan.
+We use it here only for explanatory purposes.)
+An assignment to a global name <code>x = val</code>
+is equivalent to the assignment
+<code>_ENV.x = val</code> (see <a href="#env">Environments</a>).
+Global names are only available when <code>_ENV</code> is defined.
+						end
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+return function()
+	Io.stdout = Http.response.text_writer()
+<!doctype html>
+	<head>
+<%		head() %>
+		<title>Luan Reference Manual</title>
+		<style>
+			p[keywords] {
+				font-family: monospace;
+				margin-left: 40px;
+				max-width: 700px;
+			}
+			p[keywords] span {
+				display: inline-block;
+				width: 100px;
+			}
+		</style>
+	</head>
+	<body>
+<%		docs_header() %>
+		<div content>
+			<h1><a href="manual.html">Luan Reference Manual</a></h1>
+			<p small>
+				Original copyright &copy; 2015 Lua.org, PUC-Rio.
+				Freely available under the terms of the
+				<a href="http://www.lua.org/license.html">Lua license</a>.
+				Modified for Luan.
+			</p>
+			<hr>
+			<h2>Contents</h2>
+			<div toc>
+<%			show_toc(content) %>
+			</div>
+			<hr>
+<%			show_content(content,2) %>
+		</div>
+	</body>