diff src/luan/modules/http/Http.luan @ 1171:794ddcfbee20

remove http/impl
author Franklin Schmidt <fschmidt@gmail.com>
date Sun, 11 Feb 2018 02:41:23 -0700
parents src/luan/modules/http/impl/Http.luan@3a0f58d09ee7
children f9136432847e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/luan/modules/http/Http.luan	Sun Feb 11 02:34:35 2018 -0700
+++ b/src/luan/modules/http/Http.luan	Sun Feb 11 02:41:23 2018 -0700
@@ -1,1 +1,160 @@
-return require "luan:http/impl/Http.luan"
+local Luan = require "luan:Luan.luan"
+local error = Luan.error
+local ipairs = Luan.ipairs or error()
+local pairs = Luan.pairs or error()
+local type = Luan.type or error()
+local Io = require "luan:Io.luan"
+local Html = require "luan:Html.luan"
+local url_encode = Html.url_encode or error()
+local Table = require "luan:Table.luan"
+local clear = Table.clear or error()
+local Package = require "luan:Package.luan"
+local String = require "luan:String.luan"
+local lower = String.lower or error()
+local matches = String.matches or error()
+local HttpServicer = require "java:luan.modules.http.HttpServicer"
+local IoLuan = require "java:luan.modules.IoLuan"
+local JavaLuan = require "java:luan.Luan"
+local Response = require "java:luan.webserver.Response"
+local ResponseOutputStream = require "java:luan.webserver.ResponseOutputStream"
+local Status = require "java:luan.webserver.Status"
+local OutputStreamWriter = require "java:java.io.OutputStreamWriter"
+local HashMap = require "java:java.util.HashMap"
+local Http = {}
+Http.version = "luan"
+function Http.new_request(java)
+	local this = {}
+	Http.request = this
+	if java == nil then
+		this.method = "GET"
+		this.headers = {}
+		this.parameters = {}
+		this.cookies = {}
+	else
+		this.java = java
+		this.method = java.method or error()
+		this.raw_path = java.rawPath or error()
+		this.path = java.path or error()
+		this.protocol = java.protocol or error()
+		this.headers = JavaLuan.toLuan(java.headers)
+		this.parameters = JavaLuan.toLuan(java.parameters)
+		this.cookies = JavaLuan.toLuan(java.cookies)
+	end
+	this.scheme = "http"
+	function this.full_path()  -- compatible with jetty
+		return this.raw_path or this.path
+	end
+	function this.url()
+		return this.scheme.."://"..this.headers["host"]..this.raw_path
+	end
+	return this
+local STATUS = {
+	OK = 200
+	FOUND = 302
+	-- add more as needed
+function Http.new_response()
+	local this = {}
+	Http.response = this
+	function this.reset()
+		this.java = Response.new()
+		this.headers = {}
+		this.status = STATUS.OK
+		this.writer = nil
+	end
+	this.reset()
+	function this.send_redirect(location)
+		this.reset()
+		this.status = STATUS.FOUND
+		this.headers["location"] = location
+	end
+	function this.send_error(status,msg)
+		this.reset()
+		this.status = status
+		if msg ~= nil then
+			this.headers["content-type"] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
+			local writer = this.text_writer()
+			writer.write(msg)
+		end
+	end
+	function this.set_cookie(name,value,attributes)
+		attributes = attributes or {}
+		local attrMap = HashMap.new()
+		for attr_name, attr_value in pairs(attributes) do
+			type(attr_name)=="string" or "cookie attribute name must be string"
+			type(attr_value)=="string" or "cookie attribute value must be string"
+			attrMap.put(attr_name,attr_value)
+		end
+		this.java.setCookie(name,value,attrMap)
+	end
+	function this.set_persistent_cookie(name,value,attributes)
+		attributes = attributes or {}
+		attributes["Max-Age"] = "10000000"
+		this.set_cookie(name,value,attributes)
+	end
+	function this.remove_cookie(name,attributes)
+		attributes = attributes or {}
+		attributes["Max-Age"] = "0"
+		this.set_cookie(name,"delete",attributes)
+	end
+	function this.text_writer()
+		this.writer and "writer already set"
+		this.writer = ResponseOutputStream.new(this.java)
+		this.writer = OutputStreamWriter.new(this.writer)
+		return IoLuan.textWriter(this.writer)
+	end
+	function this.binary_writer()
+		this.writer and "writer already set"
+		this.writer = ResponseOutputStream.new(this.java)
+		return IoLuan.binaryWriter(this.writer)
+	end
+	return this
+function Http.finish()  -- called only from java
+	local response = Http.response or error()
+	local java = response.java or error()
+	java.status = Status.getStatus(response.status)
+	for name, value in pairs(response.headers) do
+		type(name)=="string" or "header name must be string"
+		name = lower(name)
+		value = JavaLuan.toJava(value)
+		java.headers.put(name,value)
+	end
+	response.writer and response.writer.close()
+	return java
+function Http.uncache_site()
+	for k in pairs(Table.copy(Package.loaded)) do
+		if matches(k,"^site:") then
+			Package.loaded[k] = nil
+		end
+	end
+return Http