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view src/goodjava/lucene/api/ @ 1778:1725fdb6c4f5
author | Franklin Schmidt <> |
date | Fri, 11 Aug 2023 10:44:56 -0600 (19 months ago) |
parents | f48db13ae2d9 |
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package goodjava.lucene.api; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.StoredField; import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField; import org.apache.lucene.document.TextField; import org.apache.lucene.document.IntField; import org.apache.lucene.document.LongField; import org.apache.lucene.document.DoubleField; import org.apache.lucene.document.FloatField; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig; import org.apache.lucene.index.LiveIndexWriterConfig; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex; import; import; import; import goodjava.logging.Logger; import goodjava.logging.LoggerFactory; public final class LuceneIndexWriter implements GoodIndexWriter { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LuceneIndexWriter.class); private final FieldAnalyzer fieldAnalyzer; public final IndexWriter luceneWriter; public final GoodIndexWriterConfig goodConfig; private final Map<String,Boolean> indexedMap = new HashMap<String,Boolean>(); public LuceneIndexWriter(Directory dir,GoodIndexWriterConfig goodConfig) throws IOException { IndexWriterConfig luceneConfig = goodConfig.newLuceneConfig(); Analyzer analyzer = luceneConfig.getAnalyzer(); if( !(analyzer instanceof FieldAnalyzer) ) throw new RuntimeException("analyzer must be FieldAnalyzer"); this.fieldAnalyzer = (FieldAnalyzer)analyzer; this.luceneWriter = new IndexWriter(dir,luceneConfig); this.goodConfig = goodConfig; luceneWriter.commit(); // commit index creation } @Override public IndexWriter getLuceneIndexWriter() { return luceneWriter; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { luceneWriter.close(); } @Override public void commit() throws IOException { luceneWriter.commit(); } @Override public void rollback() throws IOException { luceneWriter.rollback(); } @Override public void deleteAll() throws IOException { luceneWriter.deleteAll(); } @Override public void deleteDocuments(Query query) throws IOException { luceneWriter.deleteDocuments(query); } @Override public void addDocument(Map<String,Object> storedFields) throws IOException { Document doc = newDocument(storedFields); luceneWriter.addDocument(doc); } @Override public void updateDocument(String keyFieldName,Map<String,Object> storedFields) throws IOException { if( !isIndexed(keyFieldName) ) throw new RuntimeException("can't update using unindexed field "+keyFieldName); if( fieldAnalyzer.isAdded(keyFieldName) ) throw new RuntimeException("can't update using analyzed field "+keyFieldName); Document doc = newDocument(storedFields); Object keyValue = storedFields.get(keyFieldName); if( keyValue==null ) throw new RuntimeException("no value for field "+keyFieldName); Term term = LuceneUtils.term(keyFieldName,keyValue); luceneWriter.updateDocument(term,doc); } private Document newDocument(Map<String,Object> storedFields) { Document doc = new Document(); MoreFieldInfo more = goodConfig.getMoreFieldInfo(storedFields); addFields( doc, storedFields, Field.Store.YES, more.boosts ); addFields( doc, more.unstoredFields, Field.Store.NO, more.boosts ); return doc; } public void addDocument( Map<String,Object> storedFields, Map<String,Object> unstoredFields, Map<String,Float> boosts ) throws IOException { Document doc = new Document(); addFields( doc, storedFields, Field.Store.YES, boosts ); addFields( doc, unstoredFields, Field.Store.NO, boosts ); luceneWriter.addDocument(doc); } private void addFields( Document doc, Map<String,Object> fields, Field.Store store, Map<String,Float> boosts ) { for( Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : fields.entrySet() ) { String name = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); Float boost = boosts.get(name); if( value instanceof List ) { for( Object v : (List)value ) { doc.add( newField(name,v,store,boost) ); } } else { doc.add( newField(name,value,store,boost) ); } } } private Field newField( String name, Object value, Field.Store store, Float boost ) { Field field = newField2(name,value,store,boost); if( boost != null ) field.setBoost(boost); return field; } private Field newField2( String name, Object value, Field.Store store, Float boost ) { boolean isIndexed = isIndexed(name); if( store==Field.Store.NO && !isIndexed ) throw new RuntimeException("field '"+name+"' is unstored and unindexed"); if( value instanceof String ) { String s = (String)value; if( !isIndexed ) { return new StoredField(name,s); } else if( !fieldAnalyzer.isAdded(name) ) { if( boost == null ) { return new StringField(name,s,store); } else { return new Field( name, s, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); } } else { return new TextField(name,s,store); } } else if( value instanceof Integer ) { int i = (Integer)value; if( !isIndexed ) { return new StoredField(name,i); } else { return new IntField(name,i,store); } } else if( value instanceof Long ) { long i = (Long)value; if( !isIndexed ) { return new StoredField(name,i); } else { return new LongField(name,i,store); } } else if( value instanceof Double ) { double i = (Double)value; if( !isIndexed ) { return new StoredField(name,i); } else { return new DoubleField(name,i,store); } } else if( value instanceof Float ) { float i = (Float)value; if( !isIndexed ) { return new StoredField(name,i); } else { return new FloatField(name,i,store); } } else if( value instanceof byte[] ) { if( isIndexed ) throw new RuntimeException("can't index byte field "+name); byte[] b = (byte[])value; return new StoredField(name, b); } else throw new RuntimeException("invalid value type "+value.getClass()+"' for field '"+name+"'"); } private synchronized boolean isIndexed(String fieldName) { Boolean b = indexedMap.get(fieldName); if( b==null ) { b = goodConfig.isIndexed(fieldName); indexedMap.put(fieldName,b); Analyzer analyzer = goodConfig.getAnalyzer(fieldName); if( analyzer!=null ) fieldAnalyzer.add(fieldName,analyzer); } return b; } @Override public void reindexDocuments(final String keyFieldName,Query query) throws IOException { IndexReader reader = openReader(); final IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); query, new GoodCollector(){ @Override public void collectDoc(int iDoc) throws IOException { Document doc = searcher.doc(iDoc); Map<String,Object> storedFields = LuceneUtils.toMap(doc); updateDocument(keyFieldName,storedFields); } }); reader.close(); } @Override public IndexReader openReader() throws IOException { return; } public void check() throws IOException { CheckIndex.Status status = new CheckIndex(luceneWriter.getDirectory()).checkIndex(); if( !status.clean ) logger.error("index not clean"); } @Override public void tag(String tag) throws IOException {} }