changeset 1667:c55373c3a0ce

manual work
author Franklin Schmidt <>
date Sun, 08 May 2022 22:50:48 -0600 (2022-05-09)
parents 8f38abaf779f
children ef75d9ad5ce9
files website/src/m.html.luan
diffstat 1 files changed, 990 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/website/src/m.html.luan	Sat May 07 23:23:03 2022 -0600
+++ b/website/src/m.html.luan	Sun May 08 22:50:48 2022 -0600
@@ -1376,6 +1376,996 @@
+					logical_ops = {
+						title = "Logical Operators"
+						content = function()
+The logical operators in Luan are
+<b>and</b>, <b>or</b>, and <b>not</b>.
+The <b>and</b> and <b>or</b> operators consider both <b>false</b> and <b>nil</b> as false
+and anything else as true.
+Like the control structures (see <a href="#control">Control Structures</a>),
+the <b>not</b> operator requires a boolean value.
+The negation operator <b>not</b> always returns <b>false</b> or <b>true</b>.
+The conjunction operator <b>and</b> returns its first argument
+if this value is <b>false</b> or <b>nil</b>;
+otherwise, <b>and</b> returns its second argument.
+The disjunction operator <b>or</b> returns its first argument
+if this value is different from <b>nil</b> and <b>false</b>;
+otherwise, <b>or</b> returns its second argument.
+Both <b>and</b> and <b>or</b> use short-circuit evaluation;
+that is,
+the second operand is evaluated only if necessary.
+Here are some examples:
+     10 or 20            --&gt; 10
+     10 or error()       --&gt; 10
+     nil or "a"          --&gt; "a"
+     nil and 10          --&gt; nil
+     false and error()   --&gt; false
+     false and nil       --&gt; false
+     false or nil        --&gt; nil
+     10 and 20           --&gt; 20
+(In this manual,
+<code>--&gt;</code> indicates the result of the preceding expression.)
+						end
+					}
+					concatenation = {
+						title = "Concatenation"
+						content = function()
+The string concatenation operator in Luan is
+denoted by two dots ('<code>..</code>').
+All operands are converted to strings.
+						end
+					}
+					length = {
+						title = "The Length Operator"
+						content = function()
+The length operator is denoted by the unary prefix operator <code>#</code>.
+The length of a string is its number of characters.
+The length of a binary is its number of bytes.
+A program can modify the behavior of the length operator for
+any table through the <code>__len</code> metamethod (see <a href="#meta">Metatables and Metamethods</a>).
+Unless a <code>__len</code> metamethod is given,
+the length of a table <code>t</code> is defined 
+as the number of elements in <em>sequence</em>,
+that is,
+the size of the set of its positive numeric keys is equal to <em>{1..n}</em>
+for some non-negative integer <em>n</em>.
+In that case, <em>n</em> is its length.
+Note that a table like
+     {10, 20, nil, 40}
+has a length of <code>2</code>, because that is the last key in sequence.
+						end
+					}
+					precedence = {
+						title = "Precedence"
+						content = function()
+Operator precedence in Luan follows the table below,
+from lower to higher priority:
+     or
+     and
+     &lt;     &gt;     &lt;=    &gt;=    ~=    ==
+     ..
+     +     -
+     *     /     %
+     unary operators (not   #     -)
+     ^
+As usual,
+you can use parentheses to change the precedences of an expression.
+The concatenation ('<code>..</code>') and exponentiation ('<code>^</code>')
+operators are right associative.
+All other binary operators are left associative.
+						end
+					}
+					constructors = {
+						title = "Table Constructors"
+						content = function()
+Table constructors are expressions that create tables.
+Every time a constructor is evaluated, a new table is created.
+A constructor can be used to create an empty table
+or to create a table and initialize some of its fields.
+The general syntax for constructors is
+	tableconstructor ::= &lsquo;<b>{</b>&rsquo; fieldlist &lsquo;<b>}</b>&rsquo;
+	fieldlist ::= [field] {fieldsep [field]}
+	field ::= &lsquo;<b>[</b>&rsquo; exp &lsquo;<b>]</b>&rsquo; &lsquo;<b>=</b>&rsquo; exp | Name &lsquo;<b>=</b>&rsquo; exp | exp
+	fieldsep ::= &lsquo;<b>,</b>&rsquo; | &lsquo;<b>;</b>&rsquo; | <b>end_of_line</b>
+Each field of the form <code>[exp1] = exp2</code> adds to the new table an entry
+with key <code>exp1</code> and value <code>exp2</code>.
+A field of the form <code>name = exp</code> is equivalent to
+<code>["name"] = exp</code>.
+Finally, fields of the form <code>exp</code> are equivalent to
+<code>[i] = exp</code>, where <code>i</code> are consecutive integers
+starting with 1.
+Fields in the other formats do not affect this counting.
+For example,
+     a = { [f(1)] = g; "x", "y"; x = 1, f(x), [30] = 23; 45 }
+is equivalent to
+     do
+       local t = {}
+       t[f(1)] = g
+       t[1] = "x"         -- 1st exp
+       t[2] = "y"         -- 2nd exp
+       t.x = 1            -- t["x"] = 1
+       t[3] = f(x)        -- 3rd exp
+       t[30] = 23
+       t[4] = 45          -- 4th exp
+       a = t
+     end
+The order of the assignments in a constructor is undefined.
+(This order would be relevant only when there are repeated keys.)
+If the last field in the list has the form <code>exp</code>
+and the expression is a function call or a vararg expression,
+then all values returned by this expression enter the list consecutively
+(see <a href="#fn_calls">Function Calls</a>).
+The field list can have an optional trailing separator,
+as a convenience for machine-generated code.
+						end
+					}
+					fn_calls = {
+						title = "Function Calls"
+						content = function()
+A function call in Luan has the following syntax:
+	functioncall ::= prefixexp args
+In a function call,
+first prefixexp and args are evaluated.
+The value of prefixexp must have type <em>function</em>.
+This function is called
+with the given arguments.
+Arguments have the following syntax:
+	args ::= &lsquo;<b>(</b>&rsquo; [explist] &lsquo;<b>)</b>&rsquo;
+	args ::= tableconstructor
+	args ::= LiteralString
+All argument expressions are evaluated before the call.
+A call of the form <code>f{<em>fields</em>}</code> is
+syntactic sugar for <code>f({<em>fields</em>})</code>;
+that is, the argument list is a single new table.
+A call of the form <code>f'<em>string</em>'</code>
+(or <code>f"<em>string</em>"</code> or <code>f[[<em>string</em>]]</code>)
+is syntactic sugar for <code>f('<em>string</em>')</code>;
+that is, the argument list is a single literal string.
+						end
+					}
+					fn_def = {
+						title = "Function Definitions"
+						content = function()
+The syntax for function definition is
+	functiondef ::= <b>function</b> funcbody
+	funcbody ::= &lsquo;<b>(</b>&rsquo; [parlist] &lsquo;<b>)</b>&rsquo; block end_function
+	end_function ::= <b>end_function</b> | <b>end</b>
+The following syntactic sugar simplifies function definitions:
+	stat ::= <b>function</b> funcname funcbody
+	stat ::= <b>local</b> <b>function</b> Name funcbody
+	funcname ::= Name {&lsquo;<b>.</b>&rsquo; Name} [&lsquo;<b>:</b>&rsquo; Name]
+The statement
+     function f () <em>body</em> end
+translates to
+     f = function () <em>body</em> end
+The statement
+     function t.a.b.c.f () <em>body</em> end
+translates to
+     t.a.b.c.f = function () <em>body</em> end
+The statement
+     local function f () <em>body</em> end
+translates to
+     local f; f = function () <em>body</em> end
+not to
+     local f = function () <em>body</em> end
+(This only makes a difference when the body of the function
+contains references to <code>f</code>.)
+A function definition is an executable expression,
+whose value has type <em>function</em>.
+When Luan precompiles a chunk,
+all its function bodies are precompiled too.
+Then, whenever Luan executes the function definition,
+the function is <em>instantiated</em> (or <em>closed</em>).
+This function instance (or <em>closure</em>)
+is the final value of the expression.
+Parameters act as local variables that are
+initialized with the argument values:
+	parlist ::= namelist [&lsquo;<b>,</b>&rsquo; &lsquo;<b>...</b>&rsquo;] | &lsquo;<b>...</b>&rsquo;
+When a function is called,
+the list of arguments is adjusted to
+the length of the list of parameters if the list is too short,
+unless the function is a <em>vararg function</em>,
+which is indicated by three dots ('<code>...</code>')
+at the end of its parameter list.
+A vararg function does not adjust its argument list;
+instead, it collects all extra arguments and supplies them
+to the function through a <em>vararg expression</em>,
+which is also written as three dots.
+The value of this expression is a list of all actual extra arguments,
+similar to a function with multiple results.
+If a vararg expression is used inside another expression
+or in the middle of a list of expressions,
+then its return list is adjusted to one element.
+If the expression is used as the last element of a list of expressions,
+then no adjustment is made
+(unless that last expression is enclosed in parentheses).
+As an example, consider the following definitions:
+     function f(a, b) end
+     function g(a, b, ...) end
+     function r() return 1,2,3 end
+Then, we have the following mapping from arguments to parameters and
+to the vararg expression:
+     CALL            PARAMETERS
+     f(3)             a=3, b=nil
+     f(3, 4)          a=3, b=4
+     f(3, 4, 5)       runtime error
+     f(r(), 10)       runtime error
+     f(r())           runtime error
+     g(3)             a=3, b=nil, ... --&gt;  (nothing)
+     g(3, 4)          a=3, b=4,   ... --&gt;  (nothing)
+     g(3, 4, 5, 8)    a=3, b=4,   ... --&gt;  5  8
+     g(5, r())        a=5, b=1,   ... --&gt;  2  3
+Results are returned using the <b>return</b> statement (see <a href="#control">Control Structures</a>).
+If control reaches the end of a function
+without encountering a <b>return</b> statement,
+then the function returns with no results.
+						end
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			visibility = {
+				title = "Visibility Rules"
+				content = function()
+Luan is a lexically scoped language.
+The scope of a local variable begins at the first statement after
+its declaration and lasts until the last non-void statement
+of the innermost block that includes the declaration.
+Consider the following example:
+     x = 10                -- global variable
+     do                    -- new block
+       local x = x         -- new 'x', with value 10
+       print(x)            --&gt; 10
+       x = x+1
+       do                  -- another block
+         local x = x+1     -- another 'x'
+         print(x)          --&gt; 12
+       end
+       print(x)            --&gt; 11
+     end
+     print(x)              --&gt; 10  (the global one)
+Notice that, in a declaration like <code>local x = x</code>,
+the new <code>x</code> being declared is not in scope yet,
+and so the second <code>x</code> refers to the outside variable.
+Because of the lexical scoping rules,
+local variables can be freely accessed by functions
+defined inside their scope.
+A local variable used by an inner function is called
+an <em>upvalue</em>, or <em>external local variable</em>,
+inside the inner function.
+Notice that each execution of a <b>local</b> statement
+defines new local variables.
+Consider the following example:
+     a = {}
+     local x = 20
+     for i=1,10 do
+       local y = 0
+       a[i] = function () y=y+1; return x+y end
+     end
+The loop creates ten closures
+(that is, ten instances of the anonymous function).
+Each of these closures uses a different <code>y</code> variable,
+while all of them share the same <code>x</code>.
+				end
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	libs = {
+		title = "Standard Libraries"
+		content = function()
+The standard Luan libraries provide useful functions
+that are implemented both in Java and in Luan itself.
+How each function is implemented shouldn't matter to the user.
+Some of these functions provide essential services to the language
+(e.g., <a href="#Luan.type"><code>type</code></a> and <a href="#Luan.get_metatable"><code>get_metatable</code></a>);
+others provide access to "outside" services (e.g., I/O).
+		end
+		subs = {
+			default_lib = {
+				title = "Default Environment"
+				content = function()
+This is provided by default as a local variable for any Luan code as described in <a href="#env">Environments</a>.
+				end
+				subs = {
+					require = {
+						title = "<code>require (mod_uri)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Example use:
+	local Table = require "luan:Table.luan"
+Could be defined as:
+	local function require(mod_name)
+		return <a href="#Package.load">Package.load</a>(mod_name) or <a href="#Luan.error">Luan.error</a>("module '"..mod_name.."' not found")
+	end
+A special case is:
+	require "java"
+This enables Java in the current chunk if that chunk has permission to use Java.  If the chunk doesn't have permission to use Java, then an error is thrown.
+						end
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			luan_lib = {
+				title = "Basic Functions"
+				content = function()
+Include this library by:
+	local Luan = require "luan:Luan.luan"
+The basic library provides basic functions to Luan that don't depend on other libaries.
+				end
+				subs = {
+					["Luan.do_file"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.do_file ([uri])</code>"
+						content = function()
+Could be defined as:
+	function Luan.do_file(uri)
+		local fn = <a href="#Luan.load_file">Luan.load_file</a>(uri) or <a href="#Luan.error">Luan.error</a>("file '"..uri.."' not found")
+		return fn()
+	end
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.error"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.error (message)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Throws an error containing the message.
+Could be defined as:
+	function Luan.error(message)
+		<a href="#Luan.new_error">Luan.new_error</a>(message).throw()
+	end
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.eval"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.eval (text [, source_name [, env]])</code>"
+						content = function()
+Evaluates <code>text</code> as a Luan expression.
+Could be defined as:
+	function Luan.eval(text,source_name, env)
+		return <a href="#Luan.load">Luan.load</a>( "return "..text, source_name or "eval", env )()
+	end
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.get_metatable"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.get_metatable (table)</code>"
+						content = function()
+If <code>table</code> does not have a metatable, returns <b>nil</b>.
+if the table's metatable has a <code>"__metatable"</code> field,
+returns the associated value.
+Otherwise, returns the metatable of the given table.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.hash_code"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.hash_code (v)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Returns the hash code of <code>v</code>.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.ipairs"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.ipairs (t)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Returns an iterator function
+so that the construction
+	for i,v in ipairs(t) do <em>body</em> end
+will iterate over the key&ndash;value pairs
+(<code>1,t[1]</code>), (<code>2,t[2]</code>), ...,
+up to the first nil value.
+Could be defined as:
+	function Luan.ipairs(t)
+		local i = 0
+		return function()
+			if i < #t then
+				i = i + 1
+				return i, t[i]
+			end
+		end
+	end
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.load"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.load (text, [source_name [, env [, persist]]])</code>"
+						content = function()
+Loads a chunk.
+The <code>text</code> is compiled.
+If there are no syntactic errors,
+returns the compiled chunk as a function;
+otherwise, throws an error.
+The <code>source_name</code> parameter is a string saying where the text came from.  It is used to produce error messages.  Defaults to "load".
+If the <code>env</code> parameter is supplied, it becomes the <code>_ENV</code> of the chunk.
+The <code>persist</code> parameter is a boolean which determines if the compiled code is persistently cached to a temporary file.  Defaults to <code>false</code>.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.load_file"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.load_file (file_uri)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Similar to <a href="#Luan.load"><code>load</code></a>,
+but gets the chunk from file <code>file_uri</code>.
+<code>file_uri</code> can be a string or a uri table.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.new_error"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.new_error (message)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Creates a new error table containing the message assigned to "<code>message</code>".  The error table also contains a <code>throw</code> function which throws the error.  The table also contains a list of stack trace elements where each stack trace element is a table containing "<code>source</code>", "<code>line</code>", and possible "<code>call_to</code>".  The table also has a metatable containing "<code>__to_string</code>" to render the error.
+To print the current stack trace, you could do:
+	Io.print( Luan.new_error "stack" )
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.pairs"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.pairs (t)</code>"
+						content = function()
+If <code>t</code> has a metamethod <code>__pairs</code>,
+calls it with <code>t</code> as argument and returns the
+result from the call.
+returns a function
+so that the construction
+	for k,v in pairs(t) do <em>body</em> end
+will iterate over all key&ndash;value pairs of table <code>t</code>.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.range"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.range (start, stop [, step])</code>"
+						content = function()
+Based on <a href="">the Python range() function</a>, this lets one iterate through a sequence of numbers.
+Example use:
+	for i in range(1,10) do
+		Io.print("count up:",i)
+	end
+	for i in range(10,0,-1) do
+		Io.print("count down:",i)
+	end
+Could be defined as:
+	function Luan.range(start, stop, step)
+		step = step or 1
+		step == 0 and <a href="#Luan.error">Luan.error</a> "bad argument #3 (step may not be zero)"
+		local i = start
+		return function()
+			if step > 0 and i <= stop or step < 0 and i >= stop then
+				local rtn = i
+				i = i + step
+				return rtn
+			end
+		end
+	end
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.raw_equal"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.raw_equal (v1, v2)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Checks whether <code>v1</code> is equal to <code>v2</code>,
+without invoking any metamethod.
+Returns a boolean.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.raw_get"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.raw_get (table, index)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Gets the real value of <code>table[index]</code>,
+without invoking any metamethod.
+<code>table</code> must be a table;
+<code>index</code> may be any value.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.raw_len"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.raw_len (v)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Returns the length of the object <code>v</code>,
+which must be a table or a string,
+without invoking any metamethod.
+Returns an integer.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.raw_set"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.raw_set (table, index, value)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Sets the real value of <code>table[index]</code> to <code>value</code>,
+without invoking any metamethod.
+<code>table</code> must be a table,
+<code>index</code> any value different from <b>nil</b>,
+and <code>value</code> any Luan value.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.set_metatable"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.set_metatable (table, metatable)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Sets the metatable for the given table.
+If <code>metatable</code> is <b>nil</b>,
+removes the metatable of the given table.
+If the original metatable has a <code>"__metatable"</code> field,
+raises an error.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.stringify"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.stringify (v [,options])</code>"
+						content = function()
+Receives a value of any type and converts it to a string that is a Luan expression.  <code>options</code> is a table.  If <code>options.strict==true</code> then invalid types throw an error.  Otherwise invalid types are represented but the resulting expression is invalid.  If <code>options.number_types==true</code> then numbers will be wrapped in functions for their type.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.to_string"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.to_string (v)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Receives a value of any type and
+converts it to a string in a human-readable format.
+If the metatable of <code>v</code> has a <code>"__to_string"</code> field,
+then <code>to_string</code> calls the corresponding value
+with <code>v</code> as argument,
+and uses the result of the call as its result.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.type"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.type (v)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Returns the type of its only argument, coded as a string.
+The possible results of this function are
+"<code>nil</code>" (a string, not the value <b>nil</b>),
+and "<code>java</code>".
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.values"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.values (&middot;&middot;&middot;)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Returns a function so that the construction
+	for i, v in Luan.values(&middot;&middot;&middot;) do <em>body</em> end
+will iterate over all values of <code>&middot;&middot;&middot;</code>.
+						end
+					}
+					["Luan.VERSION"] = {
+						title = "<code>Luan.VERSION</code>"
+						content = function()
+A global variable (not a function) that
+holds a string containing the current Luan version.
+						end
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			package_lib = {
+				title = "Modules"
+				content = function()
+Include this library by:
+	local Package = require "luan:Package.luan"
+The package library provides basic
+facilities for loading modules in Luan.
+				end
+				subs = {
+					["Package.load"] = {
+						title = "<code>Package.load (mod_uri)</code>"
+						content = function()
+Loads the given module.
+The function starts by looking into the <a href="#Package.loaded"><code>Package.loaded</code></a> table
+to determine whether <code>mod_uri</code> is already loaded.
+If it is, then <code>Package.load</code> returns the value stored
+at <code>Package.loaded[mod_uri]</code>.
+Otherwise, it tries to load a new value for the module.
+To load a new value, <code>Package.load</code> first checks if <code>mod_uri</code> starts with "<b>java:</b>".  If yes, then this is a Java class which is loaded by special Java code.
+Otherwise <code>Package.load</code> tries to read the text of the file referred to by <code>mod_uri</code>.  If the file doesn't exist, then <code>Package.load</code> returns <b>false</b>.  If the file exists, then its content is compiled into a chunk by calling <a href="#Luan.load"><code>Luan.load</code></a>.  This chunk is run passing in <code>mod_uri</code> as an argument.  The value returned by the chunk must not be <b>nil</b> and is loaded.
+If a new value for the module successful loaded, then it is stored in <code>Package.loaded[mod_uri]</code>.  The value is returned.
+						end
+					}
+					["Package.loaded"] = {
+						title = "<code>Package.loaded</code>"
+						content = function()
+A table used by <a href="#Package.load"><code>Package.load</code></a> to control which
+modules are already loaded.
+When you load a module <code>mod_uri</code> and
+<code>Package.loaded[mod_uri]</code> is not <b>nil</b>,
+<a href="#Package.load"><code>Package.load</code></a> simply returns the value stored there.
+This variable is only a reference to the real table;
+assignments to this variable do not change the
+table used by <a href="#Package.load"><code>Package.load</code></a>.
+						end
+					}