
age author commit description
2015-04-23 Franklin Schmidt 2248a1b10dcb Added tag 0.4 for changeset 4118eb51c816
2015-04-23 Franklin Schmidt 4118eb51c816 minor 0.4
2015-04-23 Franklin Schmidt 8557581740db added tutorial
2015-04-22 Franklin Schmidt 83efd1e3685c add link to Programming in Lua
2015-04-22 Franklin Schmidt 6c6c3537035e work on manual
2015-04-20 Franklin Schmidt e9e445e28f0b add error checking to Hosting
2015-04-20 Franklin Schmidt bf60da9298f5 minor
2015-04-19 Franklin Schmidt a8d03e6882c6 add web/NotFound.java
2015-04-19 Franklin Schmidt 0a75ed73bccc partly revert rev 538c19ad1272 (logging)
2015-04-18 Franklin Schmidt e2e70d27c258 simplify mail
2015-04-18 Franklin Schmidt 538c19ad1272 simplify logging
2015-04-17 Franklin Schmidt 571057b1666b work on manual
2015-04-17 Franklin Schmidt f08cefa4594c start editing manual
2015-04-17 Franklin Schmidt e01cddba3433 add manual.html as copy of Lua 5.3 Reference Manual
2015-04-17 Franklin Schmidt 7999601586b1 minor documentation
2015-04-17 Franklin Schmidt 85bf9f0379aa template statements no longer depend on 'Io' being defined
2015-04-17 Franklin Schmidt 2af805677fc4 fix LuanPropertyTable.asList()
2015-04-17 Franklin Schmidt c207be7cf45d more documentation
2015-04-16 Franklin Schmidt 82ba0a82cd00 start version 0.4
2015-04-16 Franklin Schmidt 7669814ce6f1 Added tag 0.3 for changeset 1a464e090538
2015-04-16 Franklin Schmidt 1a464e090538 simplify table code 0.3
2015-04-16 Franklin Schmidt 17b02b56d806 fix LuanPropertyTable.asMap();
2015-04-16 Franklin Schmidt 9dbf3433f70f remove Http.request.get_parameter_values and Http.request.parts;
2015-04-15 Franklin Schmidt 0581238084ad fix HTTP parameters for multipart
2015-04-15 Franklin Schmidt cbb94a7c7a9e allow mail attachments;
2015-04-15 Franklin Schmidt 8848edb0e6bf minor
2015-04-14 Franklin Schmidt 6fc33c20441b minor
2015-04-14 Franklin Schmidt 496d61b1fb5a implement Http.request.parts
2015-04-14 Franklin Schmidt 5e34702423a0 better parser error message
2015-04-14 Franklin Schmidt 1bce334a816b AbstractLuanTable now implements LuanRepr
2015-04-14 Franklin Schmidt 705e4d6c3dbb improve formatting of diff.html
2015-04-13 Franklin Schmidt 38c19ecc384d start documentation
2015-04-13 Franklin Schmidt 90c8406bf735 add website/push.sh
2015-04-13 Franklin Schmidt 427e7df4df17 start websites
2015-04-12 Franklin Schmidt c5b9ebefa446 start version 0.3
2015-04-12 Franklin Schmidt e42ef484fba7 Added tag 0.2 for changeset 6fd016d35ec1
2015-04-12 Franklin Schmidt 6fd016d35ec1 improve Hosting and fix mmake 0.2
2015-04-12 Franklin Schmidt 612a283b3d14 improve luan/web file names and add serve.luan
2015-04-12 Franklin Schmidt dc21bd260690 change cmd_line to take a URI
2015-04-10 Franklin Schmidt c7b2ee4c6ee9 start version 0.2
2015-04-10 Franklin Schmidt 72a2daf88e12 minor
2015-04-10 Franklin Schmidt 5d55e131a931 Added tag 0.1 for changeset 93fa3dbe0c2f
2015-04-10 Franklin Schmidt 93fa3dbe0c2f rename version to version.sh and change to version 0.1 0.1
2015-04-03 Franklin Schmidt 410e59ebad7d add more Math functions
2015-03-31 Franklin Schmidt fb18724521d2 rename Html.simple_html_page to simply_html_page
2015-03-31 Franklin Schmidt 673eebd83b74 remove circular package loading
2015-03-25 Hugo Teixeira f05c631ebaaf README.md edited online with Bitbucket
2015-03-25 Hugo Teixeira 0c0009eaa78e README.md edited online with Bitbucket
2015-03-25 Hugo Teixeira 8ce291137e8d README.md edited online with Bitbucket
2015-03-25 Hugo Teixeira b4aed759cc83 README.md edited online with Bitbucket
2015-03-25 Hugo Teixeira 25db50d382cb README.md edited online with Bitbucket
2015-03-25 Hugo Teixeira 2b72947d421a README.md edited online with Bitbucket
2015-03-25 Hugo Teixeira b3c2b8ab2513 README.md edited online with Bitbucket
2015-03-24 Franklin Schmidt 0fe17503f094 add release-luan.sh
2015-03-24 Franklin Schmidt 4b5a4e69e93c Added tag 0.0 for changeset 7b813a1d562b
2015-03-24 Franklin Schmidt 7b813a1d562b fix for hg 0.0
2015-03-19 fschmidt@gmail.com 71e4f4ce74a3 load "site:/init" on webserver initialization
2015-03-19 fschmidt@gmail.com 0be73ac9103d handle circular package loading
2015-03-19 fschmidt@gmail.com db37d6aee4db remove try-catch statement;
2015-03-03 fschmidt@gmail.com 78a6a71afbfd use SimplyHTML
2015-02-09 fschmidt@gmail.com b24a35612947 minor parsing improvement
2015-02-09 fschmidt@gmail.com cd2924a1052c improve testing
2015-02-08 fschmidt@gmail.com f8ece87df2b1 minor fixes
2015-02-08 fschmidt@gmail.com 7f7708e8fdd4 remove import statement
2015-02-06 fschmidt@gmail.com fed1893821bf remove global namespace
2015-02-05 fschmidt@gmail.com f6db49c294a7 rename Basic to Luan
2015-02-05 fschmidt@gmail.com 4fe6c9fed486 add html processing
2014-12-30 fschmidt@gmail.com c730ff1e4bae minor
2014-12-29 hugo.tech@gmail.com d6cce1cc8948 Add another query example to search tool.
2014-12-26 fschmidt@gmail.com 6e11eace1091 fix Ab_testing.format()
2014-12-25 fschmidt@gmail.com 7c4f52262213 add Io.schemes.string
2014-12-25 fschmidt@gmail.com 1f6d828986b9 replace Http.request.servlet_path with Http.request.path;
2014-12-24 fschmidt@gmail.com d34be4588556 add lucene query parsing
2014-12-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 22ca4f3a65c3 remove LUAN_HOME
2014-12-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 9e9bb358b2df add File.canonical()
2014-12-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 6bf47e28e0e5 fix build
2014-12-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 869d2263de5d move scripts
2014-12-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 4bf49f0a46b3 improve build process
2014-12-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 7f38793a99ee add tar-luan.sh
2014-12-19 fschmidt@gmail.com 5e7450ac27f2 rename String.byte() to String.unicode();
2014-12-18 fschmidt@gmail.com 03e9cda4748d add JavaLuan.Static.luan_proxy()
2014-12-18 fschmidt@gmail.com fdb4bd391c28 add lucene close();
2014-12-18 fschmidt@gmail.com 2f8938fc518c fix modules Binary and Html
2014-12-17 fschmidt@gmail.com a6bf8ff720f8 add java security
2014-12-16 fschmidt@gmail.com 9fb523472035 add java() to control java access
2014-12-16 fschmidt@gmail.com a74559240b4f simplify PackageLuan and remove IO loading param
2014-12-16 fschmidt@gmail.com 2ce23c7e2342 remove init.luan
2014-12-16 fschmidt@gmail.com 899253043270 remove PackageLuan.load_lib()
2014-12-15 fschmidt@gmail.com 7ea6dfdf81ba add env param to load_file()
2014-12-12 fschmidt@gmail.com 1f4cc8505308 fix Ab_testing
2014-12-11 hugo.tech@gmail.com 5652cdea25f5 Improve html code of core tools.
2014-12-11 fschmidt@gmail.com a50e88d3547c add Web_server.init();
2014-12-10 fschmidt@gmail.com e8a2153f6ce1 minor
2014-12-09 fschmidt@gmail.com a35d1177bbf0 implement Ab_testing.web_page()
2014-12-09 fschmidt@gmail.com 9a0cc6d9b27b add Time.period();
2014-12-08 fschmidt@gmail.com ae7ae2755b48 improve Mail;
2014-12-05 fschmidt@gmail.com c4ed33e95889 fix Http.init_for_test()
2014-12-04 fschmidt@gmail.com 4d53e9fc1bd9 change lucene search to take lucene objects
2014-12-03 hugo.tech@gmail.com 91be4027b2a8 Improve HTML of some tools.
2014-12-02 fschmidt@gmail.com 582e8db4cdb6 add lucene Web_search
2014-12-02 fschmidt@gmail.com 8870840251ea use LinkedHashMap in LuanTable to preserve order
2014-12-02 fschmidt@gmail.com b669cdaf54b7 add URL post;
2014-11-26 fschmidt@gmail.com 38bd29e59a6e minor
2014-11-26 fschmidt@gmail.com a1fa4fba99de change PickleCon to allow any size string
2014-11-24 fschmidt@gmail.com 2164b4479661 log web exceptions
2014-11-24 fschmidt@gmail.com 8b738caea941 add slf4j
2014-11-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 4a0a84c38617 don't expose Package.load_lib()
2014-11-21 fschmidt@gmail.com 8ac3eaf8ecd9 fix security
2014-11-20 fschmidt@gmail.com e5a0dd95f3e7 rename Reactionary to Hosting
2014-11-19 fschmidt@gmail.com 340656b18b74 fix reactionary code
2014-11-10 fschmidt@gmail.com 8afe9f2fdfec AB testing, not fully tested
2014-10-31 fschmidt@gmail.com 073044e3ac03 fix mmake.sh and multipart mail
2014-10-31 fschmidt@gmail.com eb27e765affb rename Io.protocols to Io.schemes and "class:" to "java:"
2014-10-31 fschmidt@gmail.com 82a3ebcfbafa add internal tests
2014-10-30 fschmidt@gmail.com b2c20fdcf42a allow alternative-multipart mail
2014-10-29 fschmidt@gmail.com 967fc3d76a9f fix mail
2014-10-29 fschmidt@gmail.com 266d677c535d build jars
2014-10-29 fschmidt@gmail.com 1507149fc447 rename Io.get() to Io.Uri()
2014-10-29 fschmidt@gmail.com 4dca283b9b74 add Http.response.headers for testing
2014-10-29 fschmidt@gmail.com 454a486d9c19 allow IO on files that don't exist
2014-10-29 fschmidt@gmail.com 9e0d4452e649 implement URL style module names
2014-10-29 fschmidt@gmail.com 54873a389f80 add "http" and "https" protocols
2014-10-28 fschmidt@gmail.com 3ccc5205d04d add "socket" protocol
2014-10-28 fschmidt@gmail.com 715c4a6e1169 simplify Io.stdin
2014-10-28 fschmidt@gmail.com f1f7d8c7e94e add Io.protocols
2014-10-28 fschmidt@gmail.com f9b201530b85 remove Package.preload
2014-10-28 fschmidt@gmail.com 4dfa86dbca45 rename "java:" to "classpath:"
2014-10-28 fschmidt@gmail.com c5c60eca33dd allow Lucene search for 0 rows
2014-10-28 fschmidt@gmail.com 15122d724ce4 more Time functions
2014-10-27 fschmidt@gmail.com e5ad26746c94 improve toString(Number)
2014-10-27 fschmidt@gmail.com e0fb8a49e031 add Time.luan
2014-10-21 fschmidt@gmail.com dddf4e85bfe4 finish basic web testing
2014-10-20 fschmidt@gmail.com 3896138955b1 web testing...
2014-10-19 fschmidt@gmail.com 705d14f4d8ee start web testing
2014-10-17 fschmidt@gmail.com 2b6f51d7af40 add Web_server.config_server()
2014-10-17 fschmidt@gmail.com 9737ebb9aaa0 handle LuanExitException
2014-10-16 fschmidt@gmail.com 10cc873babee fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
2014-10-10 fschmidt@gmail.com b5995d77878a fix parsing of comments
2014-10-10 fschmidt@gmail.com 58752e3e4c5c rename String.from_integers to char;
2014-10-09 fschmidt@gmail.com 2ed8465a9d62 allow TemplateExpressions at end of table constructor
2014-10-09 fschmidt@gmail.com 0a8e6fdb62f0 fix Math.random()
2014-10-08 fschmidt@gmail.com c912f6de2053 more work on the manual
2014-10-07 hugo.tech@gmail.com b5a926c481a5 Handle first h1 tag differently.
2014-10-06 fschmidt@gmail.com 852840d64a7f minor
2014-10-06 fschmidt@gmail.com bcc3911285a2 add manual css files
2014-10-06 fschmidt@gmail.com aa7bc9c1df22 add unedited Lua manual
2014-10-06 fschmidt@gmail.com 55b4b077e5cc improve scripts
2014-10-06 fschmidt@gmail.com 97d175772fed implement mmake
2014-10-05 fschmidt@gmail.com 1fada5587469 add Basic.to_boolean and change "not" operator to require a boolean
2014-10-05 fschmidt@gmail.com f247c2ea9eef improve dist
2014-10-02 fschmidt@gmail.com b25feac318d8 add lucene jar and minor changes
2014-10-02 fschmidt@gmail.com ef39bc4d3f70 basic lucene works
2014-10-01 fschmidt@gmail.com 9ce18106f95a more lucene work
2014-10-01 fschmidt@gmail.com a35417bf493a minor
2014-09-30 fschmidt@gmail.com 4438cb2e04d0 start lucene
2014-09-24 fschmidt@gmail.com 2a54cb7d1cf4 improve security
2014-09-24 fschmidt@gmail.com 7580379cdc79 implement basic mail smtp
2014-07-23 fschmidt@gmail.com c0f87c1ba99f minor
2014-07-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 392105b660d7 add LuanProperty
2014-07-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 7c768f63bbb3 better cookie API
2014-07-21 fschmidt@gmail.com 05eb2837ddbf change LuanTable.put() to not return old value
2014-07-21 fschmidt@gmail.com a9fe265dbac3 upgrade to jetty 8
2014-07-21 fschmidt@gmail.com b76fcb72d97d add AbstractLuanTable and improve HttpLuan
2014-07-17 fschmidt@gmail.com ec016471c6eb make LuanTable an interface
2014-07-16 fschmidt@gmail.com 61afe2a1ce96 minor - security
2014-07-16 fschmidt@gmail.com f9e3e64132e1 improve rev 217, allow "java:" paths to include sample files to check in jars
2014-07-15 fschmidt@gmail.com 92f5d74697f8 change Http.session_attribute to Http.session
2014-07-15 fschmidt@gmail.com a608066395c5 clean up HttpLuan.java
2014-07-14 fschmidt@gmail.com a1b142f9c5c0 make Utils.toUrl() check for "index.html" or "index.html.luan" in dirs for jars (hack)
2014-07-11 fschmidt@gmail.com b2304de4579b minor
2014-07-11 fschmidt@gmail.com 8e4ef9134362 move time critical logging functions to java
2014-07-11 fschmidt@gmail.com 4a27f24ce2b5 Make LuanJavaFunction not DeepCloneable. There is no reason for most to be DeepCloneable and those that should be can be made DeepCloneable individually.
2014-07-08 fschmidt@gmail.com 5b9726553ac8 don't convert returned primitive arrays to tables for java methods
2014-07-08 fschmidt@gmail.com 284eddd599b1 fix parsing bug
2014-07-08 fschmidt@gmail.com e84655b4c45e better exception handling
2014-07-08 fschmidt@gmail.com 239c8d650028 convert returned arrays to tables for java methods
2014-07-08 fschmidt@gmail.com 5ba136769034 remove MetatableGetter and use a generic metatable instead
2014-07-08 fschmidt@gmail.com 5aafb5b9f70f various
2014-07-07 fschmidt@gmail.com 77365c9fdfe4 remove -> operator
2014-07-07 fschmidt@gmail.com 3918f92de5fe add logging component
2014-07-06 fschmidt@gmail.com cee6581b6f56 minor
2014-07-06 fschmidt@gmail.com 99eef1d0e706 IO security
2014-07-04 fschmidt@gmail.com 75750ceb45ee add LuanState.registry
2014-07-03 fschmidt@gmail.com 27abb3746917 minir
2014-07-03 fschmidt@gmail.com 9fb218211763 add Package.block();
2014-07-03 fschmidt@gmail.com 8960c81eb4bc minor
2014-07-03 fschmidt@gmail.com 390210409719 minor - allow web dir listings
2014-07-03 fschmidt@gmail.com 4c96cb73dd93 fix metatable cloning
2014-07-03 fschmidt@gmail.com be0275bda373 minor
2014-07-03 fschmidt@gmail.com 24ede40ee0aa make MetatableGetter DeepCloneable, scoped, and secure
2014-07-02 fschmidt@gmail.com 08df375e2e5f remove EnvGetter
2014-07-02 fschmidt@gmail.com 66ed8886abc0 parsing change to allow indexing of literals without parens
2014-07-01 fschmidt@gmail.com f2c6c22cddc0 minor
2014-07-01 fschmidt@gmail.com 2456ef7ada02 minor
2014-06-26 fschmidt@gmail.com 04b86428dc50 minor
2014-06-26 fschmidt@gmail.com fb3993431f76 minor
2014-06-26 fschmidt@gmail.com e132b7a3d94c add AuthenticationHandler
2014-06-26 fschmidt@gmail.com 1cb298d918b2 ban "//" in file and java paths
2014-06-26 fschmidt@gmail.com cf939124461a don't import modules by default
2014-06-25 fschmidt@gmail.com 5f50dba8ac7d minor
2014-06-25 fschmidt@gmail.com 69f1e79a9eb0 fix Reactionary.luan
2014-06-25 fschmidt@gmail.com ed19d14360fa add LuanHandler.setWelcomeFile()
2014-06-24 fschmidt@gmail.com e6d6596a8bcc improve Web_server
2014-06-24 fschmidt@gmail.com 5d2cb8c1f844 add web logging
2014-06-24 fschmidt@gmail.com 5351374efb6d check for valid variable name in import
2014-06-24 fschmidt@gmail.com bf9c7111a371 minor
2014-06-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 2c08e7e27a70 minor - rename web fn from "page" to "service"
2014-06-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 02859b3e9d80 minor
2014-06-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 88ad4fc4c643 minor
2014-06-23 fschmidt@gmail.com bdbd4740121f finish web server
2014-06-23 fschmidt@gmail.com 609c5b3118db add Web_server.luan
2014-06-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 58c6ca5d4524 fix build.sh
2014-06-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 4edbf3204ca6 add build.sh and dist
2014-06-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 3dcb0f9bee82 add core component
2014-06-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 7c792a328a83 add web component
2014-06-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 9169581dc8fc add luan.modules.web
2014-06-22 fschmidt@gmail.com ebe9db183eb7 rename *Lib.java to *Luan.java
2014-06-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 4c0131c2b650 merge luan/lib into modules
2014-06-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 4eaee12f6c65 move luan/interp to impl
2014-06-22 fschmidt@gmail.com 94bbc4cbc106 merge luan/parser into interp
2014-06-20 fschmidt@gmail.com 78ba371ea1e9 merge Os.File into Io.File and remove Os
2014-06-20 fschmidt@gmail.com 3c95a2291d64 make all module fns non-global and make global fns call module fns
2014-06-20 fschmidt@gmail.com 01e9707a2fb0 replace '.' with '/' when searching for modules
2014-06-19 fschmidt@gmail.com d310ebf4d6e7 add javaSearcher
2014-06-19 fschmidt@gmail.com 138b9baee80b include IoLib.LuanFile fns in OsLib.LuanFile;
2014-06-19 fschmidt@gmail.com 0abc9181061a revert rev 154 but only allow FnCall, AndExpr, or OrExpr in ExpressionsStmt
2014-06-18 fschmidt@gmail.com cced1c4d3575 only allow TemplateExpressions at end of expr list;
2014-06-18 fschmidt@gmail.com 1de3e4a6e82d remove LuanJavaFunction.RTN_NUMBER_ARRAY;
2014-06-18 fschmidt@gmail.com 925ba2d59b9d fix String java calls;
2014-06-18 fschmidt@gmail.com db7b3902e01c fix parsing problems
2014-06-17 fschmidt@gmail.com c2e5101682ae Expr extends Expressions
2014-06-17 fschmidt@gmail.com fa03671f59a0 replace ExpressionsStmt with FnCallStmt
2014-06-16 fschmidt@gmail.com a9391f914aba minor fix
2014-06-16 fschmidt@gmail.com c9100f29fae0 conditions must be type boolean
2014-06-16 fschmidt@gmail.com f35c50027985 make load() more consistent
2014-06-16 fschmidt@gmail.com f99fd64291b3 change load() to take env instead of using global
2014-06-16 fschmidt@gmail.com dfd0f33b584e minor parser fix
2014-06-15 fschmidt@gmail.com cc3a0578edac fix Io.reverse_pickle
2014-06-15 fschmidt@gmail.com 0517a4a7fcc5 add Io.reverse_pickle
2014-06-15 fschmidt@gmail.com 90f38a5d0e0a add Os.File