1 /* Copyright (c) 2012 Tomislav Gountchev <tomi@gountchev.net> */
3 package jdbcpgbackup;
5 import java.sql.Connection;
6 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
7 import java.sql.ResultSet;
8 import java.sql.SQLException;
9 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import java.util.List;
12 final class Constraint extends DbBackupObject {
14 static class ConstraintFactory implements DBOFactory<Constraint> {
16 @Override
17 public Iterable<Constraint> getDbBackupObjects(Connection con, Schema schema) throws SQLException {
18 List<Constraint> constraints = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
19 PreparedStatement stmt = null;
20 try {
21 stmt = con.prepareStatement(
22 "SELECT c.oid, c.conname, p.relname, pg_get_userbyid(p.relowner) AS owner, " +
23 "pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) AS constraintdef, c.contype " +
24 "FROM pg_constraint c, pg_class p " +
25 "WHERE c.connamespace = ? " +
26 "AND c.conrelid = p.oid " +
27 "ORDER BY c.contype DESC");
28 stmt.setInt(1, schema.getOid());
29 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
30 while (rs.next()) {
31 constraints.add(new Constraint(rs.getString("conname"), schema, rs.getString("relname"),
32 rs.getString("owner"), rs.getString("constraintdef"), rs.getString("contype").charAt(0)));
33 }
34 rs.close();
35 } finally {
36 if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
37 }
38 return constraints;
39 }
41 @Override
42 public Constraint getDbBackupObject(Connection con, String constraintName, Schema schema) throws SQLException {
43 Constraint constraint = null;
44 PreparedStatement stmt = null;
45 try {
46 stmt = con.prepareStatement(
47 "SELECT c.oid, c.conname, p.relname, pg_get_userbyid(p.relowner) AS owner, " +
48 "pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) AS constraintdef, c.contype " +
49 "FROM pg_constraint c, pg_class p " +
50 "WHERE c.connamespace = ? " +
51 "AND c.conrelid = p.oid " +
52 "AND c.conname = ? ");
53 stmt.setInt(1, schema.getOid());
54 stmt.setString(2, constraintName);
55 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
56 if (rs.next()) {
57 constraint = new Constraint(constraintName, schema, rs.getString("relname"),
58 rs.getString("owner"), rs.getString("constraintdef"), rs.getString("contype").charAt(0));
59 } else {
60 throw new RuntimeException("no such constraint: " + constraintName);
61 }
62 rs.close();
63 } finally {
64 if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
65 }
66 return constraint;
67 }
69 }
71 static class CachingConstraintFactory extends CachingDBOFactory<Constraint> {
73 private final Table.CachingTableFactory tableFactory;
75 protected CachingConstraintFactory(Schema.CachingSchemaFactory schemaFactory, Table.CachingTableFactory tableFactory) {
76 super(schemaFactory);
77 this.tableFactory = tableFactory;
78 }
80 @Override
81 protected PreparedStatement getAllStatement(Connection con) throws SQLException {
82 return con.prepareStatement(
83 "SELECT c.oid, c.conname, c.conrelid AS table_oid, " +
84 "pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) AS constraintdef, " +
85 "c.connamespace AS schema_oid, c.contype " +
86 "FROM pg_constraint c");
87 }
89 @Override
90 protected Constraint newDbBackupObject(Connection con, ResultSet rs, Schema schema) throws SQLException {
91 Table table = tableFactory.getTable(rs.getInt("table_oid"));
92 return new Constraint(rs.getString("conname"), schema, table.getName(),
93 table.getOwner(), rs.getString("constraintdef"), rs.getString("contype").charAt(0));
94 }
96 // get the primary key constraints before the rest
97 @Override
98 public final Iterable<Constraint> getDbBackupObjects(Connection con, Schema schema) throws SQLException {
99 Iterable<Constraint> constraints = super.getDbBackupObjects(con, schema);
100 List<Constraint> pklist = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
101 List<Constraint> fklist = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
102 for (Constraint constraint : constraints) {
103 if (constraint.type == 'p') pklist.add(constraint);
104 else fklist.add(constraint);
105 }
106 pklist.addAll(fklist);
107 return pklist;
108 }
110 }
112 private final String tableName;
113 private final String definition;
114 private final char type;
116 private Constraint(String name, Schema schema, String tableName, String tableOwner, String definition, char type) {
117 super(name, schema, tableOwner);
118 this.tableName = tableName;
119 this.definition = definition.replace(" REFERENCES " + schema.getName() + ".", " REFERENCES "); // remove schema name
120 this.type = type;
121 }
123 @Override
124 protected StringBuilder appendCreateSql(StringBuilder buf) {
125 buf.append("ALTER TABLE ");
126 buf.append(tableName);
127 buf.append(" ADD CONSTRAINT ");
128 buf.append(name);
129 buf.append(" ");
130 buf.append(definition);
131 buf.append(" ;\n");
132 return buf;
133 }
135 }