comparison src/nabble/model/ @ 0:7ecd1a4ef557

add content
author Franklin Schmidt <>
date Thu, 21 Mar 2019 19:15:52 -0600
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7ecd1a4ef557
1 package nabble.model;
3 import fschmidt.db.DbDatabase;
4 import fschmidt.db.postgres.PostgresExceptionHandler;
5 import org.slf4j.Logger;
6 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
8 import;
9 import java.sql.Connection;
10 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
11 import java.sql.ResultSet;
12 import java.sql.SQLException;
13 import java.sql.Statement;
14 import java.util.ArrayList;
15 import java.util.Collection;
16 import java.util.Collections;
17 import java.util.HashMap;
18 import java.util.Iterator;
19 import java.util.List;
20 import java.util.Map;
21 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
24 public final class ViewCount {
25 private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ViewCount.class);
28 // the ViewCount class is views per site
29 private Map<Long,int[]> nodeMap = new HashMap<Long,int[]>();
30 private int userViews = 0;
32 private ViewCount() {}
34 private void inc(long nodeId,boolean isUser) {
35 int[] i = nodeMap.get(nodeId);
36 if( i == null ) {
37 i = new int[1];
38 nodeMap.put(nodeId,i);
39 }
40 i[0]++;
41 if( isUser )
42 userViews++;
43 }
46 public static long lastSaved = System.currentTimeMillis();
47 private static final Object lock = new Object();
48 private static Map<Long,ViewCount> counts = new HashMap<Long,ViewCount>();
50 public static void inc(Site site,long nodeId,boolean isUser) {
51 Long siteId = site.getId();
52 synchronized(lock) {
53 ViewCount viewCount = counts.get(siteId);
54 if( viewCount == null ) {
55 viewCount = new ViewCount();
56 counts.put(siteId,viewCount);
57 }
59 }
60 }
62 public static void save() {
63 Map<Long,ViewCount> map;
64 synchronized(lock) {
65 map = counts;
66 counts = new HashMap<Long,ViewCount>();
67 }
68 Db.dbGlobal().beginTransaction();
69 try {
70 for( Map.Entry<Long,ViewCount> entry : map.entrySet() ) {
71 long siteId = entry.getKey();
72 ViewCount viewCount = entry.getValue();
73 Map<Long,int[]> nodeMap =viewCount.nodeMap;
74 SiteKey siteKey = SiteKey.getInstance(siteId);
75 DbDatabase db;
76 try {
77 db = siteKey.getDb();
78 } catch(UpdatingException e) {
79 continue;
80 }
81 int siteViews = 0;
82 {
83 Connection con = db.getConnection();
84 try {
85 PreparedStatement pstmtUpdate = con.prepareStatement(
86 "update view_count set views = views + ? where node_id = ?"
87 );
88 PreparedStatement pstmtInsert = null;
89 for( Map.Entry<Long,int[]> nodeEntry : nodeMap.entrySet() ) {
90 long nodeId = nodeEntry.getKey();
91 int views = nodeEntry.getValue()[0];
92 siteViews += views;
93 {
94 pstmtUpdate.setInt(1,views);
95 pstmtUpdate.setLong(2,nodeId);
96 PostgresExceptionHandler peh = new PostgresExceptionHandler(pstmtUpdate);
97 try {
98 int n = pstmtUpdate.executeUpdate();
99 if( n==0 ) {
100 if( pstmtInsert == null ) {
101 pstmtInsert = con.prepareStatement(
102 "insert into view_count (node_id,views) values (?,?)"
103 );
104 }
105 pstmtInsert.setLong(1,nodeId);
106 pstmtInsert.setInt(2,views);
107 pstmtInsert.executeUpdate();
108 }
109 } catch(SQLException e) {
110 if( e.getMessage().contains("violates foreign key constraint") ) {
111"in site "+siteId+" node "+nodeId+" was viewed and then deleted");
112 peh.handleException();
113 } else if( e.getMessage().contains("relation \"view_count\" does not exist") ) {
114"site "+siteId+" was deleted");
115 peh.handleException();
116 } else {
117 throw e;
118 }
119 } finally {
120 peh.close();
121 }
122 }
123 }
124 if( pstmtInsert != null )
125 pstmtInsert.close();
126 pstmtUpdate.close();
127 } finally {
128 con.close();
129 }
130 }
131 {
132 Connection con = Db.dbGlobal().getConnection();
133 PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(
134 "update site_global"
135 +" set views = views + ?"
136 +" , user_views = user_views + ?"
137 +" where site_id = ?"
138 );
139 pstmt.setInt(1,siteViews);
140 pstmt.setInt(2,viewCount.userViews);
141 pstmt.setLong(3,siteId);
142 pstmt.executeUpdate();
143 con.close();
144 }
145 }
146 Db.dbGlobal().commitTransaction();
147 lastSaved = System.currentTimeMillis();
148 } catch(SQLException e) {
149 logger.error("Views not saved", e);
150 } finally {
151 Db.dbGlobal().endTransaction();
152 }
153 }
155 private static final long secondsBetweenViewCountSaves = Init.get("secondsBetweenViewCountSaves",60);
157 static {
158 Executors.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable(){public void run(){
159 save();
160 }},secondsBetweenViewCountSaves,secondsBetweenViewCountSaves,TimeUnit.SECONDS);
161"Started ViewCounter");
163 Executors.runDaily(
164 new Runnable(){public void run(){
165 try {
166 calculateActivity();
167 } catch(SQLException e) {
168 logger.error("",e);
169 } catch(IOException e) {
170 logger.error("",e);
171 }
172 }}
173 );
174 }
176 private static final float DECAY = Init.get("activityDecay",0.95f);
177 static final int initialActivity = Init.get("initialActivity",1000);
178 static final int updateChunks = Init.get("updateChunks",100);
180 public static final Map<Long,Integer> activityBoosts = Init.get("activityBoosts",new HashMap<Long,Integer>());
182 private static final List<Runnable> calculateActivityListeners = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
184 public static void addCalculateActivityListener(Runnable listener) {
185 synchronized(calculateActivityListeners) {
186 calculateActivityListeners.add(listener);
187 }
188 }
190 private static void fireCalculateActivityListeners() {
191 synchronized(calculateActivityListeners) {
192 for( Runnable listener : calculateActivityListeners ) {
194 }
195 }
196 }
198 public static void calculateActivity() throws SQLException, IOException {
199 logger.error("calculateActivity start");
200 Connection con = Db.dbGlobal().getConnection();
201 try {
202 {
203 Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
205 stmt.executeUpdate(
206 "update site_global"
207 +" set activity = " + initialActivity
208 +" where activity is null"
209 );
211 PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(
212 "update site_global"
213 +" set activity = floor(activity * ?)"
214 +" where activity > 0"
215 +" and site_id % ? = ?"
216 );
217 for( int chunk = 0; chunk < updateChunks && !Executors.isShuttingDown(); chunk++ ) {
218 long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
219 pstmt.setFloat(1,DECAY);
220 pstmt.setInt(2,updateChunks);
221 pstmt.setInt(3,chunk);
222 pstmt.executeUpdate();
223"calculateActivity - chunk #"+chunk+" took " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-start)/1000 + " seconds");
224 }
225 pstmt.close();
227 fireCalculateActivityListeners();
229 stmt.executeUpdate(
230 "update site_global"
231 +" set activity = activity + views"
232 +" , views = 0"
233 +" , user_views = 0"
234 +" where views > 0"
235 );
237 stmt.close();
238 }
239 {
240 PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(
241 "update site set activity = activity + ? where site_id = ?"
242 );
243 for( Map.Entry<Long,Integer> boost : activityBoosts.entrySet() ) {
244 stmt.setInt(1,boost.getValue());
245 stmt.setLong(2,boost.getKey());
246 stmt.executeQuery();
247 }
248 stmt.close();
249 }
250 } finally {
251 con.close();
252 }
253 logger.error("calculateActivity end");
254 }
256 public static Map<Long,Integer> getCounts(Site site,Collection<Long> nodeIds) {
257 if( nodeIds.isEmpty() )
258 return Collections.emptyMap();
259 Map<Long,Integer> map = new HashMap<Long,Integer>();
260 for( Long nodeId : nodeIds ) {
261 map.put(nodeId,0);
262 }
263 try {
264 Connection con = site.getDb().getConnection();
265 try {
266 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
267 buf.append( "select * from view_count where node_id in (" );
268 Iterator<Long> iter = nodeIds.iterator();
269 buf.append( );
270 while( iter.hasNext() ) {
271 buf.append( ',' ).append( );
272 }
273 buf.append(')');
274 Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
275 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( buf.toString() );
276 while( ) {
277 map.put( rs.getLong("node_id"), rs.getInt("views") );
278 }
279 stmt.close();
280 } finally {
281 con.close();
282 }
283 } catch(SQLException e) {
284 throw new RuntimeException(e);
285 }
286 synchronized(lock) {
287 ViewCount viewCount = counts.get(site.getId());
288 if( viewCount != null ) {
289 for( Map.Entry<Long,Integer> entry : map.entrySet() ) {
290 Long nodeId = entry.getKey();
291 int[] views = viewCount.nodeMap.get(nodeId);
292 if( views != null )
293 map.put( nodeId, entry.getValue() + views[0] );
294 }
295 }
296 }
297 return map;
298 }
299 }