comparison src/nabble/view/lib/ @ 0:7ecd1a4ef557

add content
author Franklin Schmidt <>
date Thu, 21 Mar 2019 19:15:52 -0600
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7ecd1a4ef557
1 package nabble.view.lib;
3 import fschmidt.util.servlet.*;
4 import;
5 import;
6 import org.slf4j.Logger;
7 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
9 import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper;
16 import;
17 import;
18 import;
19 import;
20 import java.util.Arrays;
21 import java.util.Collection;
22 import java.util.Collections;
23 import java.util.HashMap;
24 import java.util.HashSet;
25 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
26 import java.util.LinkedList;
27 import java.util.Map;
28 import java.util.Set;
31 public final class JtpContextServlet extends HttpServlet implements JtpContext {
32 private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JtpContextServlet.class);
34 private static final Set<String> allowedMethods = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
35 "GET", "POST", "HEAD"
36 ));
37 private String base;
38 private boolean reload = false;
39 private boolean recompile = false;
40 private SimpleClassLoader.Filter filter = null;
41 private ClassLoader cl = null;
42 private Map<String,HttpServlet> map = new HashMap<String,HttpServlet>();
43 private long clTime;
44 private Object lock = new Object();
45 private HttpCache httpCache;
46 private boolean isCaching;
47 private String characterEncoding;
48 private Map<String, String> customHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
49 private UrlMapper urlMapper = new UrlMapper() {
50 public UrlMapping getUrlMapping(HttpServletRequest request) {
51 return null;
52 }
53 };
54 private Set<String> errorCache = null;
55 private Collection<String> ipList = null;
56 private static final String authKeyAttr = "authKey";
57 private static final String[] noModifyingEvents = new String[]{"_"};
59 public void setUrlMapper(UrlMapper urlMapper) {
60 this.urlMapper = urlMapper;
61 }
63 public HttpCache getHttpCache() {
64 return httpCache;
65 }
67 public void setHttpCache(HttpCache httpCache) {
68 this.httpCache = httpCache;
69 }
71 public void addCustomHeader(String key, String value) {
72 this.customHeaders.put(key, value);
73 }
75 public void unloadServlets() {
76 if( !reload )
77 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("'reload' must be set");
78 synchronized(lock) {
79 cl = new SimpleClassLoader(filter);
80 map = new HashMap<String,HttpServlet>();
81 clTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
82 }
83 }
85 public void setBase(String base) {
86 if( base==null )
87 throw new NullPointerException();
88 this.base = base;
89 }
91 public void init()
92 throws ServletException
93 {
94 ServletContext context = getServletContext();
95 String newBase = getInitParameter("base");
96 if( newBase != null )
97 setBase(newBase);
98 recompile = Boolean.valueOf(getInitParameter("recompile"));
99 reload = recompile || Boolean.valueOf(getInitParameter("reload"));
100 if( reload ) {
101 filter = new SimpleClassLoader.Filter(){
102 final String s = base + ".";
103 public boolean load(String className) {
104 return className.startsWith(s);
105 }
106 };
107 unloadServlets();
108 }
109 context.setAttribute(JtpContext.attrName,this);
110 String servletS = getInitParameter("servlet");
111 if( servletS != null ) {
112 throw new RuntimeException("the 'servlet' init parameter is no longer supported");
113 }
114 isCaching = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(getInitParameter("cache"));
115 if( isCaching ) {
116 if( httpCache==null ) {
117 logger.error("can't set init parameter 'cache' to true without httpCache");
118 System.exit(-1);
119 }
121 }
122 characterEncoding = getInitParameter("characterEncoding");
123 {
124 String s = getInitParameter("timeLimit");
125 if( s != null )
126 timeLimit = Long.parseLong(s);
127 }
128 {
129 String s = getInitParameter("errorCacheSize");
130 if( s != null ) {
131 final int errorCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(s);
132 errorCache = Collections.synchronizedSet(Collections.newSetFromMap(new LinkedHashMap<String,Boolean>(){
133 protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) {
134 return size() > errorCacheSize;
135 }
136 }));
137 }
138 }
139 {
140 String s = getInitParameter("ipListSize");
141 if( s != null ) {
142 final int ipListSize = Integer.parseInt(s);
143 ipList = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<String>() {
144 public boolean add(String s) {
145 if( contains(s) )
146 return false;
147 super.add(s);
148 if( size() > ipListSize )
149 removeFirst();
150 return true;
151 }
152 });
153 }
154 }
155 }
157 private boolean isInErrorCache(String s) {
158 return errorCache==null || !errorCache.add(s);
159 }
161 private boolean isInIpList(String ip) {
162 return ipList!=null && !ipList.add(ip);
163 }
165 public static interface DestroyListener {
166 public void destroyed();
167 }
169 private DestroyListener destroyListener = null;
171 public void addDestroyListener(DestroyListener dl) {
172 synchronized(lock) {
173 if( destroyListener!=null )
174 throw new RuntimeException("only one DestroyListener allowed");
175 destroyListener = dl;
176 }
177 }
179 public void destroy() {
180 synchronized(lock) {
181 if( destroyListener != null )
182 destroyListener.destroyed();
183 }
184 }
186 public static final class RequestAndResponse {
187 public final HttpServletRequest request;
188 public final HttpServletResponse response;
190 public RequestAndResponse(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) {
191 this.request = request;
192 this.response = response;
193 }
194 }
196 public static interface CustomWrappers {
197 public RequestAndResponse wrap(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);
198 }
200 private CustomWrappers customWrappers;
202 public void setCustomWrappers(CustomWrappers customWrappers) {
203 this.customWrappers = customWrappers;
204 }
206 private static String hideNull(String s) {
207 return s==null ? "" : s;
208 }
210 private String getServletPath(HttpServletRequest request) {
211 return request.getServletPath() + hideNull(request.getPathInfo());
212 }
214 protected void service(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
215 throws ServletException, IOException
216 {
217 final TimeLimit tl = startTimeLimit(request);
218 response = new HttpServletResponseWrapper(response) {
219 PrintWriter writer = null;
220 ServletOutputStream out = null;
222 public PrintWriter getWriter()
223 throws
224 {
225 if( writer==null ) {
226 writer = new PrintWriter(super.getWriter()) {
227 public void write(String s,int off,int len) {
228 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
229 super.write(s,off,len);
230 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
231 }
232 public void write(char[] buf,int off,int len) {
233 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
234 super.write(buf,off,len);
235 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
236 }
237 public void write(int c) {
238 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
239 super.write(c);
240 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
241 }
242 public void flush() {
243 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
244 super.flush();
245 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
246 }
247 public void println() {
248 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
249 super.println();
250 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
251 }
252 };
253 }
254 return writer;
255 }
257 public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream()
258 throws
259 {
260 if( out==null ) {
261 final ServletOutputStream sos = super.getOutputStream();
262 out = new ServletOutputStream() {
263 public void write(byte[] b,int off,int len) throws IOException {
264 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
265 sos.write(b,off,len);
266 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
267 }
268 public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException {
269 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
270 sos.write(b);
271 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
272 }
273 public void write(int c) throws IOException {
274 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
275 sos.write(c);
276 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
277 }
278 public void flush() throws IOException {
279 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
280 sos.flush();
281 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
282 }
283 };
284 }
285 return out;
286 }
288 public void sendError(int sc) throws IOException {
289 long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
290 super.sendError(sc);
291 tl.ioTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
292 }
294 public void sendRedirect(String location) throws IOException {
295 if( containsHeader("Expires") )
296 setHeader("Expires",null);
297 if( containsHeader("Last-Modified") )
298 setHeader("Last-Modified",null);
299 if( containsHeader("Etag") )
300 setHeader("Etag",null);
301 if( containsHeader("Cache-Control") )
302 setHeader("Cache-Control",null);
303 if( containsHeader("Content-Type") )
304 setHeader("Content-Type",null);
305 if( containsHeader("Content-Length") )
306 // setHeader("Content-Length",null);
307 setContentLength(0);
308 super.sendRedirect(location);
309 }
310 };
311 service2(request,response);
312 checkTimeLimit(request);
313 }
315 private void service2(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
316 throws ServletException, IOException
317 {
318 if( !allowedMethods.contains(request.getMethod()) ) {
319 response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
320 return;
321 }
322 // String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
323 // String contextUrl = ServletUtils.getContextURL(request);
325 // First we set the character encoding because any manipulation
326 // of request parameters will break without this.
327 response.setHeader("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8"); // default, servlet can override
328 if( characterEncoding != null ) {
329 response.setCharacterEncoding(characterEncoding);
330 request.setCharacterEncoding(characterEncoding);
331 }
333 HttpServlet servlet;
334 String path = getServletPath(request);
336 UrlMapping urlMapping = urlMapper.getUrlMapping(request);
337 if( urlMapping != null ) {
338 try {
339 servlet = getServletFromClass(urlMapping.servletClass.getName());
340 } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
341 throw new RuntimeException(e);
342 }
343 final Map params = urlMapping.parameterMap;
344 request = new BetterRequestWrapper(request) {
345 public Map getParameterMap() {
346 return params;
347 }
348 };
349 } else {
350 try {
351 servlet = getServlet(path);
352 } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
353 response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND);
354 String agent = request.getHeader("user-agent");
355 String referer = request.getHeader("referer");
356 String remote = getClientIpAddr(request);
357 String msg = request.getRequestURL()+" referer="+referer+" user-agent="+agent+" remote="+remote;
358 if( referer==null ) {
360 } else {
361 logger.warn(msg,e);
362 }
363 return;
364 }
365 }
367 // Custom headers
368 addCustomHeaders(response);
370 AuthorizingServlet auth = servlet instanceof AuthorizingServlet ? (AuthorizingServlet)servlet : null;
371 if( isCaching ) {
372 String etagS = request.getHeader("If-None-Match");
373 if( etagS != null ) {
374 String prevEtag = null;
375 for( String etag : etagS.split("\\s*,\\s*") ) {
376 if( etag.equals(prevEtag) )
377 continue;
378 prevEtag = etag;
379 if( etag.length()>=2 && etag.charAt(0)=='"' && etag.charAt(etag.length()-1)=='"' )
380 etag = etag.substring(1,etag.length()-1);
381 String authKey = null;
382 if( etag.length()>=2 && etag.charAt(0)=='[' ) {
383 int i = etag.indexOf(']');
384 if( i > 0 ) {
385 if( auth != null )
386 authKey = etag.substring(1,i);
387 etag = etag.substring(i+1);
388 }
389 }
390 String[] events = etag.split("~");
391 long lastModified = getLastModified(events);
392 try {
393 if( lastModified <= request.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since") ) {
394 if( authKey==null || authorize(auth,authKey,request,response) )
395 response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED);
396 return;
397 }
398 } catch(RuntimeException e) {
399 handleException(request,e);
400 }
401 }
402 }
403 }
404 String authKey = auth==null ? null : getAuthorizationKey(auth,request);
405 if( authKey != null ) {
406 if( !authorize(auth,authKey,request,response) )
407 return;
408 request.setAttribute(authKeyAttr,authKey);
409 }
411 if( servlet instanceof CanonicalUrl ) {
412 CanonicalUrl srv = (CanonicalUrl)servlet;
413 StringBuffer currentUrl = request.getRequestURL();
414 int i = currentUrl.indexOf(";");
415 if( i != -1 )
416 currentUrl.setLength(i);
417 String query = request.getQueryString();
418 if( query != null )
419 currentUrl.append( '?' ).append( query );
420 try {
421 String canonicalUrl = srv.getCanonicalUrl(request);
422 if( canonicalUrl != null && !stripScheme(currentUrl.toString()).equals(stripScheme(canonicalUrl)) ) {
423 response.setHeader("Location",canonicalUrl);
424 response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY );
425 return;
426 }
427 } catch(RuntimeException e) {
428 logger.warn("couldn't get canonical url",e);
429 }
430 }
432 request.setAttribute("servlet",servlet);
434 try {
435 if (customWrappers != null) {
436 RequestAndResponse rr = customWrappers.wrap(request, response);
437 request = rr.request;
438 response = rr.response;
439 }
440 servlet.service(request,response);
441 } catch(RuntimeException e) {
442 handleException(request,e);
443 } catch(ServletException e) {
444 handleException(request,e);
445 }
446 }
448 private static String stripScheme(String url) {
449 return url.substring(url.indexOf(':'));
450 }
452 public void setEtag( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String... modifyingEvents ) {
453 if( modifyingEvents.length == 0 )
454 modifyingEvents = noModifyingEvents;
455 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
456 String authKey = (String)request.getAttribute(authKeyAttr);
457 if( authKey != null )
458 buf.append( '[' ).append( authKey).append( ']' );
459 buf.append( modifyingEvents[0] );
460 for( int i=1; i<modifyingEvents.length; i++ ) {
461 buf.append( '~' ).append( modifyingEvents[i] );
462 }
463 response.setHeader("Etag",buf.toString());
464 long lastModified = getLastModified(modifyingEvents);
465 response.setDateHeader("Last-Modified",lastModified);
466 response.setHeader("Cache-Control","max-age=0");
467 }
469 private boolean authorize(AuthorizingServlet auth,String authKey,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
470 throws IOException, ServletException
471 {
472 try {
473 if (customWrappers != null) {
474 RequestAndResponse rr = customWrappers.wrap(request, response);
475 request = rr.request;
476 response = rr.response;
477 }
478 return auth.authorize(authKey,request,response);
479 } catch(RuntimeException e) {
480 handleException(request,e);
481 } catch(ServletException e) {
482 handleException(request,e);
483 }
484 throw new RuntimeException("never");
485 }
487 private String getAuthorizationKey(AuthorizingServlet auth,HttpServletRequest request)
488 throws ServletException
489 {
490 try {
491 return auth.getAuthorizationKey(request);
492 } catch(RuntimeException e) {
493 handleException(request,e);
494 } catch(ServletException e) {
495 handleException(request,e);
496 }
497 return null; // never gets here
498 }
500 private long getLastModified(String[] modifyingEvents) {
501 long[] lastModifieds = httpCache.lastModifieds(modifyingEvents);
502 long lastModified = lastModifieds[0];
503 for( int i=1; i<lastModifieds.length; i++ ) {
504 long lm = lastModifieds[i];
505 if( lastModified < lm )
506 lastModified = lm;
507 }
508 return lastModified;
509 }
511 /** Adds all custom headers to the response object. */
512 private void addCustomHeaders(HttpServletResponse response) {
513 Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = this.customHeaders.entrySet();
514 for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries) {
515 response.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
516 }
517 }
519 private void handleException(HttpServletRequest request,RuntimeException e)
520 throws ServletException
521 {
522 JtpRuntimeException rte;
523 try {
524 String agent = request.getHeader("user-agent");
525 if( agent == null )
526 throw new JtpServletException(request,"null agent",e);
527 if (!isValidAgent(agent))
528 throw new JtpServletException(request, "bad agent " + agent, e);
529 String remote = getClientIpAddr(request);
530 String referer = request.getHeader("referer");
531 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder()
532 .append( "method=" ).append( request.getMethod() )
533 .append( " user-agent=" ).append( agent )
534 .append( " referer=" ).append( referer )
535 .append( " remote=" ).append( remote )
536 ;
537 String etag = request.getHeader("If-None-Match");
538 if( etag != null )
539 buf.append( " etag=[" ).append( etag ).append( "]" );
540 if( referer==null || isInIpList(remote) )
541 throw new JtpServletException(request,buf.toString(),e);
542 rte = new JtpRuntimeException(request,buf.toString(),e);
543 } catch(RuntimeException e2) {
544 logger.error("failed to handle",e);
545 throw e2;
546 }
547 throw rte;
548 }
550 private static void handleException(HttpServletRequest request,ServletException e)
551 throws ServletException
552 {
553 String agent = request.getHeader("user-agent");
554 throw new JtpServletException(request,"user-agent="+agent+" method="+request.getMethod()+" referer="+request.getHeader("referer"),e);
555 }
557 private static class JtpRuntimeException extends RuntimeException {
558 private JtpRuntimeException(HttpServletRequest request,String msg,RuntimeException e) {
559 super("url="+getCurrentURL(request)+" "+msg,e);
560 }
561 }
563 private static class JtpServletException extends ServletException {
564 private JtpServletException(HttpServletRequest request,String msg,Exception e) {
565 super("url="+getCurrentURL(request)+" "+msg,e);
566 }
567 }
569 // work-around jetty bug
570 private static String getCurrentURL(HttpServletRequest request) {
571 try {
572 return ServletUtils.getCurrentURL(request);
573 } catch(RuntimeException e) {
574 logger.warn("jetty screwed up",e);
575 return "[failed]";
576 }
577 }
579 private static boolean isValidAgent(String agent) {
580 if (agent == null)
581 return false;
582 for (String badAgent : badAgents) {
583 if (agent.indexOf(badAgent) >= 0)
584 return false;
585 }
586 return true;
587 }
589 private static final String[] badAgents = new String[]{
590 "MJ12bot",
591 "WISEnutbot",
592 "Win98", // not worth handling these
593 "Windows 98",
594 "Windows 95",
595 "RixBot",
596 "User-Agent", // from corrupt header
597 "Firefox/0", // ancient version of Firefox
598 "Firefox/2.", // ancient version of Firefox
599 "Firefox/3.", // ancient version of Firefox
600 "Opera 7.", // ancient version of Opera
601 "Opera/7.",
602 "Opera 8.",
603 "Opera/8.",
604 "Opera/9.",
605 "TwitterFeed 3",
606 "NAVER Blog Rssbot",
607 "AOL 9.0",
608 "",
609 "PHPCrawl",
610 "MSIE 2.",
611 "MSIE 4.",
612 "MSIE 5.",
613 "MSIE 6.",
614 "MSIE 7.0",
615 "Mozilla/0.",
616 "Mozilla/2.0",
617 "Mozilla/3.0",
618 "Mozilla/4.6",
619 "Mozilla/4.7",
620 "RSSIncludeBot/1.0", // cause exceptions in xml feeds
621 "Powermarks",
622 "GenwiFeeder",
623 "Akregator",
624 "ia_archiver",
625 "Atomic_Email_Hunter",
626 "Yahoo! Slurp",
627 "Python-urllib",
628 "BlackBerry",
629 "SimplePie", // Feeds parser
630 "", // crazy bot
631 "", // crazy bot
632 "zia-httpmirror",
633 "POE-Component-Client-HTTP",
634 "anonymous",
635 "Sosospider",
636 "Java/1.6",
637 "Shareaza",
638 "Jakarta Commons-HttpClient",
639 "Apache-HttpClient",
640 "Baiduspider",
641 "bingbot",
642 "MLBot", //
643 "",
644 "yacybot", //
645 "SearchBot"
646 };
648 private static boolean isBot(String agent) {
649 if (agent == null)
650 return false;
651 for (String bot : bots) {
652 if (agent.indexOf(bot) >= 0)
653 return true;
654 }
655 return false;
656 }
658 private static final String[] bots = new String[]{
659 "Googlebot"
660 };
662 private HttpServlet getServlet(String path)
663 throws ServletException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException
664 {
665 int i = path.lastIndexOf('.');
666 if( i == -1 )
667 throw new ClassNotFoundException(path);
668 return getServletFromClass(
669 base + path.substring(0,i).replace('/','.')
670 );
671 }
673 private HttpServlet getServletFromClass(String cls)
674 throws ClassNotFoundException
675 {
676 synchronized(lock) {
677 if( reload && hasChanged(cls) ) {
678 unloadServlets();
679 }
680 HttpServlet srv = map.get(cls);
681 if( srv==null ) {
682 try {
683 Class clas = reload ? cl.loadClass(cls) : Class.forName(cls);
684 srv = (HttpServlet)clas.newInstance();
685 } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
686 throw new RuntimeException(e);
687 } catch(InstantiationException e) {
688 throw new RuntimeException(e);
689 }
690 try {
691 srv.init(this);
692 } catch(ServletException e) {
693 throw new RuntimeException(e);
694 }
695 map.put(cls,srv);
696 }
697 return srv;
698 }
699 }
701 private boolean hasChanged(String cls) {
702 try {
703 URL url = cl.getResource( SimpleClassLoader.classToResource(cls) );
704 if( url==null )
705 return true;
706 File file = new File(url.getPath());
707 if( recompile ) {
708 String path = file.toString();
709 if( !path.endsWith(".class") )
710 throw new RuntimeException();
711 File dir = file.getParentFile();
712 String base = path.substring(0,path.length()-6);
713 File source = new File( base + ".jtp" );
714 if( source.lastModified() > clTime ) {
715 Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{
716 "java", "", source.getName()
717 },null,dir);
718 ProcUtils.checkProc(proc);
719 }
720 source = new File( base + ".java" );
721 if( source.lastModified() > clTime ) {
722 Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{
723 "javac", "-g", source.getName()
724 },null,dir);
725 ProcUtils.checkProc(proc);
726 }
727 }
728 return file.lastModified() > clTime;
729 } catch(IOException e) {
730 throw new RuntimeException(e);
731 }
732 }
735 private long timeLimit = 0;
736 private static final String timeLimitAttr = "time-limit";
738 private static class TimeLimit {
739 long timeLimit;
740 final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
741 long ioTime = 0L;
743 TimeLimit(long timeLimit) {
744 this.timeLimit = timeLimit;
745 }
746 }
748 public long getTimeLimit() {
749 return timeLimit;
750 }
752 public void setTimeLimit(long timeLimit) {
753 this.timeLimit = timeLimit;
754 }
756 private TimeLimit startTimeLimit(HttpServletRequest request) {
757 TimeLimit tl = new TimeLimit(timeLimit);
758 request.setAttribute( timeLimitAttr, tl );
759 return tl;
760 }
762 public void setTimeLimit(HttpServletRequest request,long timeLimit) {
763 TimeLimit tl = (TimeLimit)request.getAttribute(timeLimitAttr);
764 tl.timeLimit = timeLimit;
765 }
767 private void checkTimeLimit(HttpServletRequest request) {
768 TimeLimit tl = (TimeLimit)request.getAttribute(timeLimitAttr);
769 if( tl.timeLimit == 0L )
770 return;
771 long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - tl.startTime - tl.ioTime;
772 if( time > tl.timeLimit ) {
773 float free = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
774 float total = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
775 float used = (total - free) * 100f;
776 logger.error(ServletUtils.getCurrentURL(request,100) + " took " + time + " ms | " + String.format("%.1f",used/total) + '%');
777 /*
778 Scheduler scheduler = TheScheduler.get();
779 if( scheduler instanceof ProfilingScheduler ) {
780 ProfilingScheduler profilingScheduler = (ProfilingScheduler)scheduler;
781 if( profilingScheduler.getMode()==ProfilingScheduler.Mode.FOREGROUND ) {
782 profilingScheduler.captureCPUSnapshot();
783 }
784 }
785 */
786 }
787 }
789 public static String getClientIpAddr(HttpServletRequest request) {
790 String ip = request.getHeader("X-Real-IP");
791 if( ip == null )
792 ip = request.getRemoteAddr();
793 return ip;
794 }
796 }