comparison src/nabble/view/web/util/codemirror/js/parsexml.js @ 0:7ecd1a4ef557

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author Franklin Schmidt <>
date Thu, 21 Mar 2019 19:15:52 -0600
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7ecd1a4ef557
1 /* This file defines an XML parser, with a few kludges to make it
2 * useable for HTML. autoSelfClosers defines a set of tag names that
3 * are expected to not have a closing tag, and doNotIndent specifies
4 * the tags inside of which no indentation should happen (see Config
5 * object). These can be disabled by passing the editor an object like
6 * {useHTMLKludges: false} as parserConfig option.
7 */
9 var XMLParser = Editor.Parser = (function() {
10 var Kludges = {
11 autoSelfClosers: {"br": true, "img": true, "hr": true, "link": true, "input": true,
12 "meta": true, "col": true, "frame": true, "base": true, "area": true},
13 doNotIndent: {"pre": true, "!cdata": true}
14 };
15 var NoKludges = {autoSelfClosers: {}, doNotIndent: {"!cdata": true}};
16 var UseKludges = Kludges;
17 var alignCDATA = false;
19 // Simple stateful tokenizer for XML documents. Returns a
20 // MochiKit-style iterator, with a state property that contains a
21 // function encapsulating the current state. See tokenize.js.
22 var tokenizeXML = (function() {
23 function inText(source, setState) {
24 var ch =;
25 if (ch == "<") {
26 if (source.equals("!")) {
28 if (source.equals("[")) {
29 if (source.lookAhead("[CDATA[", true)) {
30 setState(inBlock("xml-cdata", "]]>"));
31 return null;
32 }
33 else {
34 return "xml-text";
35 }
36 }
37 else if (source.lookAhead("--", true)) {
38 setState(inBlock("xml-comment", "-->"));
39 return null;
40 }
41 else if (source.lookAhead("DOCTYPE", true)) {
42 source.nextWhileMatches(/[\w\._\-]/);
43 setState(inBlock("xml-doctype", ">"));
44 return "xml-doctype";
45 }
46 else {
47 return "xml-text";
48 }
49 }
50 else if (source.equals("?")) {
52 source.nextWhileMatches(/[\w\._\-]/);
53 setState(inBlock("xml-processing", "?>"));
54 return "xml-processing";
55 }
56 else {
57 if (source.equals("/"));
58 setState(inTag);
59 return "xml-punctuation";
60 }
61 }
62 else if (ch == "&") {
63 while (!source.endOfLine()) {
64 if ( == ";")
65 break;
66 }
67 return "xml-entity";
68 }
69 else {
70 source.nextWhileMatches(/[^&<\n]/);
71 return "xml-text";
72 }
73 }
75 function inTag(source, setState) {
76 var ch =;
77 if (ch == ">") {
78 setState(inText);
79 return "xml-punctuation";
80 }
81 else if (/[?\/]/.test(ch) && source.equals(">")) {
83 setState(inText);
84 return "xml-punctuation";
85 }
86 else if (ch == "=") {
87 return "xml-punctuation";
88 }
89 else if (/[\'\"]/.test(ch)) {
90 setState(inAttribute(ch));
91 return null;
92 }
93 else {
94 source.nextWhileMatches(/[^\s\u00a0=<>\"\'\/?]/);
95 return "xml-name";
96 }
97 }
99 function inAttribute(quote) {
100 return function(source, setState) {
101 while (!source.endOfLine()) {
102 if ( == quote) {
103 setState(inTag);
104 break;
105 }
106 }
107 return "xml-attribute";
108 };
109 }
111 function inBlock(style, terminator) {
112 return function(source, setState) {
113 while (!source.endOfLine()) {
114 if (source.lookAhead(terminator, true)) {
115 setState(inText);
116 break;
117 }
119 }
120 return style;
121 };
122 }
124 return function(source, startState) {
125 return tokenizer(source, startState || inText);
126 };
127 })();
129 // The parser. The structure of this function largely follows that of
130 // parseJavaScript in parsejavascript.js (there is actually a bit more
131 // shared code than I'd like), but it is quite a bit simpler.
132 function parseXML(source) {
133 var tokens = tokenizeXML(source), token;
134 var cc = [base];
135 var tokenNr = 0, indented = 0;
136 var currentTag = null, context = null;
137 var consume;
139 function push(fs) {
140 for (var i = fs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
141 cc.push(fs[i]);
142 }
143 function cont() {
144 push(arguments);
145 consume = true;
146 }
147 function pass() {
148 push(arguments);
149 consume = false;
150 }
152 function markErr() {
153 += " xml-error";
154 }
155 function expect(text) {
156 return function(style, content) {
157 if (content == text) cont();
158 else {markErr(); cont(arguments.callee);}
159 };
160 }
162 function pushContext(tagname, startOfLine) {
163 var noIndent = UseKludges.doNotIndent.hasOwnProperty(tagname) || (context && context.noIndent);
164 context = {prev: context, name: tagname, indent: indented, startOfLine: startOfLine, noIndent: noIndent};
165 }
166 function popContext() {
167 context = context.prev;
168 }
169 function computeIndentation(baseContext) {
170 return function(nextChars, current) {
171 var context = baseContext;
172 if (context && context.noIndent)
173 return current;
174 if (alignCDATA && /<!\[CDATA\[/.test(nextChars))
175 return 0;
176 if (context && /^<\//.test(nextChars))
177 context = context.prev;
178 while (context && !context.startOfLine)
179 context = context.prev;
180 if (context)
181 return context.indent + indentUnit;
182 else
183 return 0;
184 };
185 }
187 function base() {
188 return pass(element, base);
189 }
190 var harmlessTokens = {"xml-text": true, "xml-entity": true, "xml-comment": true, "xml-processing": true, "xml-doctype": true};
191 function element(style, content) {
192 if (content == "<") cont(tagname, attributes, endtag(tokenNr == 1));
193 else if (content == "</") cont(closetagname, expect(">"));
194 else if (style == "xml-cdata") {
195 if (!context || != "!cdata") pushContext("!cdata");
196 if (/\]\]>$/.test(content)) popContext();
197 cont();
198 }
199 else if (harmlessTokens.hasOwnProperty(style)) cont();
200 else {markErr(); cont();}
201 }
202 function tagname(style, content) {
203 if (style == "xml-name") {
204 currentTag = content.toLowerCase();
205 = "xml-tagname";
206 cont();
207 }
208 else {
209 currentTag = null;
210 pass();
211 }
212 }
213 function closetagname(style, content) {
214 if (style == "xml-name") {
215 = "xml-tagname";
216 if (context && content.toLowerCase() == popContext();
217 else markErr();
218 }
219 cont();
220 }
221 function endtag(startOfLine) {
222 return function(style, content) {
223 if (content == "/>" || (content == ">" && UseKludges.autoSelfClosers.hasOwnProperty(currentTag))) cont();
224 else if (content == ">") {pushContext(currentTag, startOfLine); cont();}
225 else {markErr(); cont(arguments.callee);}
226 };
227 }
228 function attributes(style) {
229 if (style == "xml-name") { = "xml-attname"; cont(attribute, attributes);}
230 else pass();
231 }
232 function attribute(style, content) {
233 if (content == "=") cont(value);
234 else if (content == ">" || content == "/>") pass(endtag);
235 else pass();
236 }
237 function value(style) {
238 if (style == "xml-attribute") cont(value);
239 else pass();
240 }
242 return {
243 indentation: function() {return indented;},
245 next: function(){
246 token =;
247 if ( == "whitespace" && tokenNr == 0)
248 indented = token.value.length;
249 else
250 tokenNr++;
251 if (token.content == "\n") {
252 indented = tokenNr = 0;
253 token.indentation = computeIndentation(context);
254 }
256 if ( == "whitespace" || token.type == "xml-comment")
257 return token;
259 while(true){
260 consume = false;
261 cc.pop()(, token.content);
262 if (consume) return token;
263 }
264 },
266 copy: function(){
267 var _cc = cc.concat([]), _tokenState = tokens.state, _context = context;
268 var parser = this;
270 return function(input){
271 cc = _cc.concat([]);
272 tokenNr = indented = 0;
273 context = _context;
274 tokens = tokenizeXML(input, _tokenState);
275 return parser;
276 };
277 }
278 };
279 }
281 return {
282 make: parseXML,
283 electricChars: "/",
284 configure: function(config) {
285 if (config.useHTMLKludges != null)
286 UseKludges = config.useHTMLKludges ? Kludges : NoKludges;
287 if (config.alignCDATA)
288 alignCDATA = config.alignCDATA;
289 }
290 };
291 })();