diff src/nabble/modules/ad/ad.naml @ 0:7ecd1a4ef557

add content
author Franklin Schmidt <fschmidt@gmail.com>
date Thu, 21 Mar 2019 19:15:52 -0600
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/nabble/modules/ad/ad.naml	Thu Mar 21 19:15:52 2019 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+<override_macro name="nabble_shared_scripts">
+	<n.overridden/>
+	<n.array_of_user_ids var_name="site_admins" group="[n.administrators_group/]"/>
+	<script type="text/javascript">
+		var isSafe = <n.is_ad_safe/>;
+		var Ads = Ads || {};
+		Ads.text = {
+			daysLeft: '<t>Trial period ends in <t.number>$1</t.number> day(s)</t>',
+			removeAds: '<t>Remove Ads</t>',
+			buyCredits: '<t>Upgrade</t>'
+		};
+		$(document).ready(function() {
+			if (Nabble.wasCreatedRecently && Nabble.currentCredits == 0 && isSafe) {
+				var s = '<div class="weak-color" style="text-align:center;margin:1em;font-size:80%">';
+				s += Ads.text.daysLeft.replace(/\$1/,daysLeft)+' &ndash; ';
+				s += '<a href="[n.site_payment_path/]">'+(Nabble.isSafe?Ads.text.removeAds:Ads.text.buyCredits)+'</a>';
+				s += '</div>';
+				var isAdmin = Nabble.userId && site_admins.indexOf(Number(Nabble.userId)) >= 0;
+				isAdmin && $('div.nabble').append(s);
+			}
+		});
+	</script>
+	<n.visible_for_admins selector="div.no-ads-message"/>
+<macro name="show_ad" parameters="location" requires="servlet">
+	<n.comment.>
+		WARNING: users are NOT allowed to change this macro in order to remove ads from their apps.
+		If you want to remove ads, please buy the premium subscription. Also, if you want to place your
+		own ads code, please put them in the 'show_custom_ads' macro (your ads will be displayed while
+		your premium subscription is active). Please DO NOT try dirty tricks to hide the ads. We may delete
+		your site at any time if you do that.
+	</n.comment.>
+	<n.if.has_ads>
+		<then>
+			<n.put_in_head.adbayes_script params="[n.adbayes_params_for.location/]"/>
+			<script type="text/javascript">
+				Nabble.ads('<n.location/>');
+			</script>
+		</then>
+		<else>
+			<script type="text/javascript">
+				Nabble.noAds('<n.location/>');
+			</script>
+			<n.show_custom_ads location="[n.location/]" />
+		</else>
+	</n.if.has_ads>
+<macro name="show_custom_ads" parameters="location" requires="servlet" >
+	<n.comment.>
+		Here you can place your own ads and make money with your Nabble application.
+		But please remember that you must pay for ad-free credits if you want to remove Nabble's ads.
+	</n.comment.>
+<macro name="menu_premium_upgrade" requires="node">
+	<n.if.is_in_command name="dropdown">
+		<then>
+			dropdown.add('premiumUpgrade', '<n.javascript_string_encode.site_payment_link/>', 'display:none');
+		</then>
+		<else>
+			<n.set_local_node.this_node/>
+			<n.if>
+				<condition>
+					<n.both>
+						<condition1.local_node.is_root/>
+						<condition2.both condition1="[n.visitor.can_edit.local_node/]" condition2="[n.not.is_paid_site/]"/>
+					</n.both>
+				</condition>
+				<then>
+					NabbleDropdown.show('premiumUpgrade');
+				</then>
+			</n.if>
+		</else>
+	</n.if.is_in_command>
+<macro name="ads_widget">
+	<n.widget.>
+		<n.show_ad location="widget" />
+	</n.widget.>
+<override_macro name="sidebar_widget" requires="node_page,servlet">
+	<n.overridden />
+	<n.ads_widget />
+<override_macro name="topic_controls" requires="blog_topic_namespace">
+	<n.overridden />
+	<n.show_ad location="blog_topic"/>
+<override_macro name="classic_message_cell" requires="node">
+	<n.overridden />
+	<n.if.not.is_blog_topic>
+		<then>
+			<n.if.is_first_element>
+				<then>
+					<n.show_ad location="first_classic_message"/>
+				</then>
+			</n.if.is_first_element>
+			<n.if.is_last_element>
+			 <then>
+				 <n.if.not.regex_matches pattern='1' text="[n.page_node.descendant_count/]">
+					<then.show_ad location="last_classic_message"/>
+				 </n.if.not.regex_matches>
+			 </then>
+		 </n.if.is_last_element>
+		</then>
+	</n.if.not.is_blog_topic>
+<override_macro name="topic_rows" requires="node,forum_topic_namespace,list_view_namespace">
+	<n.overridden />
+	<n.show_ad location="list_bottom"/>
+<override_macro name="topic_rows" requires="node,forum_topic_namespace,threaded_view_namespace">
+	<n.overridden />
+	<n.show_ad location="threaded_bottom"/>
+<override_macro name="search_pagination" requires="search">
+	<n.overridden />
+	<n.show_ad location="search_bottom"/>
+<override_macro name="search_results_header" requires="search">
+	<n.overridden />
+	<script type="text/javascript">
+		var nabble_search_query = '<n.hide_null.get_parameter name="query"/>';
+	</script>
+	<n.show_ad location="search_top"/>
+<override_macro name="app_body_footer">
+	<n.overridden/>
+	<n.show_ad location="app_bottom"/>
+<override_macro name="topic_bottom">
+	<n.overridden/>
+	<n.show_ad location="topic_bottom"/>
+<macro name="ad_notice">
+	<n.new_email.>
+		<n.send>
+			<to><n.root_node.owner.user_email/></to>
+			<subject><t><t.location.root_node.subject/> - Your credits are running out</t></subject>
+			<text_part>
+				<t>Dear user,</t>
+				<t><t.location.root_node.subject/> is running out of credits.</t>
+				<t>Current Credits</t>: <t><t.number.current_credits/> Credits</t>
+				<t>For a premium upgrade, please visit:</t>
+				<n.base_url/><n.site_payment_path/>
+				<t>Regards,</t>
+				<t>The Nabble team</t>
+			</text_part>
+			<html_part>
+				<t>Dear user,</t><br/>
+				<br/>
+				<t><t.location.root_node.subject/> is running out of credits.</t><br/>
+				<t>Current Credits</t>: <t><t.number.current_credits/> Credits</t><br/>
+				<br/>
+				<t>For a premium upgrade, please visit:</t><br/>
+				<a href="[n.base_url/][n.site_payment_path/]"><n.base_url/><n.site_payment_path/></a><br/>
+				<br/>
+				<t>Regards,</t><br/>
+				<t>Nabble Team</t>
+			</html_part>
+			</n.send>
+	</n.new_email.>
+<override_macro name="bottom_scripts">
+	<n.as_html_comments.>Ad.<n.is_ad_safe/> | <n.current_credits/> credits</n.as_html_comments.>
+	<script type="text/javascript">
+		Nabble.trk = Nabble.trk || {};
+		Nabble.trk.safe = <n.is_ad_safe/>;
+	</script>
+	<n.overridden/>
+<macro name="adbayes_script" parameters="params" requires="ad, servlet">
+	<n.if.not.is_null.adbayes_link>
+		<then>
+			<script type="text/javascript" src="[n.adbayes_link/][n.hide_null.params/]"></script>
+			<script type="text/javascript">
+				Nabble.adbayes();
+			</script>
+		</then>
+	</n.if.not.is_null.adbayes_link>
+<macro name="adbayes_params_for" dot_parameter="location" requires="ad, servlet">
+	<n.switch. value="[n.location/]">
+		<n.case. value="list_bottom">
+			&canonical=<n.encode.use_url_encoder.regex_replace_all text="[n.current_url/]" pattern="-tc(\d+)" replacement="-td$1"/>
+		</n.case.>
+		<n.case. value="threaded_bottom">
+			&canonical=<n.encode.use_url_encoder.regex_replace_all text="[n.current_url/]" pattern="-tt(\d+)" replacement="-td$1"/>
+		</n.case.>
+		<n.case. value="search_bottom">
+			&text=<n.encode.use_url_encoder.get_parameter name="query"/>
+		</n.case.>
+		<n.case. value="search_top">
+			&text=<n.encode.use_url_encoder.get_parameter name="query"/>
+		</n.case.>
+	</n.switch.>
+<override_macro name="javascript_library" requires="servlet">
+	<n.overridden/>
+	<n.compress.ad_javascript/>
+<override_macro name="report_inappropriate_content_submit" requires="servlet">
+	<n.if.is_ad_safe>
+		<then.overridden/>
+	</n.if.is_ad_safe>
+<macro name="site_payment_link">
+	<a href="[n.site_payment_path/]"><t>Premium upgrade</t></a>
+<macro name="site_payment_path">
+	/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=site_payment
+<macro name="site_payment">
+	<n.if.visitor.is_authenticated>
+		<then>
+			<n.redirect_to.site_payment_url/>
+		</then>
+		<else>
+			<n.login.>You must login to upgrade this site.</n.login.>
+		</else>
+	</n.if.visitor.is_authenticated>
+<macro name="payment_confirmed">
+	<n.html>
+		<head>
+			<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>
+			<n.title.><t>Payment Confirmation</t></n.title.>
+		</head>
+		<body>
+			<n.if.confirm_payment customer_id="[n.get_parameter name='c'/]" user="[n.get_parameter name='user'/]" key1="[n.get_parameter name='key1'/]" key2="[n.get_parameter name='key2'/]">
+				<then>
+					<h1><t>Payment Confirmed</t></h1>
+					<p>Your payment has been confirmed. You can find payment options on your account settings page.</p>
+				</then>
+				<else>
+					<h1><t>Payment Failed</t></h1>
+					<p>
+						Sorry, but something went wrong with your payment.
+						You may send an email to <a href="mailto:payments@nabble.com">payments@nabble.com</a> if you need help.
+					</p>
+				</else>
+			</n.if.confirm_payment>
+		</body>
+	</n.html>
+<override_macro name="authenticated_self_profile_header" requires="user">
+	<n.overridden/>
+	<n.if.both condition1="[n.not.is_null.site_payment_cancellation_url/]" condition2="[n.is_paid_site/]">
+		<then>
+			<div style="margin-top:.5em">
+				<img src="/images/icon_info.png" class="image16" style="margin:0 1px"/>
+				<a href="[n.site_payment_cancellation_url/]" target="_top"><t>Cancel Payment Subscription</t></a>
+			</div>
+		</then>
+	</n.if.both>
+<macro name="cancelled">
+	<n.html>
+		<head>
+			<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>
+			<n.title.><t>Payment Subscription Cancelled</t></n.title.>
+		</head>
+		<body>
+			<n.update_status customer_id="[n.get_parameter name='c'/]"/>
+			<h1><t>Payment Subscription Cancelled</t></h1>
+			<p>Your payment subscription has been cancelled and your card has been removed from the billing cycle.</p>
+		</body>
+	</n.html>
\ No newline at end of file