view src/sceditor.js @ 40:eaecca025287

author Franklin Schmidt <>
date Fri, 19 Aug 2022 18:45:17 -0600
parents 9f63c8f506d1
children 69654081643b
line wrap: on
line source

(function () {
	'use strict';

	let baseUrl = document.currentScript.getAttribute('src').match(/.*\//)[0];

	 * Check if the passed argument is the
	 * the passed type.
	 * @param {string} type
	 * @param {*} arg
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function isTypeof(type) {
		return function(arg) {
			return typeof arg === type;

	 * @type {function(*): boolean}
	var isString = isTypeof('string');

	 * @type {function(*): boolean}
	var isUndefined = isTypeof('undefined');

	 * @type {function(*): boolean}
	var isFunction = isTypeof('function');

	 * @type {function(*): boolean}
	var isNumber = isTypeof('number');

	 * Returns true if an object has no keys
	 * @param {!Object} obj
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function isEmptyObject(obj) {
		return !Object.keys(obj).length;

	 * Extends the first object with any extra objects passed
	 * If the first argument is boolean and set to true
	 * it will extend child arrays and objects recursively.
	 * @param {!Object|boolean} targetArg
	 * @param {...Object} source
	 * @return {Object}
	function doExtend(isDeep, args) {
		let target = args[0];

		function isObject(value) {
			return value !== null && typeof value === 'object' &&
				Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === Object.prototype;

		for ( let i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
			var source = args[i];

			// Copy all properties for jQuery compatibility
			/* eslint guard-for-in: off */
			for (var key in source) {
				var targetValue = target[key];
				var value = source[key];

				// Skip undefined values to match jQuery
				if (isUndefined(value)) {

				// Skip special keys to prevent prototype pollution
				if (key === '__proto__' || key === 'constructor') {

				var isValueObject = isObject(value);
				var isValueArray = Array.isArray(value);

				if (isDeep && (isValueObject || isValueArray)) {
					// Can only merge if target type matches otherwise create
					// new target to merge into
					var isSameType = isObject(targetValue) === isValueObject &&
						Array.isArray(targetValue) === isValueArray;

					target[key] = extendDeep(
						isSameType ? targetValue : (isValueArray ? [] : {}),
				} else {
					target[key] = value;

		return target;

	function extend(targetArg, sourceArgs) {
		return doExtend(false,arguments);

	function extendDeep(targetArg, sourceArgs) {
		return doExtend(true,arguments);

	 * Removes an item from the passed array
	 * @param {!Array} arr
	 * @param {*} item
	function arrayRemove(arr, item) {
		var i = arr.indexOf(item);

		if (i > -1) {
			arr.splice(i, 1);

	 * Iterates over an array or object
	 * @param {!Object|Array} obj
	 * @param {function(*, *)} fn
	function each(obj, fn) {
		if (Array.isArray(obj) || 'length' in obj && isNumber(obj.length)) {
			for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
				fn(i, obj[i]);
		} else {
			Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
				fn(key, obj[key]);

	 * Cache of camelCase CSS property names
	 * @type {Object<string, string>}
	var cssPropertyNameCache = {};

	 * Node type constant for element nodes
	 * @type {number}
	var ELEMENT_NODE = 1;

	 * Node type constant for text nodes
	 * @type {number}
	var TEXT_NODE = 3;

	 * Node type constant for comment nodes
	 * @type {number}
	var COMMENT_NODE = 8;

	function toFloat(value) {
		value = parseFloat(value);

		return isFinite(value) ? value : 0;

	 * Creates an element with the specified attributes
	 * Will create it in the current document unless context
	 * is specified.
	 * @param {!string} tag
	 * @param {!Object<string, string>} [attributes]
	 * @param {!Document} [context]
	 * @returns {!HTMLElement}
	function createElement(tag, attributes, context) {
		var node = (context || document).createElement(tag);

		each(attributes || {}, function (key, value) {
			if (key === 'style') { = value;
			} else if (key in node) {
				node[key] = value;
			} else {
				node.setAttribute(key, value);

		return node;

	 * Gets the first parent node that matches the selector
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {!string} [selector]
	 * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined}
	function parent(node, selector) {
		var parent = node || {};

		while ((parent = parent.parentNode) && !/(9|11)/.test(parent.nodeType)) {
			if (!selector || is(parent, selector)) {
				return parent;

	 * Checks the passed node and all parents and
	 * returns the first matching node if any.
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {!string} selector
	 * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined}
	function closest(node, selector) {
		return is(node, selector) ? node : parent(node, selector);

	 * Removes the node from the DOM
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	function remove(node) {
		if (node.parentNode) {

	 * Appends child to parent node
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} child
	function appendChild(node, child) {

	 * Finds any child nodes that match the selector
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {!string} selector
	 * @returns {NodeList}
	function find(node, selector) {
		return node.querySelectorAll(selector);

	 * For onEvent() and offEvent() if to add/remove the event
	 * to the capture phase
	 * @type {boolean}
	var EVENT_CAPTURE = true;

	 * Adds an event listener for the specified events.
	 * Events should be a space separated list of events.
	 * If selector is specified the handler will only be
	 * called when the event target matches the selector.
	 * @param {!Node} node
	 * @param {string} events
	 * @param {string} [selector]
	 * @param {function(Object)} fn
	 * @param {boolean} [capture=false]
	 * @see offEvent()
	// eslint-disable-next-line max-params

	function onEvent1(node, events, selector, fn, capture) {
		events.split(' ').forEach(function (event) {
			let handler = fn['_sce-event-' + event + selector] || function (e) {
				var target =;
				while (target && target !== node) {
					if (is(target, selector)) {
						fn(target, e);
					target = target.parentNode;
			fn['_sce-event-' + event + selector] = handler;
			node.addEventListener(event, handler, capture || false);

	function onEvent2(node, events, handler, capture) {
		events.split(' ').forEach(function (event) {
			node.addEventListener(event, handler, capture || false);

	 * Removes an event listener for the specified events.
	 * @param {!Node} node
	 * @param {string} events
	 * @param {string} [selector]
	 * @param {function(Object)} fn
	 * @param {boolean} [capture=false]
	 * @see onEvent()
	// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
	function offEvent(node, events, selector, fn, capture) {
		events.split(' ').forEach(function (event) {
			var handler;

			if (isString(selector)) {
				handler = fn['_sce-event-' + event + selector];
			} else {
				handler = selector;
				capture = fn;

			node.removeEventListener(event, handler, capture || false);

	 * If only attr param is specified it will get
	 * the value of the attr param.
	 * If value is specified but null the attribute
	 * will be removed otherwise the attr value will
	 * be set to the passed value.
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {!string} attr
	 * @param {?string} [value]
	function attr(node, attr, value) {
		if (arguments.length < 3) {
			return node.getAttribute(attr);

		// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq, no-eq-null
		if (value == null) {
			removeAttr(node, attr);
		} else {
			node.setAttribute(attr, value);

	 * Removes the specified attribute
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {!string} attr
	function removeAttr(node, attr) {

	 * Sets the passed elements display to none
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	function hide(node) {
		css(node, 'display', 'none');

	 * Sets the passed elements display to default
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	function show(node) {
		css(node, 'display', '');

	 * Toggles an elements visibility
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	function toggle(node) {
		if (isVisible(node)) {
		} else {

	 * Gets a computed CSS values or sets an inline CSS value
	 * Rules should be in camelCase format and not
	 * hyphenated like CSS properties.
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {!Object|string} rule
	 * @param {string|number} [value]
	 * @return {string|number|undefined}
	function css(node, rule, value) {
		if (arguments.length < 3) {
			if (isString(rule)) {
				return node.nodeType === 1 ? getComputedStyle(node)[rule] : null;

			each(rule, function (key, value) {
				css(node, key, value);
		} else {
			// isNaN returns false for null, false and empty strings
			// so need to check it's truthy or 0
			var isNumeric = (value || value === 0) && !isNaN(value);[rule] = isNumeric ? value + 'px' : value;

	 * Gets or sets the data attributes on a node
	 * Unlike the jQuery version this only stores data
	 * in the DOM attributes which means only strings
	 * can be stored.
	 * @param {Node} node
	 * @param {string} [key]
	 * @param {string} [value]
	 * @return {Object|undefined}
	function data(node, key, value) {
		var argsLength = arguments.length;
		var data = {};

		if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
			if (argsLength === 1) {
				each(node.attributes, function (_, attr) {
					if (/^data\-/i.test( {
						data[] = attr.value;

				return data;

			if (argsLength === 2) {
				return attr(node, 'data-' + key);

			attr(node, 'data-' + key, String(value));

	 * Checks if node matches the given selector.
	 * @param {?HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {string} selector
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function is(node, selector) {
		var result = false;

		if (node && node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
			if(node.matches) {
				result = node.matches(selector);
			} else if(node.msMatchesSelector) {
				result = node.msMatchesSelector(selector);
			} else if(node.webkitMatchesSelector) {
				result = node.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);

		return result;

	 * Returns true if node contains child otherwise false.
	 * This differs from the DOM contains() method in that
	 * if node and child are equal this will return false.
	 * @param {!Node} node
	 * @param {HTMLElement} child
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function contains(node, child) {
		return node !== child && node.contains && node.contains(child);

	 * @param {Node} node
	 * @param {string} [selector]
	 * @returns {?HTMLElement}
	function previousElementSibling(node, selector) {
		var prev = node.previousElementSibling;

		if (selector && prev) {
			return is(prev, selector) ? prev : null;

		return prev;

	 * @param {!Node} node
	 * @param {!Node} refNode
	 * @returns {Node}
	function insertBefore(node, refNode) {
		return refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, refNode);

	 * @param {?HTMLElement} node
	 * @returns {!Array.<string>}
	function classes(node) {
		return node.className.trim().split(/\s+/);

	 * @param {?HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {string} className
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function hasClass(node, className) {
		return is(node, '.' + className);

	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {string} className
	function addClass(node, className) {
		var classList = classes(node);

		if (classList.indexOf(className) < 0) {

		node.className = classList.join(' ');

	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {string} className
	function removeClass(node, className) {
		var classList = classes(node);

		arrayRemove(classList, className);

		node.className = classList.join(' ');

	 * Toggles a class on node.
	 * If state is specified and is truthy it will add
	 * the class.
	 * If state is specified and is falsey it will remove
	 * the class.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {string} className
	 * @param {boolean} [state]
	function toggleClass(node, className, state) {
		state = isUndefined(state) ? !hasClass(node, className) : state;

		if (state) {
			addClass(node, className);
		} else {
			removeClass(node, className);

	 * Gets or sets the width of the passed node.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {number|string} [value]
	 * @returns {number|undefined}
	function width(node, value) {
		if (isUndefined(value)) {
			var cs = getComputedStyle(node);
			var padding = toFloat(cs.paddingLeft) + toFloat(cs.paddingRight);
			var border = toFloat(cs.borderLeftWidth) + toFloat(cs.borderRightWidth);

			return node.offsetWidth - padding - border;

		css(node, 'width', value);

	 * Gets or sets the height of the passed node.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {number|string} [value]
	 * @returns {number|undefined}
	function height(node, value) {
		if (isUndefined(value)) {
			var cs = getComputedStyle(node);
			var padding = toFloat(cs.paddingTop) + toFloat(cs.paddingBottom);
			var border = toFloat(cs.borderTopWidth) + toFloat(cs.borderBottomWidth);

			return node.offsetHeight - padding - border;

		css(node, 'height', value);

	 * Triggers a custom event with the specified name and
	 * sets the detail property to the data object passed.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {string} eventName
	 * @param {Object} [data]
	function trigger(node, eventName, data) {
		var event;

		if (isFunction(window.CustomEvent)) {
			event = new CustomEvent(eventName, {
				bubbles: true,
				cancelable: true,
				detail: data
		} else {
			event = node.ownerDocument.createEvent('CustomEvent');
			event.initCustomEvent(eventName, true, true, data);


	 * Returns if a node is visible.
	 * @param {HTMLElement}
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function isVisible(node) {
		return !!node.getClientRects().length;

	 * Convert CSS property names into camel case
	 * @param {string} string
	 * @returns {string}
	function camelCase(string) {
		return string
			.replace(/^-ms-/, 'ms-')
			.replace(/-(\w)/g, function (match, char) {
				return char.toUpperCase();

	 * Loop all child nodes of the passed node
	 * The function should accept 1 parameter being the node.
	 * If the function returns false the loop will be exited.
	 * @param  {HTMLElement} node
	 * @param  {function} func           Callback which is called with every
	 *                                   child node as the first argument.
	 * @param  {boolean} innermostFirst  If the innermost node should be passed
	 *                                   to the function before it's parents.
	 * @param  {boolean} siblingsOnly    If to only traverse the nodes siblings
	 * @param  {boolean} [reverse=false] If to traverse the nodes in reverse
	// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
	function traverse(node, func, innermostFirst, siblingsOnly, reverse) {
		node = reverse ? node.lastChild : node.firstChild;

		while (node) {
			var next = reverse ? node.previousSibling : node.nextSibling;

			if (
				(!innermostFirst && func(node) === false) ||
				(!siblingsOnly && traverse(
					node, func, innermostFirst, siblingsOnly, reverse
				) === false) ||
				(innermostFirst && func(node) === false)
			) {
				return false;

			node = next;

	 * Like traverse but loops in reverse
	 * @see traverse
	function rTraverse(node, func, innermostFirst, siblingsOnly) {
		traverse(node, func, innermostFirst, siblingsOnly, true);

	 * Parses HTML into a document fragment
	 * @param {string} html
	 * @param {Document} [context]
	 * @since 1.4.4
	 * @return {DocumentFragment}
	function parseHTML(html, context) {
		context = context || document;

		var	ret = context.createDocumentFragment();
		var tmp = createElement('div', {}, context);

		tmp.innerHTML = html;

		while (tmp.firstChild) {
			appendChild(ret, tmp.firstChild);

		return ret;

	 * Checks if an element has any styling.
	 * It has styling if it is not a plain <div> or <p> or
	 * if it has a class, style attribute or data.
	 * @param  {HTMLElement} elm
	 * @return {boolean}
	 * @since 1.4.4
	function hasStyling(node) {
		return node && (!is(node, 'p,div') || node.className ||
			attr(node, 'style') || !isEmptyObject(data(node)));

	 * Converts an element from one type to another.
	 * For example it can convert the element <b> to <strong>
	 * @param  {HTMLElement} element
	 * @param  {string}      toTagName
	 * @return {HTMLElement}
	 * @since 1.4.4
	function convertElement(element, toTagName) {
		var newElement = createElement(toTagName, {}, element.ownerDocument);

		each(element.attributes, function (_, attribute) {
			// Some browsers parse invalid attributes names like
			// 'size"2' which throw an exception when set, just
			// ignore these.
			try {
				attr(newElement,, attribute.value);
			} catch (ex) {}

		while (element.firstChild) {
			appendChild(newElement, element.firstChild);

		element.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, element);

		return newElement;

	 * List of block level elements separated by bars (|)
	 * @type {string}
	var blockLevelList = '|body|hr|p|div|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|address|pre|' +
		'form|table|tbody|thead|tfoot|th|tr|td|li|ol|ul|blockquote|center|' +
		'details|section|article|aside|nav|main|header|hgroup|footer|fieldset|' +

	 * List of elements that do not allow children separated by bars (|)
	 * @param {Node} node
	 * @return {boolean}
	 * @since  1.4.5
	function canHaveChildren(node) {
		// 1  = Element
		// 9  = Document
		// 11 = Document Fragment
		if (!/11?|9/.test(node.nodeType)) {
			return false;

		// List of empty HTML tags separated by bar (|) character.
		// Source:
		// Source:
		return ('|iframe|area|base|basefont|br|col|frame|hr|img|input|wbr' +
			'|isindex|link|meta|param|command|embed|keygen|source|track|' +
			'object|').indexOf('|' + node.nodeName.toLowerCase() + '|') < 0;

	 * Checks if an element is inline
	 * @param {HTMLElement} elm
	 * @param {boolean} [includeCodeAsBlock=false]
	 * @return {boolean}
	function isInline(elm, includeCodeAsBlock) {
		var tagName,
			nodeType = (elm || {}).nodeType || TEXT_NODE;

		if (nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE) {
			return nodeType === TEXT_NODE;

		tagName = elm.tagName.toLowerCase();

		if (tagName === 'code') {
			return !includeCodeAsBlock;

		return blockLevelList.indexOf('|' + tagName + '|') < 0;

	 * Copy the CSS from 1 node to another.
	 * Only copies CSS defined on the element e.g. style attr.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} from
	 * @param {HTMLElement} to
	 * @deprecated since v3.1.0
	function copyCSS(from, to) {
		if ( && { = +;

	 * Checks if a DOM node is empty
	 * @param {Node} node
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function isEmpty(node) {
		if (node.lastChild && isEmpty(node.lastChild)) {

		return node.nodeType === 3 ? !node.nodeValue :
			(canHaveChildren(node) && !node.childNodes.length);

	 * Fixes block level elements inside in inline elements.
	 * Also fixes invalid list nesting by placing nested lists
	 * inside the previous li tag or wrapping them in an li tag.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} node
	function fixNesting(node) {
		traverse(node, function (node) {
			var list = 'ul,ol',
				isBlock = !isInline(node, true) && node.nodeType !== COMMENT_NODE,
				parent = node.parentNode;

			// Any blocklevel element inside an inline element needs fixing.
			// Also <p> tags that contain blocks should be fixed
			if (isBlock && (isInline(parent, true) || parent.tagName === 'P')) {
				// Find the last inline parent node
				var	lastInlineParent = node;
				while (isInline(lastInlineParent.parentNode, true) ||
					lastInlineParent.parentNode.tagName === 'P') {
					lastInlineParent = lastInlineParent.parentNode;

				var before = extractContents(lastInlineParent, node);
				var middle = node;

				// Clone inline styling and apply it to the blocks children
				while (parent && isInline(parent, true)) {
					if (parent.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
						var clone = parent.cloneNode();
						while (middle.firstChild) {
							appendChild(clone, middle.firstChild);

						appendChild(middle, clone);
					parent = parent.parentNode;

				insertBefore(middle, lastInlineParent);
				if (!isEmpty(before)) {
					insertBefore(before, middle);
				if (isEmpty(lastInlineParent)) {

			// Fix invalid nested lists which should be wrapped in an li tag
			if (isBlock && is(node, list) && is(node.parentNode, list)) {
				var li = previousElementSibling(node, 'li');

				if (!li) {
					li = createElement('li');
					insertBefore(li, node);

				appendChild(li, node);

	 * Finds the common parent of two nodes
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node1
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} node2
	 * @return {?HTMLElement}
	function findCommonAncestor(node1, node2) {
		while ((node1 = node1.parentNode)) {
			if (contains(node1, node2)) {
				return node1;

	 * @param {?Node}
	 * @param {boolean} [previous=false]
	 * @returns {?Node}
	function getSibling(node, previous) {
		if (!node) {
			return null;

		return (previous ? node.previousSibling : node.nextSibling) ||
			getSibling(node.parentNode, previous);

	 * Removes unused whitespace from the root and all it's children.
	 * @param {!HTMLElement} root
	 * @since 1.4.3
	function removeWhiteSpace(root) {
		var	nodeValue, nodeType, next, previous, previousSibling,
			nextNode, trimStart,
			cssWhiteSpace = css(root, 'whiteSpace'),
			// Preserve newlines if is pre-line
			preserveNewLines = /line$/i.test(cssWhiteSpace),
			node = root.firstChild;

		// Skip pre & pre-wrap with any vendor prefix
		if (/pre(\-wrap)?$/i.test(cssWhiteSpace)) {

		while (node) {
			nextNode  = node.nextSibling;
			nodeValue = node.nodeValue;
			nodeType  = node.nodeType;

			if (nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && node.firstChild) {

			if (nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
				next      = getSibling(node);
				previous  = getSibling(node, true);
				trimStart = false;

				while (hasClass(previous, 'sceditor-ignore')) {
					previous = getSibling(previous, true);

				// If previous sibling isn't inline or is a textnode that
				// ends in whitespace, time the start whitespace
				if (isInline(node) && previous) {
					previousSibling = previous;

					while (previousSibling.lastChild) {
						previousSibling = previousSibling.lastChild;

						// eslint-disable-next-line max-depth
						while (hasClass(previousSibling, 'sceditor-ignore')) {
							previousSibling = getSibling(previousSibling, true);

					trimStart = previousSibling.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ?
						/[\t\n\r ]$/.test(previousSibling.nodeValue) :

				// Clear zero width spaces
				nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(/\u200B/g, '');

				// Strip leading whitespace
				if (!previous || !isInline(previous) || trimStart) {
					nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(
						preserveNewLines ? /^[\t ]+/ : /^[\t\n\r ]+/,

				// Strip trailing whitespace
				if (!next || !isInline(next)) {
					nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(
						preserveNewLines ? /[\t ]+$/ : /[\t\n\r ]+$/,

				// Remove empty text nodes
				if (!nodeValue.length) {
				} else {
					node.nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(
						preserveNewLines ? /[\t ]+/g : /[\t\n\r ]+/g,
						' '

			node = nextNode;

	 * Extracts all the nodes between the start and end nodes
	 * @param {HTMLElement} startNode	The node to start extracting at
	 * @param {HTMLElement} endNode		The node to stop extracting at
	 * @return {DocumentFragment}
	function extractContents(startNode, endNode) {
		var range = startNode.ownerDocument.createRange();


		return range.extractContents();

	 * Gets the offset position of an element
	 * @param  {HTMLElement} node
	 * @return {Object} An object with left and top properties
	function getOffset(node) {
		var	left = 0,
			top = 0;

		while (node) {
			left += node.offsetLeft;
			top  += node.offsetTop;
			node  = node.offsetParent;

		return {
			left: left,
			top: top

	 * Gets the value of a CSS property from the elements style attribute
	 * @param  {HTMLElement} elm
	 * @param  {string} property
	 * @return {string}
	function getStyle(elm, property) {
		var	styleValue,
			elmStyle =;

		if (!cssPropertyNameCache[property]) {
			cssPropertyNameCache[property] = camelCase(property);

		property   = cssPropertyNameCache[property];
		styleValue = elmStyle[property];

		// Add an exception for text-align
		if ('textAlign' === property) {
			styleValue = styleValue || css(elm, property);

			if (css(elm.parentNode, property) === styleValue ||
				css(elm, 'display') !== 'block' || is(elm, 'hr,th')) {
				return '';

		return styleValue;

	 * Tests if an element has a style.
	 * If values are specified it will check that the styles value
	 * matches one of the values
	 * @param  {HTMLElement} elm
	 * @param  {string} property
	 * @param  {string|array} [values]
	 * @return {boolean}
	function hasStyle(elm, property, values) {
		var styleValue = getStyle(elm, property);

		if (!styleValue) {
			return false;

		return !values || styleValue === values ||
			(Array.isArray(values) && values.indexOf(styleValue) > -1);

	 * Returns true if both nodes have the same number of inline styles and all the
	 * inline styles have matching values
	 * @param {HTMLElement} nodeA
	 * @param {HTMLElement} nodeB
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function stylesMatch(nodeA, nodeB) {
		var i =;
		if (i !== {
			return false;

		while (i--) {
			var prop =[i];
			if ([prop] !==[prop]) {
				return false;

		return true;

	 * Returns true if both nodes have the same number of attributes and all the
	 * attribute values match
	 * @param {HTMLElement} nodeA
	 * @param {HTMLElement} nodeB
	 * @returns {boolean}
	function attributesMatch(nodeA, nodeB) {
		var i = nodeA.attributes.length;
		if (i !== nodeB.attributes.length) {
			return false;

		while (i--) {
			var prop = nodeA.attributes[i];
			var notMatches = === 'style' ?
				!stylesMatch(nodeA, nodeB) :
				prop.value !== attr(nodeB,;

			if (notMatches) {
				return false;

		return true;

	 * Removes an element placing its children in its place
	 * @param {HTMLElement} node
	function removeKeepChildren(node) {
		while (node.firstChild) {
			insertBefore(node.firstChild, node);


	 * Merges inline styles and tags with parents where possible
	 * @param {Node} node
	 * @since 3.1.0
	function merge(node) {
		if (node.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE) {

		var parent = node.parentNode;
		var tagName = node.tagName;
		var mergeTags = /B|STRONG|EM|SPAN|FONT/;

		// Merge children (in reverse as children can be removed)
		var i = node.childNodes.length;
		while (i--) {

		// Should only merge inline tags
		if (!isInline(node)) {

		// Remove any inline styles that match the parent style
		i =;
		while (i--) {
			var prop =[i];
			if (css(parent, prop) === css(node, prop)) {;

		// Can only remove / merge tags if no inline styling left.
		// If there is any inline style left then it means it at least partially
		// doesn't match the parent style so must stay
		if (! {
			removeAttr(node, 'style');

			// Remove font attributes if match parent
			if (tagName === 'FONT') {
				if (css(node, 'fontFamily').toLowerCase() ===
					css(parent, 'fontFamily').toLowerCase()) {
					removeAttr(node, 'face');

				if (css(node, 'color') === css(parent, 'color')) {
					removeAttr(node, 'color');

				if (css(node, 'fontSize') === css(parent, 'fontSize')) {
					removeAttr(node, 'size');

			// Spans and font tags with no attributes can be safely removed
			if (!node.attributes.length && /SPAN|FONT/.test(tagName)) {
			} else if (mergeTags.test(tagName)) {
				var isBold = /B|STRONG/.test(tagName);
				var isItalic = tagName === 'EM';

				while (parent && isInline(parent) &&
					(!isBold || /bold|700/i.test(css(parent, 'fontWeight'))) &&
					(!isItalic || css(parent, 'fontStyle') === 'italic')) {

					// Remove if parent match
					if ((parent.tagName === tagName ||
						(isBold && /B|STRONG/.test(parent.tagName))) &&
						attributesMatch(parent, node)) {

					parent = parent.parentNode;

		// Merge siblings if attributes, including inline styles, match
		var next = node.nextSibling;
		if (next && next.tagName === tagName && attributesMatch(next, node)) {
			appendChild(node, next);

	let emoticonsRoot = baseUrl + 'emoticons/';

	 * Default options for SCEditor
	 * @type {Object}
	var defaultOptions = {
		/** @lends jQuery.sceditor.defaultOptions */
		 * Toolbar buttons order and groups. Should be comma separated and
		 * have a bar | to separate groups
		 * @type {string}
		toolbar: 'bold,italic,underline,strike,subscript,superscript|' +
			'left,center,right,justify|font,size,color,removeformat|' +
			'cut,copy,pastetext|bulletlist,orderedlist,indent,outdent|' +
			'table|code,quote|horizontalrule,image,email,link,unlink|' +

		 * Comma separated list of commands to excludes from the toolbar
		 * @type {string}
		toolbarExclude: null,

		 * Stylesheet to include in the WYSIWYG editor. This is what will style
		 * the WYSIWYG elements
		 * @type {string}
		style: baseUrl+'themes/content/default.css',

		 * Comma separated list of fonts for the font selector
		 * @type {string}
		fonts: 'Arial,Arial Black,Comic Sans MS,Courier New,Georgia,Impact,' +
			'Sans-serif,Serif,Times New Roman,Trebuchet MS,Verdana',

		 * Colors should be comma separated and have a bar | to signal a new
		 * column.
		 * If null the colors will be auto generated.
		 * @type {string}
		colors: '#000000,#44B8FF,#1E92F7,#0074D9,#005DC2,#00369B,#b3d5f4|' +
				'#444444,#C3FFFF,#9DF9FF,#7FDBFF,#68C4E8,#419DC1,#d9f4ff|' +
				'#666666,#72FF84,#4CEA5E,#2ECC40,#17B529,#008E02,#c0f0c6|' +
				'#888888,#FFFF44,#FFFA1E,#FFDC00,#E8C500,#C19E00,#fff5b3|' +
				'#aaaaaa,#FFC95F,#FFA339,#FF851B,#E86E04,#C14700,#ffdbbb|' +
				'#cccccc,#FF857A,#FF5F54,#FF4136,#E82A1F,#C10300,#ffc6c3|' +
				'#eeeeee,#FF56FF,#FF30DC,#F012BE,#D900A7,#B20080,#fbb8ec|' +

		 * The locale to use.
		 * @type {string}
		locale: attr(document.documentElement, 'lang') || 'en',

		 * The Charset to use
		 * @type {string}
		charset: 'utf-8',

		 * Compatibility mode for emoticons.
		 * Helps if you have emoticons such as :/ which would put an emoticon
		 * inside http://
		 * This mode requires emoticons to be surrounded by whitespace or end of
		 * line chars. This mode has limited As You Type emoticon conversion
		 * support. It will not replace AYT for end of line chars, only
		 * emoticons surrounded by whitespace. They will still be replaced
		 * correctly when loaded just not AYT.
		 * @type {boolean}
		emoticonsCompat: false,

		 * If to enable emoticons. Can be changes at runtime using the
		 * emoticons() method.
		 * @type {boolean}
		 * @since 1.4.2
		emoticonsEnabled: true,

		 * Emoticon root URL
		 * @type {string}
		emoticonsRoot: baseUrl,
		emoticons: {
			dropdown: {
				':)': emoticonsRoot + 'smile.png',
				':angel:': emoticonsRoot + 'angel.png',
				':angry:': emoticonsRoot + 'angry.png',
				'8-)': emoticonsRoot + 'cool.png',
				':\'(': emoticonsRoot + 'cwy.png',
				':ermm:': emoticonsRoot + 'ermm.png',
				':D': emoticonsRoot + 'grin.png',
				'<3': emoticonsRoot + 'heart.png',
				':(': emoticonsRoot + 'sad.png',
				':O': emoticonsRoot + 'shocked.png',
				':P': emoticonsRoot + 'tongue.png',
				';)': emoticonsRoot + 'wink.png'
			more: {
				':alien:': emoticonsRoot + 'alien.png',
				':blink:': emoticonsRoot + 'blink.png',
				':blush:': emoticonsRoot + 'blush.png',
				':cheerful:': emoticonsRoot + 'cheerful.png',
				':devil:': emoticonsRoot + 'devil.png',
				':dizzy:': emoticonsRoot + 'dizzy.png',
				':getlost:': emoticonsRoot + 'getlost.png',
				':happy:': emoticonsRoot + 'happy.png',
				':kissing:': emoticonsRoot + 'kissing.png',
				':ninja:': emoticonsRoot + 'ninja.png',
				':pinch:': emoticonsRoot + 'pinch.png',
				':pouty:': emoticonsRoot + 'pouty.png',
				':sick:': emoticonsRoot + 'sick.png',
				':sideways:': emoticonsRoot + 'sideways.png',
				':silly:': emoticonsRoot + 'silly.png',
				':sleeping:': emoticonsRoot + 'sleeping.png',
				':unsure:': emoticonsRoot + 'unsure.png',
				':woot:': emoticonsRoot + 'w00t.png',
				':wassat:': emoticonsRoot + 'wassat.png'
			hidden: {
				':whistling:': emoticonsRoot + 'whistling.png',
				':love:': emoticonsRoot + 'wub.png'

		 * Width of the editor. Set to null for automatic with
		 * @type {?number}
		width: 600,

		 * Height of the editor including toolbar. Set to null for automatic
		 * height
		 * @type {?number}
		height: 300,

		 * If to allow the editor to be resized
		 * @type {boolean}
		resizeEnabled: true,

		 * Min resize to width, set to null for half textarea width or -1 for
		 * unlimited
		 * @type {?number}
		resizeMinWidth: null,
		 * Min resize to height, set to null for half textarea height or -1 for
		 * unlimited
		 * @type {?number}
		resizeMinHeight: null,
		 * Max resize to height, set to null for double textarea height or -1
		 * for unlimited
		 * @type {?number}
		resizeMaxHeight: null,
		 * Max resize to width, set to null for double textarea width or -1 for
		 * unlimited
		 * @type {?number}
		resizeMaxWidth: null,
		 * If resizing by height is enabled
		 * @type {boolean}
		resizeHeight: true,
		 * If resizing by width is enabled
		 * @type {boolean}
		resizeWidth: true,

		 * Date format, will be overridden if locale specifies one.
		 * The words year, month and day will be replaced with the users current
		 * year, month and day.
		 * @type {string}
		dateFormat: 'year-month-day',

		 * Element to inset the toolbar into.
		 * @type {HTMLElement}
		toolbarContainer: null,

		 * If to enable paste filtering. This is currently experimental, please
		 * report any issues.
		 * @type {boolean}
		enablePasteFiltering: false,

		 * If to completely disable pasting into the editor
		 * @type {boolean}
		disablePasting: false,

		 * If the editor is read only.
		 * @type {boolean}
		readOnly: false,

		 * If to set the editor to right-to-left mode.
		 * If set to null the direction will be automatically detected.
		 * @type {boolean}
		rtl: false,

		 * If to auto focus the editor on page load
		 * @type {boolean}
		autofocus: false,

		 * If to auto focus the editor to the end of the content
		 * @type {boolean}
		autofocusEnd: true,

		 * If to auto expand the editor to fix the content
		 * @type {boolean}
		autoExpand: false,

		 * If to auto update original textbox on blur
		 * @type {boolean}
		autoUpdate: false,

		 * If to enable the browsers built in spell checker
		 * @type {boolean}
		spellcheck: true,

		 * If to run the source editor when there is no WYSIWYG support. Only
		 * really applies to mobile OS's.
		 * @type {boolean}
		runWithoutWysiwygSupport: false,

		 * If to load the editor in source mode and still allow switching
		 * between WYSIWYG and source mode
		 * @type {boolean}
		startInSourceMode: false,

		 * Optional ID to give the editor.
		 * @type {string}
		id: null,

		 * Comma separated list of plugins
		 * @type {string}
		plugins: '',

		 * z-index to set the editor container to. Needed for jQuery UI dialog.
		 * @type {?number}
		zIndex: null,

		 * If to trim the BBCode. Removes any spaces at the start and end of the
		 * BBCode string.
		 * @type {boolean}
		bbcodeTrim: false,

		 * If to disable removing block level elements by pressing backspace at
		 * the start of them
		 * @type {boolean}
		disableBlockRemove: false,

		 * Array of allowed URL (should be either strings or regex) for iframes.
		 * If it's a string then iframes where the start of the src matches the
		 * specified string will be allowed.
		 * If it's a regex then iframes where the src matches the regex will be
		 * allowed.
		 * @type {Array}
		allowedIframeUrls: [],

		 * BBCode parser options, only applies if using the editor in BBCode
		 * mode.
		 * See SCEditor.BBCodeParser.defaults for list of valid options
		 * @type {Object}
		parserOptions: { },

		 * CSS that will be added to the to dropdown menu (eg. z-index)
		 * @type {Object}
		dropDownCss: { }

	// Must start with a valid scheme
	// 		^
	// Schemes that are considered safe
	// 		(https?|s?ftp|mailto|spotify|skype|ssh|teamspeak|tel):|
	// Relative schemes (//:) are considered safe
	// 		(\\/\\/)|
	// Image data URI's are considered safe
	// 		data:image\\/(png|bmp|gif|p?jpe?g);

	 * Escapes a string so it's safe to use in regex
	 * @param {string} str
	 * @return {string}
	function regex(str) {
		return str.replace(/([\-.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
	 * Escapes all HTML entities in a string
	 * If noQuotes is set to false, all single and double
	 * quotes will also be escaped
	 * @param {string} str
	 * @param {boolean} [noQuotes=true]
	 * @return {string}
	 * @since 1.4.1
	function entities(str, noQuotes) {
		if (!str) {
			return str;

		var replacements = {
			'&': '&amp;',
			'<': '&lt;',
			'>': '&gt;',
			'  ': '&nbsp; ',
			'\r\n': '<br />',
			'\r': '<br />',
			'\n': '<br />'

		if (noQuotes !== false) {
			replacements['"']  = '&#34;';
			replacements['\''] = '&#39;';
			replacements['`']  = '&#96;';

		str = str.replace(/ {2}|\r\n|[&<>\r\n'"`]/g, function (match) {
			return replacements[match] || match;

		return str;
	 * Escape URI scheme.
	 * Appends the current URL to a url if it has a scheme that is not:
	 * http
	 * https
	 * sftp
	 * ftp
	 * mailto
	 * spotify
	 * skype
	 * ssh
	 * teamspeak
	 * tel
	 * //
	 * data:image/(png|jpeg|jpg|pjpeg|bmp|gif);
	 * **IMPORTANT**: This does not escape any HTML in a url, for
	 * that use the escape.entities() method.
	 * @param  {string} url
	 * @return {string}
	 * @since 1.4.5
	function uriScheme(url) {
		var	path,
			// If there is a : before a / then it has a scheme
			hasScheme = /^[^\/]*:/i,
			location = window.location;

		// Has no scheme or a valid scheme
		if ((!url || !hasScheme.test(url)) || VALID_SCHEME_REGEX.test(url)) {
			return url;

		path = location.pathname.split('/');

		return location.protocol + '//' + +
			path.join('/') + '/' +

	 * HTML templates used by the editor and default commands
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @private
	var _templates = {
			'<!DOCTYPE html>' +
			'<html{attrs}>' +
				'<head>' +
					'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" ' +
						'content="text/html;charset={charset}" />' +
					'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{style}" />' +
				'</head>' +
				'<body contenteditable="true" {spellcheck}><p></p></body>' +

		toolbarButton: '<a class="sceditor-button" ' +
			'data-sceditor-command="{name}" unselectable="on">' +

		emoticon: '<img src="{url}" data-sceditor-emoticon="{key}" ' +
			'alt="{key}" title="{tooltip}" />',

		fontOpt: '<a class="sceditor-font-option" href="#" ' +
			'data-font="{font}"><font face="{font}">{font}</font></a>',

		sizeOpt: '<a class="sceditor-fontsize-option" data-size="{size}" ' +
			'href="#"><font size="{size}">{size}</font></a>',

			'<div><label for="txt">{label}</label> ' +
				'<textarea cols="20" rows="7" id="txt"></textarea></div>' +
				'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="{insert}" />' +

			'<div><label for="rows">{rows}</label><input type="text" ' +
				'id="rows" value="2" /></div>' +
			'<div><label for="cols">{cols}</label><input type="text" ' +
				'id="cols" value="2" /></div>' +
			'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="{insert}"' +
				' /></div>',

			'<div><label for="image">{url}</label> ' +
				'<input type="text" id="image" dir="ltr" placeholder="https://" /></div>' +
			'<div><label for="width">{width}</label> ' +
				'<input type="text" id="width" size="2" dir="ltr" /></div>' +
			'<div><label for="height">{height}</label> ' +
				'<input type="text" id="height" size="2" dir="ltr" /></div>' +
			'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="{insert}" />' +

			'<div><label for="email">{label}</label> ' +
				'<input type="text" id="email" dir="ltr" /></div>' +
			'<div><label for="des">{desc}</label> ' +
				'<input type="text" id="des" /></div>' +
			'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="{insert}" />' +

			'<div><label for="link">{url}</label> ' +
				'<input type="text" id="link" dir="ltr" placeholder="https://" /></div>' +
			'<div><label for="des">{desc}</label> ' +
				'<input type="text" id="des" /></div>' +
			'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="{ins}" /></div>',

			'<div><label for="link">{label}</label> ' +
				'<input type="text" id="link" dir="ltr" placeholder="https://" /></div>' +
			'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="{insert}" />' +

			'<iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ' +
			'src="{id}?wmode=opaque&start={time}" ' +

	 * Replaces any params in a template with the passed params.
	 * If createHtml is passed it will return a DocumentFragment
	 * containing the parsed template.
	 * @param {string} name
	 * @param {Object} [params]
	 * @param {boolean} [createHtml]
	 * @returns {string|DocumentFragment}
	 * @private
	function _tmpl (name, params, createHtml) {
		var template = _templates[name];

		Object.keys(params).forEach(function (name) {
			template = template.replace(
				new RegExp(regex('{' + name + '}'), 'g'), params[name]

		if (createHtml) {
			template = parseHTML(template);

		return template;

	 * Fixes a bug in FF where it sometimes wraps
	 * new lines in their own list item.
	 * See issue #359
	function fixFirefoxListBug(editor) {
		// Only apply to Firefox as will break other browsers.
		if ('mozHidden' in document) {
			var node = editor.getBody();
			var next;

			while (node) {
				next = node;

				if (next.firstChild) {
					next = next.firstChild;
				} else {

					while (next && !next.nextSibling) {
						next = next.parentNode;

					if (next) {
						next = next.nextSibling;

				if (node.nodeType === 3 && /[\n\r\t]+/.test(node.nodeValue)) {
					// Only remove if newlines are collapsed
					if (!/^pre/.test(css(node.parentNode, 'whiteSpace'))) {

				node = next;

	function material(png) {
		return '<img src="' + baseUrl + 'icons/material/' + png + '" width=18 height=18>';

	 * Map of all the commands for SCEditor
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @name commands
	var defaultCmds = {
		bold: {
			exec: 'bold',
			tooltip: 'Bold',
			shortcut: 'Ctrl+B',
			icon: material('format-bold.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Italic
		italic: {
			exec: 'italic',
			tooltip: 'Italic',
			shortcut: 'Ctrl+I',
			icon: material('format-italic.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Underline
		underline: {
			exec: 'underline',
			tooltip: 'Underline',
			shortcut: 'Ctrl+U',
			icon: material('format-underline.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Strikethrough
		strike: {
			exec: 'strikethrough',
			tooltip: 'Strikethrough',
			icon: material('format-strikethrough.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Subscript
		subscript: {
			exec: 'subscript',
			tooltip: 'Subscript',
			icon: material('format-subscript.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Superscript
		superscript: {
			exec: 'superscript',
			tooltip: 'Superscript',
			icon: material('format-superscript.png'),

		left: {
			state: function (editor, node) {
				if (node && node.nodeType === 3) {
					node = node.parentNode;

				if (node) {
					var isLtr = css(node, 'direction') === 'ltr';
					var align = css(node, 'textAlign');

					// Can be -moz-left
					return /left/.test(align) ||
						align === (isLtr ? 'start' : 'end');
			exec: 'justifyleft',
			tooltip: 'Align left',
			icon: material('format-align-left.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Centre
		center: {
			exec: 'justifycenter',
			tooltip: 'Center',
			icon: material('format-align-center.png'),
		right: {
			state: function (editor, node) {
				if (node && node.nodeType === 3) {
					node = node.parentNode;

				if (node) {
					var isLtr = css(node, 'direction') === 'ltr';
					var align = css(node, 'textAlign');

					// Can be -moz-right
					return /right/.test(align) ||
						align === (isLtr ? 'end' : 'start');
			exec: 'justifyright',
			tooltip: 'Align right',
			icon: material('format-align-right.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Justify
		justify: {
			exec: 'justifyfull',
			tooltip: 'Justify',
			icon: material('format-align-justify.png'),

		font: {
			_dropDown: function (editor, caller, callback) {
				var	content = createElement('div');

				onEvent1(content, 'click', 'a', function (target, e) {
					callback(data(target, 'font'));

				editor.opts.fonts.split(',').forEach(function (font) {
					appendChild(content, _tmpl('fontOpt', {
						font: font
					}, true));

				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'font-picker', content);
			exec: function (editor, caller) {
				defaultCmds.font._dropDown(editor, caller, function (fontName) {
					editor.execCommand('fontname', fontName);
			tooltip: 'Font Name',
			icon: material('format-font.png'),
		size: {
			_dropDown: function (editor, caller, callback) {
				var	content = createElement('div');

				onEvent1(content, 'click', 'a', function (target, e) {
					callback(data(target, 'size'));

				for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
					appendChild(content, _tmpl('sizeOpt', {
						size: i
					}, true));

				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'fontsize-picker', content);
			exec: function (editor, caller) {
				defaultCmds.size._dropDown(editor, caller, function (fontSize) {
					editor.execCommand('fontsize', fontSize);
			tooltip: 'Font Size',
			icon: material('format-size.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Colour
		color: {
			_dropDown: function (editor, caller, callback) {
				var	content = createElement('div'),
					html    = '',
					cmd     = defaultCmds.color;

				if (!cmd._htmlCache) {
					editor.opts.colors.split('|').forEach(function (column) {
						html += '<div class="sceditor-color-column">';

						column.split(',').forEach(function (color) {
							html +=
								'<a href="#" class="sceditor-color-option"' +
								' style="background-color: ' + color + '"' +
								' data-color="' + color + '"></a>';

						html += '</div>';

					cmd._htmlCache = html;

				appendChild(content, parseHTML(cmd._htmlCache));

				onEvent1(content, 'click', 'a', function (target, e) {
					callback(data(target, 'color'));

				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'color-picker', content);
			exec: function (editor, caller) {
				defaultCmds.color._dropDown(editor, caller, function (color) {
					editor.execCommand('forecolor', color);
			tooltip: 'Font Color',
			icon: material('palette.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Remove Format
		removeformat: {
			exec: 'removeformat',
			tooltip: 'Remove Formatting',
			icon: material('format-clear.png'),

		cut: {
			exec: 'cut',
			tooltip: 'Cut',
			errorMessage: 'Your browser does not allow the cut command. ' +
				'Please use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd-X',
			icon: material('content-cut.png'),
		copy: {
			exec: 'copy',
			tooltip: 'Copy',
			errorMessage: 'Your browser does not allow the copy command. ' +
				'Please use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd-C',
			icon: material('content-copy.png'),
		paste: {
			exec: 'paste',
			tooltip: 'Paste',
			errorMessage: 'Your browser does not allow the paste command. ' +
				'Please use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd-V',
			icon: material('content-paste.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Paste Text
		pastetext: {
			exec: function (editor, caller) {
				var	val,
					content = createElement('div');

				appendChild(content, _tmpl('pastetext', {
					label: editor._(
						'Paste your text inside the following box:'
					insert: editor._('Insert')
				}, true));

				onEvent1(content, 'click', '.button', function (target, e) {
					val = find(content, '#txt')[0].value;

					if (val) {


				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'pastetext', content);
			tooltip: 'Paste Text',
			icon: material('content-paste.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Bullet List
		bulletlist: {
			exec: function (editor) {
			tooltip: 'Bullet list',
			icon: material('format-list-bulleted.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Ordered List
		orderedlist: {
			exec: function (editor) {
			tooltip: 'Numbered list',
			icon: material('format-list-numbered.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Indent
		indent: {
			state: function (editor, parent, firstBlock) {
				// Only works with lists, for now
				var	range, startParent, endParent;

				if (is(firstBlock, 'li')) {
					return 0;

				if (is(firstBlock, 'ul,ol,menu')) {
					// if the whole list is selected, then this must be
					// invalidated because the browser will place a
					// <blockquote> there
					range = this.getRangeHelper().selectedRange();

					startParent = range.startContainer.parentNode;
					endParent   = range.endContainer.parentNode;

					// TODO: could use nodeType for this?
					// Maybe just check the firstBlock contains both the start
					//and end containers

					// Select the tag, not the textNode
					// (that's why the parentNode)
					if (startParent !==
						startParent.parentNode.firstElementChild ||
						// work around a bug in FF
						(is(endParent, 'li') && endParent !==
							endParent.parentNode.lastElementChild)) {
						return 0;

				return -1;
			exec: function (editor) {
				var block = editor.getRangeHelper().getFirstBlockParent();


				// An indent system is quite complicated as there are loads
				// of complications and issues around how to indent text
				// As default, let's just stay with indenting the lists,
				// at least, for now.
				if (closest(block, 'ul,ol,menu')) {
			tooltip: 'Add indent',
			icon: material('format-indent-increase.png'),
		// START_COMMAND: Outdent
		outdent: {
			state: function (editor, parents, firstBlock) {
				return closest(firstBlock, 'ul,ol,menu') ? 0 : -1;
			exec: function (editor) {
				var	block = editor.getRangeHelper().getFirstBlockParent();
				if (closest(block, 'ul,ol,menu')) {
			tooltip: 'Remove one indent',
			icon: material('format-indent-decrease.png'),

		table: {
			exec: function (editor, caller) {
				var	content = createElement('div');

				appendChild(content, _tmpl('table', {
					rows: editor._('Rows:'),
					cols: editor._('Cols:'),
					insert: editor._('Insert')
				}, true));

				onEvent1(content, 'click', '.button', function (target, e) {
					var	rows = Number(find(content, '#rows')[0].value),
						cols = Number(find(content, '#cols')[0].value),
						html = '<table>';

					if (rows > 0 && cols > 0) {
						html += Array(rows + 1).join(
							'<tr>' +
								Array(cols + 1).join(
									'<td><br /></td>'
								) +

						html += '</table>';


				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'inserttable', content);
			tooltip: 'Insert a table',
			icon: material('table.png'),

		// START_COMMAND: Horizontal Rule
		horizontalrule: {
			exec: 'inserthorizontalrule',
			tooltip: 'Insert a horizontal rule',
			icon: material('minus.png'),

		code: {
			exec: function (editor) {
					'<br /></code>'
			tooltip: 'Code',
			icon: material('code-braces.png'),

		image: {
			_dropDown: function (editor, caller, selected, cb) {
				var	content = createElement('div');

				appendChild(content, _tmpl('image', {
					url: editor._('URL:'),
					width: editor._('Width (optional):'),
					height: editor._('Height (optional):'),
					insert: editor._('Insert')
				}, true));

				var	urlInput = find(content, '#image')[0];

				urlInput.value = selected;

				onEvent1(content, 'click', '.button', function (target, e) {
					if (urlInput.value) {
							find(content, '#width')[0].value,
							find(content, '#height')[0].value


				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertimage', content);
			exec: function (editor, caller) {
					function (url, width, height) {
						var attrs  = '';

						if (width) {
							attrs += ' width="' + parseInt(width, 10) + '"';

						if (height) {
							attrs += ' height="' + parseInt(height, 10) + '"';

						attrs += ' src="' + entities(url) + '"';

							'<img' + attrs + ' />'
			tooltip: 'Insert an image',
			icon: material('image.png'),

		// START_COMMAND: E-mail
		email: {
			_dropDown: function (editor, caller, cb) {
				var	content = createElement('div');

				appendChild(content, _tmpl('email', {
					label: editor._('E-mail:'),
					desc: editor._('Description (optional):'),
					insert: editor._('Insert')
				}, true));

				onEvent1(content, 'click', '.button', function (target, e) {
					var email = find(content, '#email')[0].value;

					if (email) {
						cb(email, find(content, '#des')[0].value);


				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertemail', content);
			exec: function (editor, caller) {
					function (email, text) {
						if (!editor.getRangeHelper().selectedHtml() || text) {
								'<a href="' +
								'mailto:' + entities(email) + '">' +
									entities((text || email)) +
						} else {
							editor.execCommand('createlink', 'mailto:' + email);
			tooltip: 'Insert an email',
			icon: material('email.png'),

		link: {
			_dropDown: function (editor, caller, cb) {
				var content = createElement('div');

				appendChild(content, _tmpl('link', {
					url: editor._('URL:'),
					desc: editor._('Description (optional):'),
					ins: editor._('Insert')
				}, true));

				var linkInput = find(content, '#link')[0];

				function insertUrl(target,e) {
					if (linkInput.value) {
						cb(linkInput.value, find(content, '#des')[0].value);


				onEvent1(content, 'click', '.button', insertUrl);
				onEvent2(content, 'keypress', function (e) {
					// 13 = enter key
					if (e.which === 13 && linkInput.value) {

				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertlink', content);
			exec: function (editor, caller) {, caller, function (url, text) {
					if (text || !editor.getRangeHelper().selectedHtml()) {
							'<a href="' + entities(url) + '">' +
								entities(text || url) +
					} else {
						editor.execCommand('createlink', url);
			tooltip: 'Insert a link',
			icon: material('link.png'),

		// START_COMMAND: Unlink
		unlink: {
			state: function (editor) {
				return closest(editor.currentNode(), 'a') ? 0 : -1;
			exec: function (editor) {
				var anchor = closest(editor.currentNode(), 'a');

				if (anchor) {
					while (anchor.firstChild) {
						insertBefore(anchor.firstChild, anchor);

			tooltip: 'Unlink',
			icon: material('link-off.png'),

		quote: {
			exec: function (editor, caller, html, author) {
				var	before = '<blockquote>',
					end    = '</blockquote>';

				// if there is HTML passed set end to null so any selected
				// text is replaced
				if (html) {
					author = (author ? '<cite>' +
						entities(author) +
					'</cite>' : '');
					before = before + author + html + end;
					end    = null;
				// if not add a newline to the end of the inserted quote
				} else if (editor.getRangeHelper().selectedHtml() === '') {
					end = '<br />' + end;

				editor.wysiwygEditorInsertHtml(before, end);
			tooltip: 'Insert a Quote',
			icon: material('format-quote-close.png'),

		// START_COMMAND: Emoticons
		emoticon: {
			base: function (editor, caller, targetToHtml) {
				var createContent = function (includeMore) {
					var	moreLink,
						opts            = editor.opts,
						emoticonsCompat = opts.emoticonsCompat,
						content         = createElement('div'),
						line            = createElement('div'),
						perLine         = 0,
						emoticons       = extend(
							includeMore ? opts.emoticons.more : {}

					appendChild(content, line);

					perLine = Math.sqrt(Object.keys(emoticons).length);

					onEvent1(content, 'click', 'img', function (target, e) {
						editor.insert(targetToHtml(target), null, false);


					each(emoticons, function (code, emoticon) {
						appendChild(line, createElement('img', {
							src: emoticon,
							'data-sceditor-emoticon': code,
							alt: code,
							title: code

						if (line.children.length >= perLine) {
							line = createElement('div');
							appendChild(content, line);

					if (!includeMore && opts.emoticons.more) {
						moreLink = createElement('a', {
							className: 'sceditor-more'


						onEvent2(moreLink, 'click', function (e) {
								caller, 'more-emoticons', createContent(true)


						appendChild(content, moreLink);

					return content;

				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'emoticons', createContent(false));
			exec: function (editor, caller) {
				editor.commands.emoticon.base(editor, caller
					, function(target) { return target.outerHTML; }
			txtExec: function (editor, caller) {
				editor.commands.emoticon.exec(editor, caller);
			tooltip: 'Insert an emoticon',
			icon: material('emoticon-outline.png'),

		youtube: {
			_dropDown: function (editor, caller, callback) {
				var	content = createElement('div');

				appendChild(content, _tmpl('youtubeMenu', {
					label: editor._('Video URL:'),
					insert: editor._('Insert')
				}, true));

				onEvent1(content, 'click', '.button', function (target, e) {
					var val = find(content, '#link')[0].value;
					var idMatch = val.match(/(?:v=|v\/|embed\/|\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})/);
					var timeMatch = val.match(/[&|?](?:star)?t=((\d+[hms]?){1,3})/);
					var time = 0;

					if (timeMatch) {
						each(timeMatch[1].split(/[hms]/), function (i, val) {
							if (val !== '') {
								time = (time * 60) + Number(val);

					if (idMatch && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11}$/.test(idMatch[1])) {
						callback(idMatch[1], time);


				editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertlink', content);
			exec: function (editor, btn) {, btn, function (id, time) {
					editor.wysiwygEditorInsertHtml(_tmpl('youtube', {
						id: id,
						time: time
			tooltip: 'Insert a YouTube video',
			icon: material('youtube.png'),

		date: {
			_date: function (editor) {
				var	now   = new Date(),
					year  = now.getYear(),
					month = now.getMonth() + 1,
					day   = now.getDate();

				if (year < 2000) {
					year = 1900 + year;

				if (month < 10) {
					month = '0' + month;

				if (day < 10) {
					day = '0' + day;

				return editor.opts.dateFormat
					.replace(/year/i, year)
					.replace(/month/i, month)
					.replace(/day/i, day);
			exec: function (editor) {
			txtExec: function (editor) {;
			tooltip: 'Insert current date',
			icon: material('calendar-today.png'),

		time: {
			_time: function () {
				var	now   = new Date(),
					hours = now.getHours(),
					mins  = now.getMinutes(),
					secs  = now.getSeconds();

				if (hours < 10) {
					hours = '0' + hours;

				if (mins < 10) {
					mins = '0' + mins;

				if (secs < 10) {
					secs = '0' + secs;

				return hours + ':' + mins + ':' + secs;
			exec: function (editor) {
			txtExec: function (editor) {
			tooltip: 'Insert current time',
			icon: material('clock-outline.png'),

		ltr: {
			state: function (editor, parents, firstBlock) {
				//return firstBlock && === 'ltr';
				return firstBlock && && === 'ltr';
			exec: function (editor) {
				var	rangeHelper = editor.getRangeHelper(),
					node = rangeHelper.getFirstBlockParent();


				if (!node || is(node, 'body')) {
					editor.execCommand('formatBlock', 'p');

					node  = rangeHelper.getFirstBlockParent();

					if (!node || is(node, 'body')) {

				var toggleValue = css(node, 'direction') === 'ltr' ? '' : 'ltr';
				css(node, 'direction', toggleValue);
			tooltip: 'Left-to-Right',
			icon: material('format-pilcrow-arrow-right.png'),

		rtl: {
			state: function (editor, parents, firstBlock) {
				//return firstBlock && === 'rtl';
				return firstBlock && && === 'rtl';
			exec: function (editor) {
				var	rangeHelper = editor.getRangeHelper(),
					node = rangeHelper.getFirstBlockParent();


				if (!node || is(node, 'body')) {
					editor.execCommand('formatBlock', 'p');

					node = rangeHelper.getFirstBlockParent();

					if (!node || is(node, 'body')) {

				var toggleValue = css(node, 'direction') === 'rtl' ? '' : 'rtl';
				css(node, 'direction', toggleValue);
			tooltip: 'Right-to-Left',
			icon: material('format-pilcrow-arrow-left.png'),

		print: {
			exec: 'print',
			tooltip: 'Print',
			icon: material('printer.png'),

		// START_COMMAND: Maximize
		maximize: {
			state: function (editor) {
				return editor.maximize();
			exec: function (editor) {
			txtExec: function () {
			tooltip: 'Maximize',
			shortcut: 'Ctrl+Shift+M',
			icon: material('arrow-expand-all.png'),

		// START_COMMAND: Source
		source: {
			state: function (editor) {
				return editor.sourceMode();
			exec: function (editor) {
			txtExec: function (editor) {
			tooltip: 'View source',
			shortcut: 'Ctrl+Shift+S',
			icon: material('code-tags.png'),

	var plugins = {};

	 * Plugin Manager class
	 * @class PluginManager
	 * @name PluginManager
	function newPluginManager(thisObj) {
		 * Alias of this
		 * @private
		 * @type {Object}
		var base = {};

		 * Array of all currently registered plugins
		 * @type {Array}
		 * @private
		var registeredPlugins = [];

		 * Changes a signals name from "name" into "signalName".
		 * @param  {string} signal
		 * @return {string}
		 * @private
		var formatSignalName = function (signal) {
			return 'signal' + signal.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + signal.slice(1);

		 * Calls handlers for a signal
		 * @see call()
		 * @see callOnlyFirst()
		 * @param  {Array}   args
		 * @param  {boolean} returnAtFirst
		 * @return {*}
		 * @private
		var callHandlers = function (args, returnAtFirst) {
			if( args.length > 3 )  throw 'too many args';

			var	idx, ret,
				signal = formatSignalName(args[0]);

			for (idx = 0; idx < registeredPlugins.length; idx++) {
				if (signal in registeredPlugins[idx]) {
					ret = registeredPlugins[idx][signal](thisObj, args[1], args[2]);

					if (returnAtFirst) {
						return ret;

		 * Calls all handlers for the passed signal
		 * @param  {string}    signal
		 * @param  {...string} args
		 * @function
		 * @name call
		 */ = function () {
			callHandlers(arguments, false);

		 * Calls the first handler for a signal, and returns the
		 * @param  {string}    signal
		 * @param  {...string} args
		 * @return {*} The result of calling the handler
		 * @function
		 * @name callOnlyFirst
		base.callOnlyFirst = function () {
			return callHandlers(arguments, true);

		 * Checks if a signal has a handler
		 * @param  {string} signal
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name hasHandler
		base.hasHandler = function (signal) {
			var i  = registeredPlugins.length;
			signal = formatSignalName(signal);

			while (i--) {
				if (signal in registeredPlugins[i]) {
					return true;

			return false;

		 * Checks if the plugin exists in plugins
		 * @param  {string} plugin
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name exists
		base.exists = function (plugin) {
			if (plugin in plugins) {
				plugin = plugins[plugin];

				return typeof plugin === 'function' &&
					typeof plugin.prototype === 'object';

			return false;

		 * Checks if the passed plugin is currently registered.
		 * @param  {string} plugin
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name isRegistered
		base.isRegistered = function (plugin) {
			if (base.exists(plugin)) {
				var idx = registeredPlugins.length;

				while (idx--) {
					if (registeredPlugins[idx] instanceof plugins[plugin]) {
						return true;

			return false;

		 * Registers a plugin to receive signals
		 * @param  {string} plugin
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name register
		base.register = function (pluginName) {
			if (!base.exists(pluginName) || base.isRegistered(pluginName)) {
				return false;

			let plugin = plugins[pluginName]();
			if(!plugin) throw pluginName;

			if ('init' in plugin) {

			return true;

		 * Deregisters a plugin.
		 * @param  {string} plugin
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name deregister
		base.deregister = function (plugin) {
			var	removedPlugin,
				pluginIdx = registeredPlugins.length,
				removed   = false;

			if (!base.isRegistered(plugin)) {
				return removed;

			while (pluginIdx--) {
				if (registeredPlugins[pluginIdx] instanceof plugins[plugin]) {
					removedPlugin = registeredPlugins.splice(pluginIdx, 1)[0];
					removed       = true;

					if ('destroy' in removedPlugin) {

			return removed;

		 * Clears all plugins and removes the owner reference.
		 * Calling any functions on this object after calling
		 * destroy will cause a JS error.
		 * @name destroy
		base.destroy = function () {
			var i = registeredPlugins.length;

			while (i--) {
				if ('destroy' in registeredPlugins[i]) {

			registeredPlugins = [];
			thisObj    = null;

		return base;
	//PluginManager.plugins = plugins;

	 * Gets the text, start/end node and offset for
	 * length chars left or right of the passed node
	 * at the specified offset.
	 * @param  {Node}  node
	 * @param  {number}  offset
	 * @param  {boolean} isLeft
	 * @param  {number}  length
	 * @return {Object}
	 * @private
	var outerText = function (range, isLeft, length) {
		var nodeValue, remaining, start, end, node,
			text = '',
			next = range.startContainer,
			offset = range.startOffset;

		// Handle cases where node is a paragraph and offset
		// refers to the index of a text node.
		// 3 = text node
		if (next && next.nodeType !== 3) {
			next = next.childNodes[offset];
			offset = 0;

		start = end = offset;

		while (length > text.length && next && next.nodeType === 3) {
			nodeValue = next.nodeValue;
			remaining = length - text.length;

			// If not the first node, start and end should be at their
			// max values as will be updated when getting the text
			if (node) {
				end = nodeValue.length;
				start = 0;

			node = next;

			if (isLeft) {
				start = Math.max(end - remaining, 0);
				offset = start;

				text = nodeValue.substr(start, end - start) + text;
				next = node.previousSibling;
			} else {
				end = Math.min(remaining, nodeValue.length);
				offset = start + end;

				text += nodeValue.substr(start, end);
				next = node.nextSibling;

		return {
			node: node || next,
			offset: offset,
			text: text

	 * Range helper
	 * @class RangeHelper
	 * @name RangeHelper
	function newRangeHelper(win, d) {
		var	_createMarker, _prepareInput,
			doc          = d || win.contentDocument || win.document,
			startMarker  = 'sceditor-start-marker',
			endMarker    = 'sceditor-end-marker',
			base         = {};

		 * Inserts HTML into the current range replacing any selected
		 * text.
		 * If endHTML is specified the selected contents will be put between
		 * html and endHTML. If there is nothing selected html and endHTML are
		 * just concatenate together.
		 * @param {string} html
		 * @param {string} [endHTML]
		 * @return False on fail
		 * @function
		 * @name insertHTML
		base.insertHTML = function (html, endHTML) {
			var	node, div,
				range = base.selectedRange();

			if (!range) {
				return false;

			if (endHTML) {
				html += base.selectedHtml() + endHTML;

			div           = createElement('p', {}, doc);
			node          = doc.createDocumentFragment();
			div.innerHTML = html;

			while (div.firstChild) {
				appendChild(node, div.firstChild);


		 * Prepares HTML to be inserted by adding a zero width space
		 * if the last child is empty and adding the range start/end
		 * markers to the last child.
		 * @param  {Node|string} node
		 * @param  {Node|string} [endNode]
		 * @param  {boolean} [returnHtml]
		 * @return {Node|string}
		 * @private
		_prepareInput = function (node, endNode, returnHtml) {
			var lastChild,
				frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();

			if (typeof node === 'string') {
				if (endNode) {
					node += base.selectedHtml() + endNode;

				frag = parseHTML(node);
			} else {
				appendChild(frag, node);

				if (endNode) {
					appendChild(frag, base.selectedRange().extractContents());
					appendChild(frag, endNode);

			if (!(lastChild = frag.lastChild)) {

			while (!isInline(lastChild.lastChild, true)) {
				lastChild = lastChild.lastChild;

			if (canHaveChildren(lastChild)) {
				// Webkit won't allow the cursor to be placed inside an
				// empty tag, so add a zero width space to it.
				if (!lastChild.lastChild) {
					appendChild(lastChild, document.createTextNode('\u200B'));
			} else {
				lastChild = frag;


			// Append marks to last child so when restored cursor will be in
			// the right place
			appendChild(lastChild, _createMarker(startMarker));
			appendChild(lastChild, _createMarker(endMarker));

			if (returnHtml) {
				var div = createElement('div');
				appendChild(div, frag);

				return div.innerHTML;

			return frag;

		 * The same as insertHTML except with DOM nodes instead
		 * <strong>Warning:</strong> the nodes must belong to the
		 * document they are being inserted into. Some browsers
		 * will throw exceptions if they don't.
		 * Returns boolean false on fail
		 * @param {Node} node
		 * @param {Node} endNode
		 * @return {false|undefined}
		 * @function
		 * @name insertNode
		base.insertNode = function (node, endNode) {
			var	first, last,
				input  = _prepareInput(node, endNode),
				range  = base.selectedRange(),
				parent = range.commonAncestorContainer,
				emptyNodes = [];

			if (!input) {
				return false;

			function removeIfEmpty(node) {
				// Only remove empty node if it wasn't already empty
				if (node && isEmpty(node) && emptyNodes.indexOf(node) < 0) {

			if (range.startContainer !== range.endContainer) {
				each(parent.childNodes, function (_, node) {
					if (isEmpty(node)) {

				first = input.firstChild;
				last = input.lastChild;


			// FF allows <br /> to be selected but inserting a node
			// into <br /> will cause it not to be displayed so must
			// insert before the <br /> in FF.
			// 3 = TextNode
			if (parent && parent.nodeType !== 3 && !canHaveChildren(parent)) {
				insertBefore(input, parent);
			} else {

				// If a node was split or its contents deleted, remove any resulting
				// empty tags. For example:
				// <p>|test</p><div>test|</div>
				// When deleteContents could become:
				// <p></p>|<div></div>
				// So remove the empty ones
				removeIfEmpty(first && first.previousSibling);
				removeIfEmpty(last && last.nextSibling);


		 * Clones the selected Range
		 * @return {Range}
		 * @function
		 * @name cloneSelected
		base.cloneSelected = function () {
			var range = base.selectedRange();

			if (range) {
				return range.cloneRange();

		 * Gets the selected Range
		 * @return {Range}
		 * @function
		 * @name selectedRange
		base.selectedRange = function () {
			var	range, firstChild,
				sel = win.getSelection();

			if (!sel) {

			// When creating a new range, set the start to the first child
			// element of the body element to avoid errors in FF.
			if (sel.rangeCount <= 0) {
				firstChild = doc.body;
				while (firstChild.firstChild) {
					firstChild = firstChild.firstChild;

				range = doc.createRange();
				// Must be setStartBefore otherwise it can cause infinite
				// loops with lists in WebKit. See issue 442


			if (sel.rangeCount > 0) {
				range = sel.getRangeAt(0);

			return range;

		 * Gets if there is currently a selection
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name hasSelection
		 * @since 1.4.4
		base.hasSelection = function () {
			var	sel = win.getSelection();

			return sel && sel.rangeCount > 0;

		 * Gets the currently selected HTML
		 * @return {string}
		 * @function
		 * @name selectedHtml
		base.selectedHtml = function () {
			var	div,
				range = base.selectedRange();

			if (range) {
				div = createElement('p', {}, doc);
				appendChild(div, range.cloneContents());

				return div.innerHTML;

			return '';

		 * Gets the parent node of the selected contents in the range
		 * @return {HTMLElement}
		 * @function
		 * @name parentNode
		base.parentNode = function () {
			var range = base.selectedRange();

			if (range) {
				return range.commonAncestorContainer;

		 * Gets the first block level parent of the selected
		 * contents of the range.
		 * @return {HTMLElement}
		 * @function
		 * @name getFirstBlockParent
		 * Gets the first block level parent of the selected
		 * contents of the range.
		 * @param {Node} [n] The element to get the first block level parent from
		 * @return {HTMLElement}
		 * @function
		 * @name getFirstBlockParent^2
		 * @since 1.4.1
		base.getFirstBlockParent = function (node) {
			var func = function (elm) {
				if (!isInline(elm, true)) {
					return elm;

				elm = elm ? elm.parentNode : null;

				return elm ? func(elm) : elm;

			return func(node || base.parentNode());

		 * Inserts a node at either the start or end of the current selection
		 * @param {Bool} start
		 * @param {Node} node
		 * @function
		 * @name insertNodeAt
		base.insertNodeAt = function (start, node) {
			var	currentRange = base.selectedRange(),
				range        = base.cloneSelected();

			if (!range) {
				return false;


			// Reselect the current range.
			// Fixes issue with Chrome losing the selection. Issue#82

		 * Creates a marker node
		 * @param {string} id
		 * @return {HTMLSpanElement}
		 * @private
		_createMarker = function (id) {

			var marker  = createElement('span', {
				id: id,
				className: 'sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore',
				style: 'display:none;line-height:0'
			}, doc);

			marker.innerHTML = ' ';

			return marker;

		 * Inserts start/end markers for the current selection
		 * which can be used by restoreRange to re-select the
		 * range.
		 * @function
		 * @name insertMarkers
		base.insertMarkers = function () {
			var	currentRange = base.selectedRange();
			var startNode = _createMarker(startMarker);

			base.insertNodeAt(true, startNode);

			// Fixes issue with end marker sometimes being placed before
			// the start marker when the range is collapsed.
			if (currentRange && currentRange.collapsed) {
					_createMarker(endMarker), startNode.nextSibling);
			} else {
				base.insertNodeAt(false, _createMarker(endMarker));

		 * Gets the marker with the specified ID
		 * @param {string} id
		 * @return {Node}
		 * @function
		 * @name getMarker
		base.getMarker = function (id) {
			return doc.getElementById(id);

		 * Removes the marker with the specified ID
		 * @param {string} id
		 * @function
		 * @name removeMarker
		base.removeMarker = function (id) {
			var marker = base.getMarker(id);

			if (marker) {

		 * Removes the start/end markers
		 * @function
		 * @name removeMarkers
		base.removeMarkers = function () {

		 * Saves the current range location. Alias of insertMarkers()
		 * @function
		 * @name saveRage
		base.saveRange = function () {

		 * Select the specified range
		 * @param {Range} range
		 * @function
		 * @name selectRange
		base.selectRange = function (range) {
			var lastChild;
			var sel = win.getSelection();
			var container = range.endContainer;

			// Check if cursor is set after a BR when the BR is the only
			// child of the parent. In Firefox this causes a line break
			// to occur when something is typed. See issue #321
			if (range.collapsed && container &&
				!isInline(container, true)) {

				lastChild = container.lastChild;
				while (lastChild && is(lastChild, '.sceditor-ignore')) {
					lastChild = lastChild.previousSibling;

				if (is(lastChild, 'br')) {
					var rng = doc.createRange();

					if (, rng)) {

			if (sel) {

		 * Restores the last range saved by saveRange() or insertMarkers()
		 * @function
		 * @name restoreRange
		base.restoreRange = function () {
			var	isCollapsed,
				range = base.selectedRange(),
				start = base.getMarker(startMarker),
				end   = base.getMarker(endMarker);

			if (!start || !end || !range) {
				return false;

			isCollapsed = start.nextSibling === end;

			range = doc.createRange();

			if (isCollapsed) {


		 * Selects the text left and right of the current selection
		 * @param {number} left
		 * @param {number} right
		 * @since 1.4.3
		 * @function
		 * @name selectOuterText
		base.selectOuterText = function (left, right) {
			var start, end,
				range = base.cloneSelected();

			if (!range) {
				return false;


			start = outerText(range, true, left);
			end = outerText(range, false, right);

			range.setStart(start.node, start.offset);
			range.setEnd(end.node, end.offset);


		 * Gets the text left or right of the current selection
		 * @param {boolean} before
		 * @param {number} length
		 * @return {string}
		 * @since 1.4.3
		 * @function
		 * @name selectOuterText
		base.getOuterText = function (before, length) {
			var	range = base.cloneSelected();

			if (!range) {
				return '';


			return outerText(range, before, length).text;

		 * Replaces keywords with values based on the current caret position
		 * @param {Array}   keywords
		 * @param {boolean} includeAfter      If to include the text after the
		 *                                    current caret position or just
		 *                                    text before
		 * @param {boolean} keywordsSorted    If the keywords array is pre
		 *                                    sorted shortest to longest
		 * @param {number}  longestKeyword    Length of the longest keyword
		 * @param {boolean} requireWhitespace If the key must be surrounded
		 *                                    by whitespace
		 * @param {string}  keypressChar      If this is being called from
		 *                                    a keypress event, this should be
		 *                                    set to the pressed character
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name replaceKeyword
		// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
		base.replaceKeyword = function (
		) {
			if (!keywordsSorted) {
				keywords.sort(function (a, b) {
					return a[0].length - b[0].length;

			var outerText, match, matchPos, startIndex,
				leftLen, charsLeft, keyword, keywordLen,
				whitespaceRegex = '(^|[\\s\xA0\u2002\u2003\u2009])',
				keywordIdx      = keywords.length,
				whitespaceLen   = requireWhitespace ? 1 : 0,
				maxKeyLen       = longestKeyword ||
					keywords[keywordIdx - 1][0].length;

			if (requireWhitespace) {

			keypressChar = keypressChar || '';
			outerText    = base.getOuterText(true, maxKeyLen);
			leftLen      = outerText.length;
			outerText   += keypressChar;

			if (includeAfter) {
				outerText += base.getOuterText(false, maxKeyLen);

			while (keywordIdx--) {
				keyword    = keywords[keywordIdx][0];
				keywordLen = keyword.length;
				startIndex = Math.max(0, leftLen - keywordLen - whitespaceLen);
				matchPos   = -1;

				if (requireWhitespace) {
					match = outerText
						.match(new RegExp(whitespaceRegex +
							regex(keyword) + whitespaceRegex));

					if (match) {
						// Add the length of the text that was removed by
						// substr() and also add 1 for the whitespace
						matchPos = match.index + startIndex + match[1].length;
				} else {
					matchPos = outerText.indexOf(keyword, startIndex);

				if (matchPos > -1) {
					// Make sure the match is between before and
					// after, not just entirely in one side or the other
					if (matchPos <= leftLen &&
						matchPos + keywordLen + whitespaceLen >= leftLen) {
						charsLeft = leftLen - matchPos;

						// If the keypress char is white space then it should
						// not be replaced, only chars that are part of the
						// key should be replaced.
							keywordLen - charsLeft -
								(/^\S/.test(keypressChar) ? 1 : 0)

						return true;

			return false;

		 * Compares two ranges.
		 * If rangeB is undefined it will be set to
		 * the current selected range
		 * @param  {Range} rngA
		 * @param  {Range} [rngB]
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name compare
		 */ = function (rngA, rngB) {
			if (!rngB) {
				rngB = base.selectedRange();

			if (!rngA || !rngB) {
				return !rngA && !rngB;

			return rngA.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_END, rngB) === 0 &&
				rngA.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_START, rngB) === 0;

		 * Removes any current selection
		 * @since 1.4.6
		 * @function
		 * @name clear
		base.clear = function () {
			var sel = win.getSelection();

			if (sel) {
				if (sel.removeAllRanges) {
				} else if (sel.empty) {

		return base;

	var USER_AGENT = navigator.userAgent;

	 * Detects if the browser is iOS
	 * Needed to fix iOS specific bugs
	 * @function
	 * @name ios
	 * @memberOf jQuery.sceditor
	 * @type {boolean}
	var ios = /iPhone|iPod|iPad| wosbrowser\//i.test(USER_AGENT);

	 * If the browser supports WYSIWYG editing (e.g. older mobile browsers).
	 * @function
	 * @name isWysiwygSupported
	 * @return {boolean}
	var isWysiwygSupported = (function () {
		var	match, isUnsupported;

		// IE is the only browser to support documentMode
		var ie = !!window.document.documentMode;
		var legacyEdge = '-ms-ime-align' in;

		var div = document.createElement('div');
		div.contentEditable = true;

		// Check if the contentEditable attribute is supported
		if (!('contentEditable' in document.documentElement) ||
			div.contentEditable !== 'true') {
			return false;

		// I think blackberry supports contentEditable or will at least
		// give a valid value for the contentEditable detection above
		// so it isn't included in the below tests.

		// I hate having to do UA sniffing but some mobile browsers say they
		// support contentediable when it isn't usable, i.e. you can't enter
		// text.
		// This is the only way I can think of to detect them which is also how
		// every other editor I've seen deals with this issue.

		// Exclude Opera mobile and mini
		isUnsupported = /Opera Mobi|Opera Mini/i.test(USER_AGENT);

		if (/Android/i.test(USER_AGENT)) {
			isUnsupported = true;

			if (/Safari/.test(USER_AGENT)) {
				// Android browser 534+ supports content editable
				// This also matches Chrome which supports content editable too
				match = /Safari\/(\d+)/.exec(USER_AGENT);
				isUnsupported = (!match || !match[1] ? true : match[1] < 534);

		// The current version of Amazon Silk supports it, older versions didn't
		// As it uses webkit like Android, assume it's the same and started
		// working at versions >= 534
		if (/ Silk\//i.test(USER_AGENT)) {
			match = /AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/.exec(USER_AGENT);
			isUnsupported = (!match || !match[1] ? true : match[1] < 534);

		// iOS 5+ supports content editable
		if (ios) {
			// Block any version <= 4_x(_x)
			isUnsupported = /OS [0-4](_\d)+ like Mac/i.test(USER_AGENT);

		// Firefox does support WYSIWYG on mobiles so override
		// any previous value if using FF
		if (/Firefox/i.test(USER_AGENT)) {
			isUnsupported = false;

		if (/OneBrowser/i.test(USER_AGENT)) {
			isUnsupported = false;

		// UCBrowser works but doesn't give a unique user agent
		if (navigator.vendor === 'UCWEB') {
			isUnsupported = false;

		// IE and legacy edge are not supported any more
		if (ie || legacyEdge) {
			isUnsupported = true;

		return !isUnsupported;

	 * Checks all emoticons are surrounded by whitespace and
	 * replaces any that aren't with with their emoticon code.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} node
	 * @param {rangeHelper} rangeHelper
	 * @return {void}
	function checkWhitespace(node, rangeHelper) {
		var noneWsRegex = /[^\s\xA0\u2002\u2003\u2009]+/;
		var emoticons = node && find(node, 'img[data-sceditor-emoticon]');

		if (!node || !emoticons.length) {

		for (var i = 0; i < emoticons.length; i++) {
			var emoticon = emoticons[i];
			var parent = emoticon.parentNode;
			var prev = emoticon.previousSibling;
			var next = emoticon.nextSibling;

			if ((!prev || !noneWsRegex.test(prev.nodeValue.slice(-1))) &&
				(!next || !noneWsRegex.test((next.nodeValue || '')[0]))) {

			var range = rangeHelper.cloneSelected();
			var rangeStart = -1;
			var rangeStartContainer = range.startContainer;
			var previousText = prev.nodeValue || '';

			previousText += data(emoticon, 'sceditor-emoticon');

			// If the cursor is after the removed emoticon, add
			// the length of the newly added text to it
			if (rangeStartContainer === next) {
				rangeStart = previousText.length + range.startOffset;

			// If the cursor is set before the next node, set it to
			// the end of the new text node
			if (rangeStartContainer === node &&
				node.childNodes[range.startOffset] === next) {
				rangeStart = previousText.length;

			// If the cursor is set before the removed emoticon,
			// just keep it at that position
			if (rangeStartContainer === prev) {
				rangeStart = range.startOffset;

			if (!next || next.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE) {
				next = parent.insertBefore(
					parent.ownerDocument.createTextNode(''), next

			next.insertData(0, previousText);

			// Need to update the range starting position if it's been modified
			if (rangeStart > -1) {
				range.setStart(next, rangeStart);
	 * Replaces any emoticons inside the root node with images.
	 * emoticons should be an object where the key is the emoticon
	 * code and the value is the HTML to replace it with.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} root
	 * @param {Object<string, string>} emoticons
	 * @param {boolean} emoticonsCompat
	 * @return {void}
	function doReplaceEmoticons(root, emoticons, emoticonsCompat) {
		var	doc           = root.ownerDocument;
		var space         = '(^|\\s|\xA0|\u2002|\u2003|\u2009|$)';
		var emoticonCodes = [];
		var emoticonRegex = {};

		// TODO: Make this tag configurable.
		if (parent(root, 'code')) {

		each(emoticons, function (key) {
			emoticonRegex[key] = new RegExp(space + regex(key) + space);

		// Sort keys longest to shortest so that longer keys
		// take precedence (avoids bugs with shorter keys partially
		// matching longer ones)
		emoticonCodes.sort(function (a, b) {
			return b.length - a.length;

		(function convert(node) {
			node = node.firstChild;

			while (node) {
				// TODO: Make this tag configurable.
				if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && !is(node, 'code')) {

				if (node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
					for (var i = 0; i < emoticonCodes.length; i++) {
						var text  = node.nodeValue;
						var key   = emoticonCodes[i];
						var index = emoticonsCompat ?[key]) :

						if (index > -1) {
							// When emoticonsCompat is enabled this will be the
							// position after any white space
							var startIndex = text.indexOf(key, index);
							var fragment   = parseHTML(emoticons[key], doc);
							var after      = text.substr(startIndex + key.length);


							node.nodeValue = text.substr(0, startIndex);
								.insertBefore(fragment, node.nextSibling);

				node = node.nextSibling;

	var globalWin  = window;
	var globalDoc  = document;

	var IMAGE_MIME_REGEX = /^image\/(p?jpe?g|gif|png|bmp)$/i;

	 * Wrap inlines that are in the root in paragraphs.
	 * @param {HTMLBodyElement} body
	 * @param {Document} doc
	 * @private
	function wrapInlines(body, doc) {
		var wrapper;

		traverse(body, function (node) {
			if (isInline(node, true)) {
				// Ignore text nodes unless they contain non-whitespace chars as
				// whitespace will be collapsed.
				// Ignore sceditor-ignore elements unless wrapping siblings
				// Should still wrap both if wrapping siblings.
				if (wrapper || node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ?
					/\S/.test(node.nodeValue) : !is(node, '.sceditor-ignore')) {
					if (!wrapper) {
						wrapper = createElement('p', {}, doc);
						insertBefore(wrapper, node);

					appendChild(wrapper, node);
			} else {
				wrapper = null;
		}, false, true);
	 * SCEditor - A lightweight WYSIWYG editor
	 * @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} original The textarea to be converted
	 * @param {Object} userOptions
	 * @class SCEditor
	 * @name SCEditor
	function newSCEditor(original, userOptions) {
		 * Alias of this
		 * @private
		var base = {};

		 * Editor format like BBCode or HTML
		var format;

		 * The div which contains the editor and toolbar
		 * @type {HTMLDivElement}
		 * @private
		var editorContainer;

		 * Map of events handlers bound to this instance.
		 * @type {Object}
		 * @private
		var eventHandlers = {};

		 * The editors toolbar
		 * @type {HTMLDivElement}
		 * @private
		var toolbar;

		 * The editors iframe which should be in design mode
		 * @type {HTMLIFrameElement}
		 * @private
		var wysiwygEditor;

		 * The editors window
		 * @type {Window}
		 * @private
		var wysiwygWindow;

		 * The WYSIWYG editors body element
		 * @type {HTMLBodyElement}
		 * @private
		var wysiwygBody;

		 * The WYSIWYG editors document
		 * @type {Document}
		 * @private
		var wysiwygDocument;

		 * The editors textarea for viewing source
		 * @type {HTMLTextAreaElement}
		 * @private
		var sourceEditor;

		 * The current dropdown
		 * @type {HTMLDivElement}
		 * @private
		var dropdown;

		 * If the user is currently composing text via IME
		 * @type {boolean}
		var isComposing;

		 * Timer for valueChanged key handler
		 * @type {number}
		var valueChangedKeyUpTimer;

		 * The editors locale
		 * @private
		var locale;

		 * The editors rangeHelper instance
		 * @type {RangeHelper}
		 * @private
		var rangeHelper;

		 * An array of button state handlers
		 * @type {Array.<Object>}
		 * @private
		var btnStateHandlers = [];

		 * Plugin manager instance
		 * @type {PluginManager}
		 * @private
		var pluginManager;

		 * The current node containing the selection/caret
		 * @type {Node}
		 * @private
		var currentNode;

		 * The first block level parent of the current node
		 * @type {node}
		 * @private
		var currentBlockNode;

		 * The current node selection/caret
		 * @type {Object}
		 * @private
		var currentSelection;

		 * Used to make sure only 1 selection changed
		 * check is called every 100ms.
		 * Helps improve performance as it is checked a lot.
		 * @type {boolean}
		 * @private
		var isSelectionCheckPending;

		 * If content is required (equivalent to the HTML5 required attribute)
		 * @type {boolean}
		 * @private
		var isRequired;

		 * The inline CSS style element. Will be undefined
		 * until css() is called for the first time.
		 * @type {HTMLStyleElement}
		 * @private
		var inlineCss;

		 * Object containing a list of shortcut handlers
		 * @type {Object}
		 * @private
		var shortcutHandlers = {};

		 * The min and max heights that autoExpand should stay within
		 * @type {Object}
		 * @private
		var autoExpandBounds;

		 * Cache of the current toolbar buttons
		 * @type {Object}
		 * @private
		var toolbarButtons = {};

		 * Last scroll position before maximizing so
		 * it can be restored when finished.
		 * @type {number}
		 * @private
		var maximizeScrollPosition;

		 * Stores the contents while a paste is taking place.
		 * Needed to support browsers that lack clipboard API support.
		 * @type {?DocumentFragment}
		 * @private
		var pasteContentFragment;

		 * All the emoticons from dropdown, more and hidden combined
		 * and with the emoticons root set
		 * @type {!Object<string, string>}
		 * @private
		var allEmoticons = {};

		 * Private functions
		 * @private
		var	init,

		 * All the commands supported by the editor
		 * @name commands
		base.commands = extendDeep({}, (userOptions.commands || defaultCmds));

		 * Options for this editor instance
		 * @name opts
		var options = base.opts = extendDeep(
			{}, defaultOptions, userOptions

		// Don't deep extend emoticons (fixes #565)
		base.opts.emoticons = userOptions.emoticons || defaultOptions.emoticons;

		if (!Array.isArray(options.allowedIframeUrls)) {
			options.allowedIframeUrls = [];

		 * Creates the editor iframe and textarea
		 * @private
		init = function () {
			original._sceditor = base;

			// Load locale
			if (options.locale && options.locale !== 'en') {

			editorContainer = createElement('div', {
				className: 'sceditor-container'

			insertBefore(editorContainer, original);
			css(editorContainer, 'z-index', options.zIndex);

			isRequired = original.required;
			original.required = false;

			var FormatCtor = _formats[options.format];
			format = FormatCtor ? FormatCtor() : {};
			 * Plugins should be initialized before the formatters since
			 * they may wish to add or change formatting handlers and
			 * since the bbcode format caches its handlers,
			 * such changes must be done first.
			pluginManager = newPluginManager(base);
			(options.plugins || '').split(',').forEach(function (plugin) {
			if ('init' in format) {

			if ('onCreate' in options) {

			// create the editor

			// force into source mode if is a browser that can't handle
			// full editing
			if (!isWysiwygSupported) {


			var loaded = function () {
				offEvent(globalWin, 'load', loaded);

				if (options.autofocus) {

				// TODO: use editor doc and window?'ready');
				if ('onReady' in format) {
			onEvent2(globalWin, 'load', loaded);
			if (globalDoc.readyState === 'complete') {

		 * Init the locale variable with the specified locale if possible
		 * @private
		 * @return void
		initLocale = function () {
			var lang;

			locale = _locale[options.locale];

			if (!locale) {
				lang   = options.locale.split('-');
				locale = _locale[lang[0]];

			// Locale DateTime format overrides any specified in the options
			if (locale && locale.dateFormat) {
				options.dateFormat = locale.dateFormat;

		 * Creates the editor iframe and textarea
		 * @private
		initEditor = function () {
			sourceEditor  = createElement('textarea');
			wysiwygEditor = createElement('iframe', {
				frameborder: 0,
				allowfullscreen: true

			 * This needs to be done right after they are created because,
			 * for any reason, the user may not want the value to be tinkered
			 * by any filters.
			if (options.startInSourceMode) {
				addClass(editorContainer, 'sourceMode');
			} else {
				addClass(editorContainer, 'wysiwygMode');

			if (!options.spellcheck) {
				attr(editorContainer, 'spellcheck', 'false');

			if (globalWin.location.protocol === 'https:') {
				attr(wysiwygEditor, 'src', 'about:blank');

			// Add the editor to the container
			appendChild(editorContainer, wysiwygEditor);
			appendChild(editorContainer, sourceEditor);


			// Add ios to HTML so can apply CSS fix to only it
			var className = ios ? ' ios' : '';

			wysiwygDocument = wysiwygEditor.contentDocument;;
			wysiwygDocument.write(_tmpl('html', {
				attrs: ' class="' + className + '"',
				spellcheck: options.spellcheck ? '' : 'spellcheck="false"',
				charset: options.charset,

			wysiwygBody = wysiwygDocument.body;
			wysiwygWindow = wysiwygEditor.contentWindow;


			// iframe overflow fix for iOS
			if (ios) {
				height(wysiwygBody, '100%');
				onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'touchend', base.focus);

			var tabIndex = attr(original, 'tabindex');
			attr(sourceEditor, 'tabindex', tabIndex);
			attr(wysiwygEditor, 'tabindex', tabIndex);

			rangeHelper = newRangeHelper(wysiwygWindow, null);

			// load any textarea value into the editor

			var placeholder = options.placeholder ||
				attr(original, 'placeholder');

			if (placeholder) {
				sourceEditor.placeholder = placeholder;
				attr(wysiwygBody, 'placeholder', placeholder);

		 * Initialises options
		 * @private
		initOptions = function () {
			// auto-update original textbox on blur if option set to true
			if (options.autoUpdate) {
				onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'blur', autoUpdate);
				onEvent2(sourceEditor, 'blur', autoUpdate);

			if (options.rtl === null) {
				options.rtl = css(sourceEditor, 'direction') === 'rtl';


			if (options.autoExpand) {
				// Need to update when images (or anything else) loads
				onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'load', autoExpand, EVENT_CAPTURE);
				onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'input keyup', autoExpand);

			if (options.resizeEnabled) {

			attr(editorContainer, 'id',;

		 * Initialises events
		 * @private
		initEvents = function () {
			var form = original.form;
			var compositionEvents = 'compositionstart compositionend';
			var eventsToForward =
				'keydown keyup keypress focus blur contextmenu input';
			var checkSelectionEvents = 'onselectionchange' in wysiwygDocument ?
				'selectionchange' :
				'keyup focus blur contextmenu mouseup touchend click';

			onEvent2(globalDoc, 'click', handleDocumentClick);

			if (form) {
				onEvent2(form, 'reset', handleFormReset);
				onEvent2(form, 'submit', base.updateOriginal, EVENT_CAPTURE);

			onEvent2(window, 'pagehide', base.updateOriginal);
			onEvent2(window, 'pageshow', handleFormReset);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'keypress', handleKeyPress);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'keydown', handleKeyDown);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'keydown', handleBackSpace);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'keyup', appendNewLine);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'blur', valueChangedBlur);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'keyup', valueChangedKeyUp);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'paste', handlePasteEvt);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'cut copy', handleCutCopyEvt);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, compositionEvents, handleComposition);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, checkSelectionEvents, checkSelectionChanged);
			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, eventsToForward, handleEvent);

			if (options.emoticonsCompat && globalWin.getSelection) {
				onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'keyup', emoticonsCheckWhitespace);

			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'blur', function () {
				if (!base.val()) {
					addClass(wysiwygBody, 'placeholder');

			onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'focus', function () {
				removeClass(wysiwygBody, 'placeholder');

			onEvent2(sourceEditor, 'blur', valueChangedBlur);
			onEvent2(sourceEditor, 'keyup', valueChangedKeyUp);
			onEvent2(sourceEditor, 'keydown', handleKeyDown);
			onEvent2(sourceEditor, compositionEvents, handleComposition);
			onEvent2(sourceEditor, eventsToForward, handleEvent);

			onEvent2(wysiwygDocument, 'mousedown', handleMouseDown);
			onEvent2(wysiwygDocument, checkSelectionEvents, checkSelectionChanged);
			onEvent2(wysiwygDocument, 'keyup', appendNewLine);

			onEvent2(editorContainer, 'selectionchanged', checkNodeChanged);
			onEvent2(editorContainer, 'selectionchanged', updateActiveButtons);
			// Custom events to forward
				'selectionchanged valuechanged nodechanged pasteraw paste',

		 * Creates the toolbar and appends it to the container
		 * @private
		initToolBar = function () {
			var	group,
				commands = base.commands,
				exclude  = (options.toolbarExclude || '').split(','),
				groups   = options.toolbar.split('|');

			toolbar = createElement('div', {
				className: 'sceditor-toolbar',
				unselectable: 'on'

			each(groups, function (_, menuItems) {
				group = createElement('div', {
					className: 'sceditor-group'

				each(menuItems.split(','), function (_, commandName) {
					let	command  = commands[commandName];

					// The commandName must be a valid command and not excluded
					if (!command || exclude.indexOf(commandName) > -1) {

					let shortcut = command.shortcut;
					let icon = command.icon;
					let button   = _tmpl('toolbarButton', {
						name: commandName,
						icon: icon || '',
					}, true).firstChild;
					button._sceTxtMode = !!command.txtExec;
					button._sceWysiwygMode = !!command.exec;
					toggleClass(button, 'disabled', !command.exec);
					onEvent2(button, 'click', function (e) {
						if (!hasClass(button, 'disabled')) {
							handleCommand(button, command);

					// Prevent editor losing focus when button clicked
					onEvent2(button, 'mousedown', function (e) {

					if (command.tooltip) {
						attr(button, 'title',
							base._(command.tooltip) +
								(shortcut ? ' (' + shortcut + ')' : '')

					if (shortcut) {
						base.addShortcut(shortcut, commandName);

					if (command.state) {
							name: commandName,
							state: command.state
					// exec string commands can be passed to queryCommandState
					} else if (isString(command.exec)) {
							name: commandName,
							state: command.exec

					appendChild(group, button);
					toolbarButtons[commandName] = button;

				// Exclude empty groups
				if (group.firstChild) {
					appendChild(toolbar, group);

			// Append the toolbar to the toolbarContainer option if given
			appendChild(options.toolbarContainer || editorContainer, toolbar);

		 * Creates the resizer.
		 * @private
		initResize = function () {
			var	minHeight, maxHeight, minWidth, maxWidth,
				mouseMoveFunc, mouseUpFunc,
				grip        = createElement('div', {
					className: 'sceditor-grip'
				// Cover is used to cover the editor iframe so document
				// still gets mouse move events
				cover       = createElement('div', {
					className: 'sceditor-resize-cover'
				moveEvents  = 'touchmove mousemove',
				endEvents   = 'touchcancel touchend mouseup',
				startX      = 0,
				startY      = 0,
				newX        = 0,
				newY        = 0,
				startWidth  = 0,
				startHeight = 0,
				origWidth   = width(editorContainer),
				origHeight  = height(editorContainer),
				isDragging  = false,
				rtl         = base.rtl();

			minHeight = options.resizeMinHeight || origHeight / 1.5;
			maxHeight = options.resizeMaxHeight || origHeight * 2.5;
			minWidth  = options.resizeMinWidth  || origWidth  / 1.25;
			maxWidth  = options.resizeMaxWidth  || origWidth  * 1.25;

			mouseMoveFunc = function (e) {
				// iOS uses window.event
				if (e.type === 'touchmove') {
					e    = globalWin.event;
					newX = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
					newY = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;
				} else {
					newX = e.pageX;
					newY = e.pageY;

				var	newHeight = startHeight + (newY - startY),
					newWidth  = rtl ?
						startWidth - (newX - startX) :
						startWidth + (newX - startX);

				if (maxWidth > 0 && newWidth > maxWidth) {
					newWidth = maxWidth;
				if (minWidth > 0 && newWidth < minWidth) {
					newWidth = minWidth;
				if (!options.resizeWidth) {
					newWidth = false;

				if (maxHeight > 0 && newHeight > maxHeight) {
					newHeight = maxHeight;
				if (minHeight > 0 && newHeight < minHeight) {
					newHeight = minHeight;
				if (!options.resizeHeight) {
					newHeight = false;

				if (newWidth || newHeight) {
					base.dimensions(newWidth, newHeight);


			mouseUpFunc = function (e) {
				if (!isDragging) {

				isDragging = false;

				removeClass(editorContainer, 'resizing');
				offEvent(globalDoc, moveEvents, mouseMoveFunc);
				offEvent(globalDoc, endEvents, mouseUpFunc);


			appendChild(editorContainer, grip);
			appendChild(editorContainer, cover);

			onEvent2(grip, 'touchstart mousedown', function (e) {
				// iOS uses window.event
				if (e.type === 'touchstart') {
					e      = globalWin.event;
					startX = e.touches[0].pageX;
					startY = e.touches[0].pageY;
				} else {
					startX = e.pageX;
					startY = e.pageY;

				startWidth  = width(editorContainer);
				startHeight = height(editorContainer);
				isDragging  = true;

				addClass(editorContainer, 'resizing');
				onEvent2(globalDoc, moveEvents, mouseMoveFunc);
				onEvent2(globalDoc, endEvents, mouseUpFunc);


		 * Prefixes and preloads the emoticon images
		 * @private
		initEmoticons = function () {
			var	emoticons = options.emoticons;

			if (emoticons) {
				allEmoticons = extend(
					{}, emoticons.more, emoticons.dropdown, emoticons.hidden

			each(allEmoticons, function (key, url) {
				allEmoticons[key] = _tmpl('emoticon', {
					key: key,
					// Prefix emoticon root to emoticon urls
					url: url,
					tooltip: key

		 * Autofocus the editor
		 * @private
		autofocus = function (focusEnd) {
			var	range, txtPos,
				node = wysiwygBody.firstChild;

			// Can't focus invisible elements
			if (!isVisible(editorContainer)) {

			if (base.sourceMode()) {
				txtPos = focusEnd ? sourceEditor.value.length : 0;

				sourceEditor.setSelectionRange(txtPos, txtPos);



			if (focusEnd) {
				if (!(node = wysiwygBody.lastChild)) {
					node = createElement('p', {}, wysiwygDocument);
					appendChild(wysiwygBody, node);

				while (node.lastChild) {
					node = node.lastChild;

					// Should place the cursor before the last <br>
					if (is(node, 'br') && node.previousSibling) {
						node = node.previousSibling;

			range = wysiwygDocument.createRange();

			if (!canHaveChildren(node)) {

				if (focusEnd) {
			} else {

			currentSelection = range;

			if (focusEnd) {
				wysiwygBody.scrollTop = wysiwygBody.scrollHeight;


		 * Gets if the editor is read only
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @function
		 * @name readOnly
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * Sets if the editor is read only
		 * @param {boolean} readOnly
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @function
		 * @name readOnly^2
		 * @return {this}
		base.readOnly = function (readOnly) {
			if (typeof readOnly !== 'boolean') {
				return !sourceEditor.readonly;

			wysiwygBody.contentEditable = !readOnly;
			sourceEditor.readonly = !readOnly;


		 * Gets if the editor is in RTL mode
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @function
		 * @name rtl
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * Sets if the editor is in RTL mode
		 * @param {boolean} rtl
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @function
		 * @name rtl^2
		 * @return {this}
		base.rtl = function (rtl) {
			var dir = rtl ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';

			if (typeof rtl !== 'boolean') {
				return attr(sourceEditor, 'dir') === 'rtl';

			attr(wysiwygBody, 'dir', dir);
			attr(sourceEditor, 'dir', dir);

			removeClass(editorContainer, 'rtl');
			removeClass(editorContainer, 'ltr');
			addClass(editorContainer, dir);

		 * Updates the toolbar to disable/enable the appropriate buttons
		 * @private
		updateToolBar = function (disable) {
			var mode = base.inSourceMode() ? '_sceTxtMode' : '_sceWysiwygMode';

			each(toolbarButtons, function (_, button) {
				toggleClass(button, 'disabled', disable || !button[mode]);

		 * Gets the width of the editor in pixels
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @function
		 * @name width
		 * @return {number}
		 * Sets the width of the editor
		 * @param {number} width Width in pixels
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @function
		 * @name width^2
		 * @return {this}
		 * Sets the width of the editor
		 * The saveWidth specifies if to save the width. The stored width can be
		 * used for things like restoring from maximized state.
		 * @param {number}     width            Width in pixels
		 * @param {boolean}	[saveWidth=true] If to store the width
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @function
		 * @name width^3
		 * @return {this}
		base.width = function (width$1, saveWidth) {
			if (!width$1 && width$1 !== 0) {
				return width(editorContainer);

			base.dimensions(width$1, null, saveWidth);

		 * Returns an object with the properties width and height
		 * which are the width and height of the editor in px.
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @function
		 * @name dimensions
		 * @return {object}
		 * <p>Sets the width and/or height of the editor.</p>
		 * <p>If width or height is not numeric it is ignored.</p>
		 * @param {number}	width	Width in px
		 * @param {number}	height	Height in px
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @function
		 * @name dimensions^2
		 * @return {this}
		 * <p>Sets the width and/or height of the editor.</p>
		 * <p>If width or height is not numeric it is ignored.</p>
		 * <p>The save argument specifies if to save the new sizes.
		 * The saved sizes can be used for things like restoring from
		 * maximized state. This should normally be left as true.</p>
		 * @param {number}		width		Width in px
		 * @param {number}		height		Height in px
		 * @param {boolean}	[save=true]	If to store the new sizes
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @function
		 * @name dimensions^3
		 * @return {this}
		base.dimensions = function (width$1, height$1, save) {
			// set undefined width/height to boolean false
			width$1  = (!width$1 && width$1 !== 0) ? false : width$1;
			height$1 = (!height$1 && height$1 !== 0) ? false : height$1;

			if (width$1 === false && height$1 === false) {
				return { width: base.width(), height: base.height() };

			if (width$1 !== false) {
				if (save !== false) {
					options.width = width$1;

				width(editorContainer, width$1);

			if (height$1 !== false) {
				if (save !== false) {
					options.height = height$1;

				height(editorContainer, height$1);

		 * Gets the height of the editor in px
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @function
		 * @name height
		 * @return {number}
		 * Sets the height of the editor
		 * @param {number} height Height in px
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @function
		 * @name height^2
		 * @return {this}
		 * Sets the height of the editor
		 * The saveHeight specifies if to save the height.
		 * The stored height can be used for things like
		 * restoring from maximized state.
		 * @param {number} height Height in px
		 * @param {boolean} [saveHeight=true] If to store the height
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @function
		 * @name height^3
		 * @return {this}
		base.height = function (height$1, saveHeight) {
			if (!height$1 && height$1 !== 0) {
				return height(editorContainer);

			base.dimensions(null, height$1, saveHeight);

		 * Gets if the editor is maximised or not
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @function
		 * @name maximize
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * Sets if the editor is maximised or not
		 * @param {boolean} maximize If to maximise the editor
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @function
		 * @name maximize^2
		 * @return {this}
		base.maximize = function (maximize) {
			var maximizeSize = 'sceditor-maximize';

			if (isUndefined(maximize)) {
				return hasClass(editorContainer, maximizeSize);

			maximize = !!maximize;

			if (maximize) {
				maximizeScrollPosition = globalWin.pageYOffset;

			toggleClass(globalDoc.documentElement, maximizeSize, maximize);
			toggleClass(globalDoc.body, maximizeSize, maximize);
			toggleClass(editorContainer, maximizeSize, maximize);
			base.width(maximize ? '100%' : options.width, false);
			base.height(maximize ? '100%' : options.height, false);

			if (!maximize) {
				globalWin.scrollTo(0, maximizeScrollPosition);


		autoExpand = function () {
			if (options.autoExpand) {

		 * Expands or shrinks the editors height to the height of it's content
		 * Unless ignoreMaxHeight is set to true it will not expand
		 * higher than the maxHeight option.
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @param {boolean} [ignoreMaxHeight=false]
		 * @function
		 * @name expandToContent
		 * @see #resizeToContent
		base.expandToContent = function (ignoreMaxHeight) {
			if (base.maximize()) {

			if (!autoExpandBounds) {
				var height$1 = options.resizeMinHeight || options.height ||

				autoExpandBounds = {
					min: height$1,
					max: options.resizeMaxHeight || (height$1 * 2)

			var range = globalDoc.createRange();

			var rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
			var current = wysiwygDocument.documentElement.clientHeight - 1;
			var spaceNeeded = rect.bottom -;
			var newHeight = base.height() + 1 + (spaceNeeded - current);

			if (!ignoreMaxHeight && autoExpandBounds.max !== -1) {
				newHeight = Math.min(newHeight, autoExpandBounds.max);

			base.height(Math.ceil(Math.max(newHeight, autoExpandBounds.min)));

		 * Destroys the editor, removing all elements and
		 * event handlers.
		 * Leaves only the original textarea.
		 * @function
		 * @name destroy
		base.destroy = function () {
			// Don't destroy if the editor has already been destroyed
			if (!pluginManager) {


			rangeHelper   = null;
			pluginManager = null;

			if (dropdown) {

			offEvent(globalDoc, 'click', handleDocumentClick);

			var form = original.form;
			if (form) {
				offEvent(form, 'reset', handleFormReset);
				offEvent(form, 'submit', base.updateOriginal, EVENT_CAPTURE);

			offEvent(window, 'pagehide', base.updateOriginal);
			offEvent(window, 'pageshow', handleFormReset);

			delete original._sceditor;

			original.required = isRequired;

		 * Creates a menu item drop down
		 * @param  {HTMLElement} menuItem The button to align the dropdown with
		 * @param  {string} name          Used for styling the dropdown, will be
		 *                                a class sceditor-name
		 * @param  {HTMLElement} content  The HTML content of the dropdown
		 * @function
		 * @name createDropDown
		base.createDropDown = function (menuItem, name, content) {
			// first click for create second click for close
			var	dropDownCss,
				dropDownClass = 'sceditor-' + name;


			// Only close the dropdown if it was already open
			if (dropdown && hasClass(dropdown, dropDownClass)) {

			dropDownCss = extend({
				top: menuItem.offsetTop,
				left: menuItem.offsetLeft,
				marginTop: menuItem.clientHeight
			}, options.dropDownCss);

			dropdown = createElement('div', {
				className: 'sceditor-dropdown ' + dropDownClass

			css(dropdown, dropDownCss);
			appendChild(dropdown, content);
			appendChild(editorContainer, dropdown);
			onEvent2(dropdown, 'click focusin', function (e) {
				// stop clicks within the dropdown from being handled

			if (dropdown) {
				var first = find(dropdown, 'input,textarea')[0];
				if (first) {

		 * Handles any document click and closes the dropdown if open
		 * @private
		handleDocumentClick = function (e) {
			// ignore right clicks
			if (e.which !== 3 && dropdown && !e.defaultPrevented) {


		 * Handles the WYSIWYG editors cut & copy events
		 * By default browsers also copy inherited styling from the stylesheet and
		 * browser default styling which is unnecessary.
		 * This will ignore inherited styles and only copy inline styling.
		 * @private
		handleCutCopyEvt = function (e) {
			var range = rangeHelper.selectedRange();
			if (range) {
				var container = createElement('div', {}, wysiwygDocument);
				var firstParent;

				// Copy all inline parent nodes up to the first block parent so can
				// copy inline styles
				var parent = range.commonAncestorContainer;
				while (parent && isInline(parent, true)) {
					if (parent.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
						var clone = parent.cloneNode();
						if (container.firstChild) {
							appendChild(clone, container.firstChild);

						appendChild(container, clone);
						firstParent = firstParent || clone;
					parent = parent.parentNode;

				appendChild(firstParent || container, range.cloneContents());

				e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', container.innerHTML);

				// TODO: Refactor into private shared module with plaintext plugin
				// innerText adds two newlines after <p> tags so convert them to
				// <div> tags
				each(find(container, 'p'), function (_, elm) {
					convertElement(elm, 'div');
				// Remove collapsed <br> tags as innerText converts them to newlines
				each(find(container, 'br'), function (_, elm) {
					if (!elm.nextSibling || !isInline(elm.nextSibling, true)) {

				// range.toString() doesn't include newlines so can't use that.
				// selection.toString() seems to use the same method as innerText
				// but needs to be normalised first so using container.innerText
				appendChild(wysiwygBody, container);
				e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', container.innerText);

				if (e.type === 'cut') {


		 * Handles the WYSIWYG editors paste event
		 * @private
		handlePasteEvt = function (e) {
			var editable = wysiwygBody;
			var clipboard = e.clipboardData;
			var loadImage = function (file) {
				var reader = new FileReader();
				reader.onload = function (e) {
						html: '<img src="' + + '" />'

			// Modern browsers with clipboard API - everything other than _very_
			// old android web views and UC browser which doesn't support the
			// paste event at all.
			if (clipboard) {
				var data = {};
				var types = clipboard.types;
				var items = clipboard.items;


				for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
					// Word sometimes adds copied text as an image so if HTML
					// exists prefer that over images
					if (types.indexOf('text/html') < 0) {
						// Normalise image pasting to paste as a data-uri
						if (globalWin.FileReader && items &&
							IMAGE_MIME_REGEX.test(items[i].type)) {
							return loadImage(clipboard.items[i].getAsFile());

					data[types[i]] = clipboard.getData(types[i]);
				// Call plugins here with file?
				data.text = data['text/plain'];
				data.html = data['text/html'];

			// If contentsFragment exists then we are already waiting for a
			// previous paste so let the handler for that handle this one too
			} else if (!pasteContentFragment) {
				// Save the scroll position so can be restored
				// when contents is restored
				var scrollTop = editable.scrollTop;


				pasteContentFragment = globalDoc.createDocumentFragment();
				while (editable.firstChild) {
					appendChild(pasteContentFragment, editable.firstChild);

				setTimeout(function () {
					var html = editable.innerHTML;

					editable.innerHTML = '';
					appendChild(editable, pasteContentFragment);
					editable.scrollTop = scrollTop;
					pasteContentFragment = false;


					handlePasteData({ html: html });
				}, 0);

		 * Gets the pasted data, filters it and then inserts it.
		 * @param {Object} data
		 * @private
		handlePasteData = function (data) {
			var pasteArea = createElement('div', {}, wysiwygDocument);'pasteRaw', data);
			trigger(editorContainer, 'pasteraw', data);

			if (data.html) {
				// Sanitize again in case plugins modified the HTML
				pasteArea.innerHTML = data.html;

				// fix any invalid nesting
			} else {
				pasteArea.innerHTML = entities(data.text || '');

			var paste = {
				val: pasteArea.innerHTML

			if ('fragmentToSource' in format) {
				paste.val = format
					.fragmentToSource(paste.val, wysiwygDocument, currentNode);
			}'paste', paste);
			trigger(editorContainer, 'paste', paste);'pasteHtml', paste);

			var parent = rangeHelper.getFirstBlockParent();
			base.wysiwygEditorInsertHtml(paste.val, null, true);

		 * Closes any currently open drop down
		 * @param {boolean} [focus=false] If to focus the editor
		 *                             after closing the drop down
		 * @function
		 * @name closeDropDown
		base.closeDropDown = function (focus) {
			if (dropdown) {
				dropdown = null;

			if (focus === true) {

		 * Inserts HTML into WYSIWYG editor.
		 * If endHtml is specified, any selected text will be placed
		 * between html and endHtml. If there is no selected text html
		 * and endHtml will just be concatenate together.
		 * @param {string} html
		 * @param {string} [endHtml=null]
		 * @param {boolean} [overrideCodeBlocking=false] If to insert the html
		 *                                               into code tags, by
		 *                                               default code tags only
		 *                                               support text.
		 * @function
		 * @name wysiwygEditorInsertHtml
		base.wysiwygEditorInsertHtml = function (
			html, endHtml, overrideCodeBlocking
		) {
			var	marker, scrollTop, scrollTo,
				editorHeight = height(wysiwygEditor);


			// TODO: This code tag should be configurable and
			// should maybe convert the HTML into text instead
			// Don't apply to code elements
			if (!overrideCodeBlocking && closest(currentBlockNode, 'code')) {

			// Insert the HTML and save the range so the editor can be scrolled
			// to the end of the selection. Also allows emoticons to be replaced
			// without affecting the cursor position
			rangeHelper.insertHTML(html, endHtml);

			// Fix any invalid nesting, e.g. if a quote or other block is inserted
			// into a paragraph

			// Scroll the editor after the end of the selection
			marker   = find(wysiwygBody, '#sceditor-end-marker')[0];
			scrollTop = wysiwygBody.scrollTop;
			scrollTo  = (getOffset(marker).top +
				(marker.offsetHeight * 1.5)) - editorHeight;

			// Only scroll if marker isn't already visible
			if (scrollTo > scrollTop || scrollTo + editorHeight < scrollTop) {
				wysiwygBody.scrollTop = scrollTo;


			// Add a new line after the last block element
			// so can always add text after it

		 * Like wysiwygEditorInsertHtml except it will convert any HTML
		 * into text before inserting it.
		 * @param {string} text
		 * @param {string} [endText=null]
		 * @function
		 * @name wysiwygEditorInsertText
		base.wysiwygEditorInsertText = function (text, endText) {
				entities(text), entities(endText)

		 * Inserts text into the WYSIWYG or source editor depending on which
		 * mode the editor is in.
		 * If endText is specified any selected text will be placed between
		 * text and endText. If no text is selected text and endText will
		 * just be concatenate together.
		 * @param {string} text
		 * @param {string} [endText=null]
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @function
		 * @name insertText
		base.insertText = function (text, endText) {
			if (base.inSourceMode()) {
				base.sourceEditorInsertText(text, endText);
			} else {
				base.wysiwygEditorInsertText(text, endText);

		 * Like wysiwygEditorInsertHtml but inserts text into the
		 * source mode editor instead.
		 * If endText is specified any selected text will be placed between
		 * text and endText. If no text is selected text and endText will
		 * just be concatenate together.
		 * The cursor will be placed after the text param. If endText is
		 * specified the cursor will be placed before endText, so passing:<br />
		 * '[b]', '[/b]'
		 * Would cause the cursor to be placed:<br />
		 * [b]Selected text|[/b]
		 * @param {string} text
		 * @param {string} [endText=null]
		 * @since 1.4.0
		 * @function
		 * @name sourceEditorInsertText
		base.sourceEditorInsertText = function (text, endText) {
			var scrollTop, currentValue,
				startPos = sourceEditor.selectionStart,
				endPos   = sourceEditor.selectionEnd;

			scrollTop = sourceEditor.scrollTop;
			currentValue = sourceEditor.value;

			if (endText) {
				text += currentValue.substring(startPos, endPos) + endText;

			sourceEditor.value = currentValue.substring(0, startPos) +
				text +
				currentValue.substring(endPos, currentValue.length);

			sourceEditor.selectionStart = (startPos + text.length) -
				(endText ? endText.length : 0);
			sourceEditor.selectionEnd = sourceEditor.selectionStart;

			sourceEditor.scrollTop = scrollTop;


		 * Gets the current instance of the rangeHelper class
		 * for the editor.
		 * @return {RangeHelper}
		 * @function
		 * @name getRangeHelper
		base.getRangeHelper = function () {
			return rangeHelper;

		 * Gets or sets the source editor caret position.
		 * @param {Object} [position]
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @since 1.4.5
		 * @name sourceEditorCaret
		base.sourceEditorCaret = function (position) {

			if (position) {
				sourceEditor.selectionStart = position.start;
				sourceEditor.selectionEnd = position.end;

			return {
				start: sourceEditor.selectionStart,
				end: sourceEditor.selectionEnd

		 * Gets the value of the editor.
		 * If the editor is in WYSIWYG mode it will return the filtered
		 * HTML from it (converted to BBCode if using the BBCode plugin).
		 * It it's in Source Mode it will return the unfiltered contents
		 * of the source editor (if using the BBCode plugin this will be
		 * BBCode again).
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @return {string}
		 * @function
		 * @name val
		 * Sets the value of the editor.
		 * If filter set true the val will be passed through the filter
		 * function. If using the BBCode plugin it will pass the val to
		 * the BBCode filter to convert any BBCode into HTML.
		 * @param {string} val
		 * @param {boolean} [filter=true]
		 * @return {this}
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @function
		 * @name val^2
		base.val = function (val, filter) {
			if (!isString(val)) {
				return base.inSourceMode() ?
					base.getSourceEditorValue(false) :

			if (!base.inSourceMode()) {
				if (filter !== false && 'toHtml' in format) {
					val = format.toHtml(val);

			} else {

		 * Inserts HTML/BBCode into the editor
		 * If end is supplied any selected text will be placed between
		 * start and end. If there is no selected text start and end
		 * will be concatenate together.
		 * If the filter param is set to true, the HTML/BBCode will be
		 * passed through any plugin filters. If using the BBCode plugin
		 * this will convert any BBCode into HTML.
		 * @param {string} start
		 * @param {string} [end=null]
		 * @param {boolean} [filter=true]
		 * @param {boolean} [convertEmoticons=true] If to convert emoticons
		 * @return {this}
		 * @since 1.3.5
		 * @function
		 * @name insert
		 * Inserts HTML/BBCode into the editor
		 * If end is supplied any selected text will be placed between
		 * start and end. If there is no selected text start and end
		 * will be concatenate together.
		 * If the filter param is set to true, the HTML/BBCode will be
		 * passed through any plugin filters. If using the BBCode plugin
		 * this will convert any BBCode into HTML.
		 * If the allowMixed param is set to true, HTML any will not be
		 * escaped
		 * @param {string} start
		 * @param {string} [end=null]
		 * @param {boolean} [filter=true]
		 * @param {boolean} [allowMixed=false]
		 * @since 1.4.3
		 * @function
		 * @name insert^2
		// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
		base.insert = function (
			start, end, filter, allowMixed
		) {
			if (base.inSourceMode()) {
				base.sourceEditorInsertText(start, end);

			// Add the selection between start and end
			if (end) {
				var	html = rangeHelper.selectedHtml();

				if (filter !== false && 'fragmentToSource' in format) {
					html = format
						.fragmentToSource(html, wysiwygDocument, currentNode);

				start += html + end;

			// Convert any escaped HTML back into HTML if mixed is allowed
			if (filter !== false && allowMixed === true) {
				start = start.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
					.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
					.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');


		 * Gets the WYSIWYG editors HTML value.
		 * If using a plugin that filters the Ht Ml like the BBCode plugin
		 * it will return the result of the filtering (BBCode) unless the
		 * filter param is set to false.
		 * @param {boolean} [filter=true]
		 * @return {string}
		 * @function
		 * @name getWysiwygEditorValue
		base.getWysiwygEditorValue = function (filter) {
			var	html;
			// Create a tmp node to store contents so it can be modified
			// without affecting anything else.
			var tmp = createElement('div', {}, wysiwygDocument);
			var childNodes = wysiwygBody.childNodes;

			for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
				appendChild(tmp, childNodes[i].cloneNode(true));

			appendChild(wysiwygBody, tmp);

			html = tmp.innerHTML;

			// filter the HTML and DOM through any plugins
			if (filter !== false && format.hasOwnProperty('toSource')) {
				html = format.toSource(html, wysiwygDocument);

			return html;

		 * Gets the WYSIWYG editor's iFrame Body.
		 * @return {HTMLElement}
		 * @function
		 * @since 1.4.3
		 * @name getBody
		base.getBody = function () {
			return wysiwygBody;

		 * Gets the WYSIWYG editors container area (whole iFrame).
		 * @return {HTMLElement}
		 * @function
		 * @since 1.4.3
		 * @name getContentAreaContainer
		base.getContentAreaContainer = function () {
			return wysiwygEditor;

		 * Gets the text editor value
		 * If using a plugin that filters the text like the BBCode plugin
		 * it will return the result of the filtering which is BBCode to
		 * HTML so it will return HTML. If filter is set to false it will
		 * just return the contents of the source editor (BBCode).
		 * @param {boolean} [filter=true]
		 * @return {string}
		 * @function
		 * @since 1.4.0
		 * @name getSourceEditorValue
		base.getSourceEditorValue = function (filter) {
			var val = sourceEditor.value;

			if (filter !== false && 'toHtml' in format) {
				val = format.toHtml(val);

			return val;

		 * Sets the WYSIWYG HTML editor value. Should only be the HTML
		 * contained within the body tags
		 * @param {string} value
		 * @function
		 * @name setWysiwygEditorValue
		base.setWysiwygEditorValue = function (value) {
			if (!value) {
				value = '<p><br /></p>';

			wysiwygBody.innerHTML = value;


		 * Sets the text editor value
		 * @param {string} value
		 * @function
		 * @name setSourceEditorValue
		base.setSourceEditorValue = function (value) {
			sourceEditor.value = value;


		 * Updates the textarea that the editor is replacing
		 * with the value currently inside the editor.
		 * @function
		 * @name updateOriginal
		 * @since 1.4.0
		base.updateOriginal = function () {
			original.value = base.val();

		 * Replaces any emoticon codes in the passed HTML
		 * with their emoticon images
		 * @private
		replaceEmoticons = function () {
			if (options.emoticonsEnabled) {
				doReplaceEmoticons(wysiwygBody, allEmoticons, options.emoticonsCompat);

		 * If the editor is in source code mode
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name inSourceMode
		base.inSourceMode = function () {
			return hasClass(editorContainer, 'sourceMode');

		 * Gets if the editor is in sourceMode
		 * @return boolean
		 * @function
		 * @name sourceMode
		 * Sets if the editor is in sourceMode
		 * @param {boolean} enable
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name sourceMode^2
		base.sourceMode = function (enable) {
			var inSourceMode = base.inSourceMode();

			if (typeof enable !== 'boolean') {
				return inSourceMode;

			if ((inSourceMode && !enable) || (!inSourceMode && enable)) {

		 * Switches between the WYSIWYG and source modes
		 * @function
		 * @name toggleSourceMode
		 * @since 1.4.0
		base.toggleSourceMode = function () {
			var isInSourceMode = base.inSourceMode();

			// don't allow switching to WYSIWYG if doesn't support it
			if (!isWysiwygSupported && isInSourceMode) {

			if (!isInSourceMode) {

			currentSelection = null;


			if (isInSourceMode) {
			} else {

			toggleClass(editorContainer, 'wysiwygMode', isInSourceMode);
			toggleClass(editorContainer, 'sourceMode', !isInSourceMode);


		 * Gets the selected text of the source editor
		 * @return {string}
		 * @private
		sourceEditorSelectedText = function () {

			return sourceEditor.value.substring(

		 * Handles the passed command
		 * @private
		handleCommand = function (caller, cmd) {
			// check if in text mode and handle text commands
			if (base.inSourceMode()) {
				if (cmd.txtExec) {
					if (Array.isArray(cmd.txtExec)) {
					} else {
						cmd.txtExec(base, caller, sourceEditorSelectedText());
			} else if (cmd.exec) {
				if (isFunction(cmd.exec)) {
					cmd.exec(base, caller);
				} else {
						cmd.hasOwnProperty('execParam') ? cmd.execParam : null


		 * Executes a command on the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param {string} command
		 * @param {String|Boolean} [param]
		 * @function
		 * @name execCommand
		base.execCommand = function (command, param) {
			var	executed    = false,
				commandObj  = base.commands[command];


			// TODO: make configurable
			// don't apply any commands to code elements
			if (closest(rangeHelper.parentNode(), 'code')) {

			try {
				executed = wysiwygDocument.execCommand(command, false, param);
			} catch (ex) { }

			// show error if execution failed and an error message exists
			if (!executed && commandObj && commandObj.errorMessage) {
				/*global alert:false*/


		 * Checks if the current selection has changed and triggers
		 * the selectionchanged event if it has.
		 * In browsers other that don't support selectionchange event it will check
		 * at most once every 100ms.
		 * @private
		checkSelectionChanged = function () {
			function check() {
				// Don't create new selection if there isn't one (like after
				// blur event in iOS)
				if (wysiwygWindow.getSelection() &&
					wysiwygWindow.getSelection().rangeCount <= 0) {
					currentSelection = null;
				// rangeHelper could be null if editor was destroyed
				// before the timeout had finished
				} else if (rangeHelper && ! {
					currentSelection = rangeHelper.cloneSelected();

					// If the selection is in an inline wrap it in a block.
					// Fixes #331
					if (currentSelection && currentSelection.collapsed) {
						var parent = currentSelection.startContainer;
						var offset = currentSelection.startOffset;

						// Handle if selection is placed before/after an element
						if (offset && parent.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE) {
							parent = parent.childNodes[offset];

						while (parent && parent.parentNode !== wysiwygBody) {
							parent = parent.parentNode;

						if (parent && isInline(parent, true)) {
							wrapInlines(wysiwygBody, wysiwygDocument);

					trigger(editorContainer, 'selectionchanged');

				isSelectionCheckPending = false;

			if (isSelectionCheckPending) {

			isSelectionCheckPending = true;

			// Don't need to limit checking if browser supports the Selection API
			if ('onselectionchange' in wysiwygDocument) {
			} else {
				setTimeout(check, 100);

		 * Checks if the current node has changed and triggers
		 * the nodechanged event if it has
		 * @private
		checkNodeChanged = function () {
			// check if node has changed
			var	oldNode,
				node = rangeHelper.parentNode();

			if (currentNode !== node) {
				oldNode          = currentNode;
				currentNode      = node;
				currentBlockNode = rangeHelper.getFirstBlockParent(node);

				trigger(editorContainer, 'nodechanged', {
					oldNode: oldNode,
					newNode: currentNode

		 * Gets the current node that contains the selection/caret in
		 * WYSIWYG mode.
		 * Will be null in sourceMode or if there is no selection.
		 * @return {?Node}
		 * @function
		 * @name currentNode
		base.currentNode = function () {
			return currentNode;

		 * Gets the first block level node that contains the
		 * selection/caret in WYSIWYG mode.
		 * Will be null in sourceMode or if there is no selection.
		 * @return {?Node}
		 * @function
		 * @name currentBlockNode
		 * @since 1.4.4
		base.currentBlockNode = function () {
			return currentBlockNode;

		 * Updates if buttons are active or not
		 * @private
		updateActiveButtons = function () {
			var firstBlock, parent;
			var doc         = wysiwygDocument;
			var isSource    = base.sourceMode();

			if (base.readOnly()) {
				each(find(toolbar, 'active'), function (_, menuItem) {
					removeClass(menuItem, 'active');

			if (!isSource) {
				parent     = rangeHelper.parentNode();
				firstBlock = rangeHelper.getFirstBlockParent(parent);

			for (var j = 0; j < btnStateHandlers.length; j++) {
				var state      = 0;
				var btn        = toolbarButtons[btnStateHandlers[j].name];
				var stateFn    = btnStateHandlers[j].state;
				var isDisabled = (isSource && !btn._sceTxtMode) ||
							(!isSource && !btn._sceWysiwygMode);

				if (isString(stateFn)) {
					if (!isSource) {
						try {
							state = doc.queryCommandEnabled(stateFn) ? 0 : -1;

							// eslint-disable-next-line max-depth
							if (state > -1) {
								state = doc.queryCommandState(stateFn) ? 1 : 0;
						} catch (ex) {}
				} else if (!isDisabled) {
					state = stateFn(base, parent, firstBlock);

				toggleClass(btn, 'disabled', isDisabled || state < 0);
				toggleClass(btn, 'active', state > 0);

		 * Handles any key press in the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @private
		handleKeyPress = function (e) {
			// FF bug:
			if (e.defaultPrevented) {


			// 13 = enter key
			if (e.which === 13) {
				var LIST_TAGS = 'li,ul,ol';

				// "Fix" (cludge) for blocklevel elements being duplicated in some
				// browsers when enter is pressed instead of inserting a newline
				if (!is(currentBlockNode, LIST_TAGS) &&
					hasStyling(currentBlockNode)) {

					var br = createElement('br', {}, wysiwygDocument);

					// Last <br> of a block will be collapsed  so need to make sure
					// the <br> that was inserted isn't the last node of a block.
					var parent  = br.parentNode;
					var lastChild = parent.lastChild;

					// Sometimes an empty next node is created after the <br>
					if (lastChild && lastChild.nodeType === TEXT_NODE &&
						lastChild.nodeValue === '') {
						lastChild = parent.lastChild;

					// If this is the last BR of a block and the previous
					// sibling is inline then will need an extra BR. This
					// is needed because the last BR of a block will be
					// collapsed. Fixes issue #248
					if (!isInline(parent, true) && lastChild === br &&
						isInline(br.previousSibling)) {


		 * Makes sure that if there is a code or quote tag at the
		 * end of the editor, that there is a new line after it.
		 * If there wasn't a new line at the end you wouldn't be able
		 * to enter any text after a code/quote tag
		 * @return {void}
		 * @private
		appendNewLine = function () {
			// Check all nodes in reverse until either add a new line
			// or reach a non-empty textnode or BR at which point can
			// stop checking.
			rTraverse(wysiwygBody, function (node) {
				// Last block, add new line after if has styling
				if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE &&
					!/inline/.test(css(node, 'display'))) {

					// Add line break after if has styling
					if (!is(node, '.sceditor-nlf') && hasStyling(node)) {
						var paragraph = createElement('p', {}, wysiwygDocument);
						paragraph.className = 'sceditor-nlf';
						paragraph.innerHTML = '<br />';
						appendChild(wysiwygBody, paragraph);
						return false;

				// Last non-empty text node or line break.
				// No need to add line-break after them
				if ((node.nodeType === 3 && !/^\s*$/.test(node.nodeValue)) ||
					is(node, 'br')) {
					return false;

		 * Handles form reset event
		 * @private
		handleFormReset = function () {

		 * Handles any mousedown press in the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @private
		handleMouseDown = function () {

		 * Translates the string into the locale language.
		 * Replaces any {0}, {1}, {2}, ect. with the params provided.
		 * @param {string} str
		 * @param {...String} args
		 * @return {string}
		 * @function
		 * @name _
		base._ = function () {
			var	undef,
				args = arguments;

			if (locale && locale[args[0]]) {
				args[0] = locale[args[0]];

			return args[0].replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function (str, p1) {
				return args[p1 - 0 + 1] !== undef ?
					args[p1 - 0 + 1] :
					'{' + p1 + '}';

		 * Passes events on to any handlers
		 * @private
		 * @return void
		handleEvent = function (e) {
			if (pluginManager) {
				// Send event to all plugins + 'Event', e, base);

			// convert the event into a custom event to send
			var name = ( === sourceEditor ? 'scesrc' : 'scewys') + e.type;

			if (eventHandlers[name]) {
				eventHandlers[name].forEach(function (fn) {
					fn(base, e);  // removed call, untested

		 * Binds a handler to the specified events
		 * This function only binds to a limited list of
		 * supported events.
		 * The supported events are:
		 * * keyup
		 * * keydown
		 * * Keypress
		 * * blur
		 * * focus
		 * * input
		 * * nodechanged - When the current node containing
		 * 		the selection changes in WYSIWYG mode
		 * * contextmenu
		 * * selectionchanged
		 * * valuechanged
		 * The events param should be a string containing the event(s)
		 * to bind this handler to. If multiple, they should be separated
		 * by spaces.
		 * @param  {string} events
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeWysiwyg If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeSource  if to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the source editor
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name bind
		 * @since 1.4.1
		base.bind = function (events, handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource) {
			events = events.split(' ');

			var i  = events.length;
			while (i--) {
				if (isFunction(handler)) {
					var wysEvent = 'scewys' + events[i];
					var srcEvent = 'scesrc' + events[i];
					// Use custom events to allow passing the instance as the
					// 2nd argument.
					// Also allows unbinding without unbinding the editors own
					// event handlers.
					if (!excludeWysiwyg) {
						eventHandlers[wysEvent] = eventHandlers[wysEvent] || [];

					if (!excludeSource) {
						eventHandlers[srcEvent] = eventHandlers[srcEvent] || [];

					// Start sending value changed events
					if (events[i] === 'valuechanged') {
						triggerValueChanged.hasHandler = true;

		 * Unbinds an event that was bound using bind().
		 * @param  {string} events
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeWysiwyg If to exclude unbinding this
		 *                                  handler from the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeSource  if to exclude unbinding this
		 *                                  handler from the source editor
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name unbind
		 * @since 1.4.1
		 * @see bind
		base.unbind = function (events, handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource) {
			events = events.split(' ');

			var i  = events.length;
			while (i--) {
				if (isFunction(handler)) {
					if (!excludeWysiwyg) {
							eventHandlers['scewys' + events[i]] || [], handler);

					if (!excludeSource) {
							eventHandlers['scesrc' + events[i]] || [], handler);

		 * Blurs the editors input area
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name blur
		 * @since 1.3.6
		 * Adds a handler to the editors blur event
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeWysiwyg If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeSource  if to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the source editor
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name blur^2
		 * @since 1.4.1
		base.blur = function (handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource) {
			if (isFunction(handler)) {
				base.bind('blur', handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource);
			} else if (!base.sourceMode()) {
			} else {

		 * Focuses the editors input area
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name focus
		 * Adds an event handler to the focus event
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeWysiwyg If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeSource  if to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the source editor
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name focus^2
		 * @since 1.4.1
		base.focus = function (handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource) {
			if (isFunction(handler)) {
				base.bind('focus', handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource);
			} else if (!base.inSourceMode()) {
				// Already has focus so do nothing
				if (find(wysiwygDocument, ':focus').length) {

				var container;
				var rng = rangeHelper.selectedRange();

				// Fix FF bug where it shows the cursor in the wrong place
				// if the editor hasn't had focus before. See issue #393
				if (!currentSelection) {

				// Check if cursor is set after a BR when the BR is the only
				// child of the parent. In Firefox this causes a line break
				// to occur when something is typed. See issue #321
				if (rng && rng.endOffset === 1 && rng.collapsed) {
					container = rng.endContainer;

					if (container && container.childNodes.length === 1 &&
						is(container.firstChild, 'br')) {

			} else {


		 * Adds a handler to the key down event
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeWysiwyg If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeSource  If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the source editor
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name keyDown
		 * @since 1.4.1
		base.keyDown = function (handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource) {
			return base.bind('keydown', handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource);

		 * Adds a handler to the key press event
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeWysiwyg If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeSource  If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the source editor
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name keyPress
		 * @since 1.4.1
		base.keyPress = function (handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource) {
			return base
				.bind('keypress', handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource);

		 * Adds a handler to the key up event
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeWysiwyg If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeSource  If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the source editor
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name keyUp
		 * @since 1.4.1
		base.keyUp = function (handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource) {
			return base.bind('keyup', handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource);

		 * Adds a handler to the node changed event.
		 * Happens whenever the node containing the selection/caret
		 * changes in WYSIWYG mode.
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name nodeChanged
		 * @since 1.4.1
		base.nodeChanged = function (handler) {
			return base.bind('nodechanged', handler, false, true);

		 * Adds a handler to the selection changed event
		 * Happens whenever the selection changes in WYSIWYG mode.
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name selectionChanged
		 * @since 1.4.1
		base.selectionChanged = function (handler) {
			return base.bind('selectionchanged', handler, false, true);

		 * Adds a handler to the value changed event
		 * Happens whenever the current editor value changes.
		 * Whenever anything is inserted, the value changed or
		 * 1.5 secs after text is typed. If a space is typed it will
		 * cause the event to be triggered immediately instead of
		 * after 1.5 seconds
		 * @param  {Function} handler
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeWysiwyg If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param  {boolean} excludeSource  If to exclude adding this handler
		 *                                  to the source editor
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name valueChanged
		 * @since 1.4.5
		base.valueChanged = function (handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource) {
			return base
				.bind('valuechanged', handler, excludeWysiwyg, excludeSource);

		 * Emoticons keypress handler
		 * @private
		emoticonsKeyPress = function (e) {
			var	replacedEmoticon,
				cachePos       = 0,
				emoticonsCache = base.emoticonsCache,
				curChar        = String.fromCharCode(e.which);

			// TODO: Make configurable
			if (closest(currentBlockNode, 'code')) {

			if (!emoticonsCache) {
				emoticonsCache = [];

				each(allEmoticons, function (key, html) {
					emoticonsCache[cachePos++] = [key, html];

				emoticonsCache.sort(function (a, b) {
					return a[0].length - b[0].length;

				base.emoticonsCache = emoticonsCache;
				base.longestEmoticonCode =
					emoticonsCache[emoticonsCache.length - 1][0].length;

			replacedEmoticon = rangeHelper.replaceKeyword(

			if (replacedEmoticon) {
				if (!options.emoticonsCompat || !/^\s$/.test(curChar)) {

		 * Makes sure emoticons are surrounded by whitespace
		 * @private
		emoticonsCheckWhitespace = function () {
			checkWhitespace(currentBlockNode, rangeHelper);

		 * Gets if emoticons are currently enabled
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @function
		 * @name emoticons
		 * @since 1.4.2
		 * Enables/disables emoticons
		 * @param {boolean} enable
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name emoticons^2
		 * @since 1.4.2
		base.emoticons = function (enable) {
			if (!enable && enable !== false) {
				return options.emoticonsEnabled;

			options.emoticonsEnabled = enable;

			if (enable) {
				onEvent2(wysiwygBody, 'keypress', emoticonsKeyPress);

				if (!base.sourceMode()) {


			} else {
				var emoticons =
					find(wysiwygBody, 'img[data-sceditor-emoticon]');

				each(emoticons, function (_, img) {
					var text = data(img, 'sceditor-emoticon');
					var textNode = wysiwygDocument.createTextNode(text);
					img.parentNode.replaceChild(textNode, img);

				offEvent(wysiwygBody, 'keypress', emoticonsKeyPress);


		 * Gets the current WYSIWYG editors inline CSS
		 * @return {string}
		 * @function
		 * @name css
		 * @since 1.4.3
		 * Sets inline CSS for the WYSIWYG editor
		 * @param {string} css
		 * @return {this}
		 * @function
		 * @name css^2
		 * @since 1.4.3
		base.css = function (css) {
			if (!inlineCss) {
				inlineCss = createElement('style', {
					id: 'inline'
				}, wysiwygDocument);

				appendChild(wysiwygDocument.head, inlineCss);

			if (!isString(css)) {
				return inlineCss.styleSheet ?
					inlineCss.styleSheet.cssText : inlineCss.innerHTML;

			if (inlineCss.styleSheet) {
				inlineCss.styleSheet.cssText = css;
			} else {
				inlineCss.innerHTML = css;

		 * Handles the keydown event, used for shortcuts
		 * @private
		handleKeyDown = function (e) {
			var	shortcut   = [],
				SHIFT_KEYS = {
					'`': '~',
					'1': '!',
					'2': '@',
					'3': '#',
					'4': '$',
					'5': '%',
					'6': '^',
					'7': '&',
					'8': '*',
					'9': '(',
					'0': ')',
					'-': '_',
					'=': '+',
					';': ': ',
					'\'': '"',
					',': '<',
					'.': '>',
					'/': '?',
					'\\': '|',
					'[': '{',
					']': '}'
					8: 'backspace',
					9: 'tab',
					13: 'enter',
					19: 'pause',
					20: 'capslock',
					27: 'esc',
					32: 'space',
					33: 'pageup',
					34: 'pagedown',
					35: 'end',
					36: 'home',
					37: 'left',
					38: 'up',
					39: 'right',
					40: 'down',
					45: 'insert',
					46: 'del',
					91: 'win',
					92: 'win',
					93: 'select',
					96: '0',
					97: '1',
					98: '2',
					99: '3',
					100: '4',
					101: '5',
					102: '6',
					103: '7',
					104: '8',
					105: '9',
					106: '*',
					107: '+',
					109: '-',
					110: '.',
					111: '/',
					112: 'f1',
					113: 'f2',
					114: 'f3',
					115: 'f4',
					116: 'f5',
					117: 'f6',
					118: 'f7',
					119: 'f8',
					120: 'f9',
					121: 'f10',
					122: 'f11',
					123: 'f12',
					144: 'numlock',
					145: 'scrolllock',
					186: ';',
					187: '=',
					188: ',',
					189: '-',
					190: '.',
					191: '/',
					192: '`',
					219: '[',
					220: '\\',
					221: ']',
					222: '\''
					109: '-',
					110: 'del',
					111: '/',
					96: '0',
					97: '1',
					98: '2',
					99: '3',
					100: '4',
					101: '5',
					102: '6',
					103: '7',
					104: '8',
					105: '9'
				which     = e.which,
				character = SPECIAL_KEYS[which] ||

			if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {

			if (e.altKey) {

			if (e.shiftKey) {

				if (NUMPAD_SHIFT_KEYS[which]) {
					character = NUMPAD_SHIFT_KEYS[which];
				} else if (SHIFT_KEYS[character]) {
					character = SHIFT_KEYS[character];

			// Shift is 16, ctrl is 17 and alt is 18
			if (character && (which < 16 || which > 18)) {

			shortcut = shortcut.join('+');
			if (shortcutHandlers[shortcut] &&
				shortcutHandlers[shortcut](base) === false) {


		 * Adds a shortcut handler to the editor
		 * @param  {string}          shortcut
		 * @param  {String|Function} cmd
		 * @return {sceditor}
		base.addShortcut = function (shortcut, cmd) {
			shortcut = shortcut.toLowerCase();

			if (isString(cmd)) {
				shortcutHandlers[shortcut] = function () {
					handleCommand(toolbarButtons[cmd], base.commands[cmd]);

					return false;
			} else {
				shortcutHandlers[shortcut] = cmd;

			return true;

		 * Removes a shortcut handler
		 * @param  {string} shortcut
		 * @return {sceditor}
		base.removeShortcut = function (shortcut) {
			delete shortcutHandlers[shortcut.toLowerCase()];

		 * Handles the backspace key press
		 * Will remove block styling like quotes/code ect if at the start.
		 * @private
		handleBackSpace = function (e) {
			var	node, offset, range, parent;

			// 8 is the backspace key
			if (options.disableBlockRemove || e.which !== 8 ||
				!(range = rangeHelper.selectedRange())) {

			node   = range.startContainer;
			offset = range.startOffset;

			if (offset !== 0 || !(parent = currentStyledBlockNode()) ||
				is(parent, 'body')) {

			while (node !== parent) {
				while (node.previousSibling) {
					node = node.previousSibling;

					// Everything but empty text nodes before the cursor
					// should prevent the style from being removed
					if (node.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE || node.nodeValue) {

				if (!(node = node.parentNode)) {

			// The backspace was pressed at the start of
			// the container so clear the style

		 * Gets the first styled block node that contains the cursor
		 * @return {HTMLElement}
		currentStyledBlockNode = function () {
			var block = currentBlockNode;

			while (!hasStyling(block) || isInline(block, true)) {
				if (!(block = block.parentNode) || is(block, 'body')) {

			return block;

		 * Clears the formatting of the passed block element.
		 * If block is false, if will clear the styling of the first
		 * block level element that contains the cursor.
		 * @param  {HTMLElement} block
		 * @since 1.4.4
		base.clearBlockFormatting = function (block) {
			block = block || currentStyledBlockNode();

			if (!block || is(block, 'body')) {


			block.className = '';

			attr(block, 'style', '');

			if (!is(block, 'p,div,td')) {
				convertElement(block, 'p');


		 * Triggers the valueChanged signal if there is
		 * a plugin that handles it.
		 * If rangeHelper.saveRange() has already been
		 * called, then saveRange should be set to false
		 * to prevent the range being saved twice.
		 * @since 1.4.5
		 * @param {boolean} saveRange If to call rangeHelper.saveRange().
		 * @private
		triggerValueChanged = function (saveRange) {
			if (!pluginManager ||
				(!pluginManager.hasHandler('valuechangedEvent') &&
					!triggerValueChanged.hasHandler)) {

			var	currentHtml,
				sourceMode   = base.sourceMode(),
				hasSelection = !sourceMode && rangeHelper.hasSelection();

			// Composition end isn't guaranteed to fire but must have
			// ended when triggerValueChanged() is called so reset it
			isComposing = false;

			// Don't need to save the range if sceditor-start-marker
			// is present as the range is already saved
			saveRange = saveRange !== false &&

			// Clear any current timeout as it's now been triggered
			if (valueChangedKeyUpTimer) {
				valueChangedKeyUpTimer = false;

			if (hasSelection && saveRange) {

			currentHtml = sourceMode ? sourceEditor.value : wysiwygBody.innerHTML;

			// Only trigger if something has actually changed.
			if (currentHtml !== triggerValueChanged.lastVal) {
				triggerValueChanged.lastVal = currentHtml;

				trigger(editorContainer, 'valuechanged', {
					rawValue: sourceMode ? base.val() : currentHtml

			if (hasSelection && saveRange) {

		 * Should be called whenever there is a blur event
		 * @private
		valueChangedBlur = function () {
			if (valueChangedKeyUpTimer) {

		 * Should be called whenever there is a keypress event
		 * @param  {Event} e The keypress event
		 * @private
		valueChangedKeyUp = function (e) {
			var which         = e.which,
				lastChar      = valueChangedKeyUp.lastChar,
				lastWasSpace  = (lastChar === 13 || lastChar === 32),
				lastWasDelete = (lastChar === 8 || lastChar === 46);

			valueChangedKeyUp.lastChar = which;

			if (isComposing) {

			// 13 = return & 32 = space
			if (which === 13 || which === 32) {
				if (!lastWasSpace) {
				} else {
					valueChangedKeyUp.triggerNext = true;
			// 8 = backspace & 46 = del
			} else if (which === 8 || which === 46) {
				if (!lastWasDelete) {
				} else {
					valueChangedKeyUp.triggerNext = true;
			} else if (valueChangedKeyUp.triggerNext) {
				valueChangedKeyUp.triggerNext = false;

			// Clear the previous timeout and set a new one.

			// Trigger the event 1.5s after the last keypress if space
			// isn't pressed. This might need to be lowered, will need
			// to look into what the slowest average Chars Per Min is.
			valueChangedKeyUpTimer = setTimeout(function () {
				if (!isComposing) {
			}, 1500);

		handleComposition = function (e) {
			isComposing = /start/i.test(e.type);

			if (!isComposing) {

		autoUpdate = function () {

		// run the initializer

		base.allEmoticons = allEmoticons;

		return base;

	 * Map containing the loaded SCEditor locales
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @name locale
	 * @memberOf sceditor
	var _locale = {};

	var _formats = {};

	 * SCEditor
	 * Copyright (C) 2017, Sam Clarke (
	 * SCEditor is licensed under the MIT license:
	 * @fileoverview SCEditor - A lightweight WYSIWYG BBCode and HTML editor
	 * @author Sam Clarke

	function getTextarea(textarea) {
		if( typeof(textarea) === 'string' )
			textarea = document.querySelector(textarea);
		return textarea;

	window.sceditor = {
		commands: defaultCmds,
		defaultOptions: defaultOptions,

		ios: ios,
		isWysiwygSupported: isWysiwygSupported,

		regexEscape: regex,
		escapeEntities: entities,
		escapeUriScheme: uriScheme,

		dom: {
			css: css,
			attr: attr,
			removeAttr: removeAttr,
			is: is,
			closest: closest,
			width: width,
			height: height,
			traverse: traverse,
			rTraverse: rTraverse,
			parseHTML: parseHTML,
			hasStyling: hasStyling,
			convertElement: convertElement,
			blockLevelList: blockLevelList,
			canHaveChildren: canHaveChildren,
			isInline: isInline,
			copyCSS: copyCSS,
			fixNesting: fixNesting,
			findCommonAncestor: findCommonAncestor,
			getSibling: getSibling,
			removeWhiteSpace: removeWhiteSpace,
			extractContents: extractContents,
			getOffset: getOffset,
			getStyle: getStyle,
			hasStyle: hasStyle
		locale: _locale,
		utils: {
			each: each,
			isEmptyObject: isEmptyObject,
			extend: extend,
			extendDeep: extendDeep,
		//plugins: PluginManager.plugins,
		plugins: plugins,
		formats: _formats,
		create: function (textarea, options) {
			textarea = getTextarea(textarea);
			options = options || {};

			// Don't allow the editor to be initialised
			// on it's own source editor
			if (parent(textarea, '.sceditor-container')) {

			if (options.runWithoutWysiwygSupport || isWysiwygSupported) {
				/*eslint no-new: off*/
				return newSCEditor(textarea, options);
		instance: function(textarea) {
			textarea = getTextarea(textarea);
			return textarea._sceditor;
