comparison trafficintelligence/ @ 1028:cc5cb04b04b0

major update using the trafficintelligence package name and install through pip
author Nicolas Saunier <>
date Fri, 15 Jun 2018 11:19:10 -0400
parents python/
children aafbc0bab925
equal deleted inserted replaced
1027:6129296848d3 1028:cc5cb04b04b0
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 '''Various utilities to save and load data'''
5 from trafficintelligence import utils, moving, events, indicators
6 from trafficintelligence.base import VideoFilenameAddable
8 from pathlib import Path
9 import shutil
10 from copy import copy
11 import sqlite3, logging
12 from numpy import log, min as npmin, max as npmax, round as npround, array, sum as npsum, loadtxt, floor as npfloor, ceil as npceil, linalg
13 from pandas import read_csv, merge
16 commentChar = '#'
18 delimiterChar = '%';
20 ngsimUserTypes = {'twowheels':1,
21 'car':2,
22 'truck':3}
24 tableNames = {'feature':'positions',
25 'object': 'objects',
26 'objectfeatures': 'positions'}
28 #########################
29 # Sqlite
30 #########################
32 # utils
33 def printDBError(error):
34 print('DB Error: {}'.format(error))
36 def dropTables(connection, tableNames):
37 'deletes the table with names in tableNames'
38 try:
39 cursor = connection.cursor()
40 for tableName in tableNames:
41 cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '+tableName)
42 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
43 printDBError(error)
45 def deleteFromSqlite(filename, dataType):
46 'Deletes (drops) some tables in the filename depending on type of data'
47 if Path(filename).is_file():
48 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
49 if dataType == 'object':
50 dropTables(connection, ['objects', 'objects_features'])
51 elif dataType == 'interaction':
52 dropTables(connection, ['interactions', 'indicators'])
53 elif dataType == 'bb':
54 dropTables(connection, ['bounding_boxes'])
55 elif dataType == 'pois':
56 dropTables(connection, ['gaussians2d', 'objects_pois'])
57 elif dataType == 'prototype':
58 dropTables(connection, ['prototypes', 'objects_prototypes'])
59 else:
60 print('Unknown data type {} to delete from database'.format(dataType))
61 else:
62 print('{} does not exist'.format(filename))
64 def tableExists(connection, tableName):
65 'indicates if the table exists in the database'
66 try:
67 cursor = connection.cursor()
68 cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SQLITE_MASTER WHERE type = \'table\' AND name = \''+tableName+'\'')
69 return cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1
70 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
71 printDBError(error)
73 def createTrajectoryTable(cursor, tableName):
74 if tableName.endswith('positions') or tableName.endswith('velocities'):
75 cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "+tableName+" (trajectory_id INTEGER, frame_number INTEGER, x_coordinate REAL, y_coordinate REAL, PRIMARY KEY(trajectory_id, frame_number))")
76 else:
77 print('Unallowed name {} for trajectory table'.format(tableName))
79 def createObjectsTable(cursor):
80 cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS objects (object_id INTEGER, road_user_type INTEGER, n_objects INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(object_id))")
82 def createAssignmentTable(cursor, objectType1, objectType2, objectIdColumnName1, objectIdColumnName2):
83 cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "+objectType1+"s_"+objectType2+"s ("+objectIdColumnName1+" INTEGER, "+objectIdColumnName2+" INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY("+objectIdColumnName1+","+objectIdColumnName2+"))")
85 def createObjectsFeaturesTable(cursor):
86 cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS objects_features (object_id INTEGER, trajectory_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(object_id, trajectory_id))")
89 def createCurvilinearTrajectoryTable(cursor):
90 cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS curvilinear_positions (trajectory_id INTEGER, frame_number INTEGER, s_coordinate REAL, y_coordinate REAL, lane TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(trajectory_id, frame_number))")
92 def createFeatureCorrespondenceTable(cursor):
93 cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feature_correspondences (trajectory_id INTEGER, source_dbname VARCHAR, db_trajectory_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(trajectory_id))')
95 def createInteractionTable(cursor):
96 cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS interactions (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, object_id1 INTEGER, object_id2 INTEGER, first_frame_number INTEGER, last_frame_number INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(object_id1) REFERENCES objects(id), FOREIGN KEY(object_id2) REFERENCES objects(id))')
98 def createIndicatorTable(cursor):
99 cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS indicators (interaction_id INTEGER, indicator_type INTEGER, frame_number INTEGER, value REAL, FOREIGN KEY(interaction_id) REFERENCES interactions(id), PRIMARY KEY(interaction_id, indicator_type, frame_number))')
101 def insertTrajectoryQuery(tableName):
102 return "INSERT INTO "+tableName+" VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
104 def insertObjectQuery():
105 return "INSERT INTO objects VALUES (?,?,?)"
107 def insertObjectFeatureQuery():
108 return "INSERT INTO objects_features VALUES (?,?)"
110 def createIndex(connection, tableName, columnName, unique = False):
111 '''Creates an index for the column in the table
112 I will make querying with a condition on this column faster'''
113 try:
114 cursor = connection.cursor()
115 s = "CREATE "
116 if unique:
117 s += "UNIQUE "
118 cursor.execute(s+"INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "+tableName+"_"+columnName+"_index ON "+tableName+"("+columnName+")")
119 connection.commit()
120 #connection.close()
121 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
122 printDBError(error)
124 def getNumberRowsTable(connection, tableName, columnName = None):
125 '''Returns the number of rows for the table
126 If columnName is not None, means we want the number of distinct values for that column
127 (otherwise, we can just count(*))'''
128 try:
129 cursor = connection.cursor()
130 if columnName is None:
131 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) from "+tableName)
132 else:
133 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "+columnName+") from "+tableName)
134 return cursor.fetchone()[0]
135 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
136 printDBError(error)
138 def getMinMax(connection, tableName, columnName, minmax):
139 '''Returns max/min or both for given column in table
140 minmax must be string max, min or minmax'''
141 try:
142 cursor = connection.cursor()
143 if minmax == 'min' or minmax == 'max':
144 cursor.execute("SELECT "+minmax+"("+columnName+") from "+tableName)
145 elif minmax == 'minmax':
146 cursor.execute("SELECT MIN("+columnName+"), MAX("+columnName+") from "+tableName)
147 else:
148 print("Argument minmax unknown: {}".format(minmax))
149 return cursor.fetchone()[0]
150 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
151 printDBError(error)
153 def getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers):
154 if objectNumbers is None:
155 query = ''
156 elif type(objectNumbers) == int:
157 query = '<= {0}'.format(objectNumbers-1)
158 elif type(objectNumbers) == list:
159 query = 'in ('+', '.join([str(n) for n in objectNumbers])+')'
160 else:
161 print('objectNumbers {} are not a known type ({})'.format(objectNumbers, type(objectNumbers)))
162 query = ''
163 return query
165 def loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, tableName, trajectoryType, objectNumbers = None, timeStep = None):
166 '''Loads trajectories (in the general sense) from the given table
167 can be positions or velocities
169 returns a moving object'''
170 cursor = connection.cursor()
172 try:
173 objectCriteria = getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers)
174 queryStatement = None
175 if trajectoryType == 'feature':
176 queryStatement = 'SELECT * from '+tableName
177 if objectNumbers is not None and timeStep is not None:
178 queryStatement += ' WHERE trajectory_id '+objectCriteria+' AND frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
179 elif objectNumbers is not None:
180 queryStatement += ' WHERE trajectory_id '+objectCriteria
181 elif timeStep is not None:
182 queryStatement += ' WHERE frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
183 queryStatement += ' ORDER BY trajectory_id, frame_number'
184 elif trajectoryType == 'object':
185 queryStatement = 'SELECT OF.object_id, P.frame_number, avg(P.x_coordinate), avg(P.y_coordinate) from '+tableName+' P, objects_features OF WHERE P.trajectory_id = OF.trajectory_id'
186 if objectNumbers is not None:
187 queryStatement += ' AND OF.object_id '+objectCriteria
188 if timeStep is not None:
189 queryStatement += ' AND P.frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
190 queryStatement += ' GROUP BY OF.object_id, P.frame_number ORDER BY OF.object_id, P.frame_number'
191 elif trajectoryType in ['bbtop', 'bbbottom']:
192 if trajectoryType == 'bbtop':
193 corner = 'top_left'
194 elif trajectoryType == 'bbbottom':
195 corner = 'bottom_right'
196 queryStatement = 'SELECT object_id, frame_number, x_'+corner+', y_'+corner+' FROM '+tableName
197 if objectNumbers is not None and timeStep is not None:
198 queryStatement += ' WHERE object_id '+objectCriteria+' AND frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
199 elif objectNumbers is not None:
200 queryStatement += ' WHERE object_id '+objectCriteria
201 elif timeStep is not None:
202 queryStatement += ' WHERE frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
203 queryStatement += ' ORDER BY object_id, frame_number'
204 else:
205 print('Unknown trajectory type {}'.format(trajectoryType))
206 if queryStatement is not None:
207 cursor.execute(queryStatement)
208 logging.debug(queryStatement)
209 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
210 printDBError(error)
211 return []
213 objId = -1
214 obj = None
215 objects = []
216 for row in cursor:
217 if row[0] != objId:
218 objId = row[0]
219 if obj is not None and (obj.length() == obj.positions.length() or (timeStep is not None and npceil(obj.length()/timeStep) == obj.positions.length())):
220 objects.append(obj)
221 elif obj is not None:
222 print('Object {} is missing {} positions'.format(obj.getNum(), int(obj.length())-obj.positions.length()))
223 obj = moving.MovingObject(row[0], timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(row[1], row[1]), positions = moving.Trajectory([[row[2]],[row[3]]]))
224 else:
225 obj.timeInterval.last = row[1]
226 obj.positions.addPositionXY(row[2],row[3])
228 if obj is not None and (obj.length() == obj.positions.length() or (timeStep is not None and npceil(obj.length()/timeStep) == obj.positions.length())):
229 objects.append(obj)
230 elif obj is not None:
231 print('Object {} is missing {} positions'.format(obj.getNum(), int(obj.length())-obj.positions.length()))
233 return objects
235 def loadUserTypesFromTable(cursor, objectNumbers):
236 objectCriteria = getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers)
237 queryStatement = 'SELECT object_id, road_user_type FROM objects'
238 if objectNumbers is not None:
239 queryStatement += ' WHERE object_id '+objectCriteria
240 cursor.execute(queryStatement)
241 userTypes = {}
242 for row in cursor:
243 userTypes[row[0]] = row[1]
244 return userTypes
246 def loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(filename, trajectoryType, objectNumbers = None, withFeatures = False, timeStep = None, tablePrefix = None):
247 '''Loads the trajectories (in the general sense,
248 either features, objects (feature groups) or bounding box series)
249 The number loaded is either the first objectNumbers objects,
250 or the indices in objectNumbers from the database'''
251 objects = []
252 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
253 if tablePrefix is None:
254 prefix = ''
255 else:
256 prefix = tablePrefix + '_'
257 objects = loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, prefix+'positions', trajectoryType, objectNumbers, timeStep)
258 objectVelocities = loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, prefix+'velocities', trajectoryType, objectNumbers, timeStep)
260 if len(objectVelocities) > 0:
261 for o,v in zip(objects, objectVelocities):
262 if o.getNum() == v.getNum():
263 o.velocities = v.positions
264 o.velocities.duplicateLastPosition() # avoid having velocity shorter by one position than positions
265 else:
266 print('Could not match positions {0} with velocities {1}'.format(o.getNum(), v.getNum()))
268 if trajectoryType == 'object':
269 cursor = connection.cursor()
270 try:
271 # attribute feature numbers to objects
272 queryStatement = 'SELECT trajectory_id, object_id FROM objects_features'
273 if objectNumbers is not None:
274 queryStatement += ' WHERE object_id '+getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers)
275 queryStatement += ' ORDER BY object_id' # order is important to group all features per object
276 logging.debug(queryStatement)
277 cursor.execute(queryStatement)
279 featureNumbers = {}
280 for row in cursor:
281 objId = row[1]
282 if objId not in featureNumbers:
283 featureNumbers[objId] = [row[0]]
284 else:
285 featureNumbers[objId].append(row[0])
287 for obj in objects:
288 obj.featureNumbers = featureNumbers[obj.getNum()]
290 # load userType
291 userTypes = loadUserTypesFromTable(cursor, objectNumbers)
292 for obj in objects:
293 obj.userType = userTypes[obj.getNum()]
295 if withFeatures:
296 nFeatures = 0
297 for obj in objects:
298 nFeatures = max(nFeatures, max(obj.featureNumbers))
299 features = loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(filename, 'feature', nFeatures+1, timeStep = timeStep)
300 for obj in objects:
301 obj.setFeatures(features)
303 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
304 printDBError(error)
305 return objects
307 def loadObjectFeatureFrameNumbers(filename, objectNumbers = None):
308 'Loads the feature frame numbers for each object'
309 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
310 cursor = connection.cursor()
311 try:
312 queryStatement = 'SELECT OF.object_id, TL.trajectory_id, TL.length FROM (SELECT trajectory_id, max(frame_number)-min(frame_number) AS length FROM positions GROUP BY trajectory_id) TL, objects_features OF WHERE TL.trajectory_id = OF.trajectory_id'
313 if objectNumbers is not None:
314 queryStatement += ' AND object_id '+getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers)
315 queryStatement += ' ORDER BY OF.object_id, TL.length DESC'
316 logging.debug(queryStatement)
317 cursor.execute(queryStatement)
318 objectFeatureNumbers = {}
319 for row in cursor:
320 objId = row[0]
321 if objId in objectFeatureNumbers:
322 objectFeatureNumbers[objId].append(row[1])
323 else:
324 objectFeatureNumbers[objId] = [row[1]]
325 return objectFeatureNumbers
326 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
327 printDBError(error)
328 return None
330 def addCurvilinearTrajectoriesFromSqlite(filename, objects):
331 '''Adds curvilinear positions (s_coordinate, y_coordinate, lane)
332 from a database to an existing MovingObject dict (indexed by each objects's num)'''
333 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
334 cursor = connection.cursor()
336 try:
337 cursor.execute('SELECT * from curvilinear_positions order by trajectory_id, frame_number')
338 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
339 printDBError(error)
340 return []
342 missingObjectNumbers = []
343 objNum = None
344 for row in cursor:
345 if objNum != row[0]:
346 objNum = row[0]
347 if objNum in objects:
348 objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory()
349 else:
350 missingObjectNumbers.append(objNum)
351 if objNum in objects:
352 objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions.addPositionSYL(row[2],row[3],row[4])
353 if len(missingObjectNumbers) > 0:
354 print('List of missing objects to attach corresponding curvilinear trajectories: {}'.format(missingObjectNumbers))
356 def saveTrajectoriesToTable(connection, objects, trajectoryType, tablePrefix = None):
357 'Saves trajectories in table tableName'
358 cursor = connection.cursor()
359 # Parse feature and/or object structure and commit to DB
360 if(trajectoryType == 'feature' or trajectoryType == 'object'):
361 # Extract features from objects
362 if trajectoryType == 'object':
363 features = []
364 for obj in objects:
365 if obj.hasFeatures():
366 features += obj.getFeatures()
367 if len(features) == 0:
368 print('Warning, objects have no features') # todo save centroid trajectories?
369 elif trajectoryType == 'feature':
370 features = objects
371 # Setup feature queries
372 if tablePrefix is None:
373 prefix = ''
374 else:
375 prefix = tablePrefix+'_'
376 createTrajectoryTable(cursor, prefix+"positions")
377 createTrajectoryTable(cursor, prefix+"velocities")
378 positionQuery = insertTrajectoryQuery(prefix+"positions")
379 velocityQuery = insertTrajectoryQuery(prefix+"velocities")
380 # Setup object queries
381 if trajectoryType == 'object':
382 createObjectsTable(cursor)
383 createObjectsFeaturesTable(cursor)
384 objectQuery = insertObjectQuery()
385 objectFeatureQuery = insertObjectFeatureQuery()
386 for feature in features:
387 num = feature.getNum()
388 frameNum = feature.getFirstInstant()
389 for p in feature.getPositions():
390 cursor.execute(positionQuery, (num, frameNum, p.x, p.y))
391 frameNum += 1
392 velocities = feature.getVelocities()
393 if velocities is not None:
394 frameNum = feature.getFirstInstant()
395 for v in velocities[:-1]:
396 cursor.execute(velocityQuery, (num, frameNum, v.x, v.y))
397 frameNum += 1
398 if trajectoryType == 'object':
399 for obj in objects:
400 if obj.hasFeatures():
401 for feature in obj.getFeatures():
402 featureNum = feature.getNum()
403 cursor.execute(objectFeatureQuery, (obj.getNum(), featureNum))
404 cursor.execute(objectQuery, (obj.getNum(), obj.getUserType(), 1))
405 # Parse curvilinear position structure
406 elif(trajectoryType == 'curvilinear'):
407 createCurvilinearTrajectoryTable(cursor)
408 curvilinearQuery = "INSERT INTO curvilinear_positions VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"
409 for obj in objects:
410 num = obj.getNum()
411 frameNum = obj.getFirstInstant()
412 for p in obj.getCurvilinearPositions():
413 cursor.execute(curvilinearQuery, (num, frameNum, p[0], p[1], p[2]))
414 frameNum += 1
415 else:
416 print('Unknown trajectory type {}'.format(trajectoryType))
417 connection.commit()
419 def saveTrajectoriesToSqlite(outputFilename, objects, trajectoryType):
420 '''Writes features, ie the trajectory positions (and velocities if exist)
421 with their instants to a specified sqlite file
422 Either feature positions (and velocities if they exist)
423 or curvilinear positions will be saved at a time'''
425 with sqlite3.connect(outputFilename) as connection:
426 try:
427 saveTrajectoriesToTable(connection, objects, trajectoryType, None)
428 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
429 printDBError(error)
431 def setRoadUserTypes(filename, objects):
432 '''Saves the user types of the objects in the sqlite database stored in filename
433 The objects should exist in the objects table'''
434 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
435 cursor = connection.cursor()
436 for obj in objects:
437 cursor.execute('update objects set road_user_type = {} WHERE object_id = {}'.format(obj.getUserType(), obj.getNum()))
438 connection.commit()
440 def loadBBMovingObjectsFromSqlite(filename, objectType = 'bb', objectNumbers = None, timeStep = None):
441 '''Loads bounding box moving object from an SQLite
442 (format of SQLite output by the ground truth annotation tool
443 or Urban Tracker
445 Load descriptions?'''
446 objects = []
447 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
448 if objectType == 'bb':
449 topCorners = loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, 'bounding_boxes', 'bbtop', objectNumbers, timeStep)
450 bottomCorners = loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, 'bounding_boxes', 'bbbottom', objectNumbers, timeStep)
451 userTypes = loadUserTypesFromTable(connection.cursor(), objectNumbers) # string format is same as object
453 for t, b in zip(topCorners, bottomCorners):
454 num = t.getNum()
455 if t.getNum() == b.getNum():
456 annotation = moving.BBMovingObject(num, t.getTimeInterval(), t, b, userTypes[num])
457 objects.append(annotation)
458 else:
459 print ('Unknown type of bounding box {}'.format(objectType))
460 return objects
462 def saveInteraction(cursor, interaction):
463 roadUserNumbers = list(interaction.getRoadUserNumbers())
464 cursor.execute('INSERT INTO interactions VALUES({}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format(interaction.getNum(), roadUserNumbers[0], roadUserNumbers[1], interaction.getFirstInstant(), interaction.getLastInstant()))
466 def saveInteractionsToSqlite(filename, interactions):
467 'Saves the interactions in the table'
468 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
469 cursor = connection.cursor()
470 try:
471 createInteractionTable(cursor)
472 for inter in interactions:
473 saveInteraction(cursor, inter)
474 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
475 printDBError(error)
476 connection.commit()
478 def saveIndicator(cursor, interactionNum, indicator):
479 for instant in indicator.getTimeInterval():
480 if indicator[instant]:
481 cursor.execute('INSERT INTO indicators VALUES({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(interactionNum, events.Interaction.indicatorNameToIndices[indicator.getName()], instant, indicator[instant]))
483 def saveIndicatorsToSqlite(filename, interactions, indicatorNames = events.Interaction.indicatorNames):
484 'Saves the indicator values in the table'
485 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
486 cursor = connection.cursor()
487 try:
488 createInteractionTable(cursor)
489 createIndicatorTable(cursor)
490 for inter in interactions:
491 saveInteraction(cursor, inter)
492 for indicatorName in indicatorNames:
493 indicator = inter.getIndicator(indicatorName)
494 if indicator is not None:
495 saveIndicator(cursor, inter.getNum(), indicator)
496 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
497 printDBError(error)
498 connection.commit()
500 def loadInteractionsFromSqlite(filename):
501 '''Loads interaction and their indicators
503 TODO choose the interactions to load'''
504 interactions = []
505 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
506 cursor = connection.cursor()
507 try:
508 cursor.execute('SELECT, INT.object_id1, INT.object_id2, INT.first_frame_number, INT.last_frame_number, IND.indicator_type, IND.frame_number, IND.value from interactions INT, indicators IND WHERE = IND.interaction_id ORDER BY, IND.indicator_type, IND.frame_number')
509 interactionNum = -1
510 indicatorTypeNum = -1
511 tmpIndicators = {}
512 for row in cursor:
513 if row[0] != interactionNum:
514 interactionNum = row[0]
515 interactions.append(events.Interaction(interactionNum, moving.TimeInterval(row[3],row[4]), row[1], row[2]))
516 interactions[-1].indicators = {}
517 if indicatorTypeNum != row[5] or row[0] != interactionNum:
518 indicatorTypeNum = row[5]
519 indicatorName = events.Interaction.indicatorNames[indicatorTypeNum]
520 indicatorValues = {row[6]:row[7]}
521 interactions[-1].indicators[indicatorName] = indicators.SeverityIndicator(indicatorName, indicatorValues, mostSevereIsMax = not indicatorName in events.Interaction.timeIndicators)
522 else:
523 indicatorValues[row[6]] = row[7]
524 interactions[-1].indicators[indicatorName].timeInterval.last = row[6]
525 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
526 printDBError(error)
527 return []
528 return interactions
529 # load first and last object instants
530 # CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS object_instants AS SELECT OF.object_id, min(frame_number) as first_instant, max(frame_number) as last_instant from positions P, objects_features OF WHERE P.trajectory_id = OF.trajectory_id group by OF.object_id order by OF.object_id
532 def createBoundingBoxTable(filename, invHomography = None):
533 '''Create the table to store the object bounding boxes in image space
534 '''
535 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
536 cursor = connection.cursor()
537 try:
538 cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bounding_boxes (object_id INTEGER, frame_number INTEGER, x_top_left REAL, y_top_left REAL, x_bottom_right REAL, y_bottom_right REAL, PRIMARY KEY(object_id, frame_number))')
539 cursor.execute('INSERT INTO bounding_boxes SELECT object_id, frame_number, min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y) from '
540 '(SELECT object_id, frame_number, (x*{}+y*{}+{})/w as x, (x*{}+y*{}+{})/w as y from '
541 '(SELECT OF.object_id, P.frame_number, P.x_coordinate as x, P.y_coordinate as y, P.x_coordinate*{}+P.y_coordinate*{}+{} as w from positions P, objects_features OF WHERE P.trajectory_id = OF.trajectory_id)) '.format(invHomography[0,0], invHomography[0,1], invHomography[0,2], invHomography[1,0], invHomography[1,1], invHomography[1,2], invHomography[2,0], invHomography[2,1], invHomography[2,2])+
542 'GROUP BY object_id, frame_number')
543 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
544 printDBError(error)
545 connection.commit()
547 def loadBoundingBoxTableForDisplay(filename):
548 '''Loads bounding boxes from bounding_boxes table for display over trajectories'''
549 boundingBoxes = {} # list of bounding boxes for each instant
550 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
551 cursor = connection.cursor()
552 try:
553 cursor.execute('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\'table\' AND name=\'bounding_boxes\'')
554 result = cursor.fetchall()
555 if len(result) > 0:
556 cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM bounding_boxes')
557 for row in cursor:
558 boundingBoxes.setdefault(row[1], []).append([moving.Point(row[2], row[3]), moving.Point(row[4], row[5])])
559 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
560 printDBError(error)
561 return boundingBoxes
562 return boundingBoxes
564 #########################
565 # saving and loading for scene interpretation: POIs and Prototypes
566 #########################
568 def savePrototypesToSqlite(filename, prototypes):
569 '''save the prototypes (a prototype is defined by a filename, a number (id) and type'''
570 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
571 cursor = connection.cursor()
572 try:
573 cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS prototypes (prototype_filename VARCHAR, prototype_id INTEGER, trajectory_type VARCHAR CHECK (trajectory_type IN (\"feature\", \"object\")), nmatchings INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (prototype_filename, prototype_id, trajectory_type))')
574 for p in prototypes:
575 cursor.execute('INSERT INTO prototypes VALUES(?,?,?,?)', (p.getFilename(), p.getNum(), p.getTrajectoryType(), p.getNMatchings()))
576 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
577 printDBError(error)
578 connection.commit()
580 def savePrototypeAssignmentsToSqlite(filename, objects, objectType, labels, prototypes):
581 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
582 cursor = connection.cursor()
583 try:
584 if objectType == 'feature':
585 tableName = 'features_prototypes'
586 objectIdColumnName = 'trajectory_id'
587 elif objectType == 'object':
588 tableName = 'objects_prototypes'
589 objectIdColumnName = 'object_id'
590 cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '+tableName+' ('+objectIdColumnName+' INTEGER, prototype_filename VARCHAR, prototype_id INTEGER, trajectory_type VARCHAR CHECK (trajectory_type IN (\"feature\", \"object\")), PRIMARY KEY('+objectIdColumnName+', prototype_filename, prototype_id, trajectory_type))')
591 for obj, label in zip(objects, labels):
592 proto = prototypes[label]
593 cursor.execute('INSERT INTO objects_prototypes VALUES(?,?,?,?)', (obj.getNum(), proto.getFilename(), proto.getNum(), proto.getTrajectoryType()))
594 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
595 printDBError(error)
596 connection.commit()
598 def loadPrototypesFromSqlite(filename, withTrajectories = True):
599 'Loads prototype ids and matchings (if stored)'
600 prototypes = []
601 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
602 cursor = connection.cursor()
603 objects = []
604 try:
605 cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM prototypes')
606 for row in cursor:
607 prototypes.append(moving.Prototype(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]))
608 if withTrajectories:
609 for p in prototypes:
610 p.setMovingObject(loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(p.getFilename(), p.getTrajectoryType(), [p.getNum()])[0])
611 # loadingInformation = {} # complicated slightly optimized
612 # for p in prototypes:
613 # dbfn = p.getFilename()
614 # trajType = p.getTrajectoryType()
615 # if (dbfn, trajType) in loadingInformation:
616 # loadingInformation[(dbfn, trajType)].append(p)
617 # else:
618 # loadingInformation[(dbfn, trajType)] = [p]
619 # for k, v in loadingInformation.iteritems():
620 # objects += loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(k[0], k[1], [p.getNum() for p in v])
621 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
622 printDBError(error)
623 if len(set([p.getTrajectoryType() for p in prototypes])) > 1:
624 print('Different types of prototypes in database ({}).'.format(set([p.getTrajectoryType() for p in prototypes])))
625 return prototypes
627 def savePOIsToSqlite(filename, gmm, gmmType, gmmId):
628 '''Saves a Gaussian mixture model (of class sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture)
629 gmmType is a type of GaussianMixture, learnt either from beginnings or ends of trajectories'''
630 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
631 cursor = connection.cursor()
632 if gmmType not in ['beginning', 'end']:
633 print('Unknown POI type {}. Exiting'.format(gmmType))
634 import sys
635 sys.exit()
636 try:
637 cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gaussians2d (poi_id INTEGER, id INTEGER, type VARCHAR, x_center REAL, y_center REAL, covariance VARCHAR, covariance_type VARCHAR, weight, precisions_cholesky VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY(poi_id, id))')
638 for i in range(gmm.n_components):
639 cursor.execute('INSERT INTO gaussians2d VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (gmmId, i, gmmType, gmm.means_[i][0], gmm.means_[i][1], str(gmm.covariances_[i].tolist()), gmm.covariance_type, gmm.weights_[i], str(gmm.precisions_cholesky_[i].tolist())))
640 connection.commit()
641 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
642 printDBError(error)
644 def savePOIAssignmentsToSqlite(filename, objects):
645 'save the od fields of objects'
646 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
647 cursor = connection.cursor()
648 try:
649 cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS objects_pois (object_id INTEGER, origin_poi_id INTEGER, destination_poi_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(object_id))')
650 for o in objects:
651 cursor.execute('INSERT INTO objects_pois VALUES(?,?,?)', (o.getNum(), o.od[0], o.od[1]))
652 connection.commit()
653 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
654 printDBError(error)
656 def loadPOIsFromSqlite(filename):
657 'Loads all 2D Gaussians in the database'
658 from sklearn import mixture # todo if not avalaible, load data in duck-typed class with same fields
659 from ast import literal_eval
660 pois = []
661 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
662 cursor = connection.cursor()
663 try:
664 cursor.execute('SELECT * from gaussians2d')
665 gmmId = None
666 gmm = []
667 for row in cursor:
668 if gmmId is None or row[0] != gmmId:
669 if len(gmm) > 0:
670 tmp = mixture.GaussianMixture(len(gmm), covarianceType)
671 tmp.means_ = array([gaussian['mean'] for gaussian in gmm])
672 tmp.covariances_ = array([gaussian['covar'] for gaussian in gmm])
673 tmp.weights_ = array([gaussian['weight'] for gaussian in gmm])
674 tmp.gmmTypes = [gaussian['type'] for gaussian in gmm]
675 tmp.precisions_cholesky_ = array([gaussian['precisions'] for gaussian in gmm])
676 pois.append(tmp)
677 gaussian = {'type': row[2],
678 'mean': row[3:5],
679 'covar': array(literal_eval(row[5])),
680 'weight': row[7],
681 'precisions': array(literal_eval(row[8]))}
682 gmm = [gaussian]
683 covarianceType = row[6]
684 gmmId = row[0]
685 else:
686 gmm.append({'type': row[2],
687 'mean': row[3:5],
688 'covar': array(literal_eval(row[5])),
689 'weight': row[7],
690 'precisions': array(literal_eval(row[8]))})
691 if len(gmm) > 0:
692 tmp = mixture.GaussianMixture(len(gmm), covarianceType)
693 tmp.means_ = array([gaussian['mean'] for gaussian in gmm])
694 tmp.covariances_ = array([gaussian['covar'] for gaussian in gmm])
695 tmp.weights_ = array([gaussian['weight'] for gaussian in gmm])
696 tmp.gmmTypes = [gaussian['type'] for gaussian in gmm]
697 tmp.precisions_cholesky_ = array([gaussian['precisions'] for gaussian in gmm])
698 pois.append(tmp)
699 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
700 printDBError(error)
701 return pois
703 #########################
704 # saving and loading for scene interpretation (Mohamed Gomaa Mohamed's PhD)
705 #########################
707 def writePrototypesToSqlite(prototypes,nMatching, outputFilename):
708 ''' prototype dataset is a dictionary with keys== routes, values== prototypes Ids '''
709 connection = sqlite3.connect(outputFilename)
710 cursor = connection.cursor()
712 cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS prototypes (prototype_id INTEGER,routeIDstart INTEGER,routeIDend INTEGER, nMatching INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(prototype_id))')
714 for route in prototypes:
715 if prototypes[route]!=[]:
716 for i in prototypes[route]:
717 cursor.execute('insert into prototypes (prototype_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend, nMatching) values (?,?,?,?)',(i,route[0],route[1],nMatching[route][i]))
719 connection.commit()
720 connection.close()
722 def readPrototypesFromSqlite(filename):
723 '''
724 This function loads the prototype file in the database
725 It returns a dictionary for prototypes for each route and nMatching
726 '''
727 prototypes = {}
728 nMatching={}
730 connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
731 cursor = connection.cursor()
733 try:
734 cursor.execute('SELECT * from prototypes order by prototype_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend, nMatching')
735 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
736 printDBError(error)
737 return []
739 for row in cursor:
740 route=(row[1],row[2])
741 if route not in prototypes:
742 prototypes[route]=[]
743 prototypes[route].append(row[0])
744 nMatching[row[0]]=row[3]
746 connection.close()
747 return prototypes,nMatching
749 def writeLabelsToSqlite(labels, outputFilename):
750 """ labels is a dictionary with keys: routes, values: prototypes Ids
751 """
752 connection = sqlite3.connect(outputFilename)
753 cursor = connection.cursor()
755 cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS labels (object_id INTEGER,routeIDstart INTEGER,routeIDend INTEGER, prototype_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(object_id))")
757 for route in labels:
758 if labels[route]!=[]:
759 for i in labels[route]:
760 for j in labels[route][i]:
761 cursor.execute("insert into labels (object_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend, prototype_id) values (?,?,?,?)",(j,route[0],route[1],i))
763 connection.commit()
764 connection.close()
766 def loadLabelsFromSqlite(filename):
767 labels = {}
769 connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
770 cursor = connection.cursor()
772 try:
773 cursor.execute('SELECT * from labels order by object_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend, prototype_id')
774 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
775 printDBError(error)
776 return []
778 for row in cursor:
779 route=(row[1],row[2])
780 p=row[3]
781 if route not in labels:
782 labels[route]={}
783 if p not in labels[route]:
784 labels[route][p]=[]
785 labels[route][p].append(row[0])
787 connection.close()
788 return labels
790 def writeSpeedPrototypeToSqlite(prototypes,nmatching, outFilename):
791 """ to match the format of second layer prototypes"""
792 connection = sqlite3.connect(outFilename)
793 cursor = connection.cursor()
795 cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS speedprototypes (spdprototype_id INTEGER,prototype_id INTEGER,routeID_start INTEGER, routeID_end INTEGER, nMatching INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(spdprototype_id))")
797 for route in prototypes:
798 if prototypes[route]!={}:
799 for i in prototypes[route]:
800 if prototypes[route][i]!= []:
801 for j in prototypes[route][i]:
802 cursor.execute("insert into speedprototypes (spdprototype_id,prototype_id, routeID_start, routeID_end, nMatching) values (?,?,?,?,?)",(j,i,route[0],route[1],nmatching[j]))
804 connection.commit()
805 connection.close()
807 def loadSpeedPrototypeFromSqlite(filename):
808 """
809 This function loads the prototypes table in the database of name <filename>.
810 """
811 prototypes = {}
812 nMatching={}
813 connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
814 cursor = connection.cursor()
816 try:
817 cursor.execute('SELECT * from speedprototypes order by spdprototype_id,prototype_id, routeID_start, routeID_end, nMatching')
818 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
819 printDBError(error)
820 return []
822 for row in cursor:
823 route=(row[2],row[3])
824 if route not in prototypes:
825 prototypes[route]={}
826 if row[1] not in prototypes[route]:
827 prototypes[route][row[1]]=[]
828 prototypes[route][row[1]].append(row[0])
829 nMatching[row[0]]=row[4]
831 connection.close()
832 return prototypes,nMatching
835 def writeRoutesToSqlite(Routes, outputFilename):
836 """ This function writes the activity path define by start and end IDs"""
837 connection = sqlite3.connect(outputFilename)
838 cursor = connection.cursor()
840 cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS routes (object_id INTEGER,routeIDstart INTEGER,routeIDend INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(object_id))")
842 for route in Routes:
843 if Routes[route]!=[]:
844 for i in Routes[route]:
845 cursor.execute("insert into routes (object_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend) values (?,?,?)",(i,route[0],route[1]))
847 connection.commit()
848 connection.close()
850 def loadRoutesFromSqlite(filename):
851 Routes = {}
853 connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
854 cursor = connection.cursor()
856 try:
857 cursor.execute('SELECT * from routes order by object_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend')
858 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
859 printDBError(error)
860 return []
862 for row in cursor:
863 route=(row[1],row[2])
864 if route not in Routes:
865 Routes[route]=[]
866 Routes[route].append(row[0])
868 connection.close()
869 return Routes
871 def setRoutes(filename, objects):
872 connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
873 cursor = connection.cursor()
874 for obj in objects:
875 cursor.execute('update objects set startRouteID = {} WHERE object_id = {}'.format(obj.startRouteID, obj.getNum()))
876 cursor.execute('update objects set endRouteID = {} WHERE object_id = {}'.format(obj.endRouteID, obj.getNum()))
877 connection.commit()
878 connection.close()
880 #########################
881 # txt files
882 #########################
884 def openCheck(filename, option = 'r', quitting = False):
885 '''Open file filename in read mode by default
886 and checks it is open'''
887 try:
888 return open(filename, option)
889 except IOError:
890 print('File {} could not be opened.'.format(filename))
891 if quitting:
892 from sys import exit
893 exit()
894 return None
896 def readline(f, commentCharacters = commentChar):
897 '''Modified readline function to skip comments
898 Can take a list of characters or a string (in will work in both)'''
899 s = f.readline()
900 while (len(s) > 0) and s[0] in commentCharacters:
901 s = f.readline()
902 return s.strip()
904 def getLines(f, delimiterChar = delimiterChar, commentCharacters = commentChar):
905 '''Gets a complete entry (all the lines) in between delimiterChar.'''
906 dataStrings = []
907 s = readline(f, commentCharacters)
908 while len(s) > 0 and s[0] != delimiterChar:
909 dataStrings += [s.strip()]
910 s = readline(f, commentCharacters)
911 return dataStrings
913 def saveList(filename, l):
914 f = openCheck(filename, 'w')
915 for x in l:
916 f.write('{}\n'.format(x))
917 f.close()
919 def loadListStrings(filename, commentCharacters = commentChar):
920 f = openCheck(filename, 'r')
921 result = getLines(f, commentCharacters)
922 f.close()
923 return result
925 def getValuesFromINIFile(filename, option, delimiterChar = '=', commentCharacters = commentChar):
926 values = []
927 for l in loadListStrings(filename, commentCharacters):
928 if l.startswith(option):
929 values.append(l.split(delimiterChar)[1].strip())
930 return values
932 def addSectionHeader(propertiesFile, headerName = 'main'):
933 '''Add fake section header
935 from
936 use read_file in Python 3.2+
937 '''
938 yield '[{}]\n'.format(headerName)
939 for line in propertiesFile:
940 yield line
942 def loadPemsTraffic(filename):
943 '''Loads traffic data downloaded from the clearinghouse
944 into pandas dataframe'''
945 f = openCheck(filename)
946 l = f.readline().strip()
947 items = l.split(',')
948 headers = ['time', 'station', 'district', 'route', 'direction', 'lanetype', 'length', 'nsamples', 'pctobserved', 'flow', 'occupancy', 'speed', 'delay35', 'delay40', 'delay45', 'delay50', 'delay55', 'delay60']
949 nLanes = (len(items)-len(headers))/3
950 for i in range(nLanes):
951 headers += ['flow{}'.format(i+1), 'occupancy{}'.format(i+1), 'speed{}'.format(i+1)]
952 f.close()
953 return read_csv(filename, delimiter = ',', names = headers)
955 def generatePDLaneColumn(data):
956 data['LANE'] = data['LANE\\LINK\\NO'].astype(str)+'_'+data['LANE\\INDEX'].astype(str)
958 def convertTrajectoriesVissimToSqlite(filename):
959 '''Relies on a system call to sqlite3
960 sqlite3 [file.sqlite] < import_fzp.sql'''
961 sqlScriptFilename = "import_fzp.sql"
962 # create sql file
963 out = openCheck(sqlScriptFilename, "w")
964 out.write(".separator \";\"\n"+
965 "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS curvilinear_positions (t REAL, trajectory_id INTEGER, link_id INTEGER, lane_id INTEGER, s_coordinate REAL, y_coordinate REAL, speed REAL, PRIMARY KEY (t, trajectory_id));\n"+
966 ".import "+filename+" curvilinear_positions\n"+
967 "DELETE FROM curvilinear_positions WHERE trajectory_id IS NULL OR trajectory_id = \"NO\";\n")
968 out.close()
969 # system call
970 from subprocess import run
971 out = openCheck("err.log", "w")
972 run("sqlite3 "+utils.removeExtension(filename)+".sqlite < "+sqlScriptFilename, stderr = out)
973 out.close()
974 shutil.os.remove(sqlScriptFilename)
976 def loadObjectNumbersInLinkFromVissimFile(filename, linkIds):
977 '''Finds the ids of the objects that go through any of the link in the list linkIds'''
978 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
979 cursor = connection.cursor()
980 queryStatement = 'SELECT DISTINCT trajectory_id FROM curvilinear_positions where link_id IN ('+','.join([str(id) for id in linkIds])+')'
981 try:
982 cursor.execute(queryStatement)
983 return [row[0] for row in cursor]
984 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
985 printDBError(error)
987 def getNObjectsInLinkFromVissimFile(filename, linkIds):
988 '''Returns the number of objects that traveled through the link ids'''
989 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
990 cursor = connection.cursor()
991 queryStatement = 'SELECT link_id, COUNT(DISTINCT trajectory_id) FROM curvilinear_positions where link_id IN ('+','.join([str(id) for id in linkIds])+') GROUP BY link_id'
992 try:
993 cursor.execute(queryStatement)
994 return {row[0]:row[1] for row in cursor}
995 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
996 printDBError(error)
998 def loadTrajectoriesFromVissimFile(filename, simulationStepsPerTimeUnit, objectNumbers = None, warmUpLastInstant = None, usePandas = False, nDecimals = 2, lowMemory = True):
999 '''Reads data from VISSIM .fzp trajectory file
1000 simulationStepsPerTimeUnit is the number of simulation steps per unit of time used by VISSIM (second)
1001 for example, there seems to be 10 simulation steps per simulated second in VISSIM,
1002 so simulationStepsPerTimeUnit should be 10,
1003 so that all times correspond to the number of the simulation step (and can be stored as integers)
1005 Objects positions will be considered only after warmUpLastInstant
1006 (if the object has no such position, it won't be loaded)
1008 Assumed to be sorted over time
1009 Warning: if reading from SQLite a limited number of objects, objectNumbers will be the maximum object id'''
1010 objects = {} # dictionary of objects index by their id
1012 if usePandas:
1013 data = read_csv(filename, delimiter=';', comment='*', header=0, skiprows = 1, low_memory = lowMemory)
1014 generatePDLaneColumn(data)
1015 data['TIME'] = data['$VEHICLE:SIMSEC']*simulationStepsPerTimeUnit
1016 if warmUpLastInstant is not None:
1017 data = data[data['TIME']>=warmUpLastInstant]
1018 grouped = data.loc[:,['NO','TIME']].groupby(['NO'], as_index = False)
1019 instants = grouped['TIME'].agg({'first': npmin, 'last': npmax})
1020 for row_index, row in instants.iterrows():
1021 objNum = int(row['NO'])
1022 tmp = data[data['NO'] == objNum]
1023 objects[objNum] = moving.MovingObject(num = objNum, timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(row['first'], row['last']))
1024 # positions should be rounded to nDecimals decimals only
1025 objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory(S = npround(tmp['POS'].tolist(), nDecimals), Y = npround(tmp['POSLAT'].tolist(), nDecimals), lanes = tmp['LANE'].tolist())
1026 if objectNumbers is not None and objectNumbers > 0 and len(objects) >= objectNumbers:
1027 return list(objects.values())
1028 else:
1029 if filename.endswith(".fzp"):
1030 inputfile = openCheck(filename, quitting = True)
1031 line = readline(inputfile, '*$')
1032 while len(line) > 0:#for line in inputfile:
1033 data = line.strip().split(';')
1034 objNum = int(data[1])
1035 instant = float(data[0])*simulationStepsPerTimeUnit
1036 s = float(data[4])
1037 y = float(data[5])
1038 lane = data[2]+'_'+data[3]
1039 if objNum not in objects:
1040 if warmUpLastInstant is None or instant >= warmUpLastInstant:
1041 if objectNumbers is None or len(objects) < objectNumbers:
1042 objects[objNum] = moving.MovingObject(num = objNum, timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(instant, instant))
1043 objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory()
1044 if (warmUpLastInstant is None or instant >= warmUpLastInstant) and objNum in objects:
1045 objects[objNum].timeInterval.last = instant
1046 objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions.addPositionSYL(s, y, lane)
1047 line = readline(inputfile, '*$')
1048 elif filename.endswith(".sqlite"):
1049 with sqlite3.connect(filename) as connection:
1050 cursor = connection.cursor()
1051 queryStatement = 'SELECT t, trajectory_id, link_id, lane_id, s_coordinate, y_coordinate FROM curvilinear_positions'
1052 if objectNumbers is not None:
1053 queryStatement += ' WHERE trajectory_id '+getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers)
1054 queryStatement += ' ORDER BY trajectory_id, t'
1055 try:
1056 cursor.execute(queryStatement)
1057 for row in cursor:
1058 objNum = row[1]
1059 instant = row[0]*simulationStepsPerTimeUnit
1060 s = row[4]
1061 y = row[5]
1062 lane = '{}_{}'.format(row[2], row[3])
1063 if objNum not in objects:
1064 if warmUpLastInstant is None or instant >= warmUpLastInstant:
1065 if objectNumbers is None or len(objects) < objectNumbers:
1066 objects[objNum] = moving.MovingObject(num = objNum, timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(instant, instant))
1067 objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory()
1068 if (warmUpLastInstant is None or instant >= warmUpLastInstant) and objNum in objects:
1069 objects[objNum].timeInterval.last = instant
1070 objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions.addPositionSYL(s, y, lane)
1071 except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
1072 printDBError(error)
1073 else:
1074 print("File type of "+filename+" not supported (only .sqlite and .fzp files)")
1075 return list(objects.values())
1077 def selectPDLanes(data, lanes = None):
1078 '''Selects the subset of data for the right lanes
1080 Lane format is a string 'x_y' where x is link index and y is lane index'''
1081 if lanes is not None:
1082 if 'LANE' not in data.columns:
1083 generatePDLaneColumn(data)
1084 indices = (data['LANE'] == lanes[0])
1085 for l in lanes[1:]:
1086 indices = indices | (data['LANE'] == l)
1087 return data[indices]
1088 else:
1089 return data
1091 def countStoppedVehiclesVissim(filename, lanes = None, proportionStationaryTime = 0.7):
1092 '''Counts the number of vehicles stopped for a long time in a VISSIM trajectory file
1093 and the total number of vehicles
1095 Vehicles are considered finally stationary
1096 if more than proportionStationaryTime of their total time
1097 If lanes is not None, only the data for the selected lanes will be provided
1098 (format as string x_y where x is link index and y is lane index)'''
1099 if filename.endswith(".fzp"):
1100 columns = ['NO', '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC', 'POS']
1101 if lanes is not None:
1102 columns += ['LANE\\LINK\\NO', 'LANE\\INDEX']
1103 data = read_csv(filename, delimiter=';', comment='*', header=0, skiprows = 1, usecols = columns, low_memory = lowMemory)
1104 data = selectPDLanes(data, lanes)
1105 data.sort(['$VEHICLE:SIMSEC'], inplace = True)
1107 nStationary = 0
1108 nVehicles = 0
1109 for name, group in data.groupby(['NO'], sort = False):
1110 nVehicles += 1
1111 positions = array(group['POS'])
1112 diff = positions[1:]-positions[:-1]
1113 if npsum(diff == 0.) >= proportionStationaryTime*(len(positions)-1):
1114 nStationary += 1
1115 elif filename.endswith(".sqlite"):
1116 # select trajectory_id, t, s_coordinate, speed from curvilinear_positions where trajectory_id between 1860 and 1870 and speed < 0.1
1117 # pb of the meaning of proportionStationaryTime in arterial network? Why proportion of existence time?
1118 pass
1119 else:
1120 print("File type of "+filename+" not supported (only .sqlite and .fzp files)")
1122 return nStationary, nVehicles
1124 def countCollisionsVissim(filename, lanes = None, collisionTimeDifference = 0.2, lowMemory = True):
1125 '''Counts the number of collisions per lane in a VISSIM trajectory file
1127 To distinguish between cars passing and collision,
1128 one checks when the sign of the position difference inverts
1129 (if the time are closer than collisionTimeDifference)
1130 If lanes is not None, only the data for the selected lanes will be provided
1131 (format as string x_y where x is link index and y is lane index)'''
1132 data = read_csv(filename, delimiter=';', comment='*', header=0, skiprows = 1, usecols = ['LANE\\LINK\\NO', 'LANE\\INDEX', '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC', 'NO', 'POS'], low_memory = lowMemory)
1133 data = selectPDLanes(data, lanes)
1134 data = data.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
1136 merged = merge(data, data, how='inner', left_on=['LANE\\LINK\\NO', 'LANE\\INDEX', '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC'], right_on=['LANE\\LINK\\NO', 'LANE\\INDEX', '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC'], sort = False)
1137 merged = merged[merged['NO_x']>merged['NO_y']]
1139 nCollisions = 0
1140 for name, group in merged.groupby(['LANE\\LINK\\NO', 'LANE\\INDEX', 'NO_x', 'NO_y']):
1141 diff = group['POS_x']-group['POS_y']
1142 # diff = group['POS_x']-group['POS_y'] # to check the impact of convert_objects and the possibility of using type conversion in read_csv or function to convert strings if any
1143 if len(diff) >= 2 and npmin(diff) < 0 and npmax(diff) > 0:
1144 xidx = diff[diff < 0].argmax()
1145 yidx = diff[diff > 0].argmin()
1146 if abs(group.loc[xidx, '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC'] - group.loc[yidx, '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC']) <= collisionTimeDifference:
1147 nCollisions += 1
1149 # select TD1.link_id, TD1.lane_id from temp.diff_positions as TD1, temp.diff_positions as TD2 where TD1.link_id = TD2.link_id and TD1.lane_id = TD2.lane_id and TD1.id1 = TD2.id1 and TD1.id2 = TD2.id2 and TD1.t = TD2.t+0.1 and TD1.diff*TD2.diff < 0; # besoin de faire un group by??
1150 # create temp table diff_positions as select CP1.t as t, CP1.link_id as link_id, CP1.lane_id as lane_id, CP1.trajectory_id as id1, CP2.trajectory_id as id2, CP1.s_coordinate - CP2.s_coordinate as diff from curvilinear_positions CP1, curvilinear_positions CP2 where CP1.link_id = CP2.link_id and CP1.lane_id = CP2.lane_id and CP1.t = CP2.t and CP1.trajectory_id > CP2.trajectory_id;
1151 # SQL select link_id, lane_id, id1, id2, min(diff), max(diff) from (select CP1.t as t, CP1.link_id as link_id, CP1.lane_id as lane_id, CP1.trajectory_id as id1, CP2.trajectory_id as id2, CP1.s_coordinate - CP2.s_coordinate as diff from curvilinear_positions CP1, curvilinear_positions CP2 where CP1.link_id = CP2.link_id and CP1.lane_id = CP2.lane_id and CP1.t = CP2.t and CP1.trajectory_id > CP2.trajectory_id) group by link_id, lane_id, id1, id2 having min(diff)*max(diff) < 0
1152 return nCollisions
1154 def loadTrajectoriesFromNgsimFile(filename, nObjects = -1, sequenceNum = -1):
1155 '''Reads data from the trajectory data provided by NGSIM project
1156 and returns the list of Feature objects'''
1157 objects = []
1159 inputfile = openCheck(filename, quitting = True)
1161 def createObject(numbers):
1162 firstFrameNum = int(numbers[1])
1163 # do the geometry and usertype
1165 firstFrameNum = int(numbers[1])
1166 lastFrameNum = firstFrameNum+int(numbers[2])-1
1167 #time = moving.TimeInterval(firstFrameNum, firstFrameNum+int(numbers[2])-1)
1168 obj = moving.MovingObject(num = int(numbers[0]),
1169 timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(firstFrameNum, lastFrameNum),
1170 positions = moving.Trajectory([[float(numbers[6])],[float(numbers[7])]]),
1171 userType = int(numbers[10]))
1172 obj.userType = int(numbers[10])
1173 obj.laneNums = [int(numbers[13])]
1174 obj.precedingVehicles = [int(numbers[14])] # lead vehicle (before)
1175 obj.followingVehicles = [int(numbers[15])] # following vehicle (after)
1176 obj.spaceHeadways = [float(numbers[16])] # feet
1177 obj.timeHeadways = [float(numbers[17])] # seconds
1178 obj.curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory([float(numbers[5])],[float(numbers[4])], obj.laneNums) # X is the longitudinal coordinate
1179 obj.speeds = [float(numbers[11])]
1180 obj.size = [float(numbers[8]), float(numbers[9])] # 8 lengh, 9 width # TODO: temporary, should use a geometry object
1181 return obj
1183 numbers = readline(inputfile).strip().split()
1184 if (len(numbers) > 0):
1185 obj = createObject(numbers)
1187 for line in inputfile:
1188 numbers = line.strip().split()
1189 if obj.getNum() != int(numbers[0]):
1190 # check and adapt the length to deal with issues in NGSIM data
1191 if (obj.length() != obj.positions.length()):
1192 print('length pb with object {} ({},{})'.format(obj.getNum(),obj.length(),obj.positions.length()))
1193 obj.last = obj.getFirstInstant()+obj.positions.length()-1
1194 #obj.velocities = utils.computeVelocities(f.positions) # compare norm to speeds ?
1195 objects.append(obj)
1196 if (nObjects>0) and (len(objects)>=nObjects):
1197 break
1198 obj = createObject(numbers)
1199 else:
1200 obj.laneNums.append(int(numbers[13]))
1201 obj.positions.addPositionXY(float(numbers[6]), float(numbers[7]))
1202 obj.curvilinearPositions.addPositionSYL(float(numbers[5]), float(numbers[4]), obj.laneNums[-1])
1203 obj.speeds.append(float(numbers[11]))
1204 obj.precedingVehicles.append(int(numbers[14]))
1205 obj.followingVehicles.append(int(numbers[15]))
1206 obj.spaceHeadways.append(float(numbers[16]))
1207 obj.timeHeadways.append(float(numbers[17]))
1209 if (obj.size[0] != float(numbers[8])):
1210 print('changed length obj {}'.format(obj.getNum()))
1211 if (obj.size[1] != float(numbers[9])):
1212 print('changed width obj {}'.format(obj.getNum()))
1214 inputfile.close()
1215 return objects
1217 def convertNgsimFile(inputfile, outputfile, append = False, nObjects = -1, sequenceNum = 0):
1218 '''Reads data from the trajectory data provided by NGSIM project
1219 and converts to our current format.'''
1220 if append:
1221 out = openCheck(outputfile,'a')
1222 else:
1223 out = openCheck(outputfile,'w')
1224 nObjectsPerType = [0,0,0]
1226 features = loadNgsimFile(inputfile, sequenceNum)
1227 for f in features:
1228 nObjectsPerType[f.userType-1] += 1
1229 f.write(out)
1231 print(nObjectsPerType)
1233 out.close()
1235 def loadPinholeCameraModel(filename, tanalystFormat = True):
1236 '''Loads the data from a file containing the camera parameters
1237 (pinhole camera model,
1238 and returns a dictionary'''
1239 if tanalystFormat:
1240 f = openCheck(filename, quitting = True)
1241 content = getLines(f)
1242 cameraData = {}
1243 for l in content:
1244 tmp = l.split(':')
1245 cameraData[tmp[0]] = float(tmp[1].strip().replace(',','.'))
1246 return cameraData
1247 else:
1248 print('Unknown camera model (not tanalyst format')
1249 return None
1251 def savePositionsToCsv(f, obj):
1252 timeInterval = obj.getTimeInterval()
1253 positions = obj.getPositions()
1254 curvilinearPositions = obj.getCurvilinearPositions()
1255 for i in range(int(obj.length())):
1256 p1 = positions[i]
1257 s = '{},{},{},{}'.format(obj.num,timeInterval[i],p1.x,p1.y)
1258 if curvilinearPositions is not None:
1259 p2 = curvilinearPositions[i]
1260 s += ',{},{}'.format(p2[0],p2[1])
1261 f.write(s+'\n')
1263 def saveTrajectoriesToCsv(filename, objects):
1264 f = openCheck(filename, 'w')
1265 for i,obj in enumerate(objects):
1266 savePositionsToCsv(f, obj)
1267 f.close()
1270 #########################
1271 # Utils to read .ini type text files for configuration, meta data...
1272 #########################
1274 class ClassifierParameters(VideoFilenameAddable):
1275 'Class for the parameters of object classifiers'
1276 def loadConfigFile(self, filename):
1277 from configparser import ConfigParser
1279 config = ConfigParser()
1280 config.read_file(addSectionHeader(openCheck(filename)))
1282 parentPath = Path(filename).parent
1283 self.sectionHeader = config.sections()[0]
1285 self.pedBikeCarSVMFilename = utils.getRelativeFilename(parentPath, config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'pbv-svm-filename'))
1286 self.bikeCarSVMFilename = utils.getRelativeFilename(parentPath, config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'bv-svm-filename'))
1287 self.percentIncreaseCrop = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'percent-increase-crop')
1288 self.minNPixels = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'min-npixels-crop')
1289 x = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-rescale-size')
1290 self.hogRescaleSize = (x, x)
1291 self.hogNOrientations = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-norientations')
1292 x = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-npixels-cell')
1293 self.hogNPixelsPerCell = (x, x)
1294 x = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-ncells-block')
1295 self.hogNCellsPerBlock = (x, x)
1296 self.hogBlockNorm = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-block-norm')
1298 self.speedAggregationMethod = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'speed-aggregation-method')
1299 self.nFramesIgnoreAtEnds = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'nframes-ignore-at-ends')
1300 self.speedAggregationCentile = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'speed-aggregation-centile')
1301 self.minSpeedEquiprobable = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'min-speed-equiprobable')
1302 self.maxPercentUnknown = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-prop-unknown-appearance')
1303 self.maxPedestrianSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-ped-speed')
1304 self.maxCyclistSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-cyc-speed')
1305 self.meanPedestrianSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'mean-ped-speed')
1306 self.stdPedestrianSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'std-ped-speed')
1307 self.locationCyclistSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'cyc-speed-loc')
1308 self.scaleCyclistSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'cyc-speed-scale')
1309 self.meanVehicleSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'mean-veh-speed')
1310 self.stdVehicleSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'std-veh-speed')
1312 def __init__(self, filename = None):
1313 if filename is not None and Path(filename).exists():
1314 self.loadConfigFile(filename)
1315 else:
1316 print('Configuration filename {} could not be loaded.'.format(filename))
1318 def convertToFrames(self, frameRate, speedRatio = 3.6):
1319 '''Converts parameters with a relationship to time in 'native' frame time
1320 speedRatio is the conversion from the speed unit in the config file
1321 to the distance per second
1323 ie param(config file) = speedRatio x fps x param(used in program)
1324 eg km/h = 3.6 (m/s to km/h) x frame/s x m/frame'''
1325 denominator = frameRate*speedRatio
1326 #denominator2 = denominator**2
1327 self.minSpeedEquiprobable = self.minSpeedEquiprobable/denominator
1328 self.maxPedestrianSpeed = self.maxPedestrianSpeed/denominator
1329 self.maxCyclistSpeed = self.maxCyclistSpeed/denominator
1330 self.meanPedestrianSpeed = self.meanPedestrianSpeed/denominator
1331 self.stdPedestrianSpeed = self.stdPedestrianSpeed/denominator
1332 self.meanVehicleSpeed = self.meanVehicleSpeed/denominator
1333 self.stdVehicleSpeed = self.stdVehicleSpeed/denominator
1334 # special case for the lognormal distribution
1335 self.locationCyclistSpeed = self.locationCyclistSpeed-log(denominator)
1336 #self.scaleCyclistSpeed = self.scaleCyclistSpeed # no modification of scale
1339 class ProcessParameters(VideoFilenameAddable):
1340 '''Class for all parameters controlling data processing: input,
1341 method parameters, etc. for tracking and safety
1343 Note: framerate is already taken into account'''
1345 def loadConfigFile(self, filename):
1346 from configparser import ConfigParser
1348 config = ConfigParser(strict=False)
1349 config.read_file(addSectionHeader(openCheck(filename)))
1351 parentPath = Path(filename).parent
1352 self.sectionHeader = config.sections()[0]
1353 # Tracking/display parameters
1354 self.videoFilename = utils.getRelativeFilename(parentPath, config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'video-filename'))
1355 self.databaseFilename = utils.getRelativeFilename(parentPath, config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'database-filename'))
1356 self.homographyFilename = utils.getRelativeFilename(parentPath, config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'homography-filename'))
1357 if Path(self.homographyFilename).exists():
1358 self.homography = loadtxt(self.homographyFilename)
1359 else:
1360 self.homography = None
1361 self.intrinsicCameraFilename = utils.getRelativeFilename(parentPath, config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'intrinsic-camera-filename'))
1362 if Path(self.intrinsicCameraFilename).exists():
1363 self.intrinsicCameraMatrix = loadtxt(self.intrinsicCameraFilename)
1364 else:
1365 self.intrinsicCameraMatrix = None
1366 distortionCoefficients = getValuesFromINIFile(filename, 'distortion-coefficients', '=')
1367 self.distortionCoefficients = [float(x) for x in distortionCoefficients]
1368 self.undistortedImageMultiplication = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'undistorted-size-multiplication')
1369 self.undistort = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'undistort')
1370 self.firstFrameNum = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'frame1')
1371 self.videoFrameRate = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'video-fps')
1373 self.minFeatureTime = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'min-feature-time')
1375 self.classifierFilename = utils.getRelativeFilename(parentPath, config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'classifier-filename'))
1377 # Safety parameters
1378 self.maxPredictedSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-predicted-speed')/3.6/self.videoFrameRate
1379 self.predictionTimeHorizon = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'prediction-time-horizon')*self.videoFrameRate
1380 self.collisionDistance = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'collision-distance')
1381 self.crossingZones = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'crossing-zones')
1382 self.predictionMethod = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'prediction-method')
1383 self.nPredictedTrajectories = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'npredicted-trajectories')
1384 self.maxNormalAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-normal-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
1385 self.maxNormalSteering = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-normal-steering')/self.videoFrameRate
1386 self.minExtremeAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'min-extreme-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
1387 self.maxExtremeAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-extreme-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
1388 self.maxExtremeSteering = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-extreme-steering')/self.videoFrameRate
1389 self.useFeaturesForPrediction = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'use-features-prediction')
1390 self.constantSpeedPrototypePrediction = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'constant-speed')
1391 self.maxLcssDistance = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-lcss-distance')
1392 self.lcssMetric = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'lcss-metric')
1393 self.minLcssSimilarity = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'min-lcss-similarity')
1395 def __init__(self, filename = None):
1396 if filename is not None and Path(filename).exists():
1397 self.loadConfigFile(filename)
1398 else:
1399 print('Configuration filename {} could not be loaded.'.format(filename))
1401 def processVideoArguments(args):
1402 '''Loads information from configuration file
1403 then checks what was passed on the command line
1404 for override (eg video filename and database filename'''
1405 parentPath = Path(args.configFilename).parent
1406 if args.configFilename is not None: # consider there is a configuration file
1407 params = ProcessParameters(args.configFilename)
1408 videoFilename = params.videoFilename
1409 databaseFilename = params.databaseFilename
1410 if params.homography is not None:
1411 invHomography = linalg.inv(params.homography)
1412 else:
1413 invHomography = None
1414 intrinsicCameraMatrix = params.intrinsicCameraMatrix
1415 distortionCoefficients = array(params.distortionCoefficients)
1416 undistortedImageMultiplication = params.undistortedImageMultiplication
1417 undistort = params.undistort
1418 firstFrameNum = params.firstFrameNum
1419 else:
1420 invHomography = None
1421 undistort = False
1422 intrinsicCameraMatrix = None
1423 distortionCoefficients = []
1424 undistortedImageMultiplication = None
1425 undistort = False
1426 firstFrameNum = 0
1428 # override video and database filenames if present on command line
1429 # if not absolute, make all filenames relative to the location of the configuration filename
1430 if args.videoFilename is not None:
1431 videoFilename = args.videoFilename
1432 else:
1433 videoFilename = params.videoFilename
1434 if args.databaseFilename is not None:
1435 databaseFilename = args.databaseFilename
1436 else:
1437 databaseFilename = params.databaseFilename
1439 return params, videoFilename, databaseFilename, invHomography, intrinsicCameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients, undistortedImageMultiplication, undistort, firstFrameNum
1441 # deprecated
1442 class SceneParameters(object):
1443 def __init__(self, config, sectionName):
1444 from configparser import NoOptionError
1445 from ast import literal_eval
1446 try:
1447 self.sitename = config.get(sectionName, 'sitename')
1448 self.databaseFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'data-filename')
1449 self.homographyFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'homography-filename')
1450 self.calibrationFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'calibration-filename')
1451 self.videoFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'video-filename')
1452 self.frameRate = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'framerate')
1453 = datetime.strptime(config.get(sectionName, 'date'), datetimeFormat) # 2011-06-22 11:00:39
1454 self.translation = literal_eval(config.get(sectionName, 'translation')) # = [0.0, 0.0]
1455 self.rotation = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'rotation')
1456 self.duration = config.getint(sectionName, 'duration')
1457 except NoOptionError as e:
1458 print(e)
1459 print('Not a section for scene meta-data')
1461 @staticmethod
1462 def loadConfigFile(filename):
1463 from configparser import ConfigParser
1464 config = ConfigParser()
1465 config.readfp(openCheck(filename))
1466 configDict = dict()
1467 for sectionName in config.sections():
1468 configDict[sectionName] = SceneParameters(config, sectionName)
1469 return configDict
1472 if __name__ == "__main__":
1473 import doctest
1474 import unittest
1475 suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('tests/storage.txt')
1476 unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
1477 # #doctest.testmod()
1478 # #doctest.testfile("example.txt")