diff c/Parameters.cpp @ 137:445e773c9be3

created the parameter structure to parse parameters (bug remaining)
author Nicolas Saunier <nicolas.saunier@polymtl.ca>
date Fri, 19 Aug 2011 01:35:45 -0400
children 6f10a227486c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/c/Parameters.cpp	Fri Aug 19 01:35:45 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#include "Parameters.hpp"
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+namespace po = boost::program_options;
+using namespace std;
+KLTFeatureTrackingParameters::KLTFeatureTrackingParameters(const int argc, char* argv[]) {
+  std::string configurationFilename;
+  po::options_description onlyCmdLine("Command line only");
+  po::options_description cmdLineAndFile("Command line and configuration file");
+  // configuration filename
+  onlyCmdLine.add_options()
+    ("config-file", po::value<string>(&configurationFilename)->default_value("tracking.cfg"), "configuration file")
+    ;
+  po::positional_options_description p;
+  p.add("config-file", 1);
+  // common to cnnfiguration and command line
+  cmdLineAndFile.add_options()
+    ("help,h", "displays this help message")
+    ("video-filename", po::value<string>(&videoFilename), "filename of the video to process")
+    ("database-filename", po::value<string>(&databaseFilename), "filename of the database where results are saved")
+    ("homography-filename", po::value<string>(&homographyFilename), "filename of the homography matrix")
+    ("mask-filename", po::value<string>(&maskFilename), "filename of the mask image (where features are detected)")
+    ("load-features", po::value<bool>(&loadFeatures), "load features from database")
+    ("display", po::value<bool>(&display), "display trajectories on the video")
+    ("video-fps", po::value<float>(&videoFPS), "original video frame rate")
+    ("frame1", po::value<int>(&frame1), "first frame to process")
+    ("nframes", po::value<int>(&nFrames), "number of frame to process")
+    // feature tracking
+    ("max-nfeatures", po::value<int>(&maxNFeatures), "maximum number of features added at each frame")
+    ("feature-quality", po::value<float>(&featureQuality), "quality level of the good features to track")
+    ("min-feature-distanceklt", po::value<float>(&minFeatureDistanceKLT), "minimum distance between features")
+    ("window-size", po::value<int>(&windowSize), "size of the search window at each pyramid level")
+    ("use-harris-detector", po::value<bool>(&useHarrisDetector), "use of Harris corner detector")
+    ("k", po::value<float>(&k), "k parameter to detect good features to track (OpenCV)")
+    ("pyramid-level", po::value<int>(&pyramidLevel), "maximal pyramid level in the feature tracking algorithm")
+    ("ndisplacements", po::value<unsigned int>(&nDisplacements), "number of displacement to test minimum feature motion")
+    ("min-feature-displacement", po::value<float>(&minFeatureDisplacement), "minimum displacement to keep features")
+    ("acceleration-bound", po::value<float>(&accelerationBound), "maximum feature acceleration")
+    ("deviation-bound", po::value<float>(&deviationBound), "maximum feature deviation")
+    ("nframes-smoothing", po::value<int>(&nFramesSmoothing), "number of frames to smooth positions (half window)")
+    ("max-number-iterations", po::value<int>(&maxNumberTrackingIterations), "maximum number of iterations to stop feature tracking")
+    ("min-tracking-error", po::value<float>(&minTrackingError), "minimum error to reach to stop feature tracking")
+    ("min-feature-time", po::value<unsigned int>(&minFeatureTime), "minimum length of a feature (number of frames) to consider a feature for grouping")
+    ("mm-connection-distance", po::value<float>(&mmConnectionDistance), "connection distance in feature grouping")
+    ("mm-segmentation-distance", po::value<float>(&mmSegmentationDistance), "segmentation distance in feature grouping")
+    ("max-distance", po::value<float>(&maxDistance), "maximum distance between features for grouping")
+    ("min-velocity-cosine", po::value<float>(&minVelocityCosine), "minimum cosine of the angle between the velocity vectors for grouping")
+    ("min-nfeatures-group", po::value<int>(&minNFeaturesPerGroup), "minimum average number of features per frame to create a vehicle hypothesis")
+    ;
+    // ("max-uturn-cosine", po::value<float>(&maxUTurnCosine), "maximum cosine value to detect U-turn")
+    // ("nframes-avoid-uturn", po::value<int>(&nFramesAvoidUTurn), "number of frames over which a feature should not make a U-turn")
+  po::options_description cmdLine;
+  cmdLine.add(onlyCmdLine).add(cmdLineAndFile);
+  try {
+    po::variables_map vm;
+    store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
+	  options(cmdLine).positional(p).allow_unregistered().run(), vm);
+    notify(vm);
+    if (vm.count("help")) {
+      cout << cmdLine << endl;
+      // cout << "Positional options:";
+      // for (unsigned int i=0; i<p.max_total_count(); i++)
+      // 	cout << " " << p.name_for_position(i);
+      // cout << endl;
+      exit(0);
+    }
+    cout << "Using configuration file " << configurationFilename << endl;
+    ifstream configurationFile(configurationFilename.c_str());
+    store(po::parse_config_file(configurationFile, cmdLineAndFile), vm);
+    notify(vm);
+    parameterDescription = getParameterDescription(cmdLine, vm);
+  } catch(exception& e) {
+    cout << e.what() << endl;
+  }
+string KLTFeatureTrackingParameters::getParameterDescription(po::options_description& options, const po::variables_map& vm, const string& separator /* = " " */) const {
+  stringstream stream;
+  vector<boost::shared_ptr<po::option_description> > optionsVec = options.options();
+  for (unsigned int i=0; i<optionsVec.size(); ++i) {
+    boost::any value = vm[optionsVec[i]->long_name()].value();
+    if (value.type() == typeid(bool))
+      stream << boost::any_cast<bool>(value) << separator;
+    else if (value.type() == typeid(int))
+      stream << boost::any_cast<int>(value) << separator;
+    else if (value.type() == typeid(unsigned int))
+      stream << boost::any_cast<unsigned int>(value) << separator;
+    else if (value.type() == typeid(float))
+      stream << boost::any_cast<float>(value) << separator;
+    else if (value.type() == typeid(string))
+      stream << boost::any_cast<string>(value) << separator;
+    else
+      cerr << "the type of the option variable " << i << " is not int, float or string." << endl;
+  }
+  return stream.str();