diff python/moving.py @ 614:5e09583275a4

Merged Nicolas/trafficintelligence into default
author Mohamed Gomaa <eng.m.gom3a@gmail.com>
date Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:13:53 -0500
parents c5406edbcf12
children 5800a87f11ae 0954aaf28231
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/python/moving.py	Thu Apr 18 15:29:33 2013 -0400
+++ b/python/moving.py	Fri Dec 05 12:13:53 2014 -0500
@@ -5,8 +5,15 @@
 import cvutils
 from math import sqrt
+from numpy import median
-#from shapely.geometry import Polygon
+    from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point as shapelyPoint
+    from shapely.prepared import prep
+    shapelyAvailable = True
+except ImportError:
+    print('Shapely library could not be loaded')
+    shapelyAvailable = False
 __metaclass__ = type
@@ -29,6 +36,9 @@
     def empty(self):
         return self.first > self.last
+    def center(self):
+        return (self.first+self.last)/2.
     def length(self):
         '''Returns the length of the interval'''
         return float(max(0,self.last-self.first))
@@ -90,7 +100,11 @@
     def __getitem__(self, i):
         if not self.empty():
-            return self.first+i
+            if isinstance(i, int):
+                return self.first+i
+            else:
+                raise TypeError, "Invalid argument type."
+            #elif isinstance( key, slice ):
     def __iter__(self):
         self.iterInstantNum = -1
@@ -128,7 +142,7 @@
     def empty(self):
         return self.timeInterval.empty() or not self.boudingPolygon
-    def getId(self):
+    def getNum(self):
         return self.num
     def getFirstInstant(self):
@@ -163,16 +177,31 @@
     def __sub__(self, other):
         return Point(self.x-other.x, self.y-other.y)
+    def __neg__(self):
+        return Point(-self.x, -self.y)
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        if i == 0:
+            return self.x
+        elif i == 1:
+            return self.y
+        else:
+            raise IndexError()
+    def orthogonal(self):
+        return Point(self.y, -self.x)
     def multiply(self, alpha):
+        'Warning, returns a new Point'
         return Point(self.x*alpha, self.y*alpha)
-    def draw(self, options = 'o', **kwargs):
+    def plot(self, options = 'o', **kwargs):
         from matplotlib.pylab import plot
         plot([self.x], [self.y], options, **kwargs)
     def norm2Squared(self):
         '''2-norm distance (Euclidean distance)'''
-        return self.x*self.x+self.y*self.y
+        return self.x**2+self.y**2
     def norm2(self):
         '''2-norm distance (Euclidean distance)'''
@@ -193,36 +222,44 @@
     def asint(self):
         return Point(int(self.x), int(self.y))
+    if shapelyAvailable:
+        def asShapely(self):
+            return shapelyPoint(self.x, self.y)
     def project(self, homography):
         from numpy.core.multiarray import array
         projected = cvutils.projectArray(homography, array([[self.x], [self.y]]))
         return Point(projected[0], projected[1])
-    def inPolygon(self, poly):
-        '''Returns if the point x, y is inside the polygon.
-        The polygon is defined by the ordered list of points in poly
+    def inPolygonNoShapely(self, polygon):
+        '''Indicates if the point x, y is inside the polygon
+        (array of Nx2 coordinates of the polygon vertices)
         taken from http://www.ariel.com.au/a/python-point-int-poly.html
-        Use points_inside_poly from matplotlib.nxutils'''
+        Use Polygon.contains if Shapely is installed'''
-        n = len(poly);
+        n = polygon.shape[0];
         counter = 0;
-        p1 = poly[0];
+        p1 = polygon[0,:];
         for i in range(n+1):
-            p2 = poly[i % n];
-            if self.y > min(p1.y,p2.y):
-                if self.y <= max(p1.y,p2.y):
-                    if self.x <= max(p1.x,p2.x):
-                        if p1.y != p2.y:
-                            xinters = (self.y-p1.y)*(p2.x-p1.x)/(p2.y-p1.y)+p1.x;
-                        if p1.x == p2.x or self.x <= xinters:
+            p2 = polygon[i % n,:];
+            if self.y > min(p1[1],p2[1]):
+                if self.y <= max(p1[1],p2[1]):
+                    if self.x <= max(p1[0],p2[0]):
+                        if p1[1] != p2[1]:
+                            xinters = (self.y-p1[1])*(p2[0]-p1[0])/(p2[1]-p1[1])+p1[0];
+                        if p1[0] == p2[0] or self.x <= xinters:
         return (counter%2 == 1);
+    def fromList(p):
+        return Point(p[0], p[1])
+    @staticmethod
     def dot(p1, p2):
         'Scalar product'
         return p1.x*p2.x+p1.y*p2.y
@@ -233,13 +270,201 @@
         return p1.x*p2.y-p1.y*p2.x
+    def cosine(p1, p2):
+        return Point.dot(p1,p2)/(p1.norm2()*p2.norm2())
+    @staticmethod
     def distanceNorm2(p1, p2):
         return (p1-p2).norm2()
-    def plotAll(points, color='r'):
+    def plotAll(points, **kwargs):
         from matplotlib.pyplot import scatter
-        scatter([p.x for p in points],[p.y for p in points], c=color)
+        scatter([p.x for p in points],[p.y for p in points], **kwargs)
+    def similarOrientation(self, refDirection, cosineThreshold):
+        'Indicates whether the cosine of the vector and refDirection is smaller than cosineThreshold'
+        return Point.cosine(self, refDirection) >= cosineThreshold
+    @staticmethod
+    def timeToCollision(p1, p2, v1, v2, collisionThreshold):
+        '''Computes exact time to collision with a distance threshold
+        The unknown of the equation is the time to reach the intersection
+        between the relative trajectory of one road user
+        and the circle of radius collisionThreshold around the other road user'''
+        from math import sqrt
+        dv = v1-v2
+        dp = p1-p2
+        a = dv.norm2Squared()#(v1.x-v2.x)**2 + (v1.y-v2.y)**2
+        b = 2*Point.dot(dv, dp)#2 * ((p1.x-p2.x) * (v1.x-v2.x) + (p1.y-p2.y) * (v1.y-v2.y))
+        c = dp.norm2Squared() - collisionThreshold**2#(p1.x-p2.x)**2 + (p1.y-p2.y)**2 - collisionThreshold**2
+        delta = b**2 - 4*a*c
+        if delta >= 0:
+            deltaRoot = sqrt(delta)
+            ttc1 = (-b + deltaRoot)/(2*a)
+            ttc2 = (-b - deltaRoot)/(2*a)
+            if ttc1 >= 0 and ttc2 >= 0:
+                ttc = min(ttc1,ttc2)
+            elif ttc1 >= 0:
+                ttc = ttc1
+            elif ttc2 >= 0:
+                ttc = ttc2
+            else: # ttc1 < 0 and ttc2 < 0:
+                ttc = None
+        else:
+            ttc = None
+        return ttc
+    @staticmethod   
+    def midPoint(p1, p2):
+        'Returns the middle of the segment [p1, p2]'
+        return Point(0.5*p1.x+0.5*p2.x, 0.5*p1.y+0.5*p2.y)
+if shapelyAvailable:
+    def pointsInPolygon(points, polygon):
+        '''Optimized tests of a series of points within (Shapely) polygon '''
+        prepared_polygon = prep(polygon)
+        return filter(prepared_polygon.contains, points)
+# Functions for coordinate transformation
+# From Paul St-Aubin's PVA tools
+def subsec_spline_dist(splines):
+    ''' Prepare list of spline subsegments from a spline list. 
+    Output:
+    =======
+    ss_spline_d[spline #][mode][station]
+    where:
+        mode=0: incremental distance
+        mode=1: cumulative distance
+        mode=2: cumulative distance with trailing distance
+    '''
+    from numpy import zeros
+    ss_spline_d = []
+    #Prepare subsegment distances
+    for spline in range(len(splines)):
+        ss_spline_d.append([[],[],[]])
+        ss_spline_d[spline][0] = zeros(len(splines[spline])-1)  #Incremental distance
+        ss_spline_d[spline][1] = zeros(len(splines[spline])-1)  #Cumulative distance
+        ss_spline_d[spline][2] = zeros(len(splines[spline]))  #Cumulative distance with trailing distance
+        for spline_p in range(len(splines[spline])):
+            if spline_p > (len(splines[spline]) - 2):
+                break
+            ss_spline_d[spline][0][spline_p] = utils.pointDistanceL2(splines[spline][spline_p][0],splines[spline][spline_p][1],splines[spline][(spline_p+1)][0],splines[spline][(spline_p+1)][1])
+            ss_spline_d[spline][1][spline_p] = sum(ss_spline_d[spline][0][0:spline_p])
+            ss_spline_d[spline][2][spline_p] = ss_spline_d[spline][1][spline_p]#sum(ss_spline_d[spline][0][0:spline_p])
+    ss_spline_d[spline][2][-1] = ss_spline_d[spline][2][-2] + ss_spline_d[spline][0][-1]
+    return ss_spline_d
+def ppldb2p(qx,qy, p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y):
+    ''' Point-projection (Q) on line defined by 2 points (P0,P1). 
+        http://cs.nyu.edu/~yap/classes/visual/03s/hw/h2/math.pdf
+        '''
+    if(p0x == p1x and p0y == p1y):
+        return None
+    try:
+        #Approximate slope singularity by giving some slope roundoff; account for roundoff error
+        if(round(p0x, 10) == round(p1x, 10)):
+            p1x += 0.0000000001
+        if(round(p0y, 10) == round(p1y, 10)):
+            p1y += 0.0000000001            
+        #make the calculation
+        Y = (-(qx)*(p0y-p1y)-(qy*(p0y-p1y)**2)/(p0x-p1x)+p0x**2*(p0y-p1y)/(p0x-p1x)-p0x*p1x*(p0y-p1y)/(p0x-p1x)-p0y*(p0x-p1x))/(p1x-p0x-(p0y-p1y)**2/(p0x-p1x))
+        X = (-Y*(p1y-p0y)+qx*(p1x-p0x)+qy*(p1y-p0y))/(p1x-p0x)
+    except ZeroDivisionError:
+        print('Error: Division by zero in ppldb2p. Please report this error with the full traceback:')
+        print('qx={0}, qy={1}, p0x={2}, p0y={3}, p1x={4}, p1y={5}...'.format(qx, qy, p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y))
+        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  
+    return Point(X,Y)
+def getSYfromXY(p, splines, goodEnoughSplineDistance = 0.5):
+    ''' Snap a point p to it's nearest subsegment of it's nearest spline (from the list splines). A spline is a list of points (class Point), most likely a trajectory. 
+        Output:
+        =======
+        [spline index, 
+        subsegment leading point index, 
+        snapped point, 
+        subsegment distance, 
+        spline distance,
+        orthogonal point offset]
+    '''
+    minOffsetY = float('inf')
+    #For each spline
+    for spline in range(len(splines)):
+        #For each spline point index
+        for spline_p in range(len(splines[spline])-1):
+            #Get closest point on spline
+            closestPoint = ppldb2p(p.x,p.y,splines[spline][spline_p][0],splines[spline][spline_p][1],splines[spline][spline_p+1][0],splines[spline][spline_p+1][1])
+            if closestPoint == None:
+                print('Error: Spline {0}, segment {1} has identical bounds and therefore is not a vector. Projection cannot continue.'.format(spline, spline_p))
+                return None
+            # check if the 
+            if utils.inBetween(splines[spline][spline_p][0], splines[spline][spline_p+1][0], closestPoint.x) and utils.inBetween(splines[spline][spline_p][1], splines[spline][spline_p+1][1], closestPoint.y): 
+                offsetY = Point.distanceNorm2(closestPoint, p)
+                if offsetY < minOffsetY:
+                    minOffsetY = offsetY
+                    snappedSpline = spline
+                    snappedSplineLeadingPoint = spline_p
+                    snappedPoint = Point(closestPoint.x, closestPoint.y)
+                #Jump loop if significantly close
+                if offsetY < goodEnoughSplineDistance: 
+                    break
+    #Get sub-segment distance
+    if minOffsetY != float('inf'):
+        subsegmentDistance = Point.distanceNorm2(snappedPoint, splines[snappedSpline][snappedSplineLeadingPoint])
+        #Get cumulative alignment distance (total segment distance)
+        splineDistanceS = splines[snappedSpline].getCumulativeDistance(snappedSplineLeadingPoint) + subsegmentDistance
+        orthogonalSplineVector = (splines[snappedSpline][snappedSplineLeadingPoint+1]-splines[snappedSpline][snappedSplineLeadingPoint]).orthogonal()
+        offsetVector = p-snappedPoint
+        if Point.dot(orthogonalSplineVector, offsetVector) < 0:
+            minOffsetY = -minOffsetY
+        return [snappedSpline, snappedSplineLeadingPoint, snappedPoint, subsegmentDistance, splineDistanceS, minOffsetY]
+    else:
+        return None
+def getXYfromSY(s, y, splineNum, splines, mode = 0):
+    ''' Find X,Y coordinate from S,Y data. 
+    if mode = 0 : return Snapped X,Y
+    if mode !=0 : return Real X,Y
+    ''' 
+    #(buckle in, it gets ugly from here on out)
+    ss_spline_d = subsec_spline_dist(splines)
+    #Find subsegment
+    snapped_x = None
+    snapped_y = None
+    for spline_ss_index in range(len(ss_spline_d[splineNum][1])):
+        if(s < ss_spline_d[splineNum][1][spline_ss_index]):
+            ss_value = s - ss_spline_d[splineNum][1][spline_ss_index-1]
+            #Get normal vector and then snap
+            vector_l_x = (splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index][0] - splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index-1][0])
+            vector_l_y = (splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index][1] - splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index-1][1])
+            magnitude  = sqrt(vector_l_x**2 + vector_l_y**2)
+            n_vector_x = vector_l_x/magnitude
+            n_vector_y = vector_l_y/magnitude
+            snapped_x  = splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index-1][0] + ss_value*n_vector_x
+            snapped_y  = splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index-1][1] + ss_value*n_vector_y
+            #Real values (including orthogonal projection of y))
+            real_x = snapped_x - y*n_vector_y 
+            real_y = snapped_y + y*n_vector_x            
+            break
+    if mode == 0 or (not snapped_x):
+        if(not snapped_x):
+            snapped_x = splines[splineNum][-1][0]
+            snapped_y = splines[splineNum][-1][1]                
+        return [snapped_x,snapped_y]
+    else:
+        return [real_x,real_y]
 class NormAngle(object):
     '''Alternate encoding of a point, by its norm and orientation'''
@@ -254,6 +479,8 @@
         norm = p.norm2()
         if norm > 0:
             angle = atan2(p.y, p.x)
+        else:
+            angle = 0.
         return NormAngle(norm, angle)
     def __add__(self, other):
@@ -294,44 +521,59 @@
     def multiply(self, alpha):
         return FlowVector(self.position.multiply(alpha), self.velocity.multiply(alpha))
-    def draw(self, options = '', **kwargs):
+    def plot(self, options = '', **kwargs):
         from matplotlib.pylab import plot
         plot([self.position.x, self.position.x+self.velocity.x], [self.position.y, self.position.y+self.velocity.y], options, **kwargs)
-        self.position.draw(options+'x', **kwargs)
+        self.position.plot(options+'x', **kwargs)
     def similar(f1, f2, maxDistance2, maxDeltavelocity2):
         return (f1.position-f2.position).norm2Squared()<maxDistance2 and (f1.velocity-f2.velocity).norm2Squared()<maxDeltavelocity2
+def intersection(p1, p2, p3, p4):
+    ''' Intersection point (x,y) of lines formed by the vectors p1-p2 and p3-p4
+        http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/'''
+    dp12 = p2-p1
+    dp34 = p4-p3
+    #det = (p4.y-p3.y)*(p2.x-p1.x)-(p4.x-p3.x)*(p2.y-p1.y)
+    det = dp34.y*dp12.x-dp34.x*dp12.y
+    if det == 0:
+        return None
+    else:
+        ua = (dp34.x*(p1.y-p3.y)-dp34.y*(p1.x-p3.x))/det
+        return p1+dp12.multiply(ua)
+# def intersection(p1, p2, dp1, dp2):
+#     '''Returns the intersection point between the two lines 
+#     defined by the respective vectors (dp) and origin points (p)'''
+#     from numpy import matrix
+#     from numpy.linalg import linalg
+#     A = matrix([[dp1.y, -dp1.x],
+#                 [dp2.y, -dp2.x]])
+#     B = matrix([[dp1.y*p1.x-dp1.x*p1.y],
+#                 [dp2.y*p2.x-dp2.x*p2.y]])
+#     if linalg.det(A) == 0:
+#         return None
+#     else:
+#         intersection = linalg.solve(A,B)
+#         return Point(intersection[0,0], intersection[1,0])
 def segmentIntersection(p1, p2, p3, p4):
     '''Returns the intersecting point of the segments [p1, p2] and [p3, p4], None otherwise'''
-    from numpy import matrix
-    from numpy.linalg import linalg, det
     if (Interval.intersection(Interval(p1.x,p2.x,True), Interval(p3.x,p4.x,True)).empty()) or (Interval.intersection(Interval(p1.y,p2.y,True), Interval(p3.y,p4.y,True)).empty()):
         return None
-        dp1 = p2-p1#[s1[0][1]-s1[0][0], s1[1][1]-s1[1][0]]
-        dp2 = p4-p3#[s2[0][1]-s2[0][0], s2[1][1]-s2[1][0]]
-        A = matrix([[dp1.y, -dp1.x],
-                    [dp2.y, -dp2.x]])
-        B = matrix([[dp1.y*p1.x-dp1.x*p1.y],
-                    [dp2.y*p3.x-dp2.x*p3.y]])
-        if linalg.det(A) == 0:#crossProduct(ds1, ds2) == 0:
-            return None
+        inter = intersection(p1, p2, p3, p4)
+        if (inter != None 
+            and utils.inBetween(p1.x, p2.x, inter.x)
+            and utils.inBetween(p3.x, p4.x, inter.x)
+            and utils.inBetween(p1.y, p2.y, inter.y)
+            and utils.inBetween(p3.y, p4.y, inter.y)):
+            return inter
-            intersection = linalg.solve(A,B)
-            if (utils.inBetween(p1.x, p2.x, intersection[0,0])
-                and utils.inBetween(p3.x, p4.x, intersection[0,0])
-                and utils.inBetween(p1.y, p2.y, intersection[1,0])
-                and utils.inBetween(p3.y, p4.y, intersection[1,0])):
-                return Point(intersection[0,0], intersection[1,0])
-            else:
-                return None
-# TODO: implement a better algorithm for intersections of sets of segments http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_segment_intersection
+            return None
 class Trajectory(object):
     '''Class for trajectories: temporal sequence of positions
@@ -345,6 +587,16 @@
             self.positions = [[],[]]
+    def generate(p, v, nPoints):
+        t = Trajectory()
+        p0 = Point(p.x, p.y)
+        t.addPosition(p0)
+        for i in xrange(nPoints-1):
+            p0 += v
+            t.addPosition(p0)
+        return t, Trajectory([[v.x]*nPoints, [v.y]*nPoints])
+    @staticmethod
     def load(line1, line2):
         return Trajectory([[float(n) for n in line1.split(' ')],
                            [float(n) for n in line2.split(' ')]])
@@ -352,18 +604,36 @@
     def fromPointList(points):
         t = Trajectory()
-        for p in points:
-            t.addPosition(p)
+        if isinstance(points[0], list) or isinstance(points[0], tuple):
+            for p in points:
+                t.addPositionXY(p[0],p[1])
+        else:
+            for p in points:
+                t.addPosition(p)
         return t
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.positions[0])
+    def length(self):
+        return self.__len__()
+    def empty(self):
+        return self.__len__() == 0
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        if isinstance(i, int):
+            return Point(self.positions[0][i], self.positions[1][i])
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "Invalid argument type."
+            #elif isinstance( key, slice ):
     def __str__(self):
         return ' '.join([self.__getitem__(i).__str__() for i in xrange(self.length())])
     def __repr__(self):
-        return str(self)
+        return self.__str__()
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        return Point(self.positions[0][i], self.positions[1][i])
     def __iter__(self):
         self.iterInstantNum = 0
@@ -376,11 +646,13 @@
             self.iterInstantNum += 1
             return self[self.iterInstantNum-1]
-    def length(self):
-        return len(self.positions[0])
+    def setPositionXY(self, i, x, y):
+        if i < self.__len__():
+            self.positions[0][i] = x
+            self.positions[1][i] = y
-    def __len__(self):
-        return self.length()
+    def setPosition(self, i, p):
+        self.setPositionXY(i, p.x, p.y)
     def addPositionXY(self, x, y):
@@ -389,8 +661,12 @@
     def addPosition(self, p):
         self.addPositionXY(p.x, p.y)
+    def duplicateLastPosition(self):
+        self.positions[0].append(self.positions[0][-1])
+        self.positions[1].append(self.positions[1][-1])
-    def _draw(positions, options = '', withOrigin = False, lastCoordinate = None, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
+    def _plot(positions, options = '', withOrigin = False, lastCoordinate = None, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
         from matplotlib.pylab import plot
         if lastCoordinate == None:
             plot(positions[0][::timeStep], positions[1][::timeStep], options, **kwargs)
@@ -400,21 +676,19 @@
             plot([positions[0][0]], [positions[1][0]], 'ro', **kwargs)
     def project(self, homography):
-        from numpy.core.multiarray import array
-        projected = cvutils.projectArray(homography, array(self.positions))
-        return Trajectory(projected)
+        return Trajectory(cvutils.projectTrajectory(homography, self.positions))
+    def plot(self, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
+        Trajectory._plot(self.positions, options, withOrigin, None, timeStep, **kwargs)
-    def draw(self, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
-        Trajectory._draw(self.positions, options, withOrigin, None, timeStep, **kwargs)
+    def plotAt(self, lastCoordinate, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
+        Trajectory._plot(self.positions, options, withOrigin, lastCoordinate, timeStep, **kwargs)
-    def drawAt(self, lastCoordinate, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
-        Trajectory._draw(self.positions, options, withOrigin, lastCoordinate, timeStep, **kwargs)
-    def drawOnWorldImage(self, nPixelsPerUnitDistance, imageHeight, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
+    def plotOnWorldImage(self, nPixelsPerUnitDistance, imageHeight, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
         from matplotlib.pylab import plot
         imgPositions = [[x*nPixelsPerUnitDistance for x in self.positions[0]],
                         [-x*nPixelsPerUnitDistance+imageHeight for x in self.positions[1]]]
-        Trajectory._draw(imgPositions, options, withOrigin, timeStep, **kwargs)
+        Trajectory._plot(imgPositions, options, withOrigin, timeStep, **kwargs)
     def getXCoordinates(self):
         return self.positions[0]
@@ -452,6 +726,14 @@
             return Trajectory([[a-b for a,b in zip(self.getXCoordinates(),traj2.getXCoordinates())],
                                [a-b for a,b in zip(self.getYCoordinates(),traj2.getYCoordinates())]])
+    def differentiate(self, doubleLastPosition = False):
+        diff = Trajectory()
+        for i in xrange(1, self.length()):
+            diff.addPosition(self[i]-self[i-1])
+        if doubleLastPosition:
+            diff.addPosition(diff[-1])
+        return diff
     def norm(self):
         '''Returns the list of the norms at each instant'''
 #        def add(x, y): return x+y
@@ -460,12 +742,52 @@
         from numpy import hypot
         return hypot(self.positions[0], self.positions[1])
-    def cumulatedDisplacement(self):
-        'Returns the sum of the distances between each successive point'
-        displacement = 0
+    # def cumulatedDisplacement(self):
+    #     'Returns the sum of the distances between each successive point'
+    #     displacement = 0
+    #     for i in xrange(self.length()-1):
+    #         displacement += Point.distanceNorm2(self.__getitem__(i),self.__getitem__(i+1))
+    #     return displacement
+    def computeCumulativeDistances(self):
+        '''Computes the distance from each point to the next and the cumulative distance up to the point
+        Can be accessed through getDistance(idx) and getCumulativeDistance(idx)'''
+        self.distances = []
+        self.cumulativeDistances = [0.]
+        p1 = self[0]
+        cumulativeDistance = 0.
         for i in xrange(self.length()-1):
-            displacement += Point.distanceNorm2(self.__getitem__(i),self.__getitem__(i+1))
-        return displacement
+            p2 = self[i+1]
+            self.distances.append(Point.distanceNorm2(p1,p2))
+            cumulativeDistance += self.distances[-1]
+            self.cumulativeDistances.append(cumulativeDistance)
+            p1 = p2
+    def getDistance(self,i):
+        '''Return the distance between points i and i+1'''
+        if i < self.length()-1:
+            return self.distances[i]
+        else:
+            print('Index {} beyond trajectory length {}-1'.format(i, self.length()))
+    def getCumulativeDistance(self, i):
+        '''Return the cumulative distance between the beginning and point i'''
+        if i < self.length():
+            return self.cumulativeDistances[i]
+        else:
+            print('Index {} beyond trajectory length {}'.format(i, self.length()))
+    def similarOrientation(self, refDirection, cosineThreshold, minProportion = 0.5):
+        '''Indicates whether the minProportion (<=1.) (eg half) of the trajectory elements (vectors for velocity) 
+        have a cosine with refDirection is smaller than cosineThreshold'''
+        count = 0
+        lengthThreshold = float(self.length())*minProportion
+        for p in self:
+            if p.similarOrientation(refDirection, cosineThreshold):
+                count += 1
+            if count > lengthThreshold:
+                return True
+        return False
     def wiggliness(self):
         return self.cumulatedDisplacement()/float(Point.distanceNorm2(self.__getitem__(0),self.__getitem__(self.length()-1)))
@@ -497,34 +819,104 @@
             return None
-    def getTrajectoryInPolygon(self, polygon):
-        '''Returns the set of points inside the polygon
+    def getTrajectoryInPolygonNoShapely(self, polygon):
+        '''Returns the trajectory built with the set of points inside the polygon
         (array of Nx2 coordinates of the polygon vertices)'''
-        import matplotlib.nxutils as nx
         traj = Trajectory()
-        result = nx.points_inside_poly(self.asArray().T, polygon)
-        for i in xrange(self.length()):
-            if result[i]:
-                traj.addPositionXY(self.positions[0][i], self.positions[1][i])
+        for p in self:
+            if p.inPolygonNoShapely(polygon):
+                traj.addPosition(p)
         return traj
-    # version 2: use shapely polygon contains
+    if shapelyAvailable:
+        def getTrajectoryInPolygon(self, polygon):
+            '''Returns the trajectory built with the set of points inside the (shapely) polygon'''
+            traj = Trajectory()
+            points = [p.asShapely() for p in self]
+            for p in pointsInPolygon(points, polygon):
+                    traj.addPositionXY(p.x, p.y)
+            return traj
-    def norm2LCSS(t1, t2, threshold):
-        return utils.LCSS(t1, t2, threshold, Point.distanceNorm2)
+    def lcss(t1, t2, lcss):
+        return lcss.compute(t1, t2)
+class CurvilinearTrajectory(Trajectory):
+    '''Sub class of trajectory for trajectories with curvilinear coordinates and lane assignements
+    longitudinal coordinate is stored as first coordinate (exterior name S)
+    lateral coordiante is stored as second coordinate'''
+    def __init__(self, S = None, Y = None, lanes = None):
+        if S == None or Y == None or len(S) != len(Y):
+            self.positions = [[],[]]
+            if S != None and Y != None and len(S) != len(Y):
+                print("S and Y coordinates of different lengths\nInitializing to empty lists")
+        else:
+            self.positions = [S,Y]
+        if lanes == None or len(lanes) != self.length():
+            self.lanes = []
+        else:
+            self.lanes = lanes
+    def __getitem__(self,i): 
+        if isinstance(i, int):
+            return [self.positions[0][i], self.positions[1][i], self.lanes[i]]
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "Invalid argument type."
+            #elif isinstance( key, slice ):
+    def getSCoordinates(self):
+        return self.getXCoordinates()
+    def getLanes(self):
+        return self.lanes
-    @staticmethod
-    def normMaxLCSS(t1, t2, threshold):
-        return utils.LCSS(t1, t2, threshold, lambda p1, p2: (p1-p2).normMax())
+    def addPositionSYL(self, s, y, lane):
+        self.addPositionXY(s,y)
+        self.lanes.append(lane)
+    def addPosition(self, p):
+        'Adds position in the point format for curvilinear of list with 3 values'
+        self.addPositionSYL(p[0], p[1], p[2])
+    def setPosition(self, i, s, y, lane):
+        self.setPositionXY(i, s, y)
+        if i < self.__len__():
+            self.lanes[i] = lane
+    def differentiate(self, doubleLastPosition = False):
+        diff = CurvilinearTrajectory()
+        p1 = self[0]
+        for i in xrange(1, self.length()):
+            p2 = self[i]
+            diff.addPositionSYL(p2[0]-p1[0], p2[1]-p1[1], p1[2])
+            p1=p2
+        if doubleLastPosition and self.length() > 1:
+            diff.addPosition(diff[-1])
+        return diff
+    def getIntersections(self, S1, lane = None):
+        '''Returns a list of the indices at which the trajectory 
+        goes past the curvilinear coordinate S1
+        (in provided lane if lane != None)
+        the list is empty if there is no crossing'''
+        indices = []
+        for i in xrange(self.length()-1):
+            q1=self.__getitem__(i)
+            q2=self.__getitem__(i+1)
+            if q1[0] <= S1 < q2[0] and (lane == None or (self.lanes[i] == lane and self.lanes[i+1] == lane)):
+                indices.append(i+(S1-q1[0])/(q2[0]-q1[0]))
+        return indices
 # Moving Objects
-userTypeNames = ['car',
+userTypeNames = ['unknown',
+                 'car',
-                 'twowheels',
+                 'motorcycle',
+                 'bicycle',
@@ -532,16 +924,24 @@
 class MovingObject(STObject):
     '''Class for moving objects: a spatio-temporal object 
-    with a trajectory and a geometry (constant volume over time) and a usertype (e.g. road user)
+    with a trajectory and a geometry (constant volume over time) 
+    and a usertype (e.g. road user) coded as a number (see userTypeNames)
-    def __init__(self, num = None, timeInterval = None, positions = None, geometry = None, userType = None):
+    def __init__(self, num = None, timeInterval = None, positions = None, velocities = None, geometry = None, userType = userType2Num['unknown']):
         super(MovingObject, self).__init__(num, timeInterval)
         self.positions = positions
+        self.velocities = velocities
         self.geometry = geometry
         self.userType = userType
+        self.features = []
         # compute bounding polygon from trajectory
+    @staticmethod
+    def generate(p, v, timeInterval):
+        positions, velocities = Trajectory.generate(p, v, int(timeInterval.length())) 
+        return MovingObject(timeInterval = timeInterval, positions = positions, velocities = velocities)
     def getObjectInTimeInterval(self, inter):
         '''Returns a new object extracted from self,
         restricted to time interval inter'''
@@ -565,6 +965,18 @@
     def getVelocities(self):
         return self.velocities
+    def getUserType(self):
+        return self.userType
+    def getCurvilinearPositions(self):
+        if hasattr(self, 'curvilinearPositions'):
+            return self.curvilinearPositions
+        else:
+            return None
+    def setUserType(self, userType):
+        self.userType = userType
     def setFeatures(self, features):
         self.features = [features[i] for i in self.featureNumbers]
@@ -589,15 +1001,73 @@
     def getYCoordinates(self):
         return self.positions.getYCoordinates()
-    def draw(self, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
-        self.positions.draw(options, withOrigin, timeStep, **kwargs)
+    def plot(self, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, withFeatures = False, **kwargs):
+        if withFeatures:
+            for f in self.features:
+                f.positions.plot('r', True, timeStep, **kwargs)
+            self.positions.plot('bx-', True, timeStep, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            self.positions.plot(options, withOrigin, timeStep, **kwargs)
-    def drawOnWorldImage(self, nPixelsPerUnitDistance, imageHeight, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
-        self.positions.drawOnWorldImage(nPixelsPerUnitDistance, imageHeight, options, withOrigin, timeStep, **kwargs)
+    def plotOnWorldImage(self, nPixelsPerUnitDistance, imageHeight, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, **kwargs):
+        self.positions.plotOnWorldImage(nPixelsPerUnitDistance, imageHeight, options, withOrigin, timeStep, **kwargs)
     def play(self, videoFilename, homography = None):
         cvutils.displayTrajectories(videoFilename, [self], homography, self.getFirstInstant(), self.getLastInstant())
+    def speedDiagnostics(self, framerate = 1., display = False):
+        from numpy import std
+        from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile
+        speeds = framerate*self.getSpeeds()
+        coef = utils.linearRegression(range(len(speeds)), speeds)
+        print('min/5th perc speed: {} / {}\nspeed diff: {}\nspeed stdev: {}\nregression: {}'.format(min(speeds), scoreatpercentile(speeds, 5), speeds[-2]-speeds[1], std(speeds), coef[0]))
+        if display:
+            from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, plot, axis
+            figure(1)
+            self.plot()
+            axis('equal')
+            figure(2)
+            plot(list(self.getTimeInterval()), speeds)
+    @staticmethod
+    def distances(obj1, obj2, instant1, _instant2 = None):
+        from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
+        if _instant2 == None:
+            instant2 = instant1
+        else:
+            instant2 = _instant2
+        positions1 = [f.getPositionAtInstant(instant1).astuple() for f in obj1.features if f.existsAtInstant(instant1)]
+        positions2 = [f.getPositionAtInstant(instant2).astuple() for f in obj2.features if f.existsAtInstant(instant2)]
+        return cdist(positions1, positions2, metric = 'euclidean')
+    @staticmethod
+    def minDistance(obj1, obj2, instant1, instant2 = None):
+        return MovingObject.distances(obj1, obj2, instant1, instant2).min()
+    @staticmethod
+    def maxDistance(obj1, obj2, instant, instant2 = None):
+        return MovingObject.distances(obj1, obj2, instant1, instant2).max()
+    def maxSize(self):
+        '''Returns the max distance between features
+        at instant there are the most features'''
+        if hasattr(self, 'features'):
+            nFeatures = -1
+            tMaxFeatures = 0
+            for t in self.getTimeInterval():
+                n = len([f for f in self.features if f.existsAtInstant(t)])
+                if n > nFeatures:
+                    nFeatures = n
+                    tMaxFeatures = t
+            return MovingObject.maxDistance(self, self, tMaxFeatures)
+        else:
+            print('Load features to compute a maximum size')
+            return None
+    def setRoutes(self, startRouteID, endRouteID):
+        self.startRouteID = startRouteID
+        self.endRouteID = endRouteID
     def getInstantsCrossingLane(self, p1, p2):
         '''Returns the instant(s)
         at which the object passes from one side of the segment to the other
@@ -610,6 +1080,190 @@
         at constant speed'''
         return predictPositionNoLimit(nTimeSteps, self.getPositionAtInstant(instant), self.getVelocityAtInstant(instant), externalAcceleration)
+    def projectCurvilinear(self, alignments, ln_mv_av_win=3):
+        ''' Add, for every object position, the class 'moving.CurvilinearTrajectory()'
+            (curvilinearPositions instance) which holds information about the
+            curvilinear coordinates using alignment metadata.
+            From Paul St-Aubin's PVA tools
+            ======
+            Input:
+            ======
+            alignments   = a list of alignments, where each alignment is a list of
+                           points (class Point).
+            ln_mv_av_win = moving average window (in points) in which to smooth
+                           lane changes. As per tools_math.cat_mvgavg(), this term
+                           is a search *radius* around the center of the window.
+            '''
+        self.curvilinearPositions = CurvilinearTrajectory()
+        #For each point
+        for i in xrange(int(self.length())):
+            result = getSYfromXY(self.getPositionAt(i), alignments)
+            # Error handling
+            if(result == None):
+                print('Warning: trajectory {} at point {} {} has alignment errors (spline snapping)\nCurvilinear trajectory could not be computed'.format(self.getNum(), i, self.getPositionAt(i)))
+            else:
+                [align, alignPoint, snappedPoint, subsegmentDistance, S, Y] = result
+                self.curvilinearPositions.addPositionSYL(S, Y, align)
+        ## Go back through points and correct lane  
+        #Run through objects looking for outlier point
+        smoothed_lanes = utils.cat_mvgavg(self.curvilinearPositions.getLanes(),ln_mv_av_win)
+        ## Recalculate projected point to new lane
+        lanes = self.curvilinearPositions.getLanes()
+        if(lanes != smoothed_lanes):
+            for i in xrange(len(lanes)):
+                if(lanes[i] != smoothed_lanes[i]):
+                    result = getSYfromXY(self.getPositionAt(i),[alignments[smoothed_lanes[i]]])
+                    # Error handling
+                    if(result == None):
+                        ## This can be triggered by tracking errors when the trajectory jumps around passed another alignment.
+                        print('    Warning: trajectory {} at point {} {} has alignment errors during trajectory smoothing and will not be corrected.'.format(self.getNum(), i, self.getPositionAt(i)))
+                    else:
+                        [align, alignPoint, snappedPoint, subsegmentDistance, S, Y] = result
+                        self.curvilinearPositions.setPosition(i, S, Y, align)
+    def computeSmoothTrajectory(self, minCommonIntervalLength):
+        '''Computes the trajectory as the mean of all features
+        if a feature exists, its position is 
+        Warning work in progress
+        TODO? not use the first/last 1-.. positions'''
+        from numpy import array, median
+        nFeatures = len(self.features)
+        if nFeatures == 0:
+            print('Empty object features\nCannot compute smooth trajectory')
+        else:
+            # compute the relative position vectors
+            relativePositions = {} # relativePositions[(i,j)] is the position of j relative to i
+            for i in xrange(nFeatures):
+                for j in xrange(i):
+                    fi = self.features[i]
+                    fj = self.features[j]
+                    inter = fi.commonTimeInterval(fj)
+                    if inter.length() >= minCommonIntervalLength:
+                        xi = array(fi.getXCoordinates()[inter.first-fi.getFirstInstant():int(fi.length())-(fi.getLastInstant()-inter.last)])
+                        yi = array(fi.getYCoordinates()[inter.first-fi.getFirstInstant():int(fi.length())-(fi.getLastInstant()-inter.last)])
+                        xj = array(fj.getXCoordinates()[inter.first-fj.getFirstInstant():int(fj.length())-(fj.getLastInstant()-inter.last)])
+                        yj = array(fj.getYCoordinates()[inter.first-fj.getFirstInstant():int(fj.length())-(fj.getLastInstant()-inter.last)])
+                        relativePositions[(i,j)] = Point(median(xj-xi), median(yj-yi))
+                        relativePositions[(j,i)] = -relativePositions[(i,j)]
+    ###
+    # User Type Classification
+    ###
+    def classifyUserTypeSpeedMotorized(self, threshold, aggregationFunc = median, ignoreNInstantsAtEnds = 0):
+        '''Classifies slow and fast road users
+        slow: non-motorized -> pedestrians
+        fast: motorized -> cars'''
+        if ignoreNInstantsAtEnds > 0:
+            speeds = self.getSpeeds()[ignoreNInstantsAtEnds:-ignoreNInstantsAtEnds]
+        else:
+            speeds = self.getSpeeds()
+        if aggregationFunc(speeds) >= threshold:
+            self.setUserType(userType2Num['car'])
+        else:
+            self.setUserType(userType2Num['pedestrian'])
+    def classifyUserTypeSpeed(self, speedProbabilities, aggregationFunc = median):
+        '''Classifies road user per road user type
+        speedProbabilities are functions return P(speed|class)
+        in a dictionary indexed by user type names
+        Returns probabilities for each class
+        for simple threshold classification, simply pass non-overlapping indicator functions (membership)
+        e.g. def indic(x):
+        if abs(x-mu) < sigma:
+        return 1
+        else:
+        return x'''
+        if not hasattr(self, aggregatedSpeed):
+            self.aggregatedSpeed = aggregationFunc(self.getSpeeds())
+        userTypeProbabilities = {}
+        for userTypename in speedProbabilities:
+            userTypeProbabilities[userType2Num[userTypename]] = speedProbabilities[userTypename](self.aggregatedSpeed)
+        self.setUserType(utils.argmaxDict(userTypeProbabilities))
+        return userTypeProbabilities
+    def initClassifyUserTypeHoGSVM(self, aggregationFunc = median):
+        '''Initializes the data structures for classification
+        TODO? compute speed for longest feature?
+        Skip beginning and end of feature for speed? Offer options instead of median'''
+        self.aggregatedSpeed = aggregationFunc(self.getSpeeds())
+        self.userTypes = {}
+    def classifyUserTypeHoGSVMAtInstant(self, img, pedBikeCarSVM, instant, homography, width, height, bikeCarSVM = None, pedBikeSpeedTreshold = float('Inf'), bikeCarSpeedThreshold = float('Inf'), px = 0.2, py = 0.2, pixelThreshold = 800):
+        '''Extract the image box around the object and 
+        applies the SVM model on it'''
+        from numpy import array
+        croppedImg, yCropMin, yCropMax, xCropMin, xCropMax = imageBox(img, self, instant, homography, width, height, px, py, pixelThreshold)
+        if len(croppedImg) > 0: # != []
+            hog = array([cvutils.HOG(croppedImg)], dtype = np.float32)
+            if self.aggregatedSpeed < pedBikeSpeedTreshold or bikeCarSVM == None:
+                self.userTypes[instant] = int(pedBikeCarSVM.predict(hog))
+            elif self.aggregatedSpeed < bikeCarSpeedTreshold:
+                self.userTypes[instant] = int(bikeCarSVM.predict(hog))
+            else:
+                self.userTypes[instant] = userType2Num['car']
+        else:
+            self.userTypes[instant] = userType2Num['unknown']
+    def classifyUserTypeHoGSVM(self, images, pedBikeCarSVM, homography, width, height, bikeCarSVM = None, pedBikeSpeedTreshold = float('Inf'), bikeCarSpeedThreshold = float('Inf'), speedProbabilities = None, aggregationFunc = median, px = 0.2, py = 0.2, pixelThreshold = 800):
+        '''Agregates SVM detections in each image and returns probability
+        (proportion of instants with classification in each category)
+        iamges is a dictionary of images indexed by instant
+        With default parameters, the general (ped-bike-car) classifier will be used
+        TODO? consider all categories?'''
+        if not hasattr(self, aggregatedSpeed) or not hasattr(self, userTypes):
+            print('Initilize the data structures for classification by HoG-SVM')
+            self.initClassifyUserTypeHoGSVM(aggregationFunc)
+        if len(self.userTypes) != self.length(): # if classification has not been done previously
+            for t in self.getTimeInterval():
+                if t not in self.userTypes:
+                    self.classifyUserTypeHoGSVMAtInstant(images[t], pedBikeCarSVM, t, homography, width, height, bikeCarSVM, pedBikeSpeedTreshold, bikeCarSpeedThreshold, px, py, pixelThreshold)
+        # compute P(Speed|Class)
+        if speedProbabilities == None: # equiprobable information from speed
+            userTypeProbabilities = {userType2Num['car']: 1., userType2Num['pedestrian']: 1., userType2Num['bicycle']: 1.}
+        else:
+            userTypeProbabilities = {userType2Num[userTypename]: speedProbabilities[userTypename](self.aggregatedSpeed) for userTypename in speedProbabilities}
+        # result is P(Class|Appearance) x P(Speed|Class)
+        nInstantsUserType = {userType2Num[userTypename]: 0 for userTypename in userTypeProbabilities}# number of instants the object is classified as userTypename
+        for t in self.userTypes:
+            nInstantsUserType[self.userTypes[t]] += 1
+        for userTypename in userTypeProbabilities:
+            userTypeProbabilities[userTypename] *= nInstantsUserType[userTypename]
+        # class is the user type that maximizes usertype probabilities
+        self.setUserType(utils.argmaxDict(userTypeProbabilities))
+    def classifyUserTypeArea(self, areas, homography):
+        '''Classifies the object based on its location (projected to image space)
+        areas is a dictionary of matrix of the size of the image space 
+        for different road users possible locations, indexed by road user type names
+        TODO: areas could be a wrapper object with a contains method that would work for polygons and images (with wrapper class)
+        skip frames at beginning/end?'''
+        print('not implemented/tested yet')
+        if not hasattr(self, projectedPositions):
+            if homography != None:
+                self.projectedPositions = obj.positions.project(homography)
+            else:
+                self.projectedPositions = obj.positions
+        possibleUserTypes = {userType: 0 for userType in range(len(userTypenames))}
+        for p in self.projectedPositions:
+            for userTypename in areas:
+                if areas[userTypename][p.x, p.y] != 0:
+                    possibleUserTypes[userType2Enum[userTypename]] += 1
+        # what to do: threshold for most common type? self.setUserType()
+        return possibleUserTypes
     def collisionCourseDotProduct(movingObject1, movingObject2, instant):
         'A positive result indicates that the road users are getting closer'
@@ -620,16 +1274,33 @@
     def collisionCourseCosine(movingObject1, movingObject2, instant):
         'A positive result indicates that the road users are getting closer'
-        deltap = movingObject1.getPositionAtInstant(instant)-movingObject2.getPositionAtInstant(instant)
-        deltav = movingObject2.getVelocityAtInstant(instant)-movingObject1.getVelocityAtInstant(instant)
-        return Point.dot(deltap, deltav)/(deltap.norm2()*deltav.norm2())
+        return Point.cosine(movingObject1.getPositionAtInstant(instant)-movingObject2.getPositionAtInstant(instant), #deltap
+                            movingObject2.getVelocityAtInstant(instant)-movingObject1.getVelocityAtInstant(instant)) #deltav
+# Annotations
+class BBAnnotation(MovingObject):
+    '''Class for : a series of ground truth annotations using bounding boxes
+    Its center is the center of the containing shape
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, num = None, timeInterval = None, topPositions = None, bottomPositions = None, userType = userType2Num['unknown']):
+        super(BBAnnotation, self).__init__(num, timeInterval, Trajectory(), userType = userType)
+        self.topPositions = topPositions.getPositions()
+        self.bottomPositions = bottomPositions.getPositions()
+        for i in xrange(int(topPositions.length())):
+            self.positions.addPosition((topPositions.getPositionAt(i) + bottomPositions.getPositionAt(i)).multiply(0.5))
 def plotRoadUsers(objects, colors):
     '''Colors is a PlottingPropertyValues instance'''
     from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, axis
     for obj in objects:
-        obj.draw(colors.get(obj.userType))
+        obj.plot(colors.get(obj.userType))