diff trafficintelligence/cvutils.py @ 1028:cc5cb04b04b0

major update using the trafficintelligence package name and install through pip
author Nicolas Saunier <nicolas.saunier@polymtl.ca>
date Fri, 15 Jun 2018 11:19:10 -0400
parents python/cvutils.py@16932cefabc1
children c6cf75a2ed08
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/trafficintelligence/cvutils.py	Fri Jun 15 11:19:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+'''Image/Video utilities'''
+from trafficintelligence import utils, moving
+    import cv2
+    opencvAvailable = True
+except ImportError:
+    print('OpenCV library could not be loaded (video replay functions will not be available)') # TODO change to logging module
+    opencvAvailable = False
+    import skimage
+    skimageAvailable = True
+except ImportError:
+    print('Scikit-image library could not be loaded (HoG-based classification methods will not be available)')
+    skimageAvailable = False
+from sys import stdout
+from os import listdir
+from subprocess import run
+from math import floor, log10, ceil
+from numpy import dot, array, append, float32, loadtxt, savetxt, append, zeros, ones, identity, abs as npabs, logical_and, unravel_index, sum as npsum, isnan, mgrid, median, floor as npfloor, ceil as npceil
+from numpy.linalg import inv
+from matplotlib.mlab import find
+from matplotlib.pyplot import imread, imsave
+videoFilenameExtensions = ['mov', 'avi', 'mp4', 'MOV', 'AVI', 'MP4']
+trackerExe = 'feature-based-tracking'
+#importaggdraw # agg on top of PIL (antialiased drawing)
+cvRed = {'default': (0,0,255),
+         'colorblind': (0,114,178)}
+cvGreen = {'default': (0,255,0),
+           'colorblind': (0,158,115)}
+cvBlue = {'default': (255,0,0),
+          'colorblind': (213,94,0)}
+cvCyan = {'default': (255, 255, 0),
+          'colorblind': (240,228,66)}
+cvYellow = {'default': (0, 255, 255),
+            'colorblind': (86,180,233)}
+cvMagenta = {'default': (255, 0, 255),
+             'colorblind': (204,121,167)}
+cvWhite = {k: (255, 255, 255) for k in ['default', 'colorblind']}
+cvBlack = {k: (0,0,0) for k in ['default', 'colorblind']}
+cvColors3 = {k: utils.PlottingPropertyValues([cvRed[k], cvGreen[k], cvBlue[k]]) for k in ['default', 'colorblind']}
+cvColors = {k: utils.PlottingPropertyValues([cvRed[k], cvGreen[k], cvBlue[k], cvCyan[k], cvYellow[k], cvMagenta[k], cvWhite[k], cvBlack[k]]) for k in ['default', 'colorblind']}
+def quitKey(key):
+    return chr(key&255)== 'q' or chr(key&255) == 'Q'
+def saveKey(key):
+    return chr(key&255) == 's'
+def int2FOURCC(x):
+    fourcc = ''
+    for i in range(4):
+        fourcc += chr((x >> 8*i)&255)
+    return fourcc
+def rgb2gray(rgb):
+    return dot(rgb[...,:3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.144])
+def matlab2PointCorrespondences(filename):
+    '''Loads and converts the point correspondences saved 
+    by the matlab camera calibration tool'''
+    points = loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',')
+    savetxt(utils.removeExtension(filename)+'-point-correspondences.txt',append(points[:,:2].T, points[:,3:].T, axis=0))
+def loadPointCorrespondences(filename):
+    '''Loads and returns the corresponding points in world (first 2 lines) and image spaces (last 2 lines)'''
+    points = loadtxt(filename, dtype=float32)
+    return  (points[:2,:].T, points[2:,:].T) # (world points, image points)
+def cvMatToArray(cvmat):
+    '''Converts an OpenCV CvMat to numpy array.'''
+    print('Deprecated, use new interface')
+    a = zeros((cvmat.rows, cvmat.cols))#array([[0.0]*cvmat.width]*cvmat.height)
+    for i in range(cvmat.rows):
+        for j in range(cvmat.cols):
+            a[i,j] = cvmat[i,j]
+    return a
+def createWhiteImage(height, width, filename):
+    img = ones((height, width, 3), uint8)*255
+    imsave(filename, img)
+if opencvAvailable:
+    def computeHomography(srcPoints, dstPoints, method=0, ransacReprojThreshold=3.0):
+        '''Returns the homography matrix mapping from srcPoints to dstPoints (dimension Nx2)'''
+        H, mask = cv2.findHomography(srcPoints, dstPoints, method, ransacReprojThreshold)
+        return H
+    def cvPlot(img, positions, color, lastCoordinate = None, **kwargs):
+        if lastCoordinate is None:
+            last = positions.length()-1
+        elif lastCoordinate >=0:
+            last = min(positions.length()-1, lastCoordinate)
+        for i in range(0, last):
+            cv2.line(img, positions[i].asint().astuple(), positions[i+1].asint().astuple(), color, **kwargs)
+    def cvImshow(windowName, img, rescale = 1.0):
+        'Rescales the image (in particular if too large)'
+        from cv2 import resize
+        if rescale != 1.:
+            size = (int(round(img.shape[1]*rescale)), int(round(img.shape[0]*rescale)))
+            resizedImg = resize(img, size)
+            cv2.imshow(windowName, resizedImg)
+        else:
+            cv2.imshow(windowName, img)
+    def computeUndistortMaps(width, height, undistortedImageMultiplication, intrinsicCameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients):
+        newImgSize = (int(round(width*undistortedImageMultiplication)), int(round(height*undistortedImageMultiplication)))
+        newCameraMatrix = cv2.getDefaultNewCameraMatrix(intrinsicCameraMatrix, newImgSize, True)
+        return cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsicCameraMatrix, array(distortionCoefficients), None, newCameraMatrix, newImgSize, cv2.CV_32FC1), newCameraMatrix
+    def playVideo(filenames, windowNames = None, firstFrameNums = None, frameRate = -1, interactive = False, printFrames = True, text = None, rescale = 1., step = 1, colorBlind = False):
+        '''Plays the video(s)'''
+        if colorBlind:
+            colorType = 'colorblind'
+        else:
+            colorType = 'default'
+        if len(filenames) == 0:
+            print('Empty filename list')
+            return
+        if windowNames is None:
+            windowNames = ['frame{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(filenames))]
+        wait = 5
+        if rescale == 1.:
+            for windowName in windowNames:
+                cv2.namedWindow(windowName, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
+        if frameRate > 0:
+            wait = int(round(1000./frameRate))
+        if interactive:
+            wait = 0
+        captures = [cv2.VideoCapture(fn) for fn in filenames]
+        if array([cap.isOpened() for cap in captures]).all():
+            key = -1
+            ret = True
+            nFramesShown = 0
+            if firstFrameNums is not None:
+                for i in range(len(captures)):
+                    captures[i].set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, firstFrameNums[i])
+            while ret and not quitKey(key):
+                rets = []
+                images = []
+                for cap in captures:
+                    ret, img = cap.read()
+                    rets.append(ret)
+                    images.append(img)
+                ret = array(rets).all()
+                if ret:
+                    if printFrames:
+                        print('frame shown {0}'.format(nFramesShown))
+                    for i in range(len(filenames)):
+                        if text is not None:
+                            cv2.putText(images[i], text, (10,50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cvRed[colorType])
+                        cvImshow(windowNames[i], images[i], rescale) # cv2.imshow('frame', img)
+                    key = cv2.waitKey(wait)
+                    if saveKey(key):
+                        cv2.imwrite('image-{}.png'.format(frameNum), img)
+                    nFramesShown += step
+                    if step > 1:
+                        for i in range(len(captures)):
+                            captures[i].set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, firstFrameNums[i]+nFramesShown)
+            cv2.destroyAllWindows()
+        else:
+            print('Video captures for {} failed'.format(filenames))
+    def infoVideo(filename):
+        '''Provides all available info on video '''
+        cvPropertyNames = {cv2.CAP_PROP_FORMAT: "format",
+                           cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC: "codec (fourcc)",
+                           cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS: "fps",
+                           cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT: "number of frames",
+                           cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT: "heigh",
+                           cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH: "width",
+                           cv2.CAP_PROP_RECTIFICATION: "rectification",
+                           cv2.CAP_PROP_SATURATION: "saturation"}
+        capture = cv2.VideoCapture(filename)
+        videoProperties = {}
+        if capture.isOpened():
+            for cvprop in [#cv2.CAP_PROP_BRIGHTNESS
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_CONTRAST
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE
+                    cv2.CAP_PROP_FORMAT,
+                    cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC,
+                    cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS,
+                    cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT,
+                    cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT,
+                    cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH,
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_GAIN,
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_HUE
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_MODE
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_RECTIFICATION,
+                    #cv2.CAP_PROP_SATURATION
+            ]:
+                prop = capture.get(cvprop)
+                if cvprop == cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC and prop > 0:
+                    prop = int2FOURCC(int(prop))
+                videoProperties[cvPropertyNames[cvprop]] = prop
+        else:
+            print('Video capture for {} failed'.format(filename))
+        return videoProperties
+    def getImagesFromVideo(videoFilename, firstFrameNum = 0, lastFrameNum = 1, step = 1, saveImage = False, outputPrefix = 'image'):
+        '''Returns nFrames images from the video sequence'''
+        images = []
+        capture = cv2.VideoCapture(videoFilename)
+        if capture.isOpened():
+            rawCount = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
+            if rawCount < 0:
+                rawCount = lastFrameNum+1
+            nDigits = int(floor(log10(rawCount)))+1
+            ret = False
+            capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, firstFrameNum)
+            frameNum = firstFrameNum
+            while frameNum<lastFrameNum and frameNum<rawCount:
+                ret, img = capture.read()
+                i = 0
+                while not ret and i<10:
+                    ret, img = capture.read()
+                    i += 1
+                if img is not None and img.size>0:
+                    if saveImage:
+                        frameNumStr = format(frameNum, '0{}d'.format(nDigits))
+                        cv2.imwrite(outputPrefix+frameNumStr+'.png', img)
+                    else:
+                        images.append(img)
+                    frameNum +=step
+                    if step > 1:
+                        capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frameNum)
+            capture.release()
+        else:
+            print('Video capture for {} failed'.format(videoFilename))
+        return images
+    def getFPS(videoFilename):
+        capture = cv2.VideoCapture(videoFilename)
+        if capture.isOpened():
+            fps = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
+            capture.release()
+            return fps
+        else:
+            print('Video capture for {} failed'.format(videoFilename))
+            return None
+    def imageBoxSize(obj, frameNum, width, height, px = 0.2, py = 0.2):
+        'Computes the bounding box size of object at frameNum'
+        x = []
+        y = []
+        if obj.hasFeatures():
+            for f in obj.getFeatures():
+                if f.existsAtInstant(frameNum):
+                    p = f.getPositionAtInstant(frameNum)
+                    x.append(p.x)
+                    y.append(p.y)
+        xmin = min(x)
+        xmax = max(x)
+        ymin = min(y)
+        ymax = max(y)
+        xMm = px * (xmax - xmin)
+        yMm = py * (ymax - ymin)
+        a = max(ymax - ymin + (2 * yMm), xmax - (xmin + 2 * xMm))
+        yCropMin = int(max(0, .5 * (ymin + ymax - a)))
+        yCropMax = int(min(height - 1, .5 * (ymin + ymax + a)))
+        xCropMin = int(max(0, .5 * (xmin + xmax - a)))
+        xCropMax = int(min(width - 1, .5 * (xmin + xmax + a)))
+        return yCropMin, yCropMax, xCropMin, xCropMax
+    def imageBox(img, obj, frameNum, width, height, px = 0.2, py = 0.2, minNPixels = 800):
+        'Computes the bounding box of object at frameNum'
+        yCropMin, yCropMax, xCropMin, xCropMax = imageBoxSize(obj, frameNum, width, height, px, py)
+        if yCropMax != yCropMin and xCropMax != xCropMin and (yCropMax - yCropMin) * (xCropMax - xCropMin) > minNPixels:
+            return img[yCropMin : yCropMax, xCropMin : xCropMax]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def tracking(configFilename, grouping, videoFilename = None, dbFilename = None, homographyFilename = None, maskFilename = None, undistort = False, intrinsicCameraMatrix = None, distortionCoefficients = None, dryRun = False):
+        '''Runs the tracker in a subprocess
+        if grouping is True, it is feature grouping
+        otherwise it is feature tracking'''
+        if grouping:
+            trackingMode = '--gf'
+        else:
+            trackingMode = '--tf'
+        cmd = [trackerExe, configFilename, trackingMode, '--quiet']
+        if videoFilename is not None:
+            cmd += ['--video-filename', videoFilename]
+        if dbFilename is not None:
+            cmd += ['--database-filename', dbFilename]
+        if homographyFilename is not None:
+            cmd += ['--homography-filename', homographyFilename]
+        if maskFilename is not None:
+            cmd += ['--mask-filename', maskFilename]
+        if undistort:
+            cmd += ['--undistort', 'true']
+            if intrinsicCameraMatrix is not None: # we currently have to save a file
+                from time import time
+                intrinsicCameraFilename = '/tmp/intrinsic-{}.txt'.format(time())
+                savetxt(intrinsicCameraFilename, intrinsicCameraMatrix)
+                cmd += ['--intrinsic-camera-filename', intrinsicCameraFilename]
+            if distortionCoefficients is not None:
+                cmd += ['--distortion-coefficients '+' '.join([str(x) for x in distortionCoefficients])]
+        if dryRun:
+            print(cmd)
+        else:
+            run(cmd)
+    def displayTrajectories(videoFilename, objects, boundingBoxes = {}, homography = None, firstFrameNum = 0, lastFrameNumArg = None, printFrames = True, rescale = 1., nFramesStep = 1, saveAllImages = False, nZerosFilenameArg = None, undistort = False, intrinsicCameraMatrix = None, distortionCoefficients = None, undistortedImageMultiplication = 1., annotations = [], gtMatches = {}, toMatches = {}, colorBlind = False):
+        '''Displays the objects overlaid frame by frame over the video '''
+        if colorBlind:
+            colorType = 'colorblind'
+        else:
+            colorType = 'default'
+        capture = cv2.VideoCapture(videoFilename)
+        width = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
+        height = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
+        windowName = 'frame'
+        if rescale == 1.:
+            cv2.namedWindow(windowName, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
+        if undistort: # setup undistortion
+            [map1, map2], newCameraMatrix = computeUndistortMaps(width, height, undistortedImageMultiplication, intrinsicCameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients)
+        if capture.isOpened():
+            key = -1
+            ret = True
+            frameNum = firstFrameNum
+            capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, firstFrameNum)
+            if lastFrameNumArg is None:
+                lastFrameNum = float("inf")
+            else:
+                lastFrameNum = lastFrameNumArg
+            if nZerosFilenameArg is None:
+                if lastFrameNumArg is None:
+                    nZerosFilename = int(ceil(log10(objects[-1].getLastInstant())))
+                else:
+                    nZerosFilename = int(ceil(log10(lastFrameNum)))
+            else:
+                nZerosFilename = nZerosFilenameArg
+            while ret and not quitKey(key) and frameNum <= lastFrameNum:
+                ret, img = capture.read()
+                if ret:
+                    if undistort:
+                        img = cv2.remap(img, map1, map2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
+                    if printFrames:
+                        print('frame {0}'.format(frameNum))
+                    # plot objects
+                    for obj in objects[:]:
+                        if obj.existsAtInstant(frameNum):
+                            if not hasattr(obj, 'projectedPositions'):
+                                obj.projectedPositions = obj.getPositions().homographyProject(homography)
+                                if undistort:
+                                    obj.projectedPositions = obj.projectedPositions.newCameraProject(newCameraMatrix)
+                            cvPlot(img, obj.projectedPositions, cvColors[colorType][obj.getNum()], frameNum-obj.getFirstInstant())
+                            if frameNum not in boundingBoxes and obj.hasFeatures():
+                                yCropMin, yCropMax, xCropMin, xCropMax = imageBoxSize(obj, frameNum, homography, width, height)
+                                cv2.rectangle(img, (xCropMin, yCropMin), (xCropMax, yCropMax), cvBlue[colorType], 1)
+                            objDescription = '{} '.format(obj.num)
+                            if moving.userTypeNames[obj.userType] != 'unknown':
+                                objDescription += moving.userTypeNames[obj.userType][0].upper()
+                            if len(annotations) > 0: # if we loaded annotations, but there is no match
+                                if frameNum not in toMatches[obj.getNum()]:
+                                    objDescription += " FA"
+                            cv2.putText(img, objDescription, obj.projectedPositions[frameNum-obj.getFirstInstant()].asint().astuple(), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cvColors[colorType][obj.getNum()])
+                        if obj.getLastInstant() == frameNum:
+                            objects.remove(obj)
+                    # plot object bounding boxes
+                    if frameNum in boundingBoxes:
+                        for rect in boundingBoxes[frameNum]:
+                            cv2.rectangle(img, rect[0].asint().astuple(), rect[1].asint().astuple(), cvColors[colorType][obj.getNum()])
+                    # plot ground truth
+                    if len(annotations) > 0:
+                        for gt in annotations:
+                            if gt.existsAtInstant(frameNum):
+                                if frameNum in gtMatches[gt.getNum()]:
+                                    color = cvColors[colorType][gtMatches[gt.getNum()][frameNum]] # same color as object
+                                else:
+                                    color = cvRed[colorType]
+                                    cv2.putText(img, 'Miss', gt.topLeftPositions[frameNum-gt.getFirstInstant()].asint().astuple(), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, color)
+                                cv2.rectangle(img, gt.topLeftPositions[frameNum-gt.getFirstInstant()].asint().astuple(), gt.bottomRightPositions[frameNum-gt.getFirstInstant()].asint().astuple(), color)
+                    # saving images and going to next
+                    if not saveAllImages:
+                        cvImshow(windowName, img, rescale)
+                        key = cv2.waitKey()
+                    if saveAllImages or saveKey(key):
+                        cv2.imwrite('image-{{:0{}}}.png'.format(nZerosFilename).format(frameNum), img)
+                    frameNum += nFramesStep
+                    if nFramesStep > 1:
+                        capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frameNum)
+            cv2.destroyAllWindows()
+        else:
+            print('Cannot load file ' + videoFilename)
+    def computeHomographyFromPDTV(camera):
+        '''Returns the homography matrix at ground level from PDTV camera
+        https://bitbucket.org/hakanardo/pdtv'''
+        # camera = pdtv.load(cameraFilename)
+        srcPoints = [[x,y] for x, y in zip([1.,2.,2.,1.],[1.,1.,2.,2.])] # need floats!!
+        dstPoints = []
+        for srcPoint in srcPoints:
+            projected = camera.image_to_world(tuple(srcPoint))
+            dstPoints.append([projected[0], projected[1]])
+        H, mask = cv2.findHomography(array(srcPoints), array(dstPoints), method = 0) # No need for different methods for finding homography
+        return H
+    def getIntrinsicCameraMatrix(cameraData):
+        return array([[cameraData['f']*cameraData['Sx']/cameraData['dx'], 0, cameraData['Cx']],
+                      [0, cameraData['f']/cameraData['dy'], cameraData['Cy']],
+                      [0, 0, 1.]])
+    def getDistortionCoefficients(cameraData):
+        return array([cameraData['k']]+4*[0])
+    def undistortedCoordinates(map1, map2, x, y, maxDistance = 1.):
+        '''Returns the coordinates of a point in undistorted image
+        map1 and map2 are the mapping functions from undistorted image
+        to distorted (original image)
+        map1(x,y) = originalx, originaly'''
+        distx = npabs(map1-x)
+        disty = npabs(map2-y)
+        indices = logical_and(distx<maxDistance, disty<maxDistance)
+        closeCoordinates = unravel_index(find(indices), distx.shape) # returns i,j, ie y,x
+        xWeights = 1-distx[indices]
+        yWeights = 1-disty[indices]
+        return dot(xWeights, closeCoordinates[1])/npsum(xWeights), dot(yWeights, closeCoordinates[0])/npsum(yWeights)
+    def undistortTrajectoryFromCVMapping(map1, map2, t):
+        '''test 'perfect' inversion'''
+        undistortedTrajectory = moving.Trajectory()
+        for i,p in enumerate(t):
+            res = undistortedCoordinates(map1, map2, p.x,p.y)
+            if not isnan(res).any():
+                undistortedTrajectory.addPositionXY(res[0], res[1])
+            else:
+                print('{} {} {}'.format(i,p,res))
+        return undistortedTrajectory
+    def computeInverseMapping(originalImageSize, map1, map2):
+        'Computes inverse mapping from maps provided by cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap'
+        invMap1 = -ones(originalImageSize)
+        invMap2 = -ones(originalImageSize)
+        for x in range(0,originalImageSize[1]):
+            for y in range(0,originalImageSize[0]):
+                res = undistortedCoordinates(x,y, map1, map2)
+                if not isnan(res).any():
+                    invMap1[y,x] = res[0]
+                    invMap2[y,x] = res[1]
+        return invMap1, invMap2
+    def intrinsicCameraCalibration(path, checkerBoardSize=[6,7], secondPassSearch=False, display=False, fixK2 = True, fixK3 = True, zeroTangent = True):
+        ''' Camera calibration searches through all the images (jpg or png) located
+        in _path_ for matches to a checkerboard pattern of size checkboardSize.
+        These images should all be of the same camera with the same resolution.
+        For best results, use an asymetric board and ensure that the image has
+        very high contrast, including the background. 
+        cherckerBoardSize is the number of internal corners (7x10 squares have 6x9 internal corners) 
+        The code below is based off of:
+        https://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.org/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_calib3d/py_calibration/py_calibration.html
+        Modified by Paul St-Aubin
+        '''
+        import glob, os
+        # termination criteria
+        criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)
+        # prepare object points, like (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (2,0,0) ....,(6,5,0)
+        objp = zeros((checkerBoardSize[0]*checkerBoardSize[1],3), float32)
+        objp[:,:2] = mgrid[0:checkerBoardSize[1],0:checkerBoardSize[0]].T.reshape(-1,2)
+        # Arrays to store object points and image points from all the images.
+        objpoints = [] # 3d point in real world space
+        imgpoints = [] # 2d points in image plane.
+        ## Loop throuhg all images in _path_
+        images = glob.glob(os.path.join(path,'*.[jJ][pP][gG]'))+glob.glob(os.path.join(path,'*.[jJ][pP][eE][gG]'))+glob.glob(os.path.join(path,'*.[pP][nN][gG]'))
+        for fname in images:
+            img = cv2.imread(fname)
+            gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
+            # Find the chess board corners
+            ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, (checkerBoardSize[1],checkerBoardSize[0]), None)
+            # If found, add object points, image points (after refining them)
+            if ret:
+                print('Found pattern in '+fname)
+                if secondPassSearch:
+                    corners = cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, corners, (11,11), (-1,-1), criteria)
+                objpoints.append(objp)
+                imgpoints.append(corners)
+                # Draw and display the corners
+                if display:
+                    cv2.drawChessboardCorners(img, (checkerBoardSize[1],checkerBoardSize[0]), corners, ret)
+                    if img is not None:
+                        cv2.imshow('img',img)
+                        cv2.waitKey(0)
+            else:
+                print('Pattern not found in '+fname)
+        ## Close up image loading and calibrate
+        cv2.destroyAllWindows()
+        if len(objpoints) == 0 or len(imgpoints) == 0: 
+            return None
+        try:
+            flags = 0
+            if fixK2:
+                flags += cv2.CALIB_FIX_K2
+            if fixK3:
+                flags += cv2.CALIB_FIX_K3
+            if zeroTangent:
+                flags += cv2.CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST
+            ret, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objpoints, imgpoints, gray.shape[::-1], None, None, flags = flags)
+        except NameError:
+            return None
+        savetxt('intrinsic-camera.txt', camera_matrix)
+        print('error: {}'.format(ret))
+        return camera_matrix, dist_coeffs
+    def undistortImage(img, intrinsicCameraMatrix = None, distortionCoefficients = None, undistortedImageMultiplication = 1., interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR):
+        '''Undistorts the image passed in argument'''
+        width = img.shape[1]
+        height = img.shape[0]
+        [map1, map2] = computeUndistortMaps(width, height, undistortedImageMultiplication, intrinsicCameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients)
+        return cv2.remap(img, map1, map2, interpolation=interpolation)
+def homographyProject(points, homography, output3D = False):
+    '''Returns the coordinates of the points (2xN array) projected through homography'''
+    if points.shape[0] != 2:
+        raise Exception('points of dimension {}'.format(points.shape))
+    if homography is not None and homography.size>0:
+        if output3D:
+            outputDim = 3
+        else:
+            outputDim = 2
+        augmentedPoints = append(points,[[1]*points.shape[1]], 0) # 3xN
+        prod = dot(homography, augmentedPoints)
+        return prod[:outputDim,:]/prod[2]
+    elif output3D:
+        return append(points,[[1]*points.shape[1]], 0) # 3xN
+    else:
+        return points
+def imageToWorldProject(points, intrinsicCameraMatrix = None, distortionCoefficients = None, homography = None):
+    '''Projects points (2xN array) from image (video) space to world space
+    1. through undistorting if provided by intrinsic camera matrix and distortion coefficients
+    2. through homograph projection (from ideal point (no camera) to world)'''
+    if points.shape[0] != 2:
+        raise Exception('points of dimension {}'.format(points.shape))
+    if intrinsicCameraMatrix is not None and distortionCoefficients is not None:
+        undistortedPoints = cv2.undistortPoints(points.T.reshape(1,points.shape[1], 2), intrinsicCameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients).reshape(-1,2)
+        return homographyProject(undistortedPoints.T, homography)
+    else:
+        return homographyProject(points, homography)
+def worldToImageProject(points, intrinsicCameraMatrix = None, distortionCoefficients = None, homography = None):
+    '''Projects points (2xN array) from image (video) space to world space
+    1. through undistorting if provided by intrinsic camera matrix and distortion coefficients
+    2. through homograph projection (from ideal point (no camera) to world)'''
+    if points.shape[0] != 2:
+        raise Exception('points of dimension {}'.format(points.shape))
+    if intrinsicCameraMatrix is not None and distortionCoefficients is not None:
+        projected3D = homographyProject(points, homography, True)
+        projected, jacobian = cv2.projectPoints(projected3D.T, (0.,0.,0.), (0.,0.,0.), intrinsicCameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients) # in: 3xN, out: 2x1xN
+        return projected.reshape(-1,2).T
+    else:
+        return homographyProject(points, homography)
+def newCameraProject(points, newCameraMatrix):
+    '''Projects points (2xN array) as if seen by camera
+    (or reverse by inverting the camera matrix)'''
+    if points.shape[0] != 2:
+        raise Exception('points of dimension {}'.format(points.shape))
+    if newCameraMatrix is not None:
+        augmentedPoints = append(points,[[1]*points.shape[1]], 0) # 3xN
+        projected = dot(newCameraMatrix, augmentedPoints)
+        return projected[:2,:]
+    else:
+        return points
+if opencvAvailable:
+    def computeTranslation(img1, img2, img1Points, maxTranslation2, minNMatches, windowSize = (5,5), level = 5, criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 0, 0.01)):
+        '''Computes the translation of img2 with respect to img1
+        (loaded using OpenCV as numpy arrays)
+        img1Points are used to compute the translation
+        TODO add diagnostic if data is all over the place, and it most likely is not a translation (eg zoom, other non linear distortion)'''
+        nextPoints = array([])
+        (img2Points, status, track_error) = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(img1, img2, img1Points, nextPoints, winSize=windowSize, maxLevel=level, criteria=criteria)
+        # calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevImg, nextImg, prevPts[, nextPts[, status[, err[, winSize[, maxLevel[, criteria[, derivLambda[, flags]]]]]]]]) -> nextPts, status, err
+        delta = []
+        for (k, (p1,p2)) in enumerate(zip(img1Points, img2Points)):
+            if status[k] == 1:
+                dp = p2-p1
+                d = npsum(dp**2)
+                if d < maxTranslation2:
+                    delta.append(dp)
+        if len(delta) >= minNMatches:
+            return median(delta, axis=0)
+        else:
+            print(dp)
+            return None
+if skimageAvailable:
+    from skimage.feature import hog
+    from skimage import color, transform
+    def HOG(image, rescaleSize = (64, 64), orientations = 9, pixelsPerCell = (8,8), cellsPerBlock = (2,2), blockNorm = 'L1', visualize = False, transformSqrt = False):
+        bwImg = color.rgb2gray(image)
+        inputImg = transform.resize(bwImg, rescaleSize)
+        features = hog(inputImg, orientations, pixelsPerCell, cellsPerBlock, blockNorm, visualize, transformSqrt, True)
+        if visualize:
+            from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow, figure, subplot
+            hogViz = features[1]
+            features = features[0]
+            figure()
+            subplot(1,2,1)
+            imshow(inputImg)
+            subplot(1,2,2)
+            imshow(hogViz)
+        return float32(features)
+    def createHOGTrainingSet(imageDirectory, classLabel, rescaleSize = (64,64), orientations = 9, pixelsPerCell = (8,8), blockNorm = 'L1', cellsPerBlock = (2, 2), visualize = False, transformSqrt = False):
+        inputData = []
+        for filename in listdir(imageDirectory):
+            img = imread(imageDirectory+filename)
+            features = HOG(img, rescaleSize, orientations, pixelsPerCell, cellsPerBlock, blockNorm, visualize, transformSqrt)
+            inputData.append(features)
+        nImages = len(inputData)
+        return array(inputData, dtype = float32), array([classLabel]*nImages)
+# running tests
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import doctest
+    import unittest
+    suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('tests/cvutils.txt')
+    #suite = doctest.DocTestSuite()
+    unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
+    #doctest.testmod()
+    #doctest.testfile("example.txt")