diff trafficintelligence/moving.py @ 1028:cc5cb04b04b0

major update using the trafficintelligence package name and install through pip
author Nicolas Saunier <nicolas.saunier@polymtl.ca>
date Fri, 15 Jun 2018 11:19:10 -0400
parents python/moving.py@5d2f6afae35b
children c6cf75a2ed08
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/trafficintelligence/moving.py	Fri Jun 15 11:19:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1957 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+'''Libraries for moving objects, trajectories...'''
+from trafficintelligence import utils, cvutils
+from trafficintelligence.base import VideoFilenameAddable
+from math import sqrt, atan2, cos, sin
+from numpy import median, mean, array, arange, zeros, ones, hypot, NaN, std, floor, float32, argwhere, minimum
+from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, text
+from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile
+from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
+from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
+import copy
+    from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point as shapelyPoint
+    from shapely.prepared import prep, PreparedGeometry
+    shapelyAvailable = True
+except ImportError:
+    print('Shapely library could not be loaded')
+    shapelyAvailable = False
+class Interval(object):
+    '''Generic interval: a subset of real numbers (not iterable)'''
+    def __init__(self, first=0, last=-1, revert = False):
+        if revert and last<first:
+            self.first=last
+            self.last=first
+        else:
+            self.first=first
+            self.last=last
+    def __str__(self):
+        return '[{0}, {1}]'.format(self.first, self.last)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__str__()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return ((self.first == other.first) and (self.last == other.last)) or ((self.first == other.last) and (self.last == other.first))
+    def empty(self):
+        return self.first > self.last
+    def center(self):
+        return (self.first+self.last)/2.
+    def length(self):
+        '''Returns the length of the interval'''
+        return float(max(0,self.last-self.first))
+    def equal(self, i2):
+        return self.first==i2.first and self.last == i2.last
+    def getList(self):
+        return [self.first, self.last]
+    def contains(self, instant):
+        return (self.first<=instant and self.last>=instant)
+    def inside(self, interval2):
+        '''Indicates if the temporal interval of self is comprised in interval2'''
+        return (self.first >= interval2.first) and (self.last <= interval2.last)
+    def shift(self, offset):
+        self.first += offset
+        self.last += offset
+    @classmethod
+    def union(cls, interval1, interval2):
+        '''Smallest interval comprising self and interval2'''
+        return cls(min(interval1.first, interval2.first), max(interval2.last, interval2.last))
+    @classmethod
+    def intersection(cls, interval1, interval2):
+        '''Largest interval comprised in both self and interval2'''
+        return cls(max(interval1.first, interval2.first), min(interval1.last, interval2.last))
+    def distance(self, interval2):
+        if not Interval.intersection(self, interval2).empty():
+            return 0
+        elif self.first > interval2.last:
+            return self.first - interval2.last
+        elif self.last < interval2.first:
+            return interval2.first - self.last
+        else:
+            return None
+    @classmethod
+    def unionIntervals(cls, intervals):
+        'returns the smallest interval containing all intervals'
+        inter = cls(intervals[0].first, intervals[0].last)
+        for i in intervals[1:]:
+            inter = cls.union(inter, i)
+        return inter
+class TimeInterval(Interval):
+    '''Temporal interval: set of instants at fixed time step, between first and last, included
+    For example: based on frame numbers (hence the modified length method)
+    It may be modified directly by setting first and last
+    It also (mostly) works with datetime.datetime'''
+    def __init__(self, first=0, last=-1, revert = False):
+        super(TimeInterval, self).__init__(first, last, revert)
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromInterval(inter):
+        return TimeInterval(inter.first, inter.last)
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        if not self.empty():
+            if isinstance(i, int):
+                return self.first+i
+            else:
+                raise TypeError("Invalid argument type.")
+            #elif isinstance( key, slice ):
+    def __iter__(self):
+        self.iterInstantNum = -1
+        return self
+    def __next__(self):
+        if self.iterInstantNum >= self.length()-1:
+            raise StopIteration
+        else:
+            self.iterInstantNum += 1
+            return self[self.iterInstantNum]
+    def length(self):
+        '''Returns the length of the interval'''
+        return float(max(0,self.last-self.first+1))
+    def __len__(self):
+        return self.length()
+# class BoundingPolygon:
+#     '''Class for a polygon bounding a set of points
+#     with methods to create intersection, unions...
+#     '''
+# We will use the polygon class of Shapely
+class STObject(object):
+    '''Class for spatio-temporal object, i.e. with temporal and spatial existence 
+    (time interval and bounding polygon for positions (e.g. rectangle)).
+    It may not mean that the object is defined 
+    for all time instants within the time interval'''
+    def __init__(self, num = None, timeInterval = None, boundingPolygon = None):
+        self.num = num
+        self.timeInterval = timeInterval
+        self.boundingPolygon = boundingPolygon
+    def empty(self):
+        return self.timeInterval.empty()# or not self.boudingPolygon
+    def getNum(self):
+        return self.num
+    def __len__(self):
+        return self.timeInterval.length()
+    def length(self):
+        return self.timeInterval.length()
+    def getFirstInstant(self):
+        return self.timeInterval.first
+    def getLastInstant(self):
+        return self.timeInterval.last
+    def setFirstInstant(self, t):
+        if t <= self.timeInterval.last:
+            self.timeInterval.first = t
+        else:
+            print('new first instant is after last, not changing')
+    def setLastInstant(self, t):
+        if t >= self.timeInterval.first:
+            self.timeInterval.last = t
+        else:
+            print('new last instant is before first, not changing')
+    def getTimeInterval(self):
+        return self.timeInterval
+    def existsAtInstant(self, t):
+        return self.timeInterval.contains(t)
+    def commonTimeInterval(self, obj2):
+        return TimeInterval.intersection(self.getTimeInterval(), obj2.getTimeInterval())
+    def shiftTimeInterval(self, offset):
+        self.timeInterval.shift(offset)
+class Point(object):
+    def __init__(self, x, y):
+        self.x = x
+        self.y = y
+    def __str__(self):
+        return '({:f},{:f})'.format(self.x,self.y)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__str__()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return (self.x == other.x) and (self.y == other.y)
+    def __add__(self, other):
+        return Point(self.x+other.x, self.y+other.y)
+    def __sub__(self, other):
+        return Point(self.x-other.x, self.y-other.y)
+    def __neg__(self):
+        return Point(-self.x, -self.y)
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        if i == 0:
+            return self.x
+        elif i == 1:
+            return self.y
+        else:
+            raise IndexError()
+    def orthogonal(self, clockwise = True):
+        'Returns the orthogonal vector'
+        if clockwise:
+            return Point(self.y, -self.x)
+        else:
+            return Point(-self.y, self.x)
+    def projectLocal(self, v, clockwise = True):
+        'Projects point projected on v, v.orthogonal()'
+        e1 = v/v.norm2()
+        e2 = e1.orthogonal(clockwise)
+        return Point(Point.dot(self, e1), Point.doc(self, e2))
+    def rotate(self, theta):
+        return Point(self.x*cos(theta)-self.y*sin(theta), self.x*sin(theta)+self.y*cos(theta))
+    def __mul__(self, alpha):
+        'Warning, returns a new Point'
+        return Point(self.x*alpha, self.y*alpha)
+    def divide(self, alpha):
+        'Warning, returns a new Point'
+        return Point(self.x/alpha, self.y/alpha)
+    def plot(self, options = 'o', **kwargs):
+        plot([self.x], [self.y], options, **kwargs)
+    @staticmethod
+    def plotSegment(p1, p2, options = 'o', **kwargs):
+        plot([p1.x, p2.x], [p1.y, p2.y], options, **kwargs)
+    def angle(self):
+        return atan2(self.y, self.x)
+    def norm2Squared(self):
+        '''2-norm distance (Euclidean distance)'''
+        return self.x**2+self.y**2
+    def norm2(self):
+        '''2-norm distance (Euclidean distance)'''
+        return sqrt(self.norm2Squared())
+    def norm1(self):
+        return abs(self.x)+abs(self.y)
+    def normMax(self):
+        return max(abs(self.x),abs(self.y))
+    def aslist(self):
+        return [self.x, self.y]
+    def astuple(self):
+        return (self.x, self.y)
+    def asint(self):
+        return Point(int(self.x), int(self.y))
+    if shapelyAvailable:
+        def asShapely(self):
+            return shapelyPoint(self.x, self.y)
+    def homographyProject(self, homography):
+        projected = cvutils.homographyProject(array([[self.x], [self.y]]), homography)
+        return Point(projected[0], projected[1])
+    def inPolygon(self, polygon):
+        '''Indicates if the point x, y is inside the polygon
+        (array of Nx2 coordinates of the polygon vertices)
+        taken from http://www.ariel.com.au/a/python-point-int-poly.html
+        Use Polygon.contains if Shapely is installed'''
+        n = polygon.shape[0];
+        counter = 0;
+        p1 = polygon[0,:];
+        for i in range(n+1):
+            p2 = polygon[i % n,:];
+            if self.y > min(p1[1],p2[1]):
+                if self.y <= max(p1[1],p2[1]):
+                    if self.x <= max(p1[0],p2[0]):
+                        if p1[1] != p2[1]:
+                            xinters = (self.y-p1[1])*(p2[0]-p1[0])/(p2[1]-p1[1])+p1[0];
+                        if p1[0] == p2[0] or self.x <= xinters:
+                            counter+=1;
+            p1=p2
+        return (counter%2 == 1);
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromList(p):
+        return Point(p[0], p[1])
+    @staticmethod
+    def dot(p1, p2):
+        'Scalar product'
+        return p1.x*p2.x+p1.y*p2.y
+    @staticmethod
+    def cross(p1, p2):
+        'Cross product'
+        return p1.x*p2.y-p1.y*p2.x
+    @staticmethod
+    def parallel(p1, p2):
+        return Point.cross(p1, p2) == 0.
+    @staticmethod
+    def cosine(p1, p2):
+        return Point.dot(p1,p2)/(p1.norm2()*p2.norm2())
+    @staticmethod
+    def distanceNorm2(p1, p2):
+        return (p1-p2).norm2()
+    @staticmethod
+    def plotAll(points, **kwargs):
+        from matplotlib.pyplot import scatter
+        scatter([p.x for p in points],[p.y for p in points], **kwargs)
+    def similarOrientation(self, refDirection, cosineThreshold):
+        'Indicates whether the cosine of the vector and refDirection is smaller than cosineThreshold'
+        return Point.cosine(self, refDirection) >= cosineThreshold
+    @staticmethod
+    def timeToCollision(p1, p2, v1, v2, collisionThreshold):
+        '''Computes exact time to collision with a distance threshold
+        The unknown of the equation is the time to reach the intersection
+        between the relative trajectory of one road user
+        and the circle of radius collisionThreshold around the other road user'''
+        dv = v1-v2
+        dp = p1-p2
+        a = dv.norm2Squared()#(v1.x-v2.x)**2 + (v1.y-v2.y)**2
+        b = 2*Point.dot(dv, dp)#2 * ((p1.x-p2.x) * (v1.x-v2.x) + (p1.y-p2.y) * (v1.y-v2.y))
+        c = dp.norm2Squared() - collisionThreshold**2#(p1.x-p2.x)**2 + (p1.y-p2.y)**2 - collisionThreshold**2
+        delta = b**2 - 4*a*c
+        if delta >= 0:
+            deltaRoot = sqrt(delta)
+            ttc1 = (-b + deltaRoot)/(2*a)
+            ttc2 = (-b - deltaRoot)/(2*a)
+            if ttc1 >= 0 and ttc2 >= 0:
+                return min(ttc1,ttc2)
+            elif ttc1 >= 0:
+                return ttc1
+            elif ttc2 >= 0:
+                return ttc2
+            else: # ttc1 < 0 and ttc2 < 0:
+                return None
+        else:
+            return None
+    @staticmethod   
+    def midPoint(p1, p2):
+        'Returns the middle of the segment [p1, p2]'
+        return Point(0.5*p1.x+0.5*p2.x, 0.5*p1.y+0.5*p2.y)
+    @staticmethod
+    def agg(points, aggFunc = mean):
+        return Point(aggFunc([p.x for p in points]), aggFunc([p.y for p in points]))
+if shapelyAvailable:
+    def pointsInPolygon(points, polygon):
+        '''Optimized tests of a series of points within (Shapely) polygon (not prepared)'''
+        if type(polygon) == PreparedGeometry:
+            prepared_polygon = polygon
+        else:
+            prepared_polygon = prep(polygon)
+        return list(filter(prepared_polygon.contains, points))
+# Functions for coordinate transformation
+# From Paul St-Aubin's PVA tools
+def subsec_spline_dist(splines):
+    ''' Prepare list of spline subsegments from a spline list. 
+    Output:
+    =======
+    ss_spline_d[spline #][mode][station]
+    where:
+        mode=0: incremental distance
+        mode=1: cumulative distance
+        mode=2: cumulative distance with trailing distance
+    '''
+    ss_spline_d = []
+    #Prepare subsegment distances
+    for spline in range(len(splines)):
+        ss_spline_d[spline]=[]#.append([[],[],[]])
+        ss_spline_d[spline].append(zeros(len(splines[spline])-1))  #Incremental distance
+        ss_spline_d[spline].append(zeros(len(splines[spline])-1))  #Cumulative distance
+        ss_spline_d[spline].append(zeros(len(splines[spline])))  #Cumulative distance with trailing distance
+        for spline_p in range(len(splines[spline])):
+            if spline_p > (len(splines[spline]) - 2):
+                break
+            ss_spline_d[spline][0][spline_p] = utils.pointDistanceL2(splines[spline][spline_p][0],splines[spline][spline_p][1],splines[spline][(spline_p+1)][0],splines[spline][(spline_p+1)][1])
+            ss_spline_d[spline][1][spline_p] = sum(ss_spline_d[spline][0][0:spline_p])
+            ss_spline_d[spline][2][spline_p] = ss_spline_d[spline][1][spline_p]#sum(ss_spline_d[spline][0][0:spline_p])
+    ss_spline_d[spline][2][-1] = ss_spline_d[spline][2][-2] + ss_spline_d[spline][0][-1]
+    return ss_spline_d
+def prepareSplines(splines):
+    'Approximates slope singularity by giving some slope roundoff; account for roundoff error'
+    for spline in splines:
+        p1 = spline[0]
+        for i in range(len(spline)-1):
+            p2 = spline[i+1]
+            if(round(p1.x, 10) == round(p2.x, 10)):
+                p2.x += 0.0000000001
+            if(round(p1.y, 10) == round(p2.y, 10)):
+                p2.y += 0.0000000001            
+            p1 = p2
+def ppldb2p(qx,qy, p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y):
+    ''' Point-projection (Q) on line defined by 2 points (P0,P1). 
+        http://cs.nyu.edu/~yap/classes/visual/03s/hw/h2/math.pdf
+        '''
+    if(p0x == p1x and p0y == p1y):
+        return None
+    try:
+        #Approximate slope singularity by giving some slope roundoff; account for roundoff error
+        # if(round(p0x, 10) == round(p1x, 10)):
+        #     p1x += 0.0000000001
+        # if(round(p0y, 10) == round(p1y, 10)):
+        #     p1y += 0.0000000001            
+        #make the calculation
+        Y = (-(qx)*(p0y-p1y)-(qy*(p0y-p1y)**2)/(p0x-p1x)+p0x**2*(p0y-p1y)/(p0x-p1x)-p0x*p1x*(p0y-p1y)/(p0x-p1x)-p0y*(p0x-p1x))/(p1x-p0x-(p0y-p1y)**2/(p0x-p1x))
+        X = (-Y*(p1y-p0y)+qx*(p1x-p0x)+qy*(p1y-p0y))/(p1x-p0x)
+    except ZeroDivisionError:
+        print('Error: Division by zero in ppldb2p. Please report this error with the full traceback:')
+        print('qx={0}, qy={1}, p0x={2}, p0y={3}, p1x={4}, p1y={5}...'.format(qx, qy, p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y))
+        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  
+    return Point(X,Y)
+def getSYfromXY(p, splines, goodEnoughSplineDistance = 0.5):
+    ''' Snap a point p to its nearest subsegment of it's nearest spline (from the list splines). 
+    A spline is a list of points (class Point), most likely a trajectory. 
+    Output:
+    =======
+    [spline index, 
+    subsegment leading point index, 
+    snapped point, 
+    subsegment distance, 
+    spline distance,
+    orthogonal point offset]
+    or None
+    '''
+    minOffsetY = float('inf')
+    #For each spline
+    for splineIdx in range(len(splines)):
+        #For each spline point index
+        for spline_p in range(len(splines[splineIdx])-1):
+            #Get closest point on spline
+            closestPoint = ppldb2p(p.x,p.y,splines[splineIdx][spline_p][0],splines[splineIdx][spline_p][1],splines[splineIdx][spline_p+1][0],splines[splineIdx][spline_p+1][1])
+            if closestPoint is None:
+                print('Error: Spline {0}, segment {1} has identical bounds and therefore is not a vector. Projection cannot continue.'.format(splineIdx, spline_p))
+                return None
+            # check if the projected point is in between the current segment of the alignment bounds
+            if utils.inBetween(splines[splineIdx][spline_p][0], splines[splineIdx][spline_p+1][0], closestPoint.x) and utils.inBetween(splines[splineIdx][spline_p][1], splines[splineIdx][spline_p+1][1], closestPoint.y): 
+                offsetY = Point.distanceNorm2(closestPoint, p)
+                if offsetY < minOffsetY:
+                    minOffsetY = offsetY
+                    snappedSplineIdx = splineIdx
+                    snappedSplineLeadingPoint = spline_p
+                    snappedPoint = Point(closestPoint.x, closestPoint.y)
+                #Jump loop if significantly close
+                if offsetY < goodEnoughSplineDistance: 
+                    break
+    #Get sub-segment distance
+    if minOffsetY != float('inf'):
+        subsegmentDistance = Point.distanceNorm2(snappedPoint, splines[snappedSplineIdx][snappedSplineLeadingPoint])
+        #Get cumulative alignment distance (total segment distance)
+        splineDistanceS = splines[snappedSplineIdx].getCumulativeDistance(snappedSplineLeadingPoint) + subsegmentDistance
+        orthogonalSplineVector = (splines[snappedSplineIdx][snappedSplineLeadingPoint+1]-splines[snappedSplineIdx][snappedSplineLeadingPoint]).orthogonal()
+        offsetVector = p-snappedPoint
+        if Point.dot(orthogonalSplineVector, offsetVector) < 0:
+            minOffsetY = -minOffsetY
+        return [snappedSplineIdx, snappedSplineLeadingPoint, snappedPoint, subsegmentDistance, splineDistanceS, minOffsetY]
+    else:
+        print('Offset for point {} is infinite (check with prepareSplines if some spline segments are aligned with axes)'.format(p))
+        return None
+def getXYfromSY(s, y, splineNum, splines, mode = 0):
+    ''' Find X,Y coordinate from S,Y data. 
+    if mode = 0 : return Snapped X,Y
+    if mode !=0 : return Real X,Y
+    ''' 
+    #(buckle in, it gets ugly from here on out)
+    ss_spline_d = subsec_spline_dist(splines)
+    #Find subsegment
+    snapped_x = None
+    snapped_y = None
+    for spline_ss_index in range(len(ss_spline_d[splineNum][1])):
+        if(s < ss_spline_d[splineNum][1][spline_ss_index]):
+            ss_value = s - ss_spline_d[splineNum][1][spline_ss_index-1]
+            #Get normal vector and then snap
+            vector_l_x = (splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index][0] - splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index-1][0])
+            vector_l_y = (splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index][1] - splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index-1][1])
+            magnitude  = sqrt(vector_l_x**2 + vector_l_y**2)
+            n_vector_x = vector_l_x/magnitude
+            n_vector_y = vector_l_y/magnitude
+            snapped_x  = splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index-1][0] + ss_value*n_vector_x
+            snapped_y  = splines[splineNum][spline_ss_index-1][1] + ss_value*n_vector_y
+            #Real values (including orthogonal projection of y))
+            real_x = snapped_x - y*n_vector_y 
+            real_y = snapped_y + y*n_vector_x            
+            break
+    if mode == 0 or (not snapped_x):
+        if(not snapped_x):
+            snapped_x = splines[splineNum][-1][0]
+            snapped_y = splines[splineNum][-1][1]                
+        return [snapped_x,snapped_y]
+    else:
+        return [real_x,real_y]
+class NormAngle(object):
+    '''Alternate encoding of a point, by its norm and orientation'''
+    def __init__(self, norm, angle):
+        self.norm = norm
+        self.angle = angle
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromPoint(p):
+        norm = p.norm2()
+        if norm > 0:
+            angle = p.angle()
+        else:
+            angle = 0.
+        return NormAngle(norm, angle)
+    def __add__(self, other):
+        'a norm cannot become negative'
+        return NormAngle(max(self.norm+other.norm, 0), self.angle+other.angle)
+    def getPoint(self):
+        return Point(self.norm*cos(self.angle), self.norm*sin(self.angle))
+def predictPositionNoLimit(nTimeSteps, initialPosition, initialVelocity, initialAcceleration = Point(0,0)):
+    '''Predicts the position in nTimeSteps at constant speed/acceleration'''
+    return initialVelocity + initialAcceleration.__mul__(nTimeSteps),initialPosition+initialVelocity.__mul__(nTimeSteps) + initialAcceleration.__mul__(nTimeSteps**2*0.5)
+def predictPosition(position, speedOrientation, control, maxSpeed = None):
+    '''Predicts the position (moving.Point) at the next time step with given control input (deltaSpeed, deltaTheta)
+    speedOrientation is the other encoding of velocity, (speed, orientation)
+    speedOrientation and control are NormAngle'''
+    predictedSpeedTheta = speedOrientation+control
+    if maxSpeed is not None:
+         predictedSpeedTheta.norm = min(predictedSpeedTheta.norm, maxSpeed)
+    predictedPosition = position+predictedSpeedTheta.getPoint()
+    return predictedPosition, predictedSpeedTheta
+class FlowVector(object):
+    '''Class to represent 4-D flow vectors,
+    ie a position and a velocity'''
+    def __init__(self, position, velocity):
+        'position and velocity should be Point instances'
+        self.position = position
+        self.velocity = velocity
+    def __add__(self, other):
+        return FlowVector(self.position+other.position, self.velocity+other.velocity)
+    def __mul__(self, alpha):
+        return FlowVector(self.position.__mul__(alpha), self.velocity.__mul__(alpha))
+    def plot(self, options = '', **kwargs):
+        plot([self.position.x, self.position.x+self.velocity.x], [self.position.y, self.position.y+self.velocity.y], options, **kwargs)
+        self.position.plot(options+'x', **kwargs)
+    @staticmethod
+    def similar(f1, f2, maxDistance2, maxDeltavelocity2):
+        return (f1.position-f2.position).norm2Squared()<maxDistance2 and (f1.velocity-f2.velocity).norm2Squared()<maxDeltavelocity2
+def intersection(p1, p2, p3, p4):
+    ''' Intersection point (x,y) of lines formed by the vectors p1-p2 and p3-p4
+        http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/'''
+    dp12 = p2-p1
+    dp34 = p4-p3
+    #det = (p4.y-p3.y)*(p2.x-p1.x)-(p4.x-p3.x)*(p2.y-p1.y)
+    det = float(dp34.y*dp12.x-dp34.x*dp12.y)
+    if det == 0.:
+        return None
+    else:
+        ua = (dp34.x*(p1.y-p3.y)-dp34.y*(p1.x-p3.x))/det
+        return p1+dp12.__mul__(ua)
+# def intersection(p1, p2, dp1, dp2):
+#     '''Returns the intersection point between the two lines 
+#     defined by the respective vectors (dp) and origin points (p)'''
+#     from numpy import matrix
+#     from numpy.linalg import linalg
+#     A = matrix([[dp1.y, -dp1.x],
+#                 [dp2.y, -dp2.x]])
+#     B = matrix([[dp1.y*p1.x-dp1.x*p1.y],
+#                 [dp2.y*p2.x-dp2.x*p2.y]])
+#     if linalg.det(A) == 0:
+#         return None
+#     else:
+#         intersection = linalg.solve(A,B)
+#         return Point(intersection[0,0], intersection[1,0])
+def segmentIntersection(p1, p2, p3, p4):
+    '''Returns the intersecting point of the segments [p1, p2] and [p3, p4], None otherwise'''
+    if (Interval.intersection(Interval(p1.x,p2.x,True), Interval(p3.x,p4.x,True)).empty()) or (Interval.intersection(Interval(p1.y,p2.y,True), Interval(p3.y,p4.y,True)).empty()):
+        return None
+    else:
+        inter = intersection(p1, p2, p3, p4)
+        if (inter is not None 
+            and utils.inBetween(p1.x, p2.x, inter.x)
+            and utils.inBetween(p3.x, p4.x, inter.x)
+            and utils.inBetween(p1.y, p2.y, inter.y)
+            and utils.inBetween(p3.y, p4.y, inter.y)):
+            return inter
+        else:
+            return None
+def segmentLineIntersection(p1, p2, p3, p4):
+    '''Indicates if the line going through p1 and p2 intersects inside p3, p4'''
+    inter = intersection(p1, p2, p3, p4)
+    if inter is not None and utils.inBetween(p3.x, p4.x, inter.x) and utils.inBetween(p3.y, p4.y, inter.y):
+        return inter
+    else:
+        return None
+class Trajectory(object):
+    '''Class for trajectories: temporal sequence of positions
+    The class is iterable'''
+    def __init__(self, positions=None):
+        if positions is not None:
+            self.positions = positions
+        else:
+            self.positions = [[],[]]
+    @staticmethod
+    def generate(p, v, nPoints):
+        t = Trajectory()
+        p0 = Point(p.x, p.y)
+        t.addPosition(p0)
+        for i in range(nPoints-1):
+            p0 += v
+            t.addPosition(p0)
+        return t, Trajectory([[v.x]*nPoints, [v.y]*nPoints])
+    @staticmethod
+    def load(line1, line2):
+        return Trajectory([[float(n) for n in line1.split(' ')],
+                           [float(n) for n in line2.split(' ')]])
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromPointList(points):
+        t = Trajectory()
+        if isinstance(points[0], list) or isinstance(points[0], tuple):
+            for p in points:
+                t.addPositionXY(p[0],p[1])
+        else:
+            for p in points:
+                t.addPosition(p)
+        return t
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.positions[0])
+    def length(self):
+        return self.__len__()
+    def empty(self):
+        return self.__len__() == 0
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        if isinstance(i, int):
+            return Point(self.positions[0][i], self.positions[1][i])
+        elif isinstance(i, slice):
+            return Trajectory([self.positions[0][i],self.positions[1][i]])
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid argument type.")
+    def __str__(self):
+        return ' '.join([self.__getitem__(i).__str__() for i in range(self.length())])
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__str__()
+    def __iter__(self):
+        self.iterInstantNum = 0
+        return self
+    def __next__(self):
+        if self.iterInstantNum >= self.length():
+            raise StopIteration
+        else:
+            self.iterInstantNum += 1
+            return self[self.iterInstantNum-1]
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if self.length() == other.length():
+            result = True
+            for p, po in zip(self, other):
+                result = result and (p == po)
+            return result
+        else:
+            return False
+    def setPositionXY(self, i, x, y):
+        if i < self.__len__():
+            self.positions[0][i] = x
+            self.positions[1][i] = y
+    def setPosition(self, i, p):
+        self.setPositionXY(i, p.x, p.y)
+    def addPositionXY(self, x, y):
+        self.positions[0].append(x)
+        self.positions[1].append(y)
+    def addPosition(self, p):
+        self.addPositionXY(p.x, p.y)
+    def duplicateLastPosition(self):
+        self.positions[0].append(self.positions[0][-1])
+        self.positions[1].append(self.positions[1][-1])
+    @staticmethod
+    def _plot(positions, options = '', withOrigin = False, lastCoordinate = None, timeStep = 1, objNum = None, **kwargs):
+        if lastCoordinate is None:
+            plot(positions[0][::timeStep], positions[1][::timeStep], options, **kwargs)
+        elif 0 <= lastCoordinate <= len(positions[0]):
+            plot(positions[0][:lastCoordinate:timeStep], positions[1][:lastCoordinate:timeStep], options, **kwargs)
+        if withOrigin:
+            plot([positions[0][0]], [positions[1][0]], 'ro', **kwargs)
+        if objNum is not None:
+            text(positions[0][0], positions[1][0], '{}'.format(objNum))
+    def homographyProject(self, homography):
+        return Trajectory(cvutils.homographyProject(array(self.positions), homography).tolist())
+    def newCameraProject(self, newCameraMatrix):
+        return Trajectory(cvutils.newCameraProject(array(self.positions), newCameraMatrix).tolist())
+    def plot(self, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, objNum = None, **kwargs):
+        Trajectory._plot(self.positions, options, withOrigin, None, timeStep, objNum, **kwargs)
+    def plotAt(self, lastCoordinate, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, objNum = None, **kwargs):
+        Trajectory._plot(self.positions, options, withOrigin, lastCoordinate, timeStep, objNum, **kwargs)
+    def plotOnWorldImage(self, nPixelsPerUnitDistance, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, objNum = None, **kwargs):
+        imgPositions = [[x*nPixelsPerUnitDistance for x in self.positions[0]],
+                        [x*nPixelsPerUnitDistance for x in self.positions[1]]]
+        Trajectory._plot(imgPositions, options, withOrigin, None, timeStep, objNum, **kwargs)
+    def getXCoordinates(self):
+        return self.positions[0]
+    def getYCoordinates(self):
+        return self.positions[1]
+    def asArray(self):
+        return array(self.positions)
+    def xBounds(self):
+        # look for function that does min and max in one pass
+        return Interval(min(self.getXCoordinates()), max(self.getXCoordinates()))
+    def yBounds(self):
+        # look for function that does min and max in one pass
+        return Interval(min(self.getYCoordinates()), max(self.getYCoordinates()))
+    def add(self, traj2):
+        '''Returns a new trajectory of the same length'''
+        if self.length() != traj2.length():
+            print('Trajectories of different lengths')
+            return None
+        else:
+            return Trajectory([[a+b for a,b in zip(self.getXCoordinates(),traj2.getXCoordinates())],
+                               [a+b for a,b in zip(self.getYCoordinates(),traj2.getYCoordinates())]])
+    def subtract(self, traj2):
+        '''Returns a new trajectory of the same length'''
+        if self.length() != traj2.length():
+            print('Trajectories of different lengths')
+            return None
+        else:
+            return Trajectory([[a-b for a,b in zip(self.getXCoordinates(),traj2.getXCoordinates())],
+                               [a-b for a,b in zip(self.getYCoordinates(),traj2.getYCoordinates())]])
+    def __mul__(self, alpha):
+        '''Returns a new trajectory of the same length'''
+        return Trajectory([[alpha*x for x in self.getXCoordinates()],
+                           [alpha*y for y in self.getYCoordinates()]])
+    def differentiate(self, doubleLastPosition = False):
+        diff = Trajectory()
+        for i in range(1, self.length()):
+            diff.addPosition(self[i]-self[i-1])
+        if doubleLastPosition:
+            diff.addPosition(diff[-1])
+        return diff
+    def differentiateSG(self, window_length, polyorder, deriv=0, delta=1.0, axis=-1, mode='interp', cval=0.0, nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds = 2):
+        '''Differentiates the trajectory using the Savitsky Golay filter
+        window_length : The length of the filter window (i.e. the number of coefficients). window_length must be a positive odd integer.
+        polyorder : The order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. polyorder must be less than window_length.
+        deriv : The order of the derivative to compute. This must be a nonnegative integer. The default is 0, which means to filter the data without differentiating.
+        delta : The spacing of the samples to which the filter will be applied. This is only used if deriv > 0. Default is 1.0.
+        axis : The axis of the array x along which the filter is to be applied. Default is -1.
+        mode : Must be mirror, constant, nearest, wrap or interp. This determines the type of extension to use for the padded signal to which the filter is applied. When mode is constant, the padding value is given by cval. See the Notes for more details on mirror, constant, wrap, and nearest. When the interp mode is selected (the default), no extension is used. Instead, a degree polyorder polynomial is fit to the last window_length values of the edges, and this polynomial is used to evaluate the last window_length // 2 output values.
+        cval : Value to fill past the edges of the input if mode is constant. Default is 0.0.
+        https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.savgol_filter.html#scipy.signal.savgol_filter'''
+        if removeBothEnds >=1:
+            pos = [self.positions[0][nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds:-nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds],
+                   self.positions[1][nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds:-nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds]]
+        else:
+            pos = self.positions
+        filtered = savgol_filter(pos, window_length, polyorder, deriv, delta, axis, mode, cval)
+        return Trajectory(filtered)
+    def norm(self):
+        '''Returns the list of the norms at each instant'''
+        return hypot(self.positions[0], self.positions[1])
+    def computeCumulativeDistances(self):
+        '''Computes the distance from each point to the next and the cumulative distance up to the point
+        Can be accessed through getDistance(idx) and getCumulativeDistance(idx)'''
+        self.distances = []
+        self.cumulativeDistances = [0.]
+        p1 = self[0]
+        cumulativeDistance = 0.
+        for i in range(self.length()-1):
+            p2 = self[i+1]
+            self.distances.append(Point.distanceNorm2(p1,p2))
+            cumulativeDistance += self.distances[-1]
+            self.cumulativeDistances.append(cumulativeDistance)
+            p1 = p2
+    def getDistance(self,i):
+        '''Return the distance between points i and i+1'''
+        if i < self.length()-1:
+            return self.distances[i]
+        else:
+            print('Index {} beyond trajectory length {}-1'.format(i, self.length()))
+    def getCumulativeDistance(self, i):
+        '''Return the cumulative distance between the beginning and point i'''
+        if i < self.length():
+            return self.cumulativeDistances[i]
+        else:
+            print('Index {} beyond trajectory length {}'.format(i, self.length()))
+    def getMaxDistance(self, metric):
+        'Returns the maximum distance between points in the trajectory' 
+        positions = self.getPositions().asArray().T
+        return cdist(positions, positions, metric = metric).max()
+    def getClosestPoint(self, p1, maxDist2 = None):
+        '''Returns the instant of the closest position in trajectory to p1 (and the point)
+        if maxDist is not None, will check the distance is smaller
+        TODO: could use cdist for different metrics'''
+        distances2 = []
+        minDist2 = float('inf')
+        i = -1
+        for p2 in self:
+            distances2.append(Point.distanceNorm2(p1, p2))
+            if distances2[-1] < minDist2:
+                minDist2 = distances2[-1]
+                i = len(distances2)-1
+        if maxDist2 is not None and minDist2 < maxDist2:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return i
+    def similarOrientation(self, refDirection, cosineThreshold, minProportion = 0.5):
+        '''Indicates whether the minProportion (<=1.) (eg half) of the trajectory elements (vectors for velocity) 
+        have a cosine with refDirection is smaller than cosineThreshold'''
+        count = 0
+        lengthThreshold = float(self.length())*minProportion
+        for p in self:
+            if p.similarOrientation(refDirection, cosineThreshold):
+                count += 1
+        return count >= lengthThreshold
+    def wiggliness(self):
+        straightDistance = Point.distanceNorm2(self.__getitem__(0),self.__getitem__(self.length()-1))
+        if straightDistance > 0:
+            return self.getCumulativeDistance(self.length()-1)/float(straightDistance)
+        else:
+            return None
+    def getIntersections(self, p1, p2):
+        '''Returns a list of the indices at which the trajectory 
+        intersects with the segment of extremities p1 and p2 
+        Returns an empty list if there is no crossing'''
+        indices = []
+        intersections = []
+        for i in range(self.length()-1):
+            q1=self.__getitem__(i)
+            q2=self.__getitem__(i+1)
+            p = segmentIntersection(q1, q2, p1, p2)
+            if p is not None:
+                if q1.x != q2.x:
+                    ratio = (p.x-q1.x)/(q2.x-q1.x)
+                elif q1.y != q2.y:
+                    ratio = (p.y-q1.y)/(q2.y-q1.y)
+                else:
+                    ratio = 0
+                indices.append(i+ratio)
+                intersections.append(p)
+        return indices, intersections
+    def getLineIntersections(self, p1, p2):
+        '''Returns a list of the indices at which the trajectory 
+        intersects with the line going through p1 and p2 
+        Returns an empty list if there is no crossing'''
+        indices = []
+        intersections = []
+        for i in range(self.length()-1):
+            q1=self.__getitem__(i)
+            q2=self.__getitem__(i+1)
+            p = segmentLineIntersection(p1, p2, q1, q2)
+            if p is not None:
+                if q1.x != q2.x:
+                    ratio = (p.x-q1.x)/(q2.x-q1.x)
+                elif q1.y != q2.y:
+                    ratio = (p.y-q1.y)/(q2.y-q1.y)
+                else:
+                    ratio = 0
+                indices.append(i+ratio)
+                intersections.append(p)
+        return indices, intersections
+    def getTrajectoryInInterval(self, inter):
+        'Returns all position between index inter.first and index.last (included)'
+        if inter.first >=0 and inter.last<= self.length():
+            return Trajectory([self.positions[0][inter.first:inter.last+1],
+                               self.positions[1][inter.first:inter.last+1]])
+        else:
+            return None
+    def subSample(self, step):
+        'Returns the positions very step'
+        return Trajectory([self.positions[0][::step],
+                           self.positions[1][::step]])
+    if shapelyAvailable:
+        def getInstantsInPolygon(self, polygon):
+            '''Returns the list of instants at which the trajectory is in the polygon'''
+            instants = []
+            n = self.length()
+            for t, x, y in zip(range(n), self.positions[0], self.positions[1]):
+                if polygon.contains(shapelyPoint(x, y)):
+                    instants.append(t)
+            return instants
+        def getTrajectoryInPolygon(self, polygon, t2 = None):
+            '''Returns the trajectory built with the set of points inside the (shapely) polygon
+            The polygon could be a prepared polygon (faster) from prepared.prep
+            t2 is another trajectory (could be velocities) 
+            which is filtered based on the first (self) trajectory'''
+            traj = Trajectory()
+            inPolygon = []
+            for x, y in zip(self.positions[0], self.positions[1]):
+                inPolygon.append(polygon.contains(shapelyPoint(x, y)))
+                if inPolygon[-1]:
+                    traj.addPositionXY(x, y)
+            traj2 = Trajectory()
+            if t2 is not None:
+                for inp, x, y in zip(inPolygon, t2.positions[0], t2.positions[1]):
+                    if inp:
+                        traj2.addPositionXY(x, y)
+            return traj, traj2
+        def proportionInPolygon(self, polygon, minProportion = 0.5):
+            instants = self.getInstantsInPolygon(polygon)
+            lengthThreshold = float(self.length())*minProportion
+            return len(instants) >= lengthThreshold
+    else:
+        def getTrajectoryInPolygon(self, polygon, t2 = None):
+            '''Returns the trajectory built with the set of points inside the polygon
+            (array of Nx2 coordinates of the polygon vertices)'''
+            traj = Trajectory()
+            inPolygon = []
+            for p in self:
+                inPolygon.append(p.inPolygon(polygon))
+                if inPolygon[-1]:
+                    traj.addPosition(p)
+            traj2 = Trajectory()
+            if t2 is not None:
+                for inp, x, y in zip(inPolygon, t2.positions[0], t2.positions[1]):
+                    if inp:
+                        traj2.addPositionXY(p.x, p.y)
+            return traj, traj2
+        def proportionInPolygon(self, polygon, minProportion = 0.5):
+            inPolygon = [p.inPolygon(polygon) for p in self]
+            lengthThreshold = float(self.length())*minProportion
+            return sum(inPolygon) >= lengthThreshold
+    @staticmethod
+    def lcss(t1, t2, lcss):
+        return lcss.compute(t1, t2)
+class CurvilinearTrajectory(Trajectory):
+    '''Sub class of trajectory for trajectories with curvilinear coordinates and lane assignements
+    longitudinal coordinate is stored as first coordinate (exterior name S)
+    lateral coordiante is stored as second coordinate'''
+    def __init__(self, S = None, Y = None, lanes = None):
+        if S is None or Y is None or len(S) != len(Y):
+            self.positions = [[],[]]
+            if S is not None and Y is not None and len(S) != len(Y):
+                print("S and Y coordinates of different lengths\nInitializing to empty lists")
+        else:
+            self.positions = [S,Y]
+        if lanes is None or len(lanes) != self.length():
+            self.lanes = []
+        else:
+            self.lanes = lanes
+    def __getitem__(self,i): 
+        if isinstance(i, int):
+            return [self.positions[0][i], self.positions[1][i], self.lanes[i]]
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid argument type.")
+            #elif isinstance( key, slice ):
+    def getSCoordinates(self):
+        return self.getXCoordinates()
+    def getLanes(self):
+        return self.lanes
+    def addPositionSYL(self, s, y, lane):
+        self.addPositionXY(s,y)
+        self.lanes.append(lane)
+    def addPosition(self, p):
+        'Adds position in the point format for curvilinear of list with 3 values'
+        self.addPositionSYL(p[0], p[1], p[2])
+    def setPosition(self, i, s, y, lane):
+        self.setPositionXY(i, s, y)
+        if i < self.__len__():
+            self.lanes[i] = lane
+    def differentiate(self, doubleLastPosition = False):
+        diff = CurvilinearTrajectory()
+        p1 = self[0]
+        for i in range(1, self.length()):
+            p2 = self[i]
+            diff.addPositionSYL(p2[0]-p1[0], p2[1]-p1[1], p1[2])
+            p1=p2
+        if doubleLastPosition and self.length() > 1:
+            diff.addPosition(diff[-1])
+        return diff
+    def getIntersections(self, S1, lane = None):
+        '''Returns a list of the indices at which the trajectory 
+        goes past the curvilinear coordinate S1
+        (in provided lane if lane is not None)
+        Returns an empty list if there is no crossing'''
+        indices = []
+        for i in range(self.length()-1):
+            q1=self.__getitem__(i)
+            q2=self.__getitem__(i+1)
+            if q1[0] <= S1 < q2[0] and (lane is None or (self.lanes[i] == lane and self.lanes[i+1] == lane)):
+                indices.append(i+(S1-q1[0])/(q2[0]-q1[0]))
+        return indices
+# Moving Objects
+userTypeNames = ['unknown',
+                 'car',
+                 'pedestrian',
+                 'motorcycle',
+                 'bicycle',
+                 'bus',
+                 'truck']
+userType2Num = utils.inverseEnumeration(userTypeNames)
+class CarClassifier:
+    def predict(self, hog):
+        return userType2Num['car']
+carClassifier = CarClassifier()
+class MovingObject(STObject, VideoFilenameAddable):
+    '''Class for moving objects: a spatio-temporal object 
+    with a trajectory and a geometry (constant volume over time) 
+    and a usertype (e.g. road user) coded as a number (see userTypeNames)
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, num = None, timeInterval = None, positions = None, velocities = None, geometry = None, userType = userType2Num['unknown']):
+        super(MovingObject, self).__init__(num, timeInterval)
+        self.positions = positions
+        self.velocities = velocities
+        self.geometry = geometry
+        self.userType = userType
+        self.features = None
+        # compute bounding polygon from trajectory
+    @staticmethod
+    def aggregateTrajectories(features, interval = None, aggFunc = mean):
+        'Computes the aggregate trajectory from list of MovingObject features'
+        positions = Trajectory()
+        velocities = Trajectory()
+        if interval is None:
+            inter = TimeInterval.unionIntervals([f.getTimeInterval() for f in features])
+        else:
+            inter = interval
+        for t in inter:
+            points = []
+            vels = []
+            for f in features:
+                if f.existsAtInstant(t):
+                    points.append(f.getPositionAtInstant(t))
+                    vels.append(f.getVelocityAtInstant(t))
+            positions.addPosition(Point.agg(points, aggFunc))
+            velocities.addPosition(Point.agg(vels, aggFunc))
+        return inter, positions, velocities
+    @staticmethod
+    def generate(num, p, v, timeInterval):
+        positions, velocities = Trajectory.generate(p, v, int(timeInterval.length())) 
+        return MovingObject(num = num, timeInterval = timeInterval, positions = positions, velocities = velocities)
+    def updatePositions(self):
+        inter, self.positions, self.velocities = MovingObject.aggregateTrajectories(self.features, self.getTimeInterval())
+    @staticmethod
+    def concatenate(obj1, obj2, num = None, newFeatureNum = None, computePositions = False):
+        '''Concatenates two objects, whether overlapping temporally or not
+        Positions will be recomputed only if computePositions is True
+        Otherwise, only featureNumbers and/or features will be merged'''
+        if num is None:
+            newNum = obj1.getNum()
+        else:
+            newNum = num
+        commonTimeInterval = obj1.commonTimeInterval(obj2)
+        if commonTimeInterval.empty():
+            #print('The two objects\' time intervals do not overlap: obj1 {} and obj2 {}'.format(obj1.getTimeInterval(), obj2.getTimeInterval()))
+            emptyInterval = TimeInterval(min(obj1.getLastInstant(),obj2.getLastInstant()), max(obj1.getFirstInstant(),obj2.getFirstInstant()))
+            if obj1.existsAtInstant(emptyInterval.last):
+                firstObject = obj2
+                secondObject = obj1
+            else:
+                firstObject = obj1
+                secondObject = obj2
+            v = (secondObject.getPositionAtInstant(emptyInterval.last)-firstObject.getPositionAtInstant(emptyInterval.first)).divide(emptyInterval.length()-1)
+            positions = copy.deepcopy(firstObject.getPositions())
+            velocities = copy.deepcopy(firstObject.getPositions())
+            featurePositions = Trajectory()
+            featureVelocities = Trajectory()
+            p = firstObject.getPositionAtInstant(emptyInterval.first)+v
+            for t in range(emptyInterval.first+1, emptyInterval.last):
+            	positions.addPosition(p)
+            	velocities.addPosition(v)
+            	featurePositions.addPosition(p)
+            	featureVelocities.addPosition(v)
+            	p=p+v
+            for t in secondObject.getTimeInterval():
+            	positions.addPosition(secondObject.getPositionAtInstant(t))
+            	velocities.addPosition(secondObject.getVelocityAtInstant(t))
+            newObject = MovingObject(newNum, TimeInterval(firstObject.getFirstInstant(), secondObject.getLastInstant()), positions, velocities)
+            if hasattr(obj1, 'featureNumbers') and hasattr(obj2, 'featureNumbers'):
+                if newFeatureNum is not None:
+                    newObject.featureNumbers = obj1.featureNumbers+obj2.featureNumbers+[newFeatureNum]
+                else:
+                    print('Issue, new created feature has no num id')
+            if obj1.hasFeatures() and obj2.hasFeatures():
+                newObject.features = obj1.getFeatures()+obj2.getFeatures()+[MovingObject(newFeatureNum, TimeInterval(emptyInterval.first+1, emptyInterval.last-1), featurePositions, featureVelocities)]
+        else: # time intervals overlap
+            newTimeInterval = TimeInterval.union(obj1.getTimeInterval(), obj2.getTimeInterval())
+            newObject = MovingObject(newNum, newTimeInterval)
+            if hasattr(obj1, 'featureNumbers') and hasattr(obj2, 'featureNumbers'):
+                newObject.featureNumbers = obj1.featureNumbers+obj2.featureNumbers
+            if obj1.hasFeatures() and obj2.hasFeatures():
+                newObject.features = obj1.getFeatures()+obj2.getFeatures()
+                newObject.updatePositions()
+            else:
+                print('Cannot update object positions without features')
+        # user type
+        if obj1.getUserType() != obj2.getUserType():
+            print('The two moving objects have different user types: obj1 {} obj2 {}'.format(userTypeNames[obj1.getUserType()], userTypeNames[obj2.getUserType()]))
+        newObject.setUserType(obj1.getUserType())
+        return newObject
+    def getObjectInTimeInterval(self, inter):
+        '''Returns a new object extracted from self,
+        restricted to time interval inter'''
+        intersection = TimeInterval.intersection(inter, self.getTimeInterval())
+        if not intersection.empty():
+            trajectoryInterval = TimeInterval(intersection.first-self.getFirstInstant(), intersection.last-self.getFirstInstant())
+            obj = MovingObject(self.num, intersection, self.positions.getTrajectoryInInterval(trajectoryInterval), self.geometry, self.userType)
+            if self.velocities is not None:
+                obj.velocities = self.velocities.getTrajectoryInInterval(trajectoryInterval)
+            return obj
+        else:
+            print('The object does not exist at {}'.format(inter))
+            return None
+    def getObjectsInMask(self, mask, homography = None, minLength = 1):
+        '''Returns new objects made of the positions in the mask
+        mask is in the destination of the homography space'''
+        if homography is not None:
+            self.projectedPositions = self.positions.homographyProject(homography)
+        else:
+            self.projectedPositions = self.positions
+        def inMask(positions, i, mask):
+            p = positions[i]
+            return mask[int(p.y), int(p.x)] != 0.
+        #subTimeIntervals self.getFirstInstant()+i
+        filteredIndices = [inMask(self.projectedPositions, i, mask) for i in range(int(self.length()))]
+        # 'connected components' in subTimeIntervals
+        l = 0
+        intervalLabels = []
+        prev = True
+        for i in filteredIndices:
+            if i:
+                if not prev: # new interval
+                    l += 1
+                intervalLabels.append(l)
+            else:
+                intervalLabels.append(-1)
+            prev = i
+        intervalLabels = array(intervalLabels)
+        subObjects = []
+        for l in set(intervalLabels):
+            if l >= 0:
+                if sum(intervalLabels == l) >= minLength:
+                    times = [self.getFirstInstant()+i for i in range(len(intervalLabels)) if intervalLabels[i] == l]
+                    subTimeInterval = TimeInterval(min(times), max(times))
+                    subObjects.append(self.getObjectInTimeInterval(subTimeInterval))
+        return subObjects
+    def getPositions(self):
+        return self.positions
+    def getVelocities(self):
+        return self.velocities
+    def getUserType(self):
+        return self.userType
+    def computeCumulativeDistances(self):
+        self.positions.computeCumulativeDistances()
+    def getCurvilinearPositions(self):
+        if hasattr(self, 'curvilinearPositions'):
+            return self.curvilinearPositions
+        else:
+            return None
+    def plotCurvilinearPositions(self, lane = None, options = '', withOrigin = False, **kwargs):
+        if hasattr(self, 'curvilinearPositions'):
+            if lane is None:
+                plot(list(self.getTimeInterval()), self.curvilinearPositions.positions[0], options, **kwargs)
+                if withOrigin:
+                    plot([self.getFirstInstant()], [self.curvilinearPositions.positions[0][0]], 'ro', **kwargs)
+            else:
+                instants = []
+                coords = []
+                for t, p in zip(self.getTimeInterval(), self.curvilinearPositions):
+                    if p[2] == lane:
+                        instants.append(t)
+                        coords.append(p[0])
+                    else:
+                        instants.append(NaN)
+                        coords.append(NaN)
+                plot(instants, coords, options, **kwargs)
+                if withOrigin and len(instants)>0:
+                    plot([instants[0]], [coords[0]], 'ro', **kwargs)
+        else:
+            print('Object {} has no curvilinear positions'.format(self.getNum()))
+    def setUserType(self, userType):
+        self.userType = userType
+    def setFeatures(self, features, featuresOrdered = False):
+        '''Sets the features in the features field based on featureNumbers
+        if not all features are loaded from 0, one needs to renumber in a dict'''
+        if featuresOrdered:
+            tmp = features
+        else:
+            tmp = {f.getNum():f for f in features}
+        self.features = [tmp[i] for i in self.featureNumbers]
+    def getFeatures(self):
+        return self.features
+    def hasFeatures(self):
+        return (self.features is not None)
+    def getFeature(self, i):
+        if self.hasFeatures() and i<len(self.features):
+            return self.features[i]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def getNLongestFeatures(self, nFeatures = 1):
+        if self.features is None:
+            return []
+        else:
+            tmp = utils.sortByLength(self.getFeatures(), reverse = True)
+            return tmp[:min(len(tmp), nFeatures)]                                        
+    def getFeatureNumbers(self):
+        '''Returns the number of features at each instant
+        dict instant -> number of features'''
+        if self.hasFeatures():
+            featureNumbers = {}
+            for t in self.getTimeInterval():
+                n = 0
+                for f in self.getFeatures():
+                    if f.existsAtInstant(t):
+                        n += 1
+                featureNumbers[t]=n
+            return featureNumbers
+        else:
+            print('Object {} has no features loaded.'.format(self.getNum()))
+            return None
+    def getSpeeds(self, nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds = 0):
+        speeds = self.getVelocities().norm()
+        if nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds > 0:
+            n = min(nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds, int(floor(self.length()/2.)))
+            return speeds[n:-n]
+        else:
+            return speeds
+    def getAccelerations(self, window_length, polyorder, delta=1.0, axis=-1, mode='interp', cval=0.0, speeds = None, nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds = 0):
+        '''Returns the 1-D acceleration from the 1-D speeds
+        Caution about previously filtered data'''
+        if speeds is None:
+            speeds = self.getSpeeds(nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds)
+        return savgol_filter(speeds, window_length, polyorder, 1, delta, axis, mode, cval)
+    def getSpeedIndicator(self):
+        from indicators import SeverityIndicator
+        return SeverityIndicator('Speed', {t:self.getVelocityAtInstant(t).norm2() for t in self.getTimeInterval()})
+    def getPositionAt(self, i):
+        return self.positions[i]
+    def getVelocityAt(self, i):
+        return self.velocities[i]
+    def getPositionAtInstant(self, i):
+        return self.positions[i-self.getFirstInstant()]
+    def getVelocityAtInstant(self, i):
+        return self.velocities[i-self.getFirstInstant()]
+    def getXCoordinates(self):
+        return self.positions.getXCoordinates()
+    def getYCoordinates(self):
+        return self.positions.getYCoordinates()
+    def plot(self, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, withFeatures = False, withIds = False, **kwargs):
+        if withIds:
+            objNum = self.getNum()
+        else:
+            objNum = None
+        if withFeatures and self.hasFeatures():
+            for f in self.getFeatures():
+                f.positions.plot('r', True, timeStep, **kwargs)
+            self.positions.plot('bx-', True, timeStep, objNum, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            self.positions.plot(options, withOrigin, timeStep, objNum, **kwargs)
+    def plotOnWorldImage(self, nPixelsPerUnitDistance, options = '', withOrigin = False, timeStep = 1, withIds = False, **kwargs):
+        if withIds:
+            self.positions.plotOnWorldImage(nPixelsPerUnitDistance, options, withOrigin, timeStep, self.getNum(), **kwargs)
+        else:
+            self.positions.plotOnWorldImage(nPixelsPerUnitDistance, options, withOrigin, timeStep, None, **kwargs)
+    def play(self, videoFilename, homography = None, undistort = False, intrinsicCameraMatrix = None, distortionCoefficients = None, undistortedImageMultiplication = 1.):
+        cvutils.displayTrajectories(videoFilename, [self], homography = homography, firstFrameNum = self.getFirstInstant(), lastFrameNumArg = self.getLastInstant(), undistort = undistort, intrinsicCameraMatrix = intrinsicCameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients = distortionCoefficients, undistortedImageMultiplication = undistortedImageMultiplication)
+    def speedDiagnostics(self, framerate = 1., display = False, nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds=0):
+        speeds = framerate*self.getSpeeds(nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds)
+        coef = utils.linearRegression(list(range(len(speeds))), speeds)
+        print('min/5th perc speed: {} / {}\nspeed diff: {}\nspeed stdev: {}\nregression: {}'.format(min(speeds), scoreatpercentile(speeds, 5), speeds[-2]-speeds[1], std(speeds), coef[0]))
+        if display:
+            from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, axis
+            figure(1)
+            self.plot()
+            axis('equal')
+            figure(2)
+            plot(list(self.getTimeInterval()), speeds)
+            figure(3)
+            plot(list(self.getTimeInterval()), self.getAccelerations(9, 3, speeds = speeds)) # arbitrary parameter
+    @staticmethod
+    def minMaxDistance(obj1, obj2):
+        '''Computes the min max distance used for feature grouping'''
+        commonTimeInterval = obj1.commonTimeInterval(obj2)
+        if not commonTimeInterval.empty():
+            minDistance = (obj1.getPositionAtInstant(commonTimeInterval.first)-obj2.getPositionAtInstant(commonTimeInterval.first)).norm2()
+            maxDistance = minDistance
+            for t in list(commonTimeInterval)[1:]:
+                d = (obj1.getPositionAtInstant(t)-obj2.getPositionAtInstant(t)).norm2()
+                if d<minDistance:
+                    minDistance = d
+                elif d>maxDistance:
+                    maxDistance = d
+            return int(commonTimeInterval.length()), minDistance, maxDistance
+        else:
+            return int(commonTimeInterval.length()), None, None
+    @staticmethod
+    def distances(obj1, obj2, instant1, _instant2 = None):
+        '''Returns the distances between all features of the 2 objects 
+        at the same instant instant1
+        or at instant1 and instant2'''
+        if _instant2 is None:
+            instant2 = instant1
+        else:
+            instant2 = _instant2
+        positions1 = [f.getPositionAtInstant(instant1).astuple() for f in obj1.features if f.existsAtInstant(instant1)]
+        positions2 = [f.getPositionAtInstant(instant2).astuple() for f in obj2.features if f.existsAtInstant(instant2)]
+        return cdist(positions1, positions2, metric = 'euclidean')
+    @staticmethod
+    def minDistance(obj1, obj2, instant1, instant2 = None):
+        return MovingObject.distances(obj1, obj2, instant1, instant2).min()
+    @staticmethod
+    def maxDistance(obj1, obj2, instant, instant2 = None):
+        return MovingObject.distances(obj1, obj2, instant1, instant2).max()
+    def maxSize(self):
+        '''Returns the max distance between features
+        at instant there are the most features'''
+        if hasattr(self, 'features'):
+            nFeatures = -1
+            tMaxFeatures = 0
+            for t in self.getTimeInterval():
+                n = len([f for f in self.features if f.existsAtInstant(t)])
+                if n > nFeatures:
+                    nFeatures = n
+                    tMaxFeatures = t
+            return MovingObject.maxDistance(self, self, tMaxFeatures)
+        else:
+            print('Load features to compute a maximum size')
+            return None
+    def setRoutes(self, startRouteID, endRouteID):
+        self.startRouteID = startRouteID
+        self.endRouteID = endRouteID
+    def getInstantsCrossingLane(self, p1, p2):
+        '''Returns the instant(s)
+        at which the object passes from one side of the segment to the other
+        empty list if there is no crossing'''
+        indices, intersections = self.positions.getIntersections(p1, p2)
+        return [t+self.getFirstInstant() for t in indices]
+    def computeTrajectorySimilarities(self, prototypes, lcss):
+        'Computes the similarities to the prototypes using the LCSS'
+        if not hasattr(self, 'prototypeSimilarities'):
+            self.prototypeSimilarities = []
+            for proto in prototypes:
+                lcss.similarities(proto.getMovingObject().getPositions().asArray().T, self.getPositions().asArray().T)
+                similarities = lcss.similarityTable[-1, :-1].astype(float)
+                self.prototypeSimilarities.append(similarities/minimum(arange(1.,len(similarities)+1), proto.getMovingObject().length()*ones(len(similarities))))
+    @staticmethod
+    def computePET(obj1, obj2, collisionDistanceThreshold):
+        '''Post-encroachment time based on distance threshold
+        Returns the smallest time difference when the object positions are within collisionDistanceThreshold
+        and the instants at which each object is passing through its corresponding position'''
+        positions1 = [p.astuple() for p in obj1.getPositions()]
+        positions2 = [p.astuple() for p in obj2.getPositions()]
+        n1 = len(positions1)
+        n2 = len(positions2)
+        pets = zeros((n1, n2))
+        for i,t1 in enumerate(obj1.getTimeInterval()):
+            for j,t2 in enumerate(obj2.getTimeInterval()):
+                pets[i,j] = abs(t1-t2)
+        distances = cdist(positions1, positions2, metric = 'euclidean')
+        smallDistances = (distances <= collisionDistanceThreshold)
+        if smallDistances.any():
+            smallPets = pets[smallDistances]
+            petIdx = smallPets.argmin()
+            distanceIndices = argwhere(smallDistances)[petIdx]
+            return smallPets[petIdx], obj1.getFirstInstant()+distanceIndices[0], obj2.getFirstInstant()+distanceIndices[1]
+        else:
+            return None, None, None
+    def predictPosition(self, instant, nTimeSteps, externalAcceleration = Point(0,0)):
+        '''Predicts the position of object at instant+deltaT, 
+        at constant speed'''
+        return predictPositionNoLimit(nTimeSteps, self.getPositionAtInstant(instant), self.getVelocityAtInstant(instant), externalAcceleration)
+    def projectCurvilinear(self, alignments, ln_mv_av_win=3):
+        ''' Add, for every object position, the class 'moving.CurvilinearTrajectory()'
+            (curvilinearPositions instance) which holds information about the
+            curvilinear coordinates using alignment metadata.
+            From Paul St-Aubin's PVA tools
+            ======
+            Input:
+            ======
+            alignments   = a list of alignments, where each alignment is a list of
+                           points (class Point).
+            ln_mv_av_win = moving average window (in points) in which to smooth
+                           lane changes. As per tools_math.cat_mvgavg(), this term
+                           is a search *radius* around the center of the window.
+            '''
+        self.curvilinearPositions = CurvilinearTrajectory()
+        #For each point
+        for i in range(int(self.length())):
+            result = getSYfromXY(self.getPositionAt(i), alignments)
+            # Error handling
+            if(result is None):
+                print('Warning: trajectory {} at point {} {} has alignment errors (spline snapping)\nCurvilinear trajectory could not be computed'.format(self.getNum(), i, self.getPositionAt(i)))
+            else:
+                [align, alignPoint, snappedPoint, subsegmentDistance, S, Y] = result
+                self.curvilinearPositions.addPositionSYL(S, Y, align)
+        ## Go back through points and correct lane  
+        #Run through objects looking for outlier point
+        smoothed_lanes = utils.cat_mvgavg(self.curvilinearPositions.getLanes(),ln_mv_av_win)
+        ## Recalculate projected point to new lane
+        lanes = self.curvilinearPositions.getLanes()
+        if(lanes != smoothed_lanes):
+            for i in range(len(lanes)):
+                if(lanes[i] != smoothed_lanes[i]):
+                    result = getSYfromXY(self.getPositionAt(i),[alignments[smoothed_lanes[i]]])
+                    # Error handling
+                    if(result is None):
+                        ## This can be triggered by tracking errors when the trajectory jumps around passed another alignment.
+                        print('    Warning: trajectory {} at point {} {} has alignment errors during trajectory smoothing and will not be corrected.'.format(self.getNum(), i, self.getPositionAt(i)))
+                    else:
+                        [align, alignPoint, snappedPoint, subsegmentDistance, S, Y] = result
+                        self.curvilinearPositions.setPosition(i, S, Y, align)
+    def computeSmoothTrajectory(self, minCommonIntervalLength):
+        '''Computes the trajectory as the mean of all features
+        if a feature exists, its position is 
+        Warning work in progress
+        TODO? not use the first/last 1-.. positions'''
+        nFeatures = len(self.features)
+        if nFeatures == 0:
+            print('Empty object features\nCannot compute smooth trajectory')
+        else:
+            # compute the relative position vectors
+            relativePositions = {} # relativePositions[(i,j)] is the position of j relative to i
+            for i in range(nFeatures):
+                for j in range(i):
+                    fi = self.features[i]
+                    fj = self.features[j]
+                    inter = fi.commonTimeInterval(fj)
+                    if inter.length() >= minCommonIntervalLength:
+                        xi = array(fi.getXCoordinates()[inter.first-fi.getFirstInstant():int(fi.length())-(fi.getLastInstant()-inter.last)])
+                        yi = array(fi.getYCoordinates()[inter.first-fi.getFirstInstant():int(fi.length())-(fi.getLastInstant()-inter.last)])
+                        xj = array(fj.getXCoordinates()[inter.first-fj.getFirstInstant():int(fj.length())-(fj.getLastInstant()-inter.last)])
+                        yj = array(fj.getYCoordinates()[inter.first-fj.getFirstInstant():int(fj.length())-(fj.getLastInstant()-inter.last)])
+                        relativePositions[(i,j)] = Point(median(xj-xi), median(yj-yi))
+                        relativePositions[(j,i)] = -relativePositions[(i,j)]
+    ###
+    # User Type Classification
+    ###
+    def classifyUserTypeSpeedMotorized(self, threshold, aggregationFunc = median, nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds = 0):
+        '''Classifies slow and fast road users
+        slow: non-motorized -> pedestrians
+        fast: motorized -> cars
+        aggregationFunc can be any function that can be applied to a vector of speeds, including percentile:
+        aggregationFunc = lambda x: percentile(x, percentileFactor) # where percentileFactor is 85 for 85th percentile'''
+        speeds = self.getSpeeds(nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds)
+        if aggregationFunc(speeds) >= threshold:
+            self.setUserType(userType2Num['car'])
+        else:
+            self.setUserType(userType2Num['pedestrian'])
+    def classifyUserTypeSpeed(self, speedProbabilities, aggregationFunc = median, nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds = 0):
+        '''Classifies road user per road user type
+        speedProbabilities are functions return P(speed|class)
+        in a dictionary indexed by user type names
+        Returns probabilities for each class
+        for simple threshold classification, simply pass non-overlapping indicator functions (membership)
+        e.g. def indic(x):
+        if abs(x-mu) < sigma:
+        return 1
+        else:
+        return x'''
+        if not hasattr(self, 'aggregatedSpeed'):
+            self.aggregatedSpeed = aggregationFunc(self.getSpeeds(nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds))
+        userTypeProbabilities = {}
+        for userTypename in speedProbabilities:
+            userTypeProbabilities[userType2Num[userTypename]] = speedProbabilities[userTypename](self.aggregatedSpeed)
+        self.setUserType(utils.argmaxDict(userTypeProbabilities))
+        return userTypeProbabilities
+    def initClassifyUserTypeHoGSVM(self, aggregationFunc, pedBikeCarSVM, bikeCarSVM = None, pedBikeSpeedTreshold = float('Inf'), bikeCarSpeedThreshold = float('Inf'), nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds = 0, homography = None, intrinsicCameraMatrix = None, distortionCoefficients = None):
+        '''Initializes the data structures for classification
+        TODO? compute speed for longest feature?'''
+        self.aggregatedSpeed = aggregationFunc(self.getSpeeds(nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds))
+        if self.aggregatedSpeed < pedBikeSpeedTreshold or bikeCarSVM is None:
+            self.appearanceClassifier = pedBikeCarSVM
+        elif self.aggregatedSpeed < bikeCarSpeedThreshold:
+            self.appearanceClassifier = bikeCarSVM
+        else:
+            self.appearanceClassifier = carClassifier
+        # project feature positions
+        if self.hasFeatures():
+            for f in self.getFeatures():
+                pp = cvutils.worldToImageProject(f.getPositions().asArray(), intrinsicCameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients, homography).tolist()
+                f.positions = Trajectory(pp)
+        self.userTypes = {}
+    def classifyUserTypeHoGSVMAtInstant(self, img, instant, width, height, px, py, minNPixels, rescaleSize, orientations, pixelsPerCell, cellsPerBlock, blockNorm):
+        '''Extracts the image box around the object
+        (of square size max(width, height) of the box around the features, 
+        with an added px or py for width and height (around the box))
+        computes HOG on this cropped image (with parameters rescaleSize, orientations, pixelsPerCell, cellsPerBlock)
+        and applies the SVM model on it'''
+        croppedImg = cvutils.imageBox(img, self, instant, width, height, px, py, minNPixels)
+        if croppedImg is not None and len(croppedImg) > 0:
+            hog = cvutils.HOG(croppedImg, rescaleSize, orientations, pixelsPerCell, cellsPerBlock, blockNorm)
+            self.userTypes[instant] = self.appearanceClassifier.predict(hog.reshape(1,hog.size))
+        else:
+            self.userTypes[instant] = userType2Num['unknown']
+    def classifyUserTypeHoGSVM(self, pedBikeCarSVM = None, width = 0, height = 0, homography = None, images = None, bikeCarSVM = None, pedBikeSpeedTreshold = float('Inf'), bikeCarSpeedThreshold = float('Inf'), minSpeedEquiprobable = -1, speedProbabilities = None, aggregationFunc = median, maxPercentUnknown = 0.5, nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds = 0, px = 0.2, py = 0.2, minNPixels = 800, rescaleSize = (64, 64), orientations = 9, pixelsPerCell = (8,8), cellsPerBlock = (2,2)):
+        '''Agregates SVM detections in each image and returns probability
+        (proportion of instants with classification in each category)
+        images is a dictionary of images indexed by instant
+        With default parameters, the general (ped-bike-car) classifier will be used
+        Considered categories are the keys of speedProbabilities'''
+        if not hasattr(self, 'aggregatedSpeed') or not hasattr(self, 'userTypes'):
+            print('Initializing the data structures for classification by HoG-SVM')
+            self.initClassifyUserTypeHoGSVM(aggregationFunc, pedBikeCarSVM, bikeCarSVM, pedBikeSpeedTreshold, bikeCarSpeedThreshold, nInstantsIgnoredAtEnds)
+        if len(self.userTypes) != self.length() and images is not None: # if classification has not been done previously
+            for t in self.getTimeInterval():
+                if t not in self.userTypes:
+                    self.classifyUserTypeHoGSVMAtInstant(images[t], t, homography, width, height, px, py, minNPixels, rescaleSize, orientations, pixelsPerCell, cellsPerBlock)
+        # compute P(Speed|Class)
+        if speedProbabilities is None or self.aggregatedSpeed < minSpeedEquiprobable: # equiprobable information from speed
+            userTypeProbabilities = {userType2Num['car']: 1., userType2Num['pedestrian']: 1., userType2Num['bicycle']: 1.}
+        else:
+            userTypeProbabilities = {userType2Num[userTypename]: speedProbabilities[userTypename](self.aggregatedSpeed) for userTypename in speedProbabilities}
+        # compute P(Class|Appearance)
+        nInstantsUserType = {userTypeNum: 0 for userTypeNum in userTypeProbabilities}# number of instants the object is classified as userTypename
+        nInstantsUserType[userType2Num['unknown']] = 0
+        for t in self.userTypes:
+            nInstantsUserType[self.userTypes[t]] += 1 #nInstantsUserType.get(self.userTypes[t], 0) + 1
+        # result is P(Class|Appearance) x P(Speed|Class)
+        if nInstantsUserType[userType2Num['unknown']] < maxPercentUnknown*self.length(): # if not too many unknowns
+            for userTypeNum in userTypeProbabilities:
+                userTypeProbabilities[userTypeNum] *= nInstantsUserType[userTypeNum]
+        # class is the user type that maximizes usertype probabilities
+        if nInstantsUserType[userType2Num['unknown']] >= maxPercentUnknown*self.length() and (speedProbabilities is None or self.aggregatedSpeed < minSpeedEquiprobable): # if no speed information and too many unknowns
+            self.setUserType(userType2Num['unknown'])
+        else:
+            self.setUserType(utils.argmaxDict(userTypeProbabilities))
+    def classifyUserTypeArea(self, areas, homography):
+        '''Classifies the object based on its location (projected to image space)
+        areas is a dictionary of matrix of the size of the image space 
+        for different road users possible locations, indexed by road user type names
+        TODO: areas could be a wrapper object with a contains method that would work for polygons and images (with wrapper class)
+        skip frames at beginning/end?'''
+        print('not implemented/tested yet')
+        if not hasattr(self, projectedPositions):
+            if homography is not None:
+                self.projectedPositions = obj.positions.homographyProject(homography)
+            else:
+                self.projectedPositions = obj.positions
+        possibleUserTypes = {userType: 0 for userType in range(len(userTypenames))}
+        for p in self.projectedPositions:
+            for userTypename in areas:
+                if areas[userTypename][p.x, p.y] != 0:
+                    possibleUserTypes[userType2Enum[userTypename]] += 1
+        # what to do: threshold for most common type? self.setUserType()
+        return possibleUserTypes
+    @staticmethod
+    def collisionCourseDotProduct(movingObject1, movingObject2, instant):
+        'A positive result indicates that the road users are getting closer'
+        deltap = movingObject1.getPositionAtInstant(instant)-movingObject2.getPositionAtInstant(instant)
+        deltav = movingObject2.getVelocityAtInstant(instant)-movingObject1.getVelocityAtInstant(instant)
+        return Point.dot(deltap, deltav)
+    @staticmethod
+    def collisionCourseCosine(movingObject1, movingObject2, instant):
+        'A positive result indicates that the road users are getting closer'
+        return Point.cosine(movingObject1.getPositionAtInstant(instant)-movingObject2.getPositionAtInstant(instant), #deltap
+                            movingObject2.getVelocityAtInstant(instant)-movingObject1.getVelocityAtInstant(instant)) #deltav
+class Prototype(object):
+    'Class for a prototype'
+    def __init__(self, filename, num, trajectoryType, nMatchings = None):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.num = num
+        self.trajectoryType = trajectoryType
+        self.nMatchings = nMatchings
+        self.movingObject = None
+    def getFilename(self):
+        return self.filename
+    def getNum(self):
+        return self.num
+    def getTrajectoryType(self):
+        return self.trajectoryType
+    def getNMatchings(self):
+        return self.nMatchings
+    def getMovingObject(self):
+        return self.movingObject
+    def setMovingObject(self, o):
+        self.movingObject = o
+# Annotations
+class BBMovingObject(MovingObject):
+    '''Class for a moving object represented as a bounding box
+    used for series of ground truth annotations using bounding boxes
+     and for the output of Urban Tracker http://www.jpjodoin.com/urbantracker/
+    By default in image space
+    Its center is the center of the box (generalize to other shapes?) 
+    (computed after projecting if homography available)
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, num = None, timeInterval = None, topLeftPositions = None, bottomRightPositions = None, userType = userType2Num['unknown']):
+        super(BBMovingObject, self).__init__(num, timeInterval, userType = userType)
+        self.topLeftPositions = topLeftPositions.getPositions()
+        self.bottomRightPositions = bottomRightPositions.getPositions()
+    def computeCentroidTrajectory(self, homography = None):
+        self.positions = self.topLeftPositions.add(self.bottomRightPositions).__mul__(0.5)
+        if homography is not None:
+            self.positions = self.positions.homographyProject(homography)
+    def matches(self, obj, instant, matchingDistance):
+        '''Indicates if the annotation matches obj (MovingObject)
+        with threshold matchingDistance
+        Returns distance if below matchingDistance, matchingDistance+1 otherwise
+        (returns an actual value, otherwise munkres does not terminate)'''
+        d = Point.distanceNorm2(self.getPositionAtInstant(instant), obj.getPositionAtInstant(instant))
+        if d < matchingDistance:
+            return d
+        else:
+            return matchingDistance + 1
+def computeClearMOT(annotations, objects, matchingDistance, firstInstant, lastInstant, returnMatches = False, debug = False):
+    '''Computes the CLEAR MOT metrics 
+    Reference:
+    Keni, Bernardin, and Stiefelhagen Rainer. "Evaluating multiple object tracking performance: the CLEAR MOT metrics." EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2008 (2008)
+    objects and annotations are supposed to in the same space
+    current implementation is BBMovingObject (bounding boxes)
+    mathingDistance is threshold on matching between annotation and object
+    TO: tracker output (objects)
+    GT: ground truth (annotations)
+    Output: returns motp, mota, mt, mme, fpt, gt
+    mt number of missed GT.frames (sum of the number of GT not detected in each frame)
+    mme number of mismatches
+    fpt number of false alarm.frames (tracker objects without match in each frame)
+    gt number of GT.frames
+    if returnMatches is True, return as 2 new arguments the GT and TO matches
+    matches is a dict
+    matches[i] is the list of matches for GT/TO i
+    the list of matches is a dict, indexed by time, for the TO/GT id matched at time t 
+    (an instant t not present in matches[i] at which GT/TO exists means a missed detection or false alarm)
+    TODO: Should we use the distance as weights or just 1/0 if distance below matchingDistance?
+    (add argument useDistanceForWeights = False)'''
+    from munkres import Munkres
+    munk = Munkres()
+    dist = 0. # total distance between GT and TO
+    ct = 0 # number of associations between GT and tracker output in each frame
+    gt = 0 # number of GT.frames
+    mt = 0 # number of missed GT.frames (sum of the number of GT not detected in each frame)
+    fpt = 0 # number of false alarm.frames (tracker objects without match in each frame)
+    mme = 0 # number of mismatches
+    matches = {} # match[i] is the tracker track associated with GT i (using object references)
+    if returnMatches:
+        gtMatches = {a.getNum():{} for a in annotations}
+        toMatches = {o.getNum():{} for o in objects}
+    else:
+        gtMatches = None
+        toMatches = None
+    for t in range(firstInstant, lastInstant+1):
+        previousMatches = matches.copy()
+        # go through currently matched GT-TO and check if they are still matched withing matchingDistance
+        toDelete = []
+        for a in matches:
+            if a.existsAtInstant(t) and matches[a].existsAtInstant(t):
+                d = a.matches(matches[a], t, matchingDistance)
+                if d < matchingDistance:
+                    dist += d
+                else:
+                    toDelete.append(a)
+            else:
+                toDelete.append(a)
+        for a in toDelete:
+            del matches[a]
+        # match all unmatched GT-TO
+        matchedGTs = list(matches.keys())
+        matchedTOs = list(matches.values())
+        costs = []
+        unmatchedGTs = [a for a in annotations if a.existsAtInstant(t) and a not in matchedGTs]
+        unmatchedTOs = [o for o in objects if o.existsAtInstant(t) and o not in matchedTOs]
+        nGTs = len(matchedGTs)+len(unmatchedGTs)
+        nTOs = len(matchedTOs)+len(unmatchedTOs)
+        if len(unmatchedTOs) > 0:
+            for a in unmatchedGTs:
+                costs.append([a.matches(o, t, matchingDistance) for o in unmatchedTOs])
+        if len(costs) > 0:
+            newMatches = munk.compute(costs)
+            for k,v in newMatches:
+                if costs[k][v] < matchingDistance:
+                    matches[unmatchedGTs[k]]=unmatchedTOs[v]
+                    dist += costs[k][v]
+        if debug:
+            print('{} '.format(t)+', '.join(['{} {}'.format(k.getNum(), v.getNum()) for k,v in matches.items()]))
+        if returnMatches:
+            for a,o in matches.items():
+                gtMatches[a.getNum()][t] = o.getNum()
+                toMatches[o.getNum()][t] = a.getNum()
+        # compute metrics elements
+        ct += len(matches)
+        mt += nGTs-len(matches)
+        fpt += nTOs-len(matches)
+        gt += nGTs
+        # compute mismatches
+        # for gt that do not appear in both frames, check if the corresponding to was matched to another gt in previous/next frame
+        mismatches = []
+        for a in matches:
+            if a in previousMatches:
+                if matches[a] != previousMatches[a]:
+                    mismatches.append(a)
+            elif matches[a] in list(previousMatches.values()):
+                mismatches.append(matches[a])
+        for a in previousMatches:
+            if a not in matches and previousMatches[a] in list(matches.values()):
+                mismatches.append(previousMatches[a])
+        if debug: 
+            for mm in set(mismatches):
+                print('{} {}'.format(type(mm), mm.getNum()))
+        # some object mismatches may appear twice
+        mme += len(set(mismatches))
+    if ct > 0:
+        motp = dist/ct
+    else:
+        motp = None
+    if gt > 0:
+        mota = 1.-float(mt+fpt+mme)/gt
+    else:
+        mota = None
+    return motp, mota, mt, mme, fpt, gt, gtMatches, toMatches
+def plotRoadUsers(objects, colors):
+    '''Colors is a PlottingPropertyValues instance'''
+    from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, axis
+    figure()
+    for obj in objects:
+        obj.plot(colors.get(obj.userType))
+    axis('equal')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import doctest
+    import unittest
+    suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('tests/moving.txt')
+    #suite = doctest.DocTestSuite()
+    unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
+    #doctest.testmod()
+    #doctest.testfile("example.txt")
+    if shapelyAvailable: 
+        suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('tests/moving_shapely.txt')
+        unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)