diff trafficintelligence/pavement.py @ 1028:cc5cb04b04b0

major update using the trafficintelligence package name and install through pip
author Nicolas Saunier <nicolas.saunier@polymtl.ca>
date Fri, 15 Jun 2018 11:19:10 -0400
parents python/pavement.py@933670761a57
children c6cf75a2ed08
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/trafficintelligence/pavement.py	Fri Jun 15 11:19:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+'''Tools for processing and analyzing pavement marking data'''
+from trafficintelligence import utils
+import numpy as np
+paintTypes = {0: "Non-existant",
+              1: "Eau",
+              2: "Epoxy",
+              3: "Alkyde",
+              4: "Autre"}
+durabilities = {1: 98, #96 to 100
+                2: 85, #75 to 96
+                3: 62, #50 to 75
+                4: 32, #15 to 50
+                5: 7 #0 to 15
+                }
+roadFunctionalClasses = {40: "Collectrice",
+                         20: "Nationale",
+                         30: "Regionale",
+                         10: "Autoroute",
+                         60: "Acces ressources",
+                         51: "Local 1",
+                         52: "Local 2",
+                         53: "Local 3",
+                         15: "Aut (PRN)",
+                         25: "Nat (PRN)",
+                         70: "Acces isolees",
+                         99: "Autres"}
+def caracteristiques(rtss, maintenanceLevel, rtssWeatherStation, fmr, paintType):
+    '''Computes characteristic data for the RTSS (class rtss) 
+    maintenanceLevel = pylab.csv2rec('C:\\Users\Alexandre\Desktop\Projet_maitrise_recherche\BDD_access\\analyse_donnees_deneigement\\exigence_circuits.txt', delimiter = ';')
+    rtssWeatherStation = pylab.csv2rec('C:\\Users\Alexandre\Desktop\Projet_maitrise_recherche\stations_environnement_canada\\rtssWeatherStation\juste_pour_rtss_avec_donnees_entretien_hiv\\rtssWeatherStation_EC3.txt', delimiter = ',')
+    fmr = pylab.csv2rec('C:\\Users\Alexandre\Desktop\Projet_maitrise_recherche\BDD_access\\analyse_donnees_deneigement\\fmr.txt', delimiter = ';')
+    paintType = pylab.csv2rec('C:\\Users\Alexandre\Desktop\Projet_maitrise_recherche\BDD_access\\analyse_donnees_deneigement\\type_peinture.txt', delimiter = ';')
+    '''
+    # determination exigence deneigement
+    if rtss.id in maintenanceLevel['rtss_debut']:
+        for i in range(len(maintenanceLevel)):
+            if maintenanceLevel['rtss_debut'][i] == rtss.id:
+                exigence = maintenanceLevel['exigence'][i]
+    else:
+        exigence = ''
+    # determination x/y
+    if rtss.id in rtssWeatherStation['rtss']:
+        for i in range(len(rtssWeatherStation)):		
+            if rtssWeatherStation['rtss'][i] == rtss.id:
+                x_moy = rtssWeatherStation['x_moy'][i]
+                y_moy = rtssWeatherStation['y_moy'][i]
+    else:
+        x_moy, y_moy = '',''	
+    # determination info fmr
+    age_revtm, classe_fonct, type_revtm, milieu, djma, pourc_camions, vit_max = [], [], [], [], [], [], []
+    if rtss.id in fmr['rtss_debut']:
+        for i in range(len(fmr)):
+            if fmr['rtss_debut'][i] == rtss.id:
+                age_revtm.append(fmr['age_revtm'][i])
+                classe_fonct.append(fmr['des_clasf_fonct'][i])
+                type_revtm.append(fmr['des_type_revtm'][i])
+                milieu.append(fmr['des_cod_mil'][i])
+                djma.append(fmr['val_djma'][i])
+                pourc_camions.append(fmr['val_pourc_camns'][i])
+                vit_max.append(fmr['val_limt_vitss'][i])
+        age_revtm = utils.mostCommon(age_revtm)
+        classe_fonct = utils.mostCommon(classe_fonct)
+        type_revtm = utils.mostCommon(type_revtm)
+        milieu = utils.mostCommon(milieu)
+        djma = utils.mostCommon(djma)
+        vit_max = utils.mostCommon(vit_max)
+        if vit_max < 0:
+            vit_max = ''
+        pourc_camions = utils.mostCommon(pourc_camions)
+        if pourc_camions == "" or pourc_camions < 0:
+            djma_camions = ""
+        else:
+            djma_camions = pourc_camions*djma/100
+    else:
+        age_revtm, classe_fonct, type_revtm, milieu, djma, djma_camions, vit_max  = '','','','','','',''
+    # determination type peinture
+    peinture_rd, peinture_rg, peinture_cl = [], [], []
+    peinture_lrd, peinture_lrg, peinture_lc = 0,0,0
+    if rtss.id in paintType['rtss_debut_orig']:
+        for i in range(len(paintType)):
+            if paintType['rtss_debut_orig'][i] == rtss.id:
+                peinture_rd.append((paintType['peinture_rd'][i]))
+                peinture_rg.append((paintType['peinture_rg'][i]))
+                peinture_cl.append((paintType['peinture_cl'][i]))
+        peinture_lrd = utils.mostCommon(peinture_rd)
+        peinture_lrg = utils.mostCommon(peinture_rg)
+        peinture_lc = utils.mostCommon(peinture_cl)
+    else:
+        peinture_lrd, peinture_lrg, peinture_lc = '','',''		
+    return (exigence, x_moy, y_moy, age_revtm, classe_fonct, type_revtm, milieu, djma, djma_camions, vit_max, peinture_lrd, peinture_lrg, peinture_lc)
+def winterMaintenanceIndicators(data, startDate, endDate, circuitReference, snowThreshold):
+    '''Computes several winter maintenance indicators
+    data = entretien_hivernal = pylab.csv2rec('C:\\Users\Alexandre\Documents\Cours\Poly\Projet\mesures_entretien_hivernal\mesures_deneigement.txt', delimiter = ',')'''
+    import datetime
+    somme_eau, somme_neige, somme_abrasif, somme_sel, somme_lc, somme_lrg, somme_lrd, compteur_premiere_neige, compteur_somme_abrasif = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+    if circuitReference in data['ref_circuit']:
+        for i in range(len(data)):
+            if data['ref_circuit'][i] == circuitReference and (data['date'][i] + datetime.timedelta(days = 6)) <= endDate and (data['date'][i] + datetime.timedelta(days = 6)) > startDate:
+                compteur_premiere_neige += float(data['premiere_neige'][i])
+                somme_neige += float(data['neige'][i])
+                somme_eau += float(data['eau'][i])
+                somme_abrasif += float(data['abrasif'][i])
+                somme_sel += float(data['sel'][i])
+                somme_lc += float(data['lc'][i])
+                somme_lrg += float(data['lrg'][i])
+                somme_lrd += float(data['lrd'][i])
+                compteur_somme_abrasif += float(data['autre_abrasif_binaire'][i])
+        if compteur_premiere_neige >= 1:
+            premiere_neige = 1
+        else:
+            premiere_neige = 0
+        if compteur_somme_abrasif >= 1:
+            autres_abrasifs = 1
+        else:
+            autres_abrasifs = 0
+        if somme_neige < snowThreshold:
+            neigeMTQ_sup_seuil = 0
+        else:
+            neigeMTQ_sup_seuil = 1
+    else:
+        somme_eau, somme_neige, somme_abrasif, somme_sel, somme_lc, somme_lrg, somme_lrd, premiere_neige, autres_abrasifs, neigeMTQ_sup_seuil = '','','','','','','','','',''
+    return (somme_eau, somme_neige, neigeMTQ_sup_seuil, somme_abrasif, somme_sel, somme_lc, somme_lrg, somme_lrd, premiere_neige, autres_abrasifs)
+def weatherIndicators(data, startDate, endDate, snowThreshold, weatherDatatype, minProportionMeasures = 0.):
+    '''Computes the indicators from Environment Canada files
+    (loaded as a recarray using csv2rec in data),
+    between start and end dates (datetime.datetime objects)
+    weatherDataType is to indicate Environnement Canada data ('ec') or else MTQ
+    minProportionMeasures is proportion of measures necessary to consider the indicators'''
+    from matplotlib.mlab import find
+    nbre_jours_T_negatif,nbre_jours_gel_degel,pluie_tot,neige_tot,ecart_type_T = 0,0,0,0,0
+    compteur,nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs=0,0
+    tmoys = []
+    seuils_T = [20,15,10,5]
+    deltas_T = [0,0,0,0]
+    startIndex = find(data['date'] == startDate)
+    nDays = int((endDate - startDate).days)+1
+    if len(startIndex) > 0 and startIndex+nDays <= len(data):
+        startIndex = startIndex[0]
+        for i in range(startIndex, startIndex+nDays):
+            if not np.isnan(data['tmax'][i]):
+                tmax = data['tmax'][i]
+            else:
+                tmax = None
+            if not np.isnan(data['tmin'][i]):
+                tmin = data['tmin'][i]
+            else:
+                tmin = None
+            if weatherDatatype == 'ec':
+                if data['pluie_tot'][i] is not None and not np.isnan(data['pluie_tot'][i]):
+                    pluie_tot  += data['pluie_tot'][i]
+                if data['neige_tot'][i] is not None and not np.isnan(data['neige_tot'][i]):
+                    neige_tot  += data['neige_tot'][i]
+            if tmax is not None:
+                if tmax < 0:
+                    nbre_jours_T_negatif += 1
+            if tmax is not None and tmin is not None:
+                if tmax > 0 and tmin < 0:
+                    nbre_jours_gel_degel += 1
+                for l in range(len(seuils_T)):
+                    if tmax - tmin >=seuils_T[l]:
+                        deltas_T[l] += 1
+            if not np.isnan(data['tmoy'][i]):
+                tmoys.append(data['tmoy'][i])
+            if tmax is not None:
+                if tmax < 0:
+                    compteur += 1
+                elif tmax >= 0 and compteur >= nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs:
+                    nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs = compteur
+                    compteur = 0
+                else:
+                    compteur = 0
+            nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs = max(nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs,compteur)
+    if len(tmoys) > 0 and float(len(tmoys))/nDays >= minProportionMeasures:
+        if tmoys != []:
+            ecart_type_T = np.std(tmoys)
+        else:
+            ecart_type = None
+        if neige_tot < snowThreshold:
+            neigeEC_sup_seuil = 0
+        else:
+            neigeEC_sup_seuil = 1
+        return (nbre_jours_T_negatif,nbre_jours_gel_degel, deltas_T, nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs, pluie_tot, neige_tot, neigeEC_sup_seuil, ecart_type_T)
+    else:
+        return [None]*2+[[None]*len(seuils_T)]+[None]*5
+def mtqWeatherIndicators(data, startDate, endDate,tmax,tmin,tmoy):
+    print("Deprecated, use weatherIndicators")
+    from matplotlib.mlab import find
+    nbre_jours_T_negatif,nbre_jours_gel_degel,ecart_type_T = 0,0,0
+    compteur,nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs=0,0
+    tmoys = []
+    seuils_T = [20,15,10,5]
+    deltas_T = [0,0,0,0]
+    startIndex = find(data['date'] == startDate)
+    nDays = (endDate - startDate).days+1
+    for i in range(startIndex, startIndex+nDays):
+        if tmax[i] < 0:
+            nbre_jours_T_negatif += 1
+        if tmax[i] > 0 and tmin[i] < 0:
+            nbre_jours_gel_degel += 1
+        for l in range(len(seuils_T)):
+            if tmax[i] - tmin[i] >=seuils_T[l]:
+                deltas_T[l] += 1
+        tmoys.append(tmoy[i])
+        if tmax[i] < 0:
+            compteur += 1
+        elif tmax[i] >= 0 and compteur >= nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs:
+            nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs = compteur
+            compteur = 0
+        else:
+            compteur = 0
+        nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs = max(nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs,compteur)
+        if tmoys != []:
+            ecart_type_T = np.std(tmoys)
+        else:
+            ecart_type = None
+    return (nbre_jours_T_negatif,nbre_jours_gel_degel, deltas_T, nbre_jours_gel_consecutifs, ecart_type_T)
+class RTSS(object):
+    '''class for data related to a RTSS:
+    - agregating pavement marking measurements
+    - RTSS characteristics from FMR: pavement type, age, AADT, truck AADT
+    - winter maintenance level from V155
+    If divided highway, the RTSS ends with G or D and are distinct: there is no ambiguity
+    - retroreflectivity types: there are CB, RJ and RB
+    If undivided, ending with C
+    - durability is fine: ETAT_MARQG_RG ETAT_MARQG_CL ETAT_MARQG_RD (+SG/SD, but recent)
+    - retroreflectivity: CJ is center line, RB and SB are left/right if DEBUT-FIN>0 or <0
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, _id, name, data):
+        self.id = _id
+        self.name = name
+        self.data = data
+class MarkingTest(object):
+    '''class for a test site for a given product
+    including the series of measurements over the years'''
+    def __init__(self, _id, paintingDate, paintingType, color, data):
+        self.id = _id
+        self.paintingDate = paintingDate
+        self.paintingType = paintingType
+        self.color = color
+        self.data = data
+        self.nMeasures = len(data)
+    def getSite(self):
+        return int(self.id[:2])
+    def getTestAttributes(self):
+        return [self.paintingType, self.color, self.paintingDate.year]
+    def plot(self, measure, options = 'o', dayRatio = 1., **kwargs):
+        from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
+        plot(self.data['jours']/float(dayRatio), 
+             self.data[measure], options, **kwargs)
+    def getMarkingMeasures(self, dataLabel):
+        nonZeroIndices = ~np.isnan(self.data[dataLabel])
+        return self.data[nonZeroIndices]['jours'], self.data[nonZeroIndices][dataLabel]
+    def plotMarkingMeasures(self, measure, options = 'o', dayRatio = 1., **kwargs):
+        for i in range(1,7):
+            self.plot('{}_{}'.format(measure, i), options, dayRatio, **kwargs)
+    def computeMarkingMeasureVariations(self, dataLabel, lanePositions, weatherData, snowThreshold, weatherDataType = 'ec', minProportionMeasures = 0.):
+        '''Computes for each successive measurement
+        lanePositions = None
+        measure variation, initial measure, time duration, weather indicators
+        TODO if measurements per lane, add a variable for lane position (position1 to 6)
+        lanePositions = list of integers (range(1,7))
+        measure variation, initial measure, time duration, lane position1, weather indicators
+        measure variation, initial measure, time duration, lane position2, weather indicators
+        ...'''
+        variationData = []
+        if lanePositions is None:
+            nonZeroIndices = ~np.isnan(self.data[dataLabel])
+            days = self.data[nonZeroIndices]['jours']
+            dates = self.data[nonZeroIndices]['date_mesure']
+            measures = self.data[nonZeroIndices][dataLabel]
+            for i in range(1, len(dates)):
+                nDaysTNegative, nDaysThawFreeze, deltaTemp, nConsecutiveFrozenDays, totalRain, totalSnow, snowAboveThreshold, stdevTemp = weatherIndicators(weatherData, dates[i-1], dates[i], snowThreshold, weatherDataType, minProportionMeasures)
+                if dates[i-1].year+1 == dates[i].year:
+                    winter = 1
+                    if days[i-1]<365:
+                        firstWinter = 1
+                else:
+                    winter = 0
+                    firstWinter = 0
+                variationData.append([measures[i-1]-measures[i], measures[i-1], days[i]-days[i-1], days[i-1], winter, firstWinter, nDaysTNegative, nDaysThawFreeze] + deltaTemp + [nConsecutiveFrozenDays, totalRain, totalSnow, snowAboveThreshold, stdevTemp])
+        return variationData