view python/ @ 206:82b4101d9a2f

re-arranged and commnted signal cycle calculations
author Nicolas Saunier <>
date Tue, 03 Apr 2012 01:11:29 -0400
parents aeaaf5579b46
children f65b828e5521
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#! /usr/bin/env python
''' Traffic Engineering Tools and Examples'''

from math import ceil

__metaclass__ = type

# Simulation

class Vehicle:
    'Generic vehicle class'
    def __init__(self, position = 0, speed = 0, acceleration = 0, prt = 2.5, leader = None, log=True):
        self.position = position
        self.speed = speed
        self.acceleration = acceleration
        self.prt = prt
        self.leader = leader
        self.log = log
        if log:
            self.positions = [position]
            self.speeds = [speed]
            self.accelerations = [acceleration]
        # todo add microModel

    def updatePosition(self, dt):
        speed = self.speed
        self.speed += self.acceleration*dt
        self.position += speed*dt
        if self.log:

    def updateAcceleration(self, dt):
        '''Updates acceleration and speed as a function of leader
        and other factors'''

    def update(self, dt):
        self.updateAcceleration(dt) # function of leader

    def printStats(self):
        print('{0} {1} {2}'.format(self.position, self.speed, self.acceleration))

# fundamental diagram

class FundamentalDiagram:
    ''' '''
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def q(self, k):
        return k*self.v(k)

    def meanHeadway(k):
        return 1/k
    def meanSpacing(q):
        return 1/q

    def plotVK(self, language='fr', units={}):
        from numpy import arange
        from matplotlib.pyplot import figure,plot,xlabel,ylabel
        densities = [k for k in arange(1, self.kj+1)]
        plot(densities, [self.v(k) for k in densities])
        xlabel('Densite (veh/km)') # todo other languages and adapt to units
        ylabel('Vitesse (km/h)')

    def plotQK(self, language='fr', units={}):
        from numpy import arange
        from matplotlib.pyplot import figure,plot,xlabel,ylabel
        densities = [k for k in arange(1, self.kj+1)]
        plot(densities, [self.q(k) for k in densities])
        xlabel('Densite (veh/km)') # todo other languages and adapt to units
        ylabel('Debit (km/h)')

class GreenbergFD(FundamentalDiagram):
    '''Speed is the logarithm of density'''
    def __init__(self, vc, kj):
    def v(self,k):
        from numpy import log

    def criticalDensity(self): 
        from numpy import e
        self.kc = self.kj/e
        return self.kc

    def capacity(self):
        self.qmax = self.kc*
        return self.qmax

# intersection

class FourWayIntersection:
    '''Simple class for simple intersection outline'''
    def __init__(self, dimension, coordX, coordY):
        self.dimension = dimension
        self.coordX = coordX
        self.coordY = coordY

    def plot(self, options = 'k'):
        from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, axis
        minX = min(self.dimension[0])
        maxX = max(self.dimension[0])
        minY = min(self.dimension[1])
        maxY = max(self.dimension[1])
        plot([minX, self.coordX[0], self.coordX[0]], [self.coordY[0], self.coordY[0], minY],options)
        plot([self.coordX[1], self.coordX[1], maxX], [minY, self.coordY[0], self.coordY[0]],options)
        plot([minX, self.coordX[0], self.coordX[0]], [self.coordY[1], self.coordY[1], maxY],options)
        plot([self.coordX[1], self.coordX[1], maxX], [maxY, self.coordY[1], self.coordY[1]],options)

# traffic signals

class Volume:
    '''Class to represent volumes with varied vehicule types '''
    def __init__(self, volume, types = ['pc'], proportions = [1], equivalents = [1], nLanes = 1):
        '''mvtEquivalent is the equivalent if the movement is right of left turn'''

        # check the sizes of the lists
        if sum(proportions) == 1:
            self.volume = volume
            self.types = types
            self.proportions = proportions
            self.equivalents = equivalents
            self.nLanes = nLanes # unused

    def getPCUVolume(self):
        '''Returns the passenger-car equivalent for the input volume'''
        v = 0
        for p, e in zip(self.proportions, self.equivalents):
            v += p*e
        return v*self.volume

class IntersectionMovement:
    '''Represents an intersection movement
    with a volume, a type (through, left or right)
    and an equivalent for movement type'''
    def __init__(self, volume, mvtEquivalent = 1):
        self.volume = volume
        self.mvtEquivalent = mvtEquivalent

    def getTVUVolume(self):
        return self.mvtEquivalent*self.volume.getPCUVolume()    

class IntersectionApproach: # should probably not be used
    def __init__(self, leftTurnVolume, throughVolume, rightTurnVolume):
        self.leftTurnVolume = leftTurnVolume
        self.throughVolume = throughVolume
        self.rightTurnVolume = rightTurnVolume

    def getTVUVolume(self, leftTurnEquivalent = 1, throughEquivalent = 1, rightTurnEquivalent = 1):
        return self.leftTurnVolume.getPCUVolume()*leftTurnEquivalent+self.throughVolume.getPCUVolume()*throughEquivalent+self.rightTurnVolume.getPCUVolume()*rightTurnEquivalent

class LaneGroup:
    '''Class that represents a group of mouvements'''

    def __init__(self, movements, nLanes):
        self.movements = movements
        self.nLanes = nLanes

    def getTVUVolume(self):
        return sum([mvt.getTVUVolume() for mvt in self.movements])

    def getCharge(self, saturationVolume):
        return self.getTVUVolume()/(self.nLanes*saturationVolume)

def checkProtectedLeftTurn(leftMvt, opposedThroughMvt):
    '''Checks if one of the main two conditions on left turn is verified
    The lane groups should contain left and through movement'''
    return leftMvt.volume >= 200 or leftMvt.volume*opposedThroughMvt.volume/opposedThroughMvt.nLanes > 50000

def optimalCycle(lostTime, criticalCharge):
    return (1.5*lostTime+5)/(1-criticalCharge)

def minimumCycle(lostTime, criticalCharge, degreeSaturation=1.):
    'degree of saturation can be used as the peak hour factor too'
    return lostTime/(1-criticalCharge/degreeSaturation)

class Cycle:
    '''Class to compute optimal cycle and the split of effective green times'''
    def __init__(self, phases, lostTime, saturationVolume):
        '''phases is a list of phases
        a phase is a list of lanegroups'''
        self.phases = phases
        self.lostTime = lostTime
        self.saturationVolume = saturationVolume

    def computeCriticalCharges(self):
        self.criticalCharges = []
        for phase in self.phases:
            self.criticalCharges.append(max([lg.getCharge(self.saturationVolume) for lg in phase]))
        self.criticalCharge = sum(self.criticalCharges)
    def computeOptimalCycle(self):
        self.C = optimalCycle(self.lostTime, self.criticalCharge)
        return self.C

    def computeMinimumCycle(self, degreeSaturation=1.):
        self.C = minimumCycle(self.lostTime, self.criticalCharge, degreeSaturation)
        return self.C

    def computeEffectiveGreen(self):
        from numpy import round
        #self.computeCycle() # in case it was not done before
        effectiveGreenTime = self.C-self.lostTime
        self.effectiveGreens = [round(c*effectiveGreenTime/self.criticalCharge,1) for c in self.criticalCharges]
        return self.effectiveGreens

def computeInterGreen(perceptionReactionTime, initialSpeed, intersectionLength, vehicleAverageLength = 6, deceleration = 3):
    '''Computes the intergreen time (yellow/amber plus all red time)
    Deceleration is positive
    All variables should be in the same units'''
    if deceleration > 0:
        return [perceptionReactionTime+float(initialSpeed)/(2*deceleration), float(intersectionLength+vehicleAverageLength)/initialSpeed]
        print 'Issue deceleration should be strictly positive'
        return None

def uniformDelay(cycleLength, effectiveGreen, saturationDegree):
    '''Computes the uniform delay'''
    return 0.5*cycleLength*(1-float(effectiveGreen)/cycleLength)/(1-float(effectiveGreen*saturationDegree)/cycleLength)

# misc

def timeChangingSpeed(v0, vf, a, TPR):
    return TPR+(vf-v0)/a

def distanceChangingSpeed(v0, vf, a, TPR):
    return TPR*v0+(vf*vf-v0*v0)/(2*a)