view python/ @ 900:85b81c46c526

author Nicolas Saunier <>
date Wed, 21 Jun 2017 17:49:58 -0400
parents 1466a63dd1cf
children 753a081989e2
line wrap: on
line source

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'''Various utilities to save and load data'''

import utils, moving, events, indicators, shutil
from base import VideoFilenameAddable

from os import path
import sqlite3, logging
from numpy import log, min as npmin, max as npmax, round as npround, array, sum as npsum, loadtxt, floor as npfloor, ceil as npceil
from pandas import read_csv, merge

commentChar = '#'

delimiterChar = '%';

ngsimUserTypes = {'twowheels':1,

# Sqlite

# utils
def printDBError(error):
    print('DB Error: {}'.format(error))

def dropTables(connection, tableNames):
    'deletes the table with names in tableNames'
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        for tableName in tableNames:
            cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '+tableName)
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def tableExists(filename, tableName):
    'indicates if the table exists in the database'
        connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SQLITE_MASTER WHERE type = \'table\' AND name = \''+tableName+'\'')
        return cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def createTrajectoryTable(cursor, tableName):
    if tableName in ['positions', 'velocities']:
        cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "+tableName+" (trajectory_id INTEGER, frame_number INTEGER, x_coordinate REAL, y_coordinate REAL, PRIMARY KEY(trajectory_id, frame_number))")
        print('Unallowed name {} for trajectory table'.format(tableName))

def createObjectsTable(cursor):
    cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS objects (object_id INTEGER, road_user_type INTEGER, n_objects INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(object_id))")

def createObjectsFeaturesTable(cursor):
    cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS objects_features (object_id INTEGER, trajectory_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(trajectory_id))")

def createCurvilinearTrajectoryTable(cursor):
    cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS curvilinear_positions (trajectory_id INTEGER, frame_number INTEGER, s_coordinate REAL, y_coordinate REAL, lane TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(trajectory_id, frame_number))")

def createFeatureCorrespondenceTable(cursor):
    cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feature_correspondences (trajectory_id INTEGER, source_dbname VARCHAR, db_trajectory_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(trajectory_id))')

def createInteractionTable(cursor):
    cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS interactions (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, object_id1 INTEGER, object_id2 INTEGER, first_frame_number INTEGER, last_frame_number INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(object_id1) REFERENCES objects(id), FOREIGN KEY(object_id2) REFERENCES objects(id))')

def createIndicatorTable(cursor):
    cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS indicators (interaction_id INTEGER, indicator_type INTEGER, frame_number INTEGER, value REAL, FOREIGN KEY(interaction_id) REFERENCES interactions(id), PRIMARY KEY(interaction_id, indicator_type, frame_number))')

def insertTrajectoryQuery(tableName):
    return "INSERT INTO "+tableName+" (trajectory_id, frame_number, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"

def insertObjectQuery():
    return "INSERT INTO objects (object_id, road_user_type, n_objects) VALUES (?,?,?)"

def insertObjectFeatureQuery():
    return "INSERT INTO objects_features (object_id, trajectory_id) VALUES (?,?)"

def createIndex(connection, tableName, columnName, unique = False):
    '''Creates an index for the column in the table
    I will make querying with a condition on this column faster'''
        #connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        s = "CREATE "
        if unique:
            s += "UNIQUE "
        cursor.execute(s+"INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "+tableName+"_"+columnName+"_index ON "+tableName+"("+columnName+")")
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def getNumberRowsTable(connection, tableName, columnName = None):
    '''Returns the number of rows for the table
    If columnName is not None, means we want the number of distinct values for that column
    (otherwise, we can just count(*))'''
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        if columnName is None:
            cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) from "+tableName)
            cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "+columnName+") from "+tableName)
        return cursor.fetchone()[0]
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def getMinMax(connection, tableName, columnName, minmax):
    '''Returns max/min or both for given column in table
    minmax must be string max, min or minmax'''
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        if minmax == 'min' or minmax == 'max':
            cursor.execute("SELECT "+minmax+"("+columnName+") from "+tableName)
        elif minmax == 'minmax':
            cursor.execute("SELECT MIN("+columnName+"), MAX("+columnName+") from "+tableName)
            print("Argument minmax unknown: {}".format(minmax))
        return cursor.fetchone()[0]
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def loadPrototypeMatchIndexesFromSqlite(filename):
    This function loads the prototypes table in the database of name <filename>.
    It returns a list of tuples representing matching ids : [(prototype_id, matched_trajectory_id),...]
    matched_indexes = []

    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

        cursor.execute('SELECT * from prototypes order by prototype_id, trajectory_id_matched')
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
        return []

    for row in cursor:

    return matched_indexes

def getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers):
    if objectNumbers is None:
        query = ''
    elif type(objectNumbers) == int:
        query = '<= {0}'.format(objectNumbers-1)
    elif type(objectNumbers) == list:
        query = 'in ('+', '.join([str(n) for n in objectNumbers])+')'
        print('objectNumbers {} are not a known type ({})'.format(objectNumbers, type(objectNumbers)))
        query = ''
    return query

def loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, tableName, trajectoryType, objectNumbers = None, timeStep = None):
    '''Loads trajectories (in the general sense) from the given table
    can be positions or velocities

    returns a moving object'''
    cursor = connection.cursor()

        objectCriteria = getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers)
        queryStatement = None
        if trajectoryType == 'feature':
            queryStatement = 'SELECT * from '+tableName
            if objectNumbers is not None and timeStep is not None:
                queryStatement += ' WHERE trajectory_id '+objectCriteria+' AND frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
            elif objectNumbers is not None:
                queryStatement += ' WHERE trajectory_id '+objectCriteria
            elif timeStep is not None:
                queryStatement += ' WHERE frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
            queryStatement += ' ORDER BY trajectory_id, frame_number'
        elif trajectoryType == 'object':
            queryStatement = 'SELECT OF.object_id, P.frame_number, avg(P.x_coordinate), avg(P.y_coordinate) from '+tableName+' P, objects_features OF WHERE P.trajectory_id = OF.trajectory_id'
            if objectNumbers is not None:
                queryStatement += ' AND OF.object_id '+objectCriteria
            if timeStep is not None:
                queryStatement += ' AND P.frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
            queryStatement += ' GROUP BY OF.object_id, P.frame_number ORDER BY OF.object_id, P.frame_number'
        elif trajectoryType in ['bbtop', 'bbbottom']:
            if trajectoryType == 'bbtop':
                corner = 'top_left'
            elif trajectoryType == 'bbbottom':
                corner = 'bottom_right'
            queryStatement = 'SELECT object_id, frame_number, x_'+corner+', y_'+corner+' FROM '+tableName
            if objectNumbers is not None and timeStep is not None:
                queryStatement += ' WHERE object_id '+objectCriteria+' AND frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
            elif objectNumbers is not None:
                queryStatement += ' WHERE object_id '+objectCriteria
            elif timeStep is not None:
                queryStatement += ' WHERE frame_number%{} = 0'.format(timeStep)
            queryStatement += ' ORDER BY object_id, frame_number'
            print('Unknown trajectory type {}'.format(trajectoryType))
        if queryStatement is not None:
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
        return []

    objId = -1
    obj = None
    objects = []
    for row in cursor:
        if row[0] != objId:
            objId = row[0]
            if obj is not None and (obj.length() == obj.positions.length() or (timeStep is not None and npceil(obj.length()/timeStep) == obj.positions.length())):
            elif obj is not None:
                print('Object {} is missing {} positions'.format(obj.getNum(), int(obj.length())-obj.positions.length()))
            obj = moving.MovingObject(row[0], timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(row[1], row[1]), positions = moving.Trajectory([[row[2]],[row[3]]]))
            obj.timeInterval.last = row[1]

    if obj is not None and (obj.length() == obj.positions.length() or (timeStep is not None and npceil(obj.length()/timeStep) == obj.positions.length())):
    elif obj is not None:
        print('Object {} is missing {} positions'.format(obj.getNum(), int(obj.length())-obj.positions.length()))

    return objects

def loadUserTypesFromTable(cursor, objectNumbers):
    objectCriteria = getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers)
    queryStatement = 'SELECT object_id, road_user_type from objects'
    if objectNumbers is not None:
        queryStatement += ' WHERE object_id '+objectCriteria
    userTypes = {}
    for row in cursor:
        userTypes[row[0]] = row[1]
    return userTypes

def loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(filename, trajectoryType, objectNumbers = None, withFeatures = False, timeStep = None):
    '''Loads the trajectories (in the general sense, 
    either features, objects (feature groups) or bounding box series) 
    The number loaded is either the first objectNumbers objects,
    or the indices in objectNumbers from the database'''
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)

    objects = loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, 'positions', trajectoryType, objectNumbers, timeStep)
    objectVelocities = loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, 'velocities', trajectoryType, objectNumbers, timeStep)

    if len(objectVelocities) > 0:
        for o,v in zip(objects, objectVelocities):
            if o.getNum() == v.getNum():
                o.velocities = v.positions
                o.velocities.duplicateLastPosition() # avoid having velocity shorter by one position than positions
                print('Could not match positions {0} with velocities {1}'.format(o.getNum(), v.getNum()))

    if trajectoryType == 'object':
        cursor = connection.cursor()
            # attribute feature numbers to objects
            objectCriteria = getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers)
            queryStatement = 'SELECT trajectory_id, object_id FROM objects_features'
            if objectNumbers is not None:
                queryStatement += ' WHERE object_id '+objectCriteria
            queryStatement += ' ORDER BY object_id' # order is important to group all features per object

            featureNumbers = {}
            for row in cursor:
                objId = row[1]
                if objId not in featureNumbers:
                    featureNumbers[objId] = [row[0]]
            for obj in objects:
                obj.featureNumbers = featureNumbers[obj.getNum()]

            # load userType
            userTypes = loadUserTypesFromTable(cursor, objectNumbers)
            for obj in objects:
                obj.userType = userTypes[obj.getNum()]

            if withFeatures:
                nFeatures = 0
                for obj in objects:
                    nFeatures = max(nFeatures, max(obj.featureNumbers))
                features = loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(filename, 'feature', nFeatures+1, timeStep = timeStep)
                for obj in objects:
        except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
            objects = []

    return objects

def addCurvilinearTrajectoriesFromSqlite(filename, objects):
    '''Adds curvilinear positions (s_coordinate, y_coordinate, lane)
    from a database to an existing MovingObject dict (indexed by each objects's num)'''
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

        cursor.execute('SELECT * from curvilinear_positions order by trajectory_id, frame_number')
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
        return []
    missingObjectNumbers = []
    objNum = None
    for row in cursor:
        if objNum != row[0]:
            objNum = row[0]
            if objNum in objects:
                objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory()
        if objNum in objects:
    if len(missingObjectNumbers) > 0:
        print('List of missing objects to attach corresponding curvilinear trajectories: {}'.format(missingObjectNumbers))

def saveTrajectoriesToSqlite(outputFilename, objects, trajectoryType, withFeatures = False):
    '''Writes features, ie the trajectory positions (and velocities if exist)
    with their instants to a specified sqlite file
    Either feature positions (and velocities if they exist)
    or curvilinear positions will be saved at a time'''

    connection = sqlite3.connect(outputFilename)
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        # Parse feature and/or object structure and commit to DB
        if(trajectoryType == 'feature' or trajectoryType == 'object'):
            # Extract features from objects
            if(trajectoryType == 'object'):
                features = []
                for obj in objects:
                        features += obj.getFeatures()
            elif(trajectoryType == 'feature'):
                features = objects
            # Setup feature queries
            createTrajectoryTable(cursor, "positions")
            createTrajectoryTable(cursor, "velocities")
            positionQuery = insertTrajectoryQuery("positions")
            velocityQuery = insertTrajectoryQuery("velocities")
            # Setup object queries
            if(trajectoryType == 'object'):    
                objectQuery = insertObjectQuery()
                objectFeatureQuery = insertObjectFeatureQuery()
            for feature in features:
                num = feature.getNum()
                frameNum = feature.getFirstInstant()
                for position in feature.getPositions():
                    cursor.execute(positionQuery, (num, frameNum, position.x, position.y))
                    frameNum += 1
                velocities = feature.getVelocities()
                if velocities is not None:
                    frameNum = feature.getFirstInstant()
                    for i in xrange(velocities.length()-1):
                        v = velocities[i]
                        cursor.execute(velocityQuery, (num, frameNum, v.x, v.y))
                        frameNum += 1    
            if(trajectoryType == 'object'):
                for obj in objects:
                    for feature in obj.getFeatures():
                        featureNum = feature.getNum()
                        cursor.execute(objectFeatureQuery, (obj.getNum(), featureNum))
                    cursor.execute(objectQuery, (obj.getNum(), obj.getUserType(), 1))   
        # Parse curvilinear position structure
        elif(trajectoryType == 'curvilinear'):
            curvilinearQuery = "insert into curvilinear_positions (trajectory_id, frame_number, s_coordinate, y_coordinate, lane) values (?,?,?,?,?)"
            for obj in objects:
                num = obj.getNum()
                frameNum = obj.getFirstInstant()
                for position in obj.getCurvilinearPositions():
                    cursor.execute(curvilinearQuery, (num, frameNum, position[0], position[1], position[2]))
                    frameNum += 1
            print('Unknown trajectory type {}'.format(trajectoryType))
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def savePrototypesToSqlite(filename, prototypeIndices, trajectoryType, nMatchings = None, dbFilenames = None):
    '''save the prototype indices
    nMatchings, if not None, is a list of the number of matches
    dbFilenames, if not None, is a list of the DB filenames'''
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS prototypes (id INTEGER, dbfilename VARCHAR, trajectory_type VARCHAR CHECK (trajectory_type IN (\"feature\", \"object\")), nMatchings INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id, dbfilename))')
        for i, protoId in enumerate(prototypeIndices):
            if nMatchings is not None:
                n = nMatchings[i]
                n = 'NULL'
            if dbFilenames is not None:
                dbfn = dbFilenames[i]
                dbfn = filename
            cursor.execute('INSERT INTO prototypes (id, dbfilename, trajectory_type, nMatchings) VALUES ({},\"{}\",\"{}\",{})'.format(protoId, dbfn, trajectoryType, n))
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def loadPrototypesFromSqlite(filename):
    'Loads prototype ids and matchings (if stored)'
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    prototypeIndices = []
    dbFilenames = []
    trajectoryTypes = []
    nMatchings = []
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM prototypes')
        for row in cursor:
            if row[3] is not None:
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
    if len(set(trajectoryTypes)) > 1:
        print('Different types of prototypes in database ({}).'.format(set(trajectoryTypes)))
    return prototypeIndices, dbFilenames, trajectoryTypes, nMatchings

def loadBBMovingObjectsFromSqlite(filename, objectType = 'bb', objectNumbers = None, timeStep = None):
    '''Loads bounding box moving object from an SQLite
    (format of SQLite output by the ground truth annotation tool
    or Urban Tracker

    Load descriptions?'''
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    objects = []

    if objectType == 'bb':
        topCorners = loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, 'bounding_boxes', 'bbtop', objectNumbers, timeStep)
        bottomCorners = loadTrajectoriesFromTable(connection, 'bounding_boxes', 'bbbottom', objectNumbers, timeStep)
        userTypes = loadUserTypesFromTable(connection.cursor(), objectNumbers) # string format is same as object
        for t, b in zip(topCorners, bottomCorners):
            num = t.getNum()
            if t.getNum() == b.getNum():
                annotation = moving.BBMovingObject(num, t.getTimeInterval(), t, b, userTypes[num])
        print ('Unknown type of bounding box {}'.format(objectType))

    return objects

def deleteFromSqlite(filename, dataType):
    'Deletes (drops) some tables in the filename depending on type of data'
    if path.isfile(filename):
        connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
        if dataType == 'object':
            dropTables(connection, ['objects', 'objects_features'])
        elif dataType == 'interaction':
            dropTables(connection, ['interactions', 'indicators'])
        elif dataType == 'bb':
            dropTables(connection, ['bounding_boxes'])
        elif dataType == 'pois':
            dropTables(connection, ['gaussians2d'])
        elif dataType == 'prototype':
            dropTables(connection, ['prototypes'])
            print('Unknown data type {} to delete from database'.format(dataType))
        print('{} does not exist'.format(filename))

def saveInteraction(cursor, interaction):
    roadUserNumbers = list(interaction.getRoadUserNumbers())
    cursor.execute('INSERT INTO interactions VALUES({}, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format(interaction.getNum(), roadUserNumbers[0], roadUserNumbers[1], interaction.getFirstInstant(), interaction.getLastInstant()))

def saveInteractions(filename, interactions):
    'Saves the interactions in the table'
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        for inter in interactions:
            saveInteraction(cursor, inter)
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def saveIndicator(cursor, interactionNum, indicator):
    for instant in indicator.getTimeInterval():
        if indicator[instant]:
            cursor.execute('INSERT INTO indicators VALUES({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(interactionNum, events.Interaction.indicatorNameToIndices[indicator.getName()], instant, indicator[instant]))

def saveIndicators(filename, interactions, indicatorNames = events.Interaction.indicatorNames):
    'Saves the indicator values in the table'
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        for inter in interactions:
            saveInteraction(cursor, inter)
            for indicatorName in indicatorNames:
                indicator = inter.getIndicator(indicatorName)
                if indicator is not None:
                    saveIndicator(cursor, inter.getNum(), indicator)
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def loadInteractions(filename):
    '''Loads interaction and their indicators
    TODO choose the interactions to load'''
    interactions = []
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute('select, INT.object_id1, INT.object_id2, INT.first_frame_number, INT.last_frame_number, IND.indicator_type, IND.frame_number, IND.value from interactions INT, indicators IND WHERE = IND.interaction_id ORDER BY, IND.indicator_type, IND.frame_number')
        interactionNum = -1
        indicatorTypeNum = -1
        tmpIndicators = {}
        for row in cursor:
            if row[0] != interactionNum:
                interactionNum = row[0]
                interactions.append(events.Interaction(interactionNum, moving.TimeInterval(row[3],row[4]), row[1], row[2]))
                interactions[-1].indicators = {}
            if indicatorTypeNum != row[5] or row[0] != interactionNum:
                indicatorTypeNum = row[5]
                indicatorName = events.Interaction.indicatorNames[indicatorTypeNum]
                indicatorValues = {row[6]:row[7]}
                interactions[-1].indicators[indicatorName] = indicators.SeverityIndicator(indicatorName, indicatorValues, mostSevereIsMax = not indicatorName in events.Interaction.timeIndicators)
                indicatorValues[row[6]] = row[7]
                interactions[-1].indicators[indicatorName].timeInterval.last = row[6]
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
        return []
    return interactions
# load first and last object instants
# CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS object_instants AS SELECT OF.object_id, min(frame_number) as first_instant, max(frame_number) as last_instant from positions P, objects_features OF WHERE P.trajectory_id = OF.trajectory_id group by OF.object_id order by OF.object_id

def createBoundingBoxTable(filename, invHomography = None):
    '''Create the table to store the object bounding boxes in image space
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bounding_boxes (object_id INTEGER, frame_number INTEGER, x_top_left REAL, y_top_left REAL, x_bottom_right REAL, y_bottom_right REAL,  PRIMARY KEY(object_id, frame_number))')
        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO bounding_boxes SELECT object_id, frame_number, min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y) from '
              '(SELECT object_id, frame_number, (x*{}+y*{}+{})/w as x, (x*{}+y*{}+{})/w as y from '
              '(SELECT OF.object_id, P.frame_number, P.x_coordinate as x, P.y_coordinate as y, P.x_coordinate*{}+P.y_coordinate*{}+{} as w from positions P, objects_features OF WHERE P.trajectory_id = OF.trajectory_id)) '.format(invHomography[0,0], invHomography[0,1], invHomography[0,2], invHomography[1,0], invHomography[1,1], invHomography[1,2], invHomography[2,0], invHomography[2,1], invHomography[2,2])+
              'GROUP BY object_id, frame_number')
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def loadBoundingBoxTableForDisplay(filename):
    '''Loads bounding boxes from bounding_boxes table for display over trajectories'''
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    boundingBoxes = {} # list of bounding boxes for each instant
        cursor.execute('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\'table\' AND name=\'bounding_boxes\'')
        result = cursor.fetchall()
        if len(result) > 0:
            cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM bounding_boxes')
            for row in cursor:
                boundingBoxes.setdefault(row[1], []).append([moving.Point(row[2], row[3]), moving.Point(row[4], row[5])])
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
        return boundingBoxes
    return boundingBoxes

# saving and loading for scene interpretation

def savePOIs(filename, gmm, gmmType, gmmId):
    '''Saves a Gaussian mixture model (of class sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture)
    gmmType is a type of GaussianMixture, learnt either from beginnings or ends of trajectories'''
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    if gmmType not in ['beginning', 'end']:
        print('Unknown POI type {}. Exiting'.format(gmmType))
        import sys
        cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gaussians2d (poi_id INTEGER, id INTEGER, type VARCHAR, x_center REAL, y_center REAL, covariance VARCHAR, covariance_type VARCHAR, weight, precisions_cholesky VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY(poi_id, id))')
        for i in xrange(gmm.n_components):
            cursor.execute('INSERT INTO gaussians2d VALUES({}, {}, \'{}\', {}, {}, \'{}\', \'{}\', {}, \'{}\')'.format(gmmId, i, gmmType, gmm.means_[i][0], gmm.means_[i][1], str(gmm.covariances_[i].tolist()), gmm.covariance_type, gmm.weights_[i], str(gmm.precisions_cholesky_[i].tolist())))
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def loadPOIs(filename):
    'Loads all 2D Gaussians in the database'
    from sklearn import mixture # todo if not avalaible, load data in duck-typed class with same fields
    from ast import literal_eval
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    pois = []
        cursor.execute('SELECT * from gaussians2d')
        gmmId = None
        gmm = []
        for row in cursor:
            if gmmId is None or row[0] != gmmId:
                if len(gmm) > 0:
                    tmp = mixture.GaussianMixture(len(gmm), covarianceType)
                    tmp.means_ = array([gaussian['mean'] for gaussian in gmm])
                    tmp.covariances_ = array([gaussian['covar'] for gaussian in gmm])
                    tmp.weights_ = array([gaussian['weight'] for gaussian in gmm])
                    tmp.gmmTypes = [gaussian['type'] for gaussian in gmm]
                    tmp.precisions_cholesky_ = array([gaussian['precisions'] for gaussian in gmm])
                gaussian = {'type': row[2],
                            'mean': row[3:5],
                            'covar': array(literal_eval(row[5])),
                            'weight': row[7],
                            'precisions': array(literal_eval(row[8]))}
                gmm = [gaussian]
                covarianceType = row[6]
                gmmId = row[0]
                gmm.append({'type': row[2],
                            'mean': row[3:5],
                            'covar': array(literal_eval(row[5])),
                            'weight': row[7],
                            'precisions': array(literal_eval(row[8]))})
        if len(gmm) > 0:
            tmp = mixture.GaussianMixture(len(gmm), covarianceType)
            tmp.means_ = array([gaussian['mean'] for gaussian in gmm])
            tmp.covariances_ = array([gaussian['covar'] for gaussian in gmm])
            tmp.weights_ = array([gaussian['weight'] for gaussian in gmm])
            tmp.gmmTypes = [gaussian['type'] for gaussian in gmm]
            tmp.precisions_cholesky_ = array([gaussian['precisions'] for gaussian in gmm])
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
    return pois
# saving and loading for scene interpretation (Mohamed Gomaa Mohamed's PhD)

def writePrototypesToSqlite(prototypes,nMatching, outputFilename):
    """ prototype dataset is a dictionary with  keys== routes, values== prototypes Ids """
    connection = sqlite3.connect(outputFilename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS prototypes (prototype_id INTEGER,routeIDstart INTEGER,routeIDend INTEGER, nMatching INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(prototype_id))")
    for route in prototypes.keys():
        if prototypes[route]!=[]:
            for i in prototypes[route]:
                cursor.execute("insert into prototypes (prototype_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend, nMatching) values (?,?,?,?)",(i,route[0],route[1],nMatching[route][i]))
def readPrototypesFromSqlite(filename):
    This function loads the prototype file in the database 
    It returns a dictionary for prototypes for each route and nMatching
    prototypes = {}

    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

        cursor.execute('SELECT * from prototypes order by prototype_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend, nMatching')
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
        return []

    for row in cursor:
        if route not in prototypes.keys():

    return prototypes,nMatching
def writeLabelsToSqlite(labels, outputFilename):
    """ labels is a dictionary with  keys: routes, values: prototypes Ids
    connection = sqlite3.connect(outputFilename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS labels (object_id INTEGER,routeIDstart INTEGER,routeIDend INTEGER, prototype_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(object_id))")
    for route in labels.keys():
        if labels[route]!=[]:
            for i in labels[route]:
                for j in labels[route][i]:
                    cursor.execute("insert into labels (object_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend, prototype_id) values (?,?,?,?)",(j,route[0],route[1],i))
def loadLabelsFromSqlite(filename):
    labels = {}

    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

        cursor.execute('SELECT * from labels order by object_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend, prototype_id')
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
        return []

    for row in cursor:
        if route not in labels.keys():
        if p not in labels[route].keys():

    return labels

def writeSpeedPrototypeToSqlite(prototypes,nmatching, outFilename):
    """ to match the format of second layer prototypes"""
    connection = sqlite3.connect(outFilename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS speedprototypes (spdprototype_id INTEGER,prototype_id INTEGER,routeID_start INTEGER, routeID_end INTEGER, nMatching INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(spdprototype_id))")
    for route in prototypes.keys():
        if prototypes[route]!={}:
            for i in prototypes[route]:
                if prototypes[route][i]!= []:
                    for j in prototypes[route][i]:
                        cursor.execute("insert into speedprototypes (spdprototype_id,prototype_id, routeID_start, routeID_end, nMatching) values (?,?,?,?,?)",(j,i,route[0],route[1],nmatching[j]))
def loadSpeedPrototypeFromSqlite(filename):
    This function loads the prototypes table in the database of name <filename>.
    prototypes = {}
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

        cursor.execute('SELECT * from speedprototypes order by spdprototype_id,prototype_id, routeID_start, routeID_end, nMatching')
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
        return []

    for row in cursor:
        if route not in prototypes.keys():
        if row[1] not in prototypes[route].keys():

    return prototypes,nMatching

def writeRoutesToSqlite(Routes, outputFilename):
    """ This function writes the activity path define by start and end IDs"""
    connection = sqlite3.connect(outputFilename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS routes (object_id INTEGER,routeIDstart INTEGER,routeIDend INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(object_id))")
    for route in Routes.keys():
        if Routes[route]!=[]:
            for i in Routes[route]:
                cursor.execute("insert into routes (object_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend) values (?,?,?)",(i,route[0],route[1]))
def loadRoutesFromSqlite(filename):
    Routes = {}

    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

        cursor.execute('SELECT * from routes order by object_id, routeIDstart,routeIDend')
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
        return []

    for row in cursor:
        if route not in Routes.keys():

    return Routes

def setRoutes(filename, objects):
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    for obj in objects:
        cursor.execute('update objects set startRouteID = {} WHERE object_id = {}'.format(obj.startRouteID, obj.getNum()))
        cursor.execute('update objects set endRouteID = {} WHERE object_id = {}'.format(obj.endRouteID, obj.getNum()))        

def setRoadUserTypes(filename, objects):
    '''Saves the user types of the objects in the sqlite database stored in filename
    The objects should exist in the objects table'''
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    for obj in objects:
        cursor.execute('update objects set road_user_type = {} WHERE object_id = {}'.format(obj.getUserType(), obj.getNum()))

# txt files

def openCheck(filename, option = 'r', quitting = False):
    '''Open file filename in read mode by default
    and checks it is open'''
        return open(filename, option)
    except IOError:
        print 'File %s could not be opened.' % filename
        if quitting:
            from sys import exit
        return None

def readline(f, commentCharacters = commentChar):
    '''Modified readline function to skip comments
    Can take a list of characters or a string (in will work in both)'''
    s = f.readline()
    while (len(s) > 0) and s[0] in commentCharacters:
        s = f.readline()
    return s.strip()

def getLines(f, delimiterChar = delimiterChar, commentCharacters = commentChar):
    '''Gets a complete entry (all the lines) in between delimiterChar.'''
    dataStrings = []
    s = readline(f, commentCharacters)
    while len(s) > 0 and s[0] != delimiterChar:
        dataStrings += [s.strip()]
        s = readline(f, commentCharacters)
    return dataStrings

def saveList(filename, l):
    f = openCheck(filename, 'w')
    for x in l:

def loadListStrings(filename, commentCharacters = commentChar):
    f = openCheck(filename, 'r')
    result = getLines(f, commentCharacters)
    return result

def getValuesFromINIFile(filename, option, delimiterChar = '=', commentCharacters = commentChar):
    values = []
    for l in loadListStrings(filename, commentCharacters):
        if l.startswith(option):
    return values

class FakeSecHead(object):
    '''Add fake section header [asection]

    use read_file in Python 3.2+
    def __init__(self, fp):
        self.fp = fp
        self.sechead = '[main]\n'

    def readline(self):
        if self.sechead:
            try: return self.sechead
            finally: self.sechead = None
        else: return self.fp.readline()

def loadPemsTraffic(filename):
    '''Loads traffic data downloaded from the clearinghouse 
    into pandas dataframe'''
    f = openCheck(filename)
    l = f.readline().strip()
    items = l.split(',')
    headers = ['time', 'station', 'district', 'route', 'direction', 'lanetype', 'length', 'nsamples', 'pctobserved', 'flow', 'occupancy', 'speed', 'delay35', 'delay40', 'delay45', 'delay50', 'delay55', 'delay60']
    nLanes = (len(items)-len(headers))/3
    for i in xrange(nLanes):
        headers += ['flow{}'.format(i+1), 'occupancy{}'.format(i+1), 'speed{}'.format(i+1)]
    return read_csv(filename, delimiter = ',', names = headers)
def generatePDLaneColumn(data):
    data['LANE'] = data['LANE\LINK\NO'].astype(str)+'_'+data['LANE\INDEX'].astype(str)

def convertTrajectoriesVissimToSqlite(filename):
    '''Relies on a system call to sqlite3
    sqlite3 [file.sqlite] < import_fzp.sql'''
    sqlScriptFilename = "import_fzp.sql"
    # create sql file
    out = openCheck(sqlScriptFilename, "w")
    out.write(".separator \";\"\n"+
              "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS curvilinear_positions (t REAL, trajectory_id INTEGER, link_id INTEGER, lane_id INTEGER, s_coordinate REAL, y_coordinate REAL, speed REAL, PRIMARY KEY (t, trajectory_id));\n"+
              ".import "+filename+" curvilinear_positions\n"+
              "DELETE FROM curvilinear_positions WHERE trajectory_id IS NULL OR trajectory_id = \"NO\";\n")
    # system call
    from subprocess import check_call
    out = openCheck("err.log", "w")
    check_call("sqlite3 "+utils.removeExtension(filename)+".sqlite < "+sqlScriptFilename, stderr = out, shell = True)

def loadObjectNumbersInLinkFromVissimFile(filename, linkIds):
    '''Finds the ids of the objects that go through any of the link in the list linkIds'''
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    queryStatement = 'SELECT DISTINCT trajectory_id FROM curvilinear_positions where link_id IN ('+','.join([str(id) for id in linkIds])+')'
        return [row[0] for row in cursor]
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def getNObjectsInLinkFromVissimFile(filename, linkIds):
    '''Returns the number of objects that traveled through the link ids'''
    connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    queryStatement = 'SELECT link_id, COUNT(DISTINCT trajectory_id) FROM curvilinear_positions where link_id IN ('+','.join([str(id) for id in linkIds])+') GROUP BY link_id'
        return {row[0]:row[1] for row in cursor}
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:

def loadTrajectoriesFromVissimFile(filename, simulationStepsPerTimeUnit, objectNumbers = None, warmUpLastInstant = None, usePandas = False, nDecimals = 2, lowMemory = True):
    '''Reads data from VISSIM .fzp trajectory file
    simulationStepsPerTimeUnit is the number of simulation steps per unit of time used by VISSIM (second)
    for example, there seems to be 10 simulation steps per simulated second in VISSIM, 
    so simulationStepsPerTimeUnit should be 10, 
    so that all times correspond to the number of the simulation step (and can be stored as integers)
    Objects positions will be considered only after warmUpLastInstant 
    (if the object has no such position, it won't be loaded)

    Assumed to be sorted over time
    Warning: if reading from SQLite a limited number of objects, objectNumbers will be the maximum object id'''
    objects = {} # dictionary of objects index by their id

    if usePandas:
        data = read_csv(filename, delimiter=';', comment='*', header=0, skiprows = 1, low_memory = lowMemory)
        data['TIME'] = data['$VEHICLE:SIMSEC']*simulationStepsPerTimeUnit
        if warmUpLastInstant is not None:
            data = data[data['TIME']>=warmUpLastInstant]
        grouped = data.loc[:,['NO','TIME']].groupby(['NO'], as_index = False)
        instants = grouped['TIME'].agg({'first': npmin, 'last': npmax})
        for row_index, row in instants.iterrows():
            objNum = int(row['NO'])
            tmp = data[data['NO'] == objNum]
            objects[objNum] = moving.MovingObject(num = objNum, timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(row['first'], row['last']))
            # positions should be rounded to nDecimals decimals only
            objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory(S = npround(tmp['POS'].tolist(), nDecimals), Y = npround(tmp['POSLAT'].tolist(), nDecimals), lanes = tmp['LANE'].tolist())
            if objectNumbers is not None and objectNumbers > 0 and len(objects) >= objectNumbers:
        if filename.endswith(".fzp"):
            inputfile = openCheck(filename, quitting = True)
            line = readline(inputfile, '*$')
            while len(line) > 0:#for line in inputfile:
                data = line.strip().split(';')
                objNum = int(data[1])
                instant = float(data[0])*simulationStepsPerTimeUnit
                s = float(data[4])
                y = float(data[5])
                lane = data[2]+'_'+data[3]
                if objNum not in objects:
                    if warmUpLastInstant is None or instant >= warmUpLastInstant:
                        if objectNumbers is None or len(objects) < objectNumbers:
                            objects[objNum] = moving.MovingObject(num = objNum, timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(instant, instant))
                            objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory()
                if (warmUpLastInstant is None or instant >= warmUpLastInstant) and objNum in objects:
                    objects[objNum].timeInterval.last = instant
                    objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions.addPositionSYL(s, y, lane)
                line = readline(inputfile, '*$')
        elif filename.endswith(".sqlite"):
            connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            queryStatement = 'SELECT t, trajectory_id, link_id, lane_id, s_coordinate, y_coordinate FROM curvilinear_positions'
            if objectNumbers is not None:
                queryStatement += ' WHERE trajectory_id '+getObjectCriteria(objectNumbers)
            queryStatement += ' ORDER BY trajectory_id, t'
                for row in cursor:
                    objNum = row[1]
                    instant = row[0]*simulationStepsPerTimeUnit
                    s = row[4]
                    y = row[5]
                    lane = '{}_{}'.format(row[2], row[3])
                    if objNum not in objects:
                        if warmUpLastInstant is None or instant >= warmUpLastInstant:
                            if objectNumbers is None or len(objects) < objectNumbers:
                                objects[objNum] = moving.MovingObject(num = objNum, timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(instant, instant))
                                objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory()
                    if (warmUpLastInstant is None or instant >= warmUpLastInstant) and objNum in objects:
                        objects[objNum].timeInterval.last = instant
                        objects[objNum].curvilinearPositions.addPositionSYL(s, y, lane)
            except sqlite3.OperationalError as error:
            print("File type of "+filename+" not supported (only .sqlite and .fzp files)")
        return objects.values()

def selectPDLanes(data, lanes = None):
    '''Selects the subset of data for the right lanes

    Lane format is a string 'x_y' where x is link index and y is lane index'''
    if lanes is not None:
        if 'LANE' not in data.columns:
        indices = (data['LANE'] == lanes[0])
        for l in lanes[1:]:
            indices = indices | (data['LANE'] == l)
        return data[indices]
        return data

def countStoppedVehiclesVissim(filename, lanes = None, proportionStationaryTime = 0.7):
    '''Counts the number of vehicles stopped for a long time in a VISSIM trajectory file
    and the total number of vehicles

    Vehicles are considered finally stationary
    if more than proportionStationaryTime of their total time
    If lanes is not None, only the data for the selected lanes will be provided
    (format as string x_y where x is link index and y is lane index)'''
    if filename.endswith(".fzp"):
        columns = ['NO', '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC', 'POS']
        if lanes is not None:
            columns += ['LANE\LINK\NO', 'LANE\INDEX']
        data = read_csv(filename, delimiter=';', comment='*', header=0, skiprows = 1, usecols = columns, low_memory = lowMemory)
        data = selectPDLanes(data, lanes)
        data.sort(['$VEHICLE:SIMSEC'], inplace = True)

        nStationary = 0
        nVehicles = 0
        for name, group in data.groupby(['NO'], sort = False):
            nVehicles += 1
            positions = array(group['POS'])
            diff = positions[1:]-positions[:-1]
            if npsum(diff == 0.) >= proportionStationaryTime*(len(positions)-1):
                nStationary += 1
    elif filename.endswith(".sqlite"):
        # select trajectory_id, t, s_coordinate, speed from curvilinear_positions where trajectory_id between 1860 and 1870 and speed < 0.1
        # pb of the meaning of proportionStationaryTime in arterial network? Why proportion of existence time?
        print("File type of "+filename+" not supported (only .sqlite and .fzp files)")

    return nStationary, nVehicles

def countCollisionsVissim(filename, lanes = None, collisionTimeDifference = 0.2, lowMemory = True):
    '''Counts the number of collisions per lane in a VISSIM trajectory file

    To distinguish between cars passing and collision, 
    one checks when the sign of the position difference inverts
    (if the time are closer than collisionTimeDifference)
    If lanes is not None, only the data for the selected lanes will be provided
    (format as string x_y where x is link index and y is lane index)'''
    data = read_csv(filename, delimiter=';', comment='*', header=0, skiprows = 1, usecols = ['LANE\LINK\NO', 'LANE\INDEX', '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC', 'NO', 'POS'], low_memory = lowMemory)
    data = selectPDLanes(data, lanes)
    data = data.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)

    merged = merge(data, data, how='inner', left_on=['LANE\LINK\NO', 'LANE\INDEX', '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC'], right_on=['LANE\LINK\NO', 'LANE\INDEX', '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC'], sort = False)
    merged = merged[merged['NO_x']>merged['NO_y']]

    nCollisions = 0
    for name, group in merged.groupby(['LANE\LINK\NO', 'LANE\INDEX', 'NO_x', 'NO_y']):
        diff = group['POS_x']-group['POS_y']
        # diff = group['POS_x']-group['POS_y'] # to check the impact of convert_objects and the possibility of using type conversion in read_csv or function to convert strings if any
        if len(diff) >= 2 and npmin(diff) < 0 and npmax(diff) > 0:
            xidx = diff[diff < 0].argmax()
            yidx = diff[diff > 0].argmin()
            if abs(group.loc[xidx, '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC'] - group.loc[yidx, '$VEHICLE:SIMSEC']) <= collisionTimeDifference:
                nCollisions += 1

    # select TD1.link_id, TD1.lane_id from temp.diff_positions as TD1, temp.diff_positions as TD2 where TD1.link_id = TD2.link_id and TD1.lane_id = TD2.lane_id and TD1.id1 = TD2.id1 and TD1.id2 = TD2.id2 and TD1.t = TD2.t+0.1 and TD1.diff*TD2.diff < 0; # besoin de faire un group by??
    # create temp table diff_positions as select CP1.t as t, CP1.link_id as link_id, CP1.lane_id as lane_id, CP1.trajectory_id as id1, CP2.trajectory_id as id2, CP1.s_coordinate - CP2.s_coordinate as diff from curvilinear_positions CP1, curvilinear_positions CP2 where CP1.link_id = CP2.link_id and CP1.lane_id = CP2.lane_id and CP1.t = CP2.t and CP1.trajectory_id > CP2.trajectory_id;
    # SQL select link_id, lane_id, id1, id2, min(diff), max(diff) from (select CP1.t as t, CP1.link_id as link_id, CP1.lane_id as lane_id, CP1.trajectory_id as id1, CP2.trajectory_id as id2, CP1.s_coordinate - CP2.s_coordinate as diff from curvilinear_positions CP1, curvilinear_positions CP2 where CP1.link_id = CP2.link_id and CP1.lane_id = CP2.lane_id and CP1.t = CP2.t and CP1.trajectory_id > CP2.trajectory_id) group by link_id, lane_id, id1, id2 having min(diff)*max(diff) < 0
    return nCollisions
def loadTrajectoriesFromNgsimFile(filename, nObjects = -1, sequenceNum = -1):
    '''Reads data from the trajectory data provided by NGSIM project 
    and returns the list of Feature objects'''
    objects = []

    inputfile = openCheck(filename, quitting = True)

    def createObject(numbers):
        firstFrameNum = int(numbers[1])
        # do the geometry and usertype

        firstFrameNum = int(numbers[1])
        lastFrameNum = firstFrameNum+int(numbers[2])-1
        #time = moving.TimeInterval(firstFrameNum, firstFrameNum+int(numbers[2])-1)
        obj = moving.MovingObject(num = int(numbers[0]), 
                                  timeInterval = moving.TimeInterval(firstFrameNum, lastFrameNum), 
                                  positions = moving.Trajectory([[float(numbers[6])],[float(numbers[7])]]), 
                                  userType = int(numbers[10]))
        obj.userType = int(numbers[10])
        obj.laneNums = [int(numbers[13])]
        obj.precedingVehicles = [int(numbers[14])] # lead vehicle (before)
        obj.followingVehicles = [int(numbers[15])] # following vehicle (after)
        obj.spaceHeadways = [float(numbers[16])] # feet
        obj.timeHeadways = [float(numbers[17])] # seconds
        obj.curvilinearPositions = moving.CurvilinearTrajectory([float(numbers[5])],[float(numbers[4])], obj.laneNums) # X is the longitudinal coordinate
        obj.speeds = [float(numbers[11])]
        obj.size = [float(numbers[8]), float(numbers[9])] # 8 lengh, 9 width # TODO: temporary, should use a geometry object
        return obj

    numbers = readline(inputfile).strip().split()
    if (len(numbers) > 0):
        obj = createObject(numbers)

    for line in inputfile:
        numbers = line.strip().split()
        if obj.getNum() != int(numbers[0]):
            # check and adapt the length to deal with issues in NGSIM data
            if (obj.length() != obj.positions.length()):
                print 'length pb with object %s (%d,%d)' % (obj.getNum(),obj.length(),obj.positions.length())
                obj.last = obj.getFirstInstant()+obj.positions.length()-1
                #obj.velocities = utils.computeVelocities(f.positions) # compare norm to speeds ?
            if (nObjects>0) and (len(objects)>=nObjects):
            obj = createObject(numbers)
            obj.positions.addPositionXY(float(numbers[6]), float(numbers[7]))
            obj.curvilinearPositions.addPositionSYL(float(numbers[5]), float(numbers[4]), obj.laneNums[-1])

            if (obj.size[0] != float(numbers[8])):
                print 'changed length obj %d' % (obj.getNum())
            if (obj.size[1] != float(numbers[9])):
                print 'changed width obj %d' % (obj.getNum())
    return objects

def convertNgsimFile(inputfile, outputfile, append = False, nObjects = -1, sequenceNum = 0):
    '''Reads data from the trajectory data provided by NGSIM project
    and converts to our current format.'''
    if append:
        out = openCheck(outputfile,'a')
        out = openCheck(outputfile,'w')
    nObjectsPerType = [0,0,0]

    features = loadNgsimFile(inputfile, sequenceNum)
    for f in features:
        nObjectsPerType[f.userType-1] += 1

    print nObjectsPerType

def loadPinholeCameraModel(filename, tanalystFormat = True):
    '''Loads the data from a file containing the camera parameters
    (pinhole camera model,
    and returns a dictionary'''
    if tanalystFormat:
        f = openCheck(filename, quitting = True)
        content = getLines(f)
        cameraData = {}
        for l in content:
            tmp = l.split(':')
            cameraData[tmp[0]] = float(tmp[1].strip().replace(',','.'))
        return cameraData
        print('Unknown camera model (not tanalyst format')
        return None

def savePositionsToCsv(f, obj):
    timeInterval = obj.getTimeInterval()
    positions = obj.getPositions()
    curvilinearPositions = obj.getCurvilinearPositions()
    for i in xrange(int(obj.length())):
        p1 = positions[i]
        s = '{},{},{},{}'.format(obj.num,timeInterval[i],p1.x,p1.y)
        if curvilinearPositions is not None:
            p2 = curvilinearPositions[i]
            s += ',{},{}'.format(p2[0],p2[1])

def saveTrajectoriesToCsv(filename, objects):
    f = openCheck(filename, 'w')
    for i,obj in enumerate(objects):
        savePositionsToCsv(f, obj)

# Utils to read .ini type text files for configuration, meta data...

class ClassifierParameters(VideoFilenameAddable):
    'Class for the parameters of object classifiers'
    def loadConfigFile(self, filename):
        from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

        config = ConfigParser()
        self.sectionHeader = config.sections()[0]

        self.pedBikeCarSVMFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'pbv-svm-filename')
        self.bikeCarSVMFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'bv-svm-filename')
        self.percentIncreaseCrop = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'percent-increase-crop')
        self.minNPixels = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'min-npixels-crop')
        x  = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-rescale-size')
        self.hogRescaleSize = (x, x)
        self.hogNOrientations = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-norientations')
        x = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-npixels-cell')
        self.hogNPixelsPerCell = (x, x)
        x = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-ncells-block')
        self.hogNCellsPerBlock = (x, x)
        self.hogBlockNorm = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'hog-block-norm')
        self.speedAggregationMethod = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'speed-aggregation-method')
        self.nFramesIgnoreAtEnds = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'nframes-ignore-at-ends')
        self.speedAggregationQuantile = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'speed-aggregation-quantile')
        self.minSpeedEquiprobable = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'min-speed-equiprobable')
        self.maxPercentUnknown = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-prop-unknown-appearance')
        self.maxPedestrianSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-ped-speed')
        self.maxCyclistSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-cyc-speed')
        self.meanPedestrianSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'mean-ped-speed')
        self.stdPedestrianSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'std-ped-speed')
        self.locationCyclistSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'cyc-speed-loc')
        self.scaleCyclistSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'cyc-speed-scale')
        self.meanVehicleSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'mean-veh-speed')
        self.stdVehicleSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'std-veh-speed')

    def __init__(self, filename = None):
        if filename is not None and path.exists(filename):
            print('Configuration filename {} could not be loaded.'.format(filename))

    def convertToFrames(self, frameRate, speedRatio = 3.6):
        '''Converts parameters with a relationship to time in 'native' frame time
        speedRatio is the conversion from the speed unit in the config file
        to the distance per second

        ie param(config file) = speedRatio x fps x param(used in program)
        eg km/h = 3.6 (m/s to km/h) x frame/s x m/frame'''
        denominator = frameRate*speedRatio
        #denominator2 = denominator**2
        self.minSpeedEquiprobable = self.minSpeedEquiprobable/denominator
        self.maxPedestrianSpeed = self.maxPedestrianSpeed/denominator
        self.maxCyclistSpeed = self.maxCyclistSpeed/denominator
        self.meanPedestrianSpeed = self.meanPedestrianSpeed/denominator
        self.stdPedestrianSpeed = self.stdPedestrianSpeed/denominator
        self.meanVehicleSpeed = self.meanVehicleSpeed/denominator
        self.stdVehicleSpeed = self.stdVehicleSpeed/denominator
        # special case for the lognormal distribution
        self.locationCyclistSpeed = self.locationCyclistSpeed-log(denominator)
        #self.scaleCyclistSpeed = self.scaleCyclistSpeed # no modification of scale

class ProcessParameters(VideoFilenameAddable):
    '''Class for all parameters controlling data processing: input,
    method parameters, etc. for tracking and safety

    Note: framerate is already taken into account'''

    def loadConfigFile(self, filename):
        from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

        config = ConfigParser()

        self.sectionHeader = config.sections()[0]
        # Tracking/display parameters
        self.videoFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'video-filename')
        self.databaseFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'database-filename')
        self.homographyFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'homography-filename')
        if path.exists(self.homographyFilename):
            self.homography = loadtxt(self.homographyFilename)
            self.homography = None
        self.intrinsicCameraFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'intrinsic-camera-filename')
        if path.exists(self.intrinsicCameraFilename):
            self.intrinsicCameraMatrix = loadtxt(self.intrinsicCameraFilename)
            self.intrinsicCameraMatrix = None
        distortionCoefficients = getValuesFromINIFile(filename, 'distortion-coefficients', '=')        
        self.distortionCoefficients = [float(x) for x in distortionCoefficients]
        self.undistortedImageMultiplication  = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'undistorted-size-multiplication')
        self.undistort = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'undistort')
        self.firstFrameNum = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'frame1')
        self.videoFrameRate = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'video-fps')

        self.classifierFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'classifier-filename')
        # Safety parameters
        self.maxPredictedSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-predicted-speed')/3.6/self.videoFrameRate
        self.predictionTimeHorizon = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'prediction-time-horizon')*self.videoFrameRate
        self.collisionDistance = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'collision-distance')
        self.crossingZones = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'crossing-zones')
        self.predictionMethod = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'prediction-method')
        self.nPredictedTrajectories = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'npredicted-trajectories')
        self.maxNormalAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-normal-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
        self.maxNormalSteering = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-normal-steering')/self.videoFrameRate
        self.minExtremeAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'min-extreme-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
        self.maxExtremeAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-extreme-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
        self.maxExtremeSteering = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-extreme-steering')/self.videoFrameRate
        self.useFeaturesForPrediction = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'use-features-prediction')

    def __init__(self, filename = None):
        if filename is not None and path.exists(filename):
            print('Configuration filename {} could not be loaded.'.format(filename))

class SceneParameters(object):
    def __init__(self, config, sectionName):
        from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
        from ast import literal_eval
            self.sitename = config.get(sectionName, 'sitename')
            self.databaseFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'data-filename')
            self.homographyFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'homography-filename')
            self.calibrationFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'calibration-filename') 
            self.videoFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'video-filename')
            self.frameRate = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'framerate')
   = datetime.strptime(config.get(sectionName, 'date'), datetimeFormat) # 2011-06-22 11:00:39
            self.translation = literal_eval(config.get(sectionName, 'translation')) #         = [0.0, 0.0]
            self.rotation = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'rotation')
            self.duration = config.getint(sectionName, 'duration')
        except NoOptionError as e:
            print('Not a section for scene meta-data')

    def loadConfigFile(filename):
        from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
        config = ConfigParser()
        configDict = dict()
        for sectionName in config.sections():
            configDict[sectionName] = SceneParameters(config, sectionName) 
        return configDict

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest
    import unittest
    suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('tests/storage.txt')
#     #doctest.testmod()
#     #doctest.testfile("example.txt")