changeset 509:935430b1d408

corrected mask bug in feature tracking, updated display-trajectories to display on undistorted image
author Nicolas Saunier <>
date Fri, 23 May 2014 16:27:26 -0400
parents 6f7fa0093162
children b0dac840c24f
files c/Parameters.cpp c/feature-based-tracking.cpp include/Parameters.hpp python/ python/ python/ scripts/ tracking.cfg
diffstat 8 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/c/Parameters.cpp	Fri May 23 10:35:51 2014 -0400
+++ b/c/Parameters.cpp	Fri May 23 16:27:26 2014 -0400
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
     ("intrinsic-camera-filename", po::value<string>(&intrinsicCameraFilename), "filename of the homography matrix")
     ("distortion-coefficients", po::value<std::vector<float> >(&distortionCoefficients)->multitoken(), "")
     ("undistorted-size-multiplication", po::value<float>(&undistortedImageMultiplication), "undistorted image multiplication")
+    ("interpolation-method", po::value<int>(&interpolationMethod), "Interpolation method for remapping image when correcting for distortion: 0 for INTER_NEAREST - a nearest-neighbor interpolation; 1 for INTER_LINEAR - a bilinear interpolation (used by default); 2 for INTER_CUBIC - a bicubic interpolation over 4x4 pixel neighborhood; 3 for INTER_LANCZOS4")
     ("mask-filename", po::value<string>(&maskFilename), "filename of the mask image (where features are detected)")
     ("undistort", po::value<bool>(&undistort), "undistort the video for feature tracking")
     ("load-features", po::value<bool>(&loadFeatures), "load features from database")
--- a/c/feature-based-tracking.cpp	Fri May 23 10:35:51 2014 -0400
+++ b/c/feature-based-tracking.cpp	Fri May 23 16:27:26 2014 -0400
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <ctime>
+#include <cmath>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace cv;
@@ -78,6 +79,18 @@
   float minTotalFeatureDisplacement = params.nDisplacements*params.minFeatureDisplacement;
   Size window = Size(params.windowSize, params.windowSize);
+  int interpolationMethod = -1;
+  if (params.interpolationMethod == 0)
+    interpolationMethod = INTER_NEAREST;
+  else if (params.interpolationMethod == 1)
+    interpolationMethod = INTER_LINEAR;
+  else if (params.interpolationMethod == 2)
+    interpolationMethod = INTER_CUBIC;
+  else if (params.interpolationMethod == 3)
+    interpolationMethod = INTER_LANCZOS4;
+  else
+    cout << "Unsupported option " << interpolationMethod << " for interpolation method" << endl;
   // BruteForceMatcher<Hamming> descMatcher;
   // vector<DMatch> matches;
@@ -95,7 +108,6 @@
   Size videoSize = capture->getSize();
-  //cout << capture->getSize() << " " << params.undistortedImageMultiplication*videoSize << endl;
   unsigned int nFrames = capture->getNbFrames();
   cout << "Video " << params.videoFilename <<
 	  ": width=" << videoSize.width <<
@@ -103,23 +115,21 @@
 	  ", nframes=" << nFrames << endl;
   Mat newIntrinsicCameraMatrix = intrinsicCameraMatrix.clone(); 
-  Size newVideoSize = videoSize;
+  Mat map1, map2;
   if (params.undistort) {
-    newVideoSize = Size(static_cast<int>(videoSize.width*params.undistortedImageMultiplication), static_cast<int>(videoSize.height*params.undistortedImageMultiplication));
-<float>(0,2) = newVideoSize.width/2.;
-<float>(1,2) = newVideoSize.height/2.;
+    videoSize = Size(static_cast<int>(round(videoSize.width*params.undistortedImageMultiplication)), static_cast<int>(round(videoSize.height*params.undistortedImageMultiplication)));
+<float>(0,2) = videoSize.width/2.;
+<float>(1,2) = videoSize.height/2.;
+    initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsicCameraMatrix, params.distortionCoefficients, Mat::eye(3,3, CV_32FC1), newIntrinsicCameraMatrix, videoSize, CV_32FC1, map1, map2);
+    cout << "Undistorted width=" << videoSize.width <<
+      ", height=" << videoSize.height << endl;
-  Mat map1, map2;
-  Mat R = Mat::eye(3,3, CV_32FC1);
-  if (params.undistort)
-    initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsicCameraMatrix, params.distortionCoefficients, R, newIntrinsicCameraMatrix, newVideoSize, CV_32FC1, map1, map2);
-  // todo mask in new size
   Mat mask = imread(params.maskFilename, 0);
   if (mask.empty()) {
     cout << "Mask filename " << params.maskFilename << " could not be opened." << endl;
-    mask = Mat::ones(newVideoSize, CV_8UC1);
+    mask = Mat::ones(videoSize, CV_8UC1);
   boost::shared_ptr<TrajectoryDBAccess<Point2f> > trajectoryDB = boost::shared_ptr<TrajectoryDBAccess<Point2f> >(new TrajectoryDBAccessList<Point2f>());
@@ -150,7 +160,7 @@
   for (unsigned int frameNum = params.frame1; (frameNum < lastFrameNum) && !::interruptionKey(key); frameNum++) {
       bool success = capture->getNextFrame(frame);
       if (params.undistort) {
-	remap(frame, undistortedFrame, map1, map2, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT, 0.);
+	remap(frame, undistortedFrame, map1, map2, interpolationMethod, BORDER_CONSTANT, 0.);
 	frame = undistortedFrame;
       //if (!success || frame.empty() || frame.size() != videoSize)
--- a/include/Parameters.hpp	Fri May 23 10:35:51 2014 -0400
+++ b/include/Parameters.hpp	Fri May 23 16:27:26 2014 -0400
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
   std::string intrinsicCameraFilename;
   std::vector<float> distortionCoefficients;
   float undistortedImageMultiplication;
+  int interpolationMethod;
   std::string maskFilename;
   bool undistort;
   bool loadFeatures;
--- a/python/	Fri May 23 10:35:51 2014 -0400
+++ b/python/	Fri May 23 16:27:26 2014 -0400
@@ -202,13 +202,24 @@
         return imgcrop, yCropMin, yCropMax, xCropMin, xCropMax
-    def displayTrajectories(videoFilename, objects, boundingBoxes = {}, homography = None, firstFrameNum = 0, lastFrameNumArg = None, printFrames = True, rescale = 1., nFramesStep = 1, saveAllImages = False):
+    def displayTrajectories(videoFilename, objects, boundingBoxes = {}, homography = None, firstFrameNum = 0, lastFrameNumArg = None, printFrames = True, rescale = 1., nFramesStep = 1, saveAllImages = False, undistort = False, intrinsicCameraMatrix = None, distortionCoefficients = None, undistortedImageMultiplication = 1.):
         '''Displays the objects overlaid frame by frame over the video '''
         from moving import userTypeNames
         from math import ceil, log10
+        from numpy import identity, array
         capture = cv2.VideoCapture(videoFilename)
         width = int(capture.get(
         height = int(capture.get(
+        if undistort: # setup undistortion
+            newImgSize = (int(round(width*undistortedImageMultiplication)), int(round(height*undistortedImageMultiplication)))
+            from copy import deepcopy
+            newCameraMatrix = deepcopy(intrinsicCameraMatrix)
+            newCameraMatrix[0,2] = newImgSize[0]/2.
+            newCameraMatrix[1,2] = newImgSize[1]/2.
+            [map1, map2] = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsicCameraMatrix, array(distortionCoefficients), identity(3), newCameraMatrix, newImgSize, cv2.CV_32FC1)
         if capture.isOpened():
             key = -1
             ret = True
@@ -223,6 +234,8 @@
             while ret and not quitKey(key) and frameNum < lastFrameNum:
                 ret, img =
                 if ret:
+                    if undistort:
+                        img = cv2.remap(img, map1, map2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
                     if printFrames:
                         print('frame {0}'.format(frameNum))
                     for obj in objects:
--- a/python/	Fri May 23 10:35:51 2014 -0400
+++ b/python/	Fri May 23 16:27:26 2014 -0400
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
+commentChar = '#'
+delimiterChar = '%';
 ngsimUserTypes = {'twowheels':1,
@@ -352,6 +356,69 @@
 # txt files
+def openCheck(filename, option = 'r', quit = False):
+    '''Open file filename in read mode by default
+    and checks it is open'''
+    try:
+        return open(filename, option)
+    except IOError:
+        print 'File %s could not be opened.' % filename
+        if quit:
+            from sys import exit
+            exit()
+        return None
+def readline(f, commentChar = commentChar):
+    '''Modified readline function to skip comments.'''
+    s = f.readline()
+    while (len(s) > 0) and s.startswith(commentChar):
+        s = f.readline()
+    return s.strip()
+def getLines(f, commentChar = commentChar):
+    '''Gets a complete entry (all the lines) in between delimiterChar.'''
+    dataStrings = []
+    s = readline(f, commentChar)
+    while len(s) > 0:
+        dataStrings += [s.strip()]
+        s = readline(f, commentChar)
+    return dataStrings
+def writeList(filename, l):
+    f = utils.openCheck(filename, 'w')
+    for x in l:
+        f.write('{}\n'.format(x))
+    f.close()
+def loadListStrings(filename, commentChar = commentChar):
+    f = utils.openCheck(filename, 'r')
+    result = getLines(f, commentChar)
+    f.close()
+    return result
+def getValuesFromINIFile(filename, option, delimiterChar = '=', commentChar = commentChar):
+    values = []
+    for l in loadListStrings(filename, commentChar):
+        if l.startswith(option):
+            values.append(l.split(delimiterChar)[1].strip())
+    return values
+class FakeSecHead(object):
+    '''Add fake section header [asection]
+    from
+    use read_file in Python 3.2+
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, fp):
+        self.fp = fp
+        self.sechead = '[main]\n'
+    def readline(self):
+        if self.sechead:
+            try: return self.sechead
+            finally: self.sechead = None
+        else: return self.fp.readline()
 def loadTrajectoriesFromNgsimFile(filename, nObjects = -1, sequenceNum = -1):
     '''Reads data from the trajectory data provided by NGSIM project 
     and returns the list of Feature objects'''
@@ -454,18 +521,89 @@
         writePositionsToCsv(f, obj)
-def writeList(filename, l):
-    f = utils.openCheck(filename, 'w')
-    for x in l:
-        f.write('{}\n'.format(x))
-    f.close()
+# Utils to read .ini type text files for configuration, meta data...
+class TrackingParameters:
+    '''Class for tracking and safety parameters
+    Note: framerate is already taken into account'''
+    def loadConfigFile(self, filename):
+        from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+        from numpy import loadtxt
+        from os import path
+        config = ConfigParser()
+        config.readfp(FakeSecHead(openCheck(filename)))
+        self.sectionHeader = config.sections()[0]
+        self.videoFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'video-filename')
+        self.databaseFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'database-filename')
+        self.homographyFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'homography-filename')
+        if (path.exists(self.homographyFilename)):
+            self.homography = loadtxt(self.homographyFilename)
+        else:
+            self.homography = None
+        self.intrinsicCameraFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'intrinsic-camera-filename')
+        if (path.exists(self.intrinsicCameraFilename)):
+            self.intrinsicCameraMatrix = loadtxt(self.intrinsicCameraFilename)
+        else:
+            self.intrinsicCameraMatrix = None
+        distortionCoefficients = getValuesFromINIFile(filename, 'distortion-coefficients', '=')        
+        self.distortionCoefficients = [float(x) for x in distortionCoefficients]
+        self.undistortedImageMultiplication  = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'undistorted-size-multiplication')
+        self.undistort = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'undistort')
+        self.firstFrameNum = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'frame1')
+        self.videoFrameRate = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'video-fps')
-def loadListStrings(filename):
-    f = utils.openCheck(filename, 'r')
-    result = [l.strip() for l in f]
-    f.close()
-    return result
+        self.maxPredictedSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-predicted-speed')/3.6/self.videoFrameRate
+        self.predictionTimeHorizon = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'prediction-time-horizon')*self.videoFrameRate
+        self.collisionDistance = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'collision-distance')
+        self.crossingZones = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'crossing-zones')
+        self.predictionMethod = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'prediction-method')
+        self.nPredictedTrajectories = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'npredicted-trajectories')
+        self.maxNormalAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-normal-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
+        self.maxNormalSteering = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-normal-steering')/self.videoFrameRate
+        self.minExtremeAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'min-extreme-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
+        self.maxExtremeAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-extreme-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
+        self.maxExtremeSteering = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-extreme-steering')/self.videoFrameRate
+        self.useFeaturesForPrediction = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'use-features-prediction')
+    def __init__(self, filename = None):
+        if filename != None:
+            self.loadConfigFile(filename)
+class SceneParameters:
+    def __init__(self, config, sectionName):
+        from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
+        from ast import literal_eval
+        try:
+            self.sitename = config.get(sectionName, 'sitename')
+            self.databaseFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'data-filename')
+            self.homographyFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'homography-filename')
+            self.calibrationFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'calibration-filename') 
+            self.videoFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'video-filename')
+            self.frameRate = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'framerate')
+   = datetime.strptime(config.get(sectionName, 'date'), datetimeFormat) # 2011-06-22 11:00:39
+            self.translation = literal_eval(config.get(sectionName, 'translation')) #         = [0.0, 0.0]
+            self.rotation = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'rotation')
+            self.duration = config.getint(sectionName, 'duration')
+        except NoOptionError as e:
+            print(e)
+            print('Not a section for scene meta-data')
+    @staticmethod
+    def loadConfigFile(filename):
+        from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+        config = ConfigParser()
+        config.readfp(openCheck(filename))
+        configDict = dict()
+        for sectionName in config.sections():
+            configDict[sectionName] = SceneParameters(config, sectionName) 
+        return configDict
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     import doctest
--- a/python/	Fri May 23 10:35:51 2014 -0400
+++ b/python/	Fri May 23 16:27:26 2014 -0400
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
-commentChar = '#'
-delimiterChar = '%';
 datetimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
@@ -462,50 +458,6 @@
 # file I/O section
-def openCheck(filename, option = 'r', quit = False):
-    '''Open file filename in read mode by default
-    and checks it is open'''
-    try:
-        return open(filename, option)
-    except IOError:
-        print 'File %s could not be opened.' % filename
-        if quit:
-            from sys import exit
-            exit()
-        return None
-def readline(f, commentCharacter = commentChar):
-    '''Modified readline function to skip comments.'''
-    s = f.readline()
-    while (len(s) > 0) and s.startswith(commentCharacter):
-        s = f.readline()
-    return s.strip()
-def getLines(f, delimiterCharacter = delimiterChar):
-    '''Gets a complete entry (all the lines) in between delimiterChar.'''
-    dataStrings = []
-    s = readline(f)
-    while (len(s) > 0) and (not s.startswith(delimiterCharacter)):
-        dataStrings += [s.strip()]
-        s = readline(f)
-    return dataStrings
-class FakeSecHead(object):
-    '''Add fake section header [asection]
-    from
-    use read_file in Python 3.2+
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, fp):
-        self.fp = fp
-        self.sechead = '[main]\n'
-    def readline(self):
-        if self.sechead:
-            try: return self.sechead
-            finally: self.sechead = None
-        else: return self.fp.readline()
 def removeExtension(filename, delimiter = '.'):
     '''Returns the filename minus the extension (all characters after last .)'''
     i = filename.rfind(delimiter)
@@ -589,74 +541,6 @@
-# Utils to read .ini type text files for configuration, meta data...
-class TrackingParameters:
-    '''Class for tracking and safety parameters
-    Note: framerate is already taken into account'''
-    def loadConfigFile(self, filename):
-        from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
-        from numpy import loadtxt
-        from os import path
-        config = ConfigParser()
-        config.readfp(FakeSecHead(openCheck(filename)))
-        self.sectionHeader = config.sections()[0]
-        self.videoFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'video-filename')
-        self.databaseFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'database-filename')
-        self.homographyFilename = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'homography-filename')
-        if (path.exists(self.homographyFilename)):
-            self.homography = loadtxt(self.homographyFilename)
-        else:
-            self.homography = None
-        self.firstFrameNum = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'frame1')
-        self.videoFrameRate = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'video-fps')
-        self.maxPredictedSpeed = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-predicted-speed')/3.6/self.videoFrameRate
-        self.predictionTimeHorizon = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'prediction-time-horizon')*self.videoFrameRate
-        self.collisionDistance = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'collision-distance')
-        self.crossingZones = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'crossing-zones')
-        self.predictionMethod = config.get(self.sectionHeader, 'prediction-method')
-        self.nPredictedTrajectories = config.getint(self.sectionHeader, 'npredicted-trajectories')
-        self.maxNormalAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-normal-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
-        self.maxNormalSteering = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-normal-steering')/self.videoFrameRate
-        self.minExtremeAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'min-extreme-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
-        self.maxExtremeAcceleration = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-extreme-acceleration')/self.videoFrameRate**2
-        self.maxExtremeSteering = config.getfloat(self.sectionHeader, 'max-extreme-steering')/self.videoFrameRate
-        self.useFeaturesForPrediction = config.getboolean(self.sectionHeader, 'use-features-prediction')
-class SceneParameters:
-    def __init__(self, config, sectionName):
-        from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
-        from ast import literal_eval
-        try:
-            self.sitename = config.get(sectionName, 'sitename')
-            self.databaseFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'data-filename')
-            self.homographyFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'homography-filename')
-            self.calibrationFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'calibration-filename') 
-            self.videoFilename = config.get(sectionName, 'video-filename')
-            self.frameRate = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'framerate')
-   = datetime.strptime(config.get(sectionName, 'date'), datetimeFormat) # 2011-06-22 11:00:39
-            self.translation = literal_eval(config.get(sectionName, 'translation')) #         = [0.0, 0.0]
-            self.rotation = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'rotation')
-            self.duration = config.getint(sectionName, 'duration')
-        except NoOptionError as e:
-            print(e)
-            print('Not a section for scene meta-data')
-    @staticmethod
-    def loadConfigFile(filename):
-        from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
-        config = ConfigParser()
-        config.readfp(openCheck(filename))
-        configDict = dict()
-        for sectionName in config.sections():
-            configDict[sectionName] = SceneParameters(config, sectionName) 
-        return configDict
 # running tests
--- a/scripts/	Fri May 23 10:35:51 2014 -0400
+++ b/scripts/	Fri May 23 16:27:26 2014 -0400
@@ -13,32 +13,49 @@
 parser.add_argument('-i', dest = 'videoFilename', help = 'name of the video file')
 parser.add_argument('-t', dest = 'trajectoryType', help = 'type of trajectories to display', choices = ['feature', 'object'], default = 'feature')
 parser.add_argument('-o', dest = 'homographyFilename', help = 'name of the image to world homography file')
-parser.add_argument('-f', dest = 'firstFrameNum', help = 'number of first frame number to display', default = 0, type = int)
+parser.add_argument('--intrinsic', dest = 'intrinsicCameraMatrixFilename', help = 'name of the intrinsic camera file')
+parser.add_argument('--distortion-coefficients', dest = 'distortionCoefficients', help = 'distortion coefficients', nargs = '*', type = float)
+parser.add_argument('--undistorted-multiplication', dest = 'undistortedImageMultiplication', help = 'undistorted image multiplication', type = float)
+parser.add_argument('-u', dest = 'undistort', help = 'undistort the video (because features have been extracted that way)', action = 'store_true')
+parser.add_argument('-f', dest = 'firstFrameNum', help = 'number of first frame number to display', type = int)
 parser.add_argument('-r', dest = 'rescale', help = 'rescaling factor for the displayed image', default = 1., type = float)
 parser.add_argument('-s', dest = 'nFramesStep', help = 'number of frames between each display', default = 1, type = int)
 parser.add_argument('--save-images', dest = 'saveAllImages', help = 'save all images', action = 'store_true')
-parser.add_argument('--last-frame', dest = 'lastFrameNum', help = 'number of last frame number to save (for image saving, no display is made)', default = None, type = int)
+parser.add_argument('--last-frame', dest = 'lastFrameNum', help = 'number of last frame number to save (for image saving, no display is made)', type = int)
 args = parser.parse_args()
-homography = None
 if args.configFilename: # consider there is a configuration file
-    params = utils.TrackingParameters()
-    params.loadConfigFile(args.configFilename)
+    params = storage.TrackingParameters(args.configFilename)
     videoFilename = params.videoFilename
     databaseFilename = params.databaseFilename
-    homography = inv(loadtxt(params.homographyFilename))
+    homography = inv(params.homography)
+    intrinsicCameraMatrix = params.intrinsicCameraMatrix
+    distortionCoefficients = params.distortionCoefficients
+    undistortedImageMultiplication = params.undistortedImageMultiplication
+    undistort = params.undistort
     firstFrameNum = params.firstFrameNum
+    homography = None
+    undistort = False
-if args.videoFilename != None:
+if not args.configFilename or args.videoFilename != None:
     videoFilename = args.videoFilename
-if args.databaseFilename != None:
+if not args.configFilename or args.databaseFilename != None:
     databaseFilename = args.databaseFilename
-if args.homographyFilename != None:
+if not args.configFilename or args.homographyFilename != None:
     homography = inv(loadtxt(args.homographyFilename))            
-if args.firstFrameNum != None:
+if not args.configFilename or args.intrinsicCameraMatrixFilename != None:
+    intrinsicCameraMatrix = loadtxt(args.intrinsicCameraMatrixFilename)
+if not args.configFilename or args.distortionCoefficients != None:
+    distortionCoefficients = args.distortionCoefficients
+if not args.configFilename or args.undistortedImageMultiplication != None:
+    undistortedImageMultiplication = args.undistortedImageMultiplication
+if not args.configFilename or args.firstFrameNum != None:
     firstFrameNum = args.firstFrameNum
 objects = storage.loadTrajectoriesFromSqlite(databaseFilename, args.trajectoryType)
 boundingBoxes = storage.loadBoundingBoxTable(databaseFilename)
-cvutils.displayTrajectories(videoFilename, objects, boundingBoxes, homography, firstFrameNum, args.lastFrameNum, rescale = args.rescale, nFramesStep = args.nFramesStep, saveAllImages = args.saveAllImages)
+cvutils.displayTrajectories(videoFilename, objects, boundingBoxes, homography, firstFrameNum, args.lastFrameNum, rescale = args.rescale, nFramesStep = args.nFramesStep, saveAllImages = args.saveAllImages, undistort = (undistort or args.undistort), intrinsicCameraMatrix = intrinsicCameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients = distortionCoefficients, undistortedImageMultiplication = undistortedImageMultiplication)
--- a/tracking.cfg	Fri May 23 10:35:51 2014 -0400
+++ b/tracking.cfg	Fri May 23 16:27:26 2014 -0400
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
 distortion-coefficients = -0.00091816
 # undistorted image multiplication
 undistorted-size-multiplication = 1.31
+# Interpolation method for remapping image when correcting for distortion: 0 for INTER_NEAREST - a nearest-neighbor interpolation; 1 for INTER_LINEAR - a bilinear interpolation (used by default); 2 for INTER_CUBIC - a bicubic interpolation over 4x4 pixel neighborhood; 3 for INTER_LANCZOS4
+interpolation-method = 1
 # filename of the mask image (where features are detected)
 mask-filename = none
 # undistort the video for feature tracking